SUBJECT: CREATURE ON ILIKLEY MOOR FILE: UFO19 hello again last time you read about the hypnotic regression of the man who took the picture of a small creature on ilikley moor. Now I will tell you what professional experts had to say about the picture,and the compass.(you"all remember the compass was reversed by some strong magnetic field). Peter sutherst of kodak was shown the picture here's what his expert opinion was, it (the exposure) is underexposed by at least two stops. it is usual for these films to produce grainy pictures when underexposed. The negative shows a degree of camera shake making it difficult to decide what the small figure might be. Identification is made more difficult because of underexposure. I would not care to commit myself to any observation beyond saying that the film had not been inter- feared with after processing" According to peter this was not a photograph of a photograph. and the figure - whatever it was - was actually there at the site where it was photographed. Peter also said in regard to image enhancement of the picture, Image enhancement is a costly exercise and I have some doubt about the benefits in this case. The size, distance of the subject, camera movement and underexposure mean that there is insufficient detail to enhance. Well that was kodak"s photographic analysis of the ilkley moor photo Next we decided to have the compass looked at for this we got in contact with a Dr. raymond leonard, head of the total technology department at the university of manchester institute of science & technology (UMIST), He arranged an appointment for us with aDr spoon- er Dr. spooner heads the department of electrical engineering & electr- onics at umist. he agreed to examine the compass it was to prove a very interesting morning. To Dr. spooner it was a very interesting problem. just how could the polarity of a compass be reversed? Expert though he was, at this stage he had no ready answer. He began very simply by exposing the compass to some strong magnetic magnets. but although they defected the needle, the effect ceased as soon as the magnets were moved away. A steady magnetic field had no permanent effect. Dr. spooner and his assistant then experimented with a rapidly applied, or" pulsed " magnetic field. Eventually it was found that this indeed would reverse the needle, and back again. under laboratory controlled conditions. This was fine, but could the reversal be brought about without, recourse to such expensive and complex equipment? Dr. spooner showed it could, albeit with a certain risk to life and property. A piece of wire was coiled around one hand, then the compass was placed within it. the ends were then connected to the mains electricity supply, and a switch was thrown. There was a bang, but, yes the polarity was changed north to south. This of course could be done in the house, although at the very least fuses would be blown, and there was the serious prospect of creating an electrical fire. Also would john know how to carry out this dangerous process, when Dr. spooner an expert in his field did not? Dr. spooner"s report said, It appears to be a relatively simple matte to bring about the reversal without the need for any special equip- ment. and may be accomplished in the average home or garage. The intensity required is not great by some standards; in fact we could not produce a field sufficiently low as to not reverse the polarity of the needle. The minimum field we applied had a flux density of about 0.1 TESLA; this is still 2000 times greater than the earth"s field.(therefore) the required intensity is very large by other standards to leave detectable magnetization in samples of rock. Dr. spooner went on to say that perhaps one way of determining evidence for or against the claim would be to carry out a magnetic survey of the surrounding rocks. If we accept the story at its face value, that some sort of powerful magnetic field associated with the "craft" had affected the compass then it would assuredly also have affected the surrounding area. This made sense and it was another line of research we wished to follow up. But then we were presuming that the compass had been affect near the ground, later events indicated otherwise thus making the necessity for a magnetic survey almost redundant. Well that is the illkley moor case I leave it up to you and I can say that in my mind that this is not a fake. Ill leave the last words to the clinical psychologist who did the hypnotic regress ion on john to sum up; I think if people make unusual claims we should at least listen to them, and very carefully. we don"t know answers to everything. If we are going to be even remotely scientific we"ve got to entertain these different ideas, thoughts and impressions Well that's it I will be talking about another case that I investigated d but that's for another time. ********************************************** * THE U.F.O. BBS - * **********************************************