SUBJECT: RADAR SIGHTINGS FILE: UFO27 Good point . . . why don't they just say "we don't know", instead of scoffing at people? I took a tour once of Oakland ATC center here in the San Francisco Bay Area, and I asked the tour guide point blank how many UFOs they spotted on the controller's radar consoles. He shot back immediately "there are no such things as UFOs, period". Very definite. The only problem is that he spoke too quickly and too soon - UFO is just a *technical* term for a flying object that is unidentified. Theoretically, every Cessna 152 whose transponder is not working and with whom they have no radio contact is unidentified, is flying, and is certainly an object. I can only gather that his quick response is something he was instructed to do immediately when the question came up. The Belgian government is not as obstructive - they actually released video tape of fighter jets locking onto a UFO, and showing the UFO responding to the lock on with tremendous accelerations! Given our imperfection and the vastness of space and time, it is inevitable that some sightings will remain unidentified indefinitely. Anyone that says that all sightings are explainable is either fooling themselves or trying to fool you! I can only wonder why . . . ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************