Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.written Path:!isy!liuida!sunic!uunet!!caen!batcomputer!cornell!uw-beaver!!rice!!schmunk From: (Robert Schmunk) Subject: LIST: Alternate Histories (1/5) (850 lines) Message-ID: Sender: (News) Reply-To: (Robert Schmunk) Organization: Dept. of Space Physics, Rice University, Houston TX Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1993 02:47:18 GMT Lines: 857 THE USENET ALTERNATE HISTORY LIST Version 13 - 12 Jan 1993 Maintained by R.B. Schmunk InterNet: USPS: 1648 W Alabama #4, Houston, TX 77006 "...I've come to the conclusion that the stupidest words in the language are 'What if?'" --'William Faulkner', in William Sanders' THE WILD BLUE AND THE GRAY "What's past is past...and cannot be changed." --'Robert E. Lee', in Harry Turtledove's THE GUNS OF THE SOUTH This is an annotated list of stories involving Alternate Histories (aka What- Ifs, Allohistory or Counterfactuals), stories in which a past event has been altered and its effect on later history described. The list is occasionally posted to the UseNet newsgroup rec.arts.sf.written and most of its contents were contributed by readers of that newsgroup. Much has been extracted from: Hacker, Barton C., & Gordon B. Chamberlain, "Pasts that Might Have Been, II: A Revised Bibliography of Alternative History", in ALTERNATIVE HISTORIES (eds Waugh & Greenberg) {Garland 86}; Contento, William, INDEX TO SCIENCE FICTION ANTHOLOGIES AND COLLECTIONS {George Prior/G.K. Hall 78}; -----------------, INDEX TO SCIENCE FICTION ANTHOLOGIES AND COLLECTIONS 1977- 1983 {G.K. Hall 84}. Alternate history (abbrev. "AH" below) criteria are generally the same as in: Chamberlain, Gordon B., "Allohistory in Science Fiction", in ALTERNATIVE HISTORIES (eds Waugh & Greenberg) {Garland 86}. Thus, alterations affect more than fictional individuals, and the story is not secret history, does not rely on events entirely futureward of when the author wrote the story, etc. Submissions for new entries are always appreciated, as are corrections to the old. Entries have been separated into three categories: Anthologies -- collections of genre short stories and/or essays, each of which is also listed separately; Alternate Histories -- what-if stories, essays and novels; Reference Materials -- discussions of the genre and/or specific stories. In the entries, please note that: The notation "W:" beginning a description stands for "What if:", and that line describes the divergence of that AH from ours. An "S:" means "Story:", and that line describes the plot. A "C:" indicates "Comments:". If none of these is present, "C:" or "S:" is assumed. If an author's name is replaced by dashes, the entry is a sequel to or in the same series as the preceding entry. If replaced by dashes within arrows, it is part of a series collected within the previous book entry. Double arrows indicate inclusion in a book collected within an omnibus volume. If you can't find a particular short story, check other entries by the author to see if it was retitled or included in a larger work. References to anthologies containing a short story include an editor's name only if different from the author of the story. Not all of the available publication data about the entries is presented here, and in some cases the list of books in which a story appears has been limited. Where the latter occurs, "etc" appears at the end of the book list. If you need more publication info about a story, drop me a line at the address above. Abbrevs. frequently used in publication listings are: <#AW> = THE 19# ANNUAL WORLD'S BEST SF (eds Wollheim [& Saha]) {DAW #} = ALTERNATIVE HISTORIES (eds Waugh & Greenberg) {Garland 86} = ALTERNATE KENNEDYS (ed Resnick) {Tor 92} = ALTERNATIVES (eds Adams & Adams) {Baen 89} = ALTERNATE PRESIDENTS (ed Resnick) {Tor 92} = ALTERNATE WARRIORS (ed Resnick) {Tor 93} = ROBERT ADAMS' BOOK OF ALTERNATE WORLDS (eds Adams et al) {NAL/Signet 87} = BEYOND TIME (ed Ley) {Pocket 76} = The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction = THE FANTASTIC CIVIL WAR (ed McSherry) {Baen 91} = THE GREAT SF STORIES: # (eds Asimov & Greenberg) {DAW 86, 88-91} = HITLER VICTORIOUS (eds Benford & Greenberg) {Garland 86; Berkley 87} = [Isaac] Asimov's Science Fiction [Magazine] = IF I HAD BEEN..., TEN HISTORICAL FANTASIES (ed Snowman) {Rowman & Littlefield 79} = IF IT HAD HAPPENED OTHERWISE, ver X (ed Squire); ver A {Longmans, Green 31}; ver B as IF: OR HISTORY REWRITTEN {rev Viking 31; Kennikat 64}; ver C {exp Sidgwick & Jackson 72; St. Martin's 74} = SPECULATIONS ON AMERICAN HISTORY (Borden & Graham) {Heath 77} = WHAT IF THE AMERICAN POLITICAL SYSTEM WERE DIFFERENT? (ed Levine) {M.E. Sharpe 92} = WHAT IF? EXPLORATIONS IN SOCIAL-SCIENCE FICTION (ed Polsby) {Lewis 82} = WORLDS OF MAYBE (ed Silverberg) {Thomas Nelson 70; Dell 74} = WHAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN? VOLUME # (eds Benford & Greenberg) {Bantam 89-92} = THE YEAR'S BEST SCIENCE FICTION, #TH ANNUAL COLLECTION (ed Dozois) {Blue Jay 85; St. Martin's 87-92} This list would not have been possible without the generous and continuing help of Evelyn C. Leeper. Significant contributions were also made by Will Linden and Duncan MacGregor. Many thanks to them and the numerous readers of rec.arts.sf.written who have made submissions. And now, the list: Anthologies: Adams, Robert, & Pamela Crippen Adams (eds), ALTERNATIVES {Baen 89} New stories by JF Carr & RJ Green, RJ Green, Shwartz, LN Smith and Turtledove. Adams, Robert, Martin H. Greenberg & Pamela Crippen Adams (eds), ROBERT ADAMS' BOOK OF ALTERNATE WORLDS {NAL/Signet 87} Reprints of by Bixby, de Camp, Effinger, Fehrenbach, Leinster, Niven and Piper. Benford, Gregory, & Martin H. Greenberg (eds), HITLER VICTORIOUS: ELEVEN STORIES OF THE GERMAN VICTORY IN WORLD WAR II {Garland 86; Berkley 87} Reprints and new stories by Bailey, Bear, Benford, Brin, Budrys, Finch, Goldsmith, Kornbluth, Linaweaver, K Roberts and Shippey. Benford, Gregory, & Martin H. Greenberg (eds), WHAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN? VOLUME 1: ALTERNATE EMPIRES {Bantam 89} New stories by P Anderson, Benford, Effinger, Fowler, Malzberg, Morrow, Niven, Pohl, Robinson, Silverberg and Turtledove. ---------------------------------------------, WHAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN? VOLUME 2: ALTERNATE HEROES {Bantam 90} New stories exploring the Great Man hypothesis by Cassutt, Finch, Harrison & Shippey, Laidlaw, Malzberg, Morrow, Rucker & Di Filippo, Shwartz, Silverberg, Tarr, Turtledove, WJ Williams and Zebrowski. ---------------------------------------------, WHAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN? VOLUME 3: ALTERNATE WARS {Bantam 91} New stories and a reprint exploring results of battles/wars by P Anderson, Busby, Benford, Churchill, Kress, Malzberg, McDevitt, Morrow, M Resnick, Steele, Turtledove and Zebrowski. ---------------------------------------------, WHAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN? VOLUME 4: ALTERNATE AMERICAS {Bantam 92} Semi-new stories to mark the quincentennial of Columbus' first voyage by Attanasio, de Camp, Eklund, Finch, Friesner, Malzberg, Oltion, Sargent, Silverberg, Turtledove and Zebrowski. Borden, Morton, & Otis L. Graham, Jr., SPECULATIONS ON AMERICAN HISTORY {Heath 77} Twelve essays on American AHs by Borden and Graham. Chamberlin, J.E., THE IFS OF HISTORY {Atheneum 08} 22 short essays. Hearnshaw, F.J.C., THE "IFS" OF HISTORY {George Newnes 29} Nineteen essays. Levine, Herbert M. (ed), WHAT IF THE AMERICAN POLITICAL SYSTEM WERE DIFFERENT? {M.E. Sharpe 92} Essays on the effect of different US political structures (with minimal historical development) by Cohen, Esberey, Ferrell, Gentry, Jeansonne, Levine and Pitney. Ley, Sandra (ed), BEYOND TIME {Pocket 76} New stories by Chilson, Cooper, Cores, J Coulson, R Coulson, Davidson, Eklund, AD Foster, Gat, Gotschalk, Lafferty, O Ley, W Moore, Orgill, Percy, D Thompson and Zebrowski. Polsby, Nelson W. (ed), WHAT IF? EXPLORATIONS IN SOCIAL-SCIENCE FICTION {Lewis 82} Stories and essays by Averneri, Dexter, Fried, CO Jones, RA Kagan, Long, Masters, Minogue, Murphy, Polsby, Riker, Salisbury, Seabury, Wildavsky and PM Williams. Resnick, Mike (ed), ALTERNATE KENNEDYS {Tor 92} New stories. AH entries by Aronson, Cadigan, Effinger, Friesner, Gerrold, Katze, Kube-McDowell, Malzberg, L Resnick, M Resnick, Rusch, Soukup, Tarr and Von Rospach. ------------------, ALTERNATE PRESIDENTS {Tor 92} New stories involving American elections by Cadigan, J Carr, Chalker, G Cox, Delaplace, Easton, Fawcett, Gerrold, Gilliland, Gunn, King, Kube- McDowell, Malzberg, Nimersheim, Nye, Person, L Resnick, M Resnick, R Roberts, Rusch, Sheckley, Shwartz, Thomsen and Watt-Evans. ------------------, ALTERNATE WARRIORS {Tor 93, not yet published} New stories. Silverberg, Robert (ed), WORLDS OF MAYBE: SEVEN STORIES OF SCIENCE FICTION {Thomas Nelson 70; Dell 74} Reprints of P Anderson, Asimov, deFord, Farmer, Leinster and Niven. Snowman, Daniel (ed), IF I HAD BEEN..., TEN HISTORICAL FANTASIES {Rowman & Littlefield 79} Corrections of decisions by 10 historical figures by Allen, Blakemore, Calvert, Edwards, Morgan, Pearton, Shukman, R Thompson, Windsor and Wright. Squire, J.C. (ed), IF IT HAD HAPPENED OTHERWISE: LAPSES INTO IMAGINARY HISTORY {Longmans, Green 31; exp Sidgwick & Jackson 72; St. Martin's 74}; rev as IF: OR HISTORY REWRITTEN {Viking 31; Kennikat 64} The classic AH book. Stories by Belloc, Chesterton, Churchill, Fisher, Guedalla, Knox, Ludwig, Maurois, Nicolson, Squire and Waldman. Rev ed swaps Knox for Van Loon. Exp ed adds Petrie and Trevelyan. Waugh, Charles, G., & Martin H. Greenberg (eds), ALTERNATIVE HISTORIES: ELEVEN STORIES OF THE WORLD AS IT MIGHT HAVE BEEN {Garland 86} Reprints and new stories by P Anderson, Benet, IE Cox, de Camp, Elgin, Hale, Lafferty, Piper, K Roberts, Robinson and Utley & Waldrop. Reference material by Chamberlain and Hacker & Chamberlain. Alternate Histories: Adams, Robert, CASTAWAYS IN TIME {Donning 79; Signet 82} W: Nestorians won at the Council of Ephesus, 451. S: Tourists trapped in a remote villa are transported to a 17th-century in which the Moorish pope has declared a Crusade against England. -------------, THE SEVEN MAGICAL JEWELS OF IRELAND {Signet 85} The battlefield between Pope Abdul and Arthur III Tudor shifts to the high seas and to Ireland. -------------, OF QUESTS AND KINGS {Signet 86} -------------, OF CHIEFS AND CHAMPIONS {Signet 87} -------------, OF MYTHS AND MONSTERS {Signet 88} S: Aiken, Joan, THE WOLVES OF WILLOUGHBY CHASE {Cape 62; Doubleday 63; Hutchinson 75; Dell 81} W: The Stuarts won the Jacobite wars. S: Two English girls face wolves and an evil governess. C: Except for wolves besetting England c. 1830, this volume is not AH. -----------, BLACK HEARTS IN BATTERSEA {Doubleday 64; Cape 65; Dell 69} Hanoverians plot against James III. -----------, NIGHTBIRDS ON NANTUCKET {Doubleday 66; Dell 69} A mad scientist in New England develops a transatlantic zap-gun aimed at St. James' Palace. -----------, THE STOLEN LAKE {Cape 81; Delacorte 81} A kingdom founded by Celtic refugees from the battle of Camlann is discovered in the Andes. -----------, THE WHISPERING MOUNTAIN {Doubleday 69} The Prince of Wales (later Richard IV) has a Welsh adventure. -----------, THE CUCKOO TREE {Cape 71; Doubleday 71} Hanoverian plotters return to disrupt the coronation of Richard IV. -----------, DIDO AND PA {Delacorte 86} Another Hanoverian plot against Richard IV. Aksyonov, Vassily, + Michael Henry Heim (tr), THE ISLAND OF CRIMEA {Random House 83; Vintage 84}; orig OSTROV KRYM W: The Crimea was an island and White Russians successfully held it against the Bolsheviks and established a provisionary democratic gov't. S: In the early 1980s, a Crimean newspaper editor spearheads the Common Fate re-unification movement, playing into Soviet hands. Aldiss, Brian W., THE MALACIA TAPESTRY {Cape 76} W: Humans evolved from dinosaurs rather than hominids. S: Aldiss, Brian W., "Matrix" (aka "Danger: Religion!"), in Science Fantasy Oct 62, THE SALIVA TREE AND OTHER STRANGE GROWTHS {Faber 66; Gregg 81}, NEANDERTHAL PLANET {Avon 69, xx}, THE UNFRIENDLY FUTURE (ed Boardman), etc In 2042, a theocratic timeline crosstime abducts people for advice on dealing with a slave revolt, but they develop other plans. Aldiss, Brian W., "What You Get for Your Dollar", in THE NEW IMPROVED SUN (ed Disch) {Harper & Row 75; Hutchinson 76} W: The UN took strong action following the Anglo-French attack on Egypt in 1956, including an internat'l reclamation project in the Sinai. S: A man from our world, beset by an energy crisis, visits the utopian Sinai of another and describes its history. Aldiss, Brian W., THE YEAR BEFORE YESTERDAY {Franklin Watts 87; St. Martin's 88} W: Churchill was killed during a visit to Finland in 1935. Later, Germany gobbled up W Europe but left the Zinoviev-led Soviet Union alone. S: A Finnish composer finds the body of a girl alongside the road, and inside her backpack is an SF thriller about a different WW2. Allen, Louis, "If I had been... Hideki Tojo in 1941", in W: The prime minister of Japan pursued a path which would maximize Japan's gains without forcing a war with the United States. C: Japan's takeover of Java and Siberia provokes a worried America to elect MacArthur in 44 and to ally with Germany. The falling Japan uses nukes. Amis, Kingsley, THE ALTERATION {Cape 76; Viking 76; Panther 78} W: Catherine of Aragon and Arthur of Wales had a son who became king upon the death of Henry VII. Later, Martin Luther became pope. S: A boy soprano in 1976 Catholic England tries to flee becoming a papal castrato. Anderson, Kevin J., "Music Played on the Strings of Time", in Analog Jan 93 W: Various famous rock stars did not die tragic deaths. S: A man visiting alternate Earths to obtain "new" music by "dead" rockers comes across an album with his name on it. Anderson, Kevin J., & Doug Beason, THE TRINITY PARADOX {Bantam 91} W: US nuclear weapons research was slowed down, while the Nazis accelerated theirs. S: An accident propels an anti-nuclear activist back to 1943 Los Alamos and she sets out to prevent the Trinity test. Anderson, Poul, "Delenda Est", in Dec 55, GUARDIANS OF TIME {Ballantine 60; exp Pinnacle 81}, , , , THE TIME PATROL {Tor 91}, etc W: The Scipios were killed at Ticinus and Hannibal later captured and destroyed Rome. S: Celts are driving steamcars in 1955 "New York"; it's up to Time Patrolman Manse Everard to go back to the 2nd Punic War and set things right. --------------, THE SHIELD OF TIME {Tor 90} S: Everard and Wanda Tamberley patch history up at Bactra (209 BC) and Rignano (1137). C: Non-AH entries in series are "Time Patrol", "Brave to be a King", "The Only Game in Town", "Gibraltar Falls", "Ivory, and Apes, and Peacocks", "The Sorrow of Odin the Goth", "Star of the Sea" and "The Year of the Ransom". All may be found in THE TIME PATROL {Tor 91} and elsewhere. Anderson, Poul, "Eutopia", in DANGEROUS VISIONS (ed Ellison) {Doubleday 67; NAL 75}; PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE PERFECT (eds Wolf & Fitz Gerald) {Fawcett 73} and THE DARK BETWEEN THE STARS {Berkley 81} W: Alexander lived longer *or* Christianity fell before Norse, Arab and Magyar attacks. S: A crosstime explorer from an advanced Alexandrine timeline violates a taboo while visiting a Norse-Magyar N America Anderson, Poul, "In the House of Sorrows", in W: Assyrians captured Jerusalem and the Diasporah occurred before Christianity could get started. S: Adventures of a courier from North Markland (America) in an alternate Israel/Palestine. Anderson, Poul, A MIDSUMMER TEMPEST {Doubleday 74; Ballantine 75, Orbit/ Futura 75} W: Shakespeare's plays were real history and the Industrial Revolution arrived two centuries early. Also, magic works. S: In order to keep Charles I on England's throne, a Cavalier prince searches for Prospero's isle. Anderson, Poul, OPERATION CHAOS {Doubleday 71; Lancer xx; Berkley 78; Baen xx}; rev of stories in Sep 56, Jan 57, Oct 59 and May-Jun 69 W: Men learned to remove antimagical properties of iron and magical technology ensued. S: A werewolf and witch are involved in repeated struggles against the machinations of Hell during WW2, as the Saracens invade America. Anderson, Poul, THREE HEARTS AND THREE LIONS {Doubleday 61; Avon xx; Berkley 78; Ace 84} A Dane from our Earth must save a magical alternate Europe from the forces of Chaos, but why are the people there expecting him? Anderson, Poul, "When Free Men Shall Stand", in W: Lucien Bonaparte convinced Napoleon to consolidate the French hold on Europe rather than invade Egypt. Later, the French won at Trafalgar. S: In 1849, Sam Houston talks history with a French diplomat during the battle for New Orleans in the 2nd French-American War. Anvil, Christopher, "Apron Chains", in Analog Dec 70 W: The scientific revolution started in the 15th century, the result of a man's being saved from drowning. S: Discovery of the Americas is stalled, then stifled, by too-rigid adherence to the scientific method. Armstrong, Anthony, & Bruce Graeme, WHEN THE BELLS RANG {Harrap 43} W: Nazi Germany invaded England in 1940. S: How the invasion was defeated. Aronson, Mark, "President-Elect", in W: Robert Kennedy survived Sirhan Sirhan's assassination attempt, and as a result adopted a hard anti-crime stance. S: Facing Democratic rejection, RFK becomes the Republican presidential nominee as brother Teddy leads the Democrats. Nixon still becomes president. Asimov, Isaac, THE END OF ETERNITY {J. CUrley 81}; rev of "The End of Eternity", in THE ALTERNATE ASIMOVS {Doubleday 86; NAL/Roc xx} W: Enrico Fermi had not become involved in atomic research. S: A time engineer falls in love with a woman who will, because of a forthcoming history remake, never have existed. C: Marginally AH. Divergence is 1932 but all results shown are in *far* future. Asimov, Isaac, "Fair Exchange?", in Asimov's SF Adventure Magazine Fall 78, 3 BY ASIMOV {Targ 81} and THE WINDS OF CHANGE AND OTHER STORIES {Doubleday 83} W: Gilbert & Sullivan's operetta THESPIS was not lost. S: A mental time traveler attempting to learn the score of THESPIS causes it to go into print, with personally damaging consequences. Asimov, Isaac, "Living Space", in EARTH IS ROOM ENOUGH {Doubleday 57, Abelard-Schuman 76}, , VALENCE AND VISION (eds Jones & Roe) {Rinehart 74}, THE FAR ENDS OF TIME AND EARTH {Doubleday 79}, etc Using parallel Earths to solve overpopulation in 4000 AD, humans encounter similar colonists from a world in which Germany won WW2. Attanasio, A.A., IN OTHER WORLDS {Morrow 84; Bantam 85} W: WW1 led to a world gov't. S: Attanasio, A.A., "Ink from the New Moon", in Nov 92 and W: North America was discovered and settled by Chinese Buddhists. S: A scribe describes the Unified Sandalwood Autocracies, and an encounter on its eastern shores with a European explorer named Christ-bearer. Averneri, Shlomo, "What if Sadat had come to Jerusalem under a Labor government? (1977)", in W: Itzhak Rabin was Israeli PM in early 1977 and while visiting Romania was advised of Anwar Sadat's peace plans. C: Peace talks between Sadat and Rabin include King Hussein of Jordan, leading to an agreement that includes the West Bank, but not the PLO. Bailey, Hilary, "The Fall of Frenchy Steiner", in New Worlds Jun 64, THE BEST OF NEW WORLDS (ed Moorcock) {Compact 65}, SF12 (ed Merrill) {Delacorte 68}, THE BEST SF STORIES FROM NEW WORLDS (ed Moorcock) {Panther 74} and W: Hitler did not invade Russia. S: Life in occupied London, 1954. Ball, Margaret, THE SHADOW GATE {Tor 91} A New Age woman from our Austin TX is drawn into a magical alternate where an immortal elven queen rules in France. Barbet, Pierre, COSMIC CRUSADERS {DAW 80} >------------<, + Bernard Kay (tr), BAPHOMET'S METEOR {DAW 72}; orig L'EMPIRE DU BAPHOMET W: A demon-like alien was shipwrecked on Earth in 1118. S: The alien aids the Knights Templar as they set out in 1275 to save the Holy Land and conquer the Mongols. >------------<, + C.J. Cherryh (tr), STELLAR CRUSADE {only Engl.-language publ. is in omnibus volume}; orig CROISADE STELLAIRE S: Outer-space sequel to the above. Baring, Maurice, "The Alternative", in London Mercury Nov 22, HALF A MINUTE'S SILENCE {Heinemann 25; Doubleday 25; Books for Libraries 70}, MAURICE BARING RESTORED {Heinemann 70; Farrar, Straus & Giroux 70} and TRAVELERS IN TIME (ed Stern) {Doubleday 47} W: Napoleon's father decided that his son would get the best education possible if enlisted in the British navy. S: A sketch of historical and literary consequences from 1800 to 1850. Barnett, Lisa A.: see Scott, Melissa, & Lisa A. Barnett Barrett, Neal, Jr., THE LEAVES OF TIME {Lancer 71} During an alien attack on one Earth, a human soldier is thrown into another where N America was settled by Vikings. An alien pursues him. Barton, S.W.: see Kurland, Michael, & S.W. Barton Basil, Otto, + Thomas Weyr (tr, abr), TWILIGHT MAN {Meredith 68}; orig. WENN DAS DER FUHRER WUSST W: Germany won WW2 after dropping a nuclear bomb on London. S: Hitler's death 20 years later leads to a power struggle. Bear, Greg, EON {Bluejay 85} ----------, ETERNITY {Warner 88} A strange artifact comes back in time from the future, only it's a different future. Bear, Greg, "Scattershot", in UNIVERSE 8 (ed Carr) {Doubleday 78; Popular Library 79}, <79AW> and THE WIND FROM A BURNING WOMAN {Arkham House 83} A woman aboard a spacecraft hit by a "disruptor" beam finds that it has reassembled with parts (and crew) of ships from alternate universes. Bear, Greg, "Through Road No Whither", in and THERE WILL BE WAR 8: ARMAGEDDON (eds Pournelle & Carr) Nazi officers in a world where Germany won WW2 insult a gypsy woman when asking for directions, and she arranges for Germany's retroactive defeat. Beason, Doug: see Anderson, Kevin J., & Doug Beason Belloc, Hilaire, "If Drouet's Cart had Stuck", in W: Louis XVI escaped Paris and was not executed. S: Following Lafayette's defeat of Republican forces, France sinks into mediocrity and Britain must contend with the mighty Austrian empire. Benet, Stephen Vincent, "The Curfew Tolls", in Saturday Evening Post 5 Oct 35; THIRTEEN O'CLOCK {Farrar & Rinehart 71; Books for Libraries 71; Franklin Library 82}; MOONLIGHT TRAVELER (ed Stern) {Doubleday 42} (aka GREAT TALES OF FANTASY AND IMAGINATION {Pocket 54}); ; etc W: Napoleon were born much earlier, say in 1737. S: An Englishman residing on the Mediterranean coast of France meets a retired, frustrated French artillery major. Benford, Gregory, "Manassas, Again", in Oct 91 and W: Rome developed a steam-driven machine gun. S: Rome's former American colonies fight a civil war in the 19th century. Benford, Gregory, TIMESCAPE {Simon & Schuster 80; Pocket 81; Bantam 92}; rev of "3:02 P.M., Oxford", in If Sep 70, and "Cambridge, 1:58 A.M.", in EPOCH (eds Silverberg & Elwood) {Berkley/Putnam's 75; Berkley 77} A UC prof in 1962 worries about tachyon interference in an experiment as he tries to gain tenure. Mentions the Kennedy wiretapping scandal. Benford, Gregory, "Valhalla", in A man from a timeline where WW2 lasted til 1947, allowing completion of the Final Solution, travels back and sideways to take revenge on Hitler. Benford, Gregory, "We Could Do Worse", in W: Nixon threw the California delegation's support to Robert Taft at the 1952 GOP convention, with the stipulation that Joe McCarthy become Veep. S: After Taft's sudden death, McCarthy begins to institute a police state, and 4 years later a congressman is kidnaped. Bensen, D.R., AND HAVING WRIT... {Bobbs-Merrill 78; Ace 79} W: Four aliens were stranded on Earth in 1908 when they barely avoided an explosive impact at Tunguska and splash-landed near San Francisco. S: To get their ship repaired, they set about accelerating technological development, but President Edison doesn't want to share with Europe. Bernau, George, PROMISES TO KEEP {Warner 88} W: The US presidential assassination attempt on 22 Nov 1963 failed. S: Hunting the conspirators, plus the elections of 1964 and 68. C: Borderline AH, as all names have been changed. Berry, Stephen Ames, THE BATTLE FOR TERRA TWO {Ace 86} C: Non-AH 1st volume of series is THE BIOFAB WAR. W: The US never developed the bomb, Nazi Germany did and Hitler was assassinated in Jul 44. S: A war against insectoids shifts from our Earth to another. -------------------, THE A.I. WAR -------------------, THE FINAL ASSAULT S: Bertin, Eddy C., "Timestorm", in <72AW>; orig "Tijdstorm" A man caught in timestorm discovers humanoid aliens tinkering with the human past, encouraging the spread of war. Bester, Alfred, "The Men Who Murdered Mohammed", in Oct 58, THE DARK SIDE OF THE EARTH {Signet 64}, COSMIC LAUGHTER (ed Haldeman) {Holt, Rinehart & Winston 74}, THE ARBOR HOUSE TREASURY OF SCIENCE FICTION MASTERPIECES (eds Silverberg & Greenberg) {Arbor House 83}, THE WORLD TREASURY OF SCIENCE FICTION (ed Hartwell) {Little, Brown 89}, etc Due to his wife's infidelity, a Mad Scientist repeatedly goes back in time to prevent her existence but can only affect his "personal" timeline. Bier, Jesse, "Father and Son", in A HOLE IN THE LEAD APRON {Harcourt 64} W: As punishment for participating in or ignoring the Holocaust, the Allies ordered that 6 million random Germans be executed. S: An exchange of letters between father and son, respectively a member of the provisional postwar gov't and a former SS officer. Bishop, Michael, "For Thus Do I Remember Carthage", in THE UNIVERSE and W: Science and technology advanced faster in portions of the world. S: [St.] Augustine of Hippo receives a visitor from Cathay who speaks of collapsing stars and other arcane heavenly topics. Bishop, Michael, THE SECRET ASCENSION; OR, PHILIP K. DICK IS DEAD, ALAS {St. Martin's 87; Tor 89} W: In a skewed world, Richard Milrose Nixon was elected to four terms as US president and SF author Philip K. Dick attained more fame. S: Shortly after his death in 1982, Phil Dick visits a small town in Georgia and the moon in order to correct history. Bisson, Terry, FIRE ON THE MOUNTAIN {Arbor House 88} W: With the aid of Harriet Tubman, John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry (three months early) was successful, and provoked a mass black rebellion. S: 100 years later, as Pan Africa is about to land on Mars, a woman delivers to a museum papers describing the roots of the Nova African nation. Bixby, Jerome, "One Way Street", in Amazing Jan 54, BEST SCIENCE FICTION STORIES AND NOVELS: 1955 (ed Dikty) {Fredrick Fell 55}, SPACE BY THE TAIL {Ballantine 64} and W: Numerous small things were changed; eg., Shakespeare didn't write HAMLET, the Korean War only lasted two months, etc. S: A physics experiment knocks a passerby into a similar timeline, and he must be returned to save the universe. Blakemore, Harold, "If I had been... Salvador Allende in 1972-3", in W: Allende moderated Socialist policy and took decisive action against civil disorder. C: A description of Chilean troubles and how Allende avoided chaos and a right-wing takeover. Bloch, Robert, "The World-Timer", in Fantastic Aug 60 S: Bohme, Gernot, Wolfgang van den Daele, & Wolfgang Krohn, + E.G.H. Joffe (tr), "Alternatives in Science", in Internat'l Journal for Sociology 8; orig "Alternativen in der Wissenschaft" C: Includes discussion of a chemical rather than mechanical worldview at the beginning of the scientific revolution. Borden, Morton, "1759: What If Canada Had Remained French?", in W: Montcalm defeated Wolfe to end the French and Indian War. C: Borden, Morton, "1784: What If Slavery Had Been Geographically Confined?", in W: C: Borden, Morton, "1789: Could the Articles of Confederation Have Worked?", in W: The Constitution was rejected. C: Borden, Morton, "1801: Would Aaron Burr Have Been a Great President?", in W: The House of Representatives named Burr president rather than Jefferson when breaking the Electoral College tie. C: Borden, Morton, "1832: What If the Second Bank Had Been Rechartered?", in W: Nicholas Biddle renewed the charter of the 2nd Bank of the United States at a more opportune time. C: Borden, Morton, "1850: What If the Compromise of 1850 Had Been Defeated?", in W: Zachary Taylor lived longer, causing the COmpromise of 1850 to fail and the Civil War to start a decade earlier. C: Bova, Ben, TRIUMPH {Tor 93} W: Churchill arranged for Stalin's assassination, and the Nazis won WW2. S: Bowes, Richard, WARCHILD {Warner 86} --------------, GOBLIN MARKET {Warner 88} Crosstime stories in worlds of a French Canada and a stalemated WW2. Boyd, John, THE LAST STARSHIP FROM EARTH {Berkley 69; Penguin 78} W: Judas Iscariot never existed and Jesus lived to age 70. S: 2000 years later, a Mathematician is tried for miscegenation for sleeping with a Poet. Boyett, Steven R., THE ARCHITECT OF SLEEP {Ace 86} W: Intelligent life evolved from racoons rather than primates. S: A human spelunker exits a Florida cave to find himself in a world run by oversize racoons. Bradbury, Ray, "A Sound of Thunder", in GOLDEN APPLES OF THE SUN {Doubleday 53}, R IS FOR ROCKET {Doubleday 62; Bantam 65}, THE STORIES OF RAY BRADBURY {Knopf 80}, CAUGHT IN THE ORGAN DRAFT (eds Asimov et al) {Farrar, Straus & Giroux 83}, , etc S: Accidentally stepping on a butterfly while on a T. rex hunt has its repercussions. C: A classic about the effect of a minor change on history, but not really AH since the only result shown is futureward (?) of the writing. Brennert, Alan, & Norm Breyfogle, BATMAN: HOLY TERROR {DC Comics 91} W: Oliver Cromwell lived another 10 years and consolidated the Puritan hold on Britain and its colonies. S: A young priest named Bruce Wayne becomes a costumed vigilante fighting the repressive theocracy running the American Commonwealth. Breyfogle, Norm: see Brennert, Alan, & Norm Breyfogle Brin, David, "Thor Meets Captain America", in Jul 86, THE RIVER OF TIME {Bantam 87} and W: Nazi rituals resurrected the Norse pantheon, but Loki went over to the Allies. S: A captured American officer about to be sacrificed comes face-to-face with the god of battle. Brown, Frederic, WHAT MAD UNIVERSE {Dutton 49; Bantam 50] A pulp editor finds himself in a parallel universe which match the stories his magazine has been publishing. Brunner, John, TIMES WITHOUT NUMBER {Ace 69; Ballantine 83}; exp of "Times Without Number", in Ace Double #xx {Ace 62}; rev of stories in Science Fiction Adventures Mar 62, Jun 62 and Jul 62 W: The Armada conquered England. S: 400 years later, a plot is afoot to destroy the Spanish empire via time- travel. Brunner, John, "At the Sign of the Rose", in BEYOND THE GATE OF WORLDS {Tor 91} C: In same timeline as Silverberg's THE GATE OF WORLDS. S: The Tsar of Russia dies under suspicious circumstances; six travelers tell their tales at a Krakow inn. Budrys, Algis, "Never Meet Again", in A scientist dissatisfied with Hitler's victory tries a change of universe, but that doesn't solve his problems. Burroughs, William S., CITIES OF THE RED NIGHT {Holt, Rinehart & Winston 81} W: Capt. Mission's 18th-century pirate commune on Madagascar was not wiped out by natives. S: Busby, F.M., "Play It Again, Sam", in CLARION III (ed Wilson) {Signet 73} Two friends discuss how the world could be made a better place, working their way back from event to event. -----------, "Balancing Act", in 16 Feb 81 -----------, "Wrong Number", in 21 Dec 81 S: Busby, F.M., "Tundra Moss", in W: Victim of a minor stroke in late 1941, FDR was unable to resist congressional and public pressure for a Japan First war policy. S: Japanese saboteurs land on Amchitka just as orders for a crucial American offensive are being transmitted down the Aleutians via secure cable. Butler, Ron, "What Number are You Calling?", in Fantastic Oct 55 Crosstime adventure in New Amsterdam. Byrne, Eugene: see Newman, Kim, & Eugene Byrne Byrne, Robert, THE TUNNEL {HBJ 77; Dell 77} W: The 1973 agreement to dig the English Channel tunnel was not canceled. S: An American engineer embarks on the biggest project of his career, as an Irish terrorist plans to destroy it. Cadigan Pat, "Dispatches from the Revolution", in Jul 91, and W: 1960s social protests met with harsh government reaction, LBJ stayed in the 68 presidential race and Sirhan Sirhan didn't kill Robert Kennedy. S: The cycle of violence gets bigger and bigger until it all blows up at the 1968 Democratic Nat'l Convention in Chicago. Cadigan, Pat, "No Prisoners", in W: Robert Kennedy decided to become a priest and sister Eunice ended up going into politics. S: In 1968, former Attorney General and now Senator Eunice Kennedy is faced with the final outcome of Father Robert Kennedy's antiwar activism. Calvert, Peter, "If I had been... Benito Juarez in 1867", in W: Juarez granted clemency to Mexican Emperor Maximilian, about to be executed. C: How it might have happened, but without much further development. Capek, Karel, + Dora Round (tr), "Pseudo Lot, or Concerning Patriotism", in APROCRYPHAL STORIES {Penguin 75}; orig "Pseudo-Lot cili o vlastenectvi" S: Lot rejects the warning of the angels to flee Sodom. Card, Orson Scott, SEVENTH SON {Tor 87}; exp of "Hatrack River", in Aug 86, and TERRY CARR'S BEST SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY OF THE YEAR (ed Carr) {Tor 87} W: Natural magic works. Also, the Puritan revolution succeeded, altering English history and the course of American colonization. S: Born in 1800, the seventh son of a seventh son growing up on the American frontier meets an itinerant storyteller named William Blake. -----------------, RED PROPHET {Tor 88} Captured by Red men, young Alvin Maker and his brother become involved with Tecumseh, the Prophet and a different massacre at Tippecanoe. -----------------, PRENTICE ALVIN {Tor 89}; rev of "Prentice Alvin and the No-Good Plow", in Sunstone Aug 89 and MAPS IN A MIRROR {Tor 90} Alvin's years as an apprentice blacksmith and the story of a Black-White "mix-up boy" removed from slavery in Appalachee. Carr, Jayge, "The War of '07", in W: When Congress broke the Electoral College tie of 1800, they made Aaron Burr president rather than Thomas Jefferson. S: Militant Burr begins the move to manifest destiny 40 years early, but he also shows no signs of leaving the White House. Carr, John F., & Roland J. Green, "Kalvan Kingmaker", in C: 2nd sequel to Piper's LORD KALVAN OF OTHERWHEN. S: Styphon's House drives barbarians from the N American plains east into Kalvan's territory in order to destroy him, but he turns the tables on them. Carr, John F.: see also Green, Roland J., & John F. Carr Carter, Paul A., "The Constitutional Origins of Westly v. Simmons", in Analog Oct 85 W: What if there were no Manhattan project, and Stevenson won the election of '52. C: How to change history so that Asimov's "Trends" (Astounding Jul 39) came true. Carter, Paul A., "The Mystery of the Duplicate Diamonds", in STELLAR #7 (ed Del Rey) {Ballantine 81} W: Robert Kennedy was elected president in 1968 *or* Watergate was never discovered. S: Two people from different timelines meet at a jewelry store in a third trying to exchange different versions of the same ring. Cassutt, Michael, "Mules in Horses' Harness", in W: Lincoln was assassinated while visiting a Union hospital on 4 Jul 1863. Wasn't he? S: 1980 Confederate differential engineers trying to model history explore the Great Man hypothesis. Chadbourne, Billie Niles: see Johnson, Robert B., & Billie Niles Chadbourne Chalker, Jack L., AND THE DEVIL WILL DRAG YOU UNDER {Ballantine 79} A man and woman gather jewel-like devices from 5 alternate Earths to cancel an experiment that caused an asteroid to move toward their Earth. Chalker, Jack L., "Dance Band on the Titanic", in Jul 78, <79AW>, ISAAC ASIMOV'S SCIENCE FICTION ANTHOLOGY VOLUME 1 (ed Scithers) {Davis/Dial 78} (aka ISAAC ASIMOV'S MASTERS OF SCIENCE FICTION) and DANCE BAND ON THE TITANIC Adventures of a ferry boat crew traveling between alternate versions of Maine and Nova Scotia. Chalker, Jack L., DOWNTIMING THE NIGHT SIDE {Tor 85} A security officer has to prevent the killing of Karl Marx by a terrorist and gets drafted in a crosstime war. Chalker, Jack L., "Now Falls the Cold, Cold Night", in W: James Buchanan suffered a stroke in Oct 1856 and Millard Fillmore, candidate of the American ("Know-Nothing") Party, was elected president. S: When Fillmore upholds the Fugitive Slave Laws in 1858, rioting and worse commence in New England. Chandler, A. Bertram, KELLY COUNTRY {DAW 85} A mental time traveler causes Ned Kelly to escape police capture in 1880 and eventually become president of an Irish-dominated Australia. Charmatz, A., "Sailing Through Program Management", in Analog 5 Jan 81 ------------, "A Second Chance", in Analog 9 Nov 81 W: Columbus returned from his first voyage to find that modern management techniques were being applied to Spain's exploration efforts. S: A series of memos showing increasingly poor relations with project managers, etc, as Columbus reports on voyage one and prepares for the next. Chesnoff, Richard Z., Edward Klein, & Robert Littell, IF ISRAEL LOST THE WAR {Coward-McCann 69} W: While Israel hoped for a diplomatic settlement, Arab forces delivered a devastating surprise attack on 5 Jun 1967. S: A day-by-day account of the 6-day fall of Israel and its repercussions in the US, USSR and the new UAR. Chesterton, G.K., "If Don John of Austria had Married Mary Queen of Scots", in and THE COMMON MAN {Sheed & Ward 50} W: As the title says. C: Essay on England's place in Christendom and whether it would have accepted a Scottish Catholic queen and a Spanish prince-consort. Chiang, Ted, "Tower of Babylon", in Omni Nov 90, and NEBULA AWARDS 26 (ed Morrow) {HBJ 92} W: An older idea of cosmology were correct. S: After centuries of work, the Tower of Babylon has reached the vault of heaven and stoneworkers now attempt to break through. Chilson, Robert, "The Devil and the Deep Blue Sky", in W: Observing the continued success of Stanley brothers in auto racing, Henry Ford brought out the Model A steamer in 1911. S: Congress investigates internal combustion engines when a kerosene shortage arises. Chilson, Robert, THE SHORES OF KANSAS {Popular Library 76} W: Teddy Roosevelt was assassinated. S: Christopher, John, FIREBALL {Dutton 81; Tempo 84} Two boys are caught in a strange ball of fire, to emerge in ancient Roman times and help Christians overthrow the Roman Empire. -----------------, NEW FOUND LAND {Dutton 83} The boys flee to N America and face more adventures with Viking settlers and Aztecs. -----------------, DRAGON DANCE {Dutton 86} The boys travel on to California. Churchill, Winston S., "If Lee had not Won the Battle of Gettysburg", in Scribner's Dec 30, and W: Jeb Stuart reached the battlefield in time to support Pickett's charge. Later, Lee unilaterally freed the slaves and Britain recognized the CSA. S: Some theorizing about how a Confederate defeat at Gettysburg might have prevented the formation of the English-speaking union. Clagett, John, A WORLD UNKNOWN {Popular Library 75} W: Jesus never lived and Constantine dissolved the Roman empire. S: A man finds himself in another world when a nuclear airplane experiment goes awry. Clark, Ronald W., THE BOMB THAT FAILED {Morrow 69}; as THE LAST DAY OF THE OLD WORLD {Cape 69} W: The Trinity test was a failure, due in part to Klaus Fuchs. S: An agonizing invasion of Kyushu leads to US use of rice fungus bombs, and the Soviets exploit border incidents for a drive on the English Channel. Clarke, Comer, IF THE NAZIS HAD COME {World 62} W: S: Cohen, Neil B., "What If There Were No Judicial Review?", in W: C: Cohen, Neil B., "What If There Were No Written Constitution and Bill of Rights?", in W: The US had an unwritten constitution, much like Britain's. C: An essay on how the US gov't would be more authoritarian, with minority opinions having less weight and no judicial review. Collyn, George, "Unification Day", in New Worlds May 66 and THE TRAPS OF TIME (ed Moorcock) {Rapp & Whiting 68} W: Napoleon won at Waterloo. S: England notes the 150th anniversary of its inclusion in the French empire. Cooper, Edmund, "Jupiter Laughs", in W: Jesus of Nazareth was slain by Herod's troops before his family could flee to Egypt. S: The murder of Jesus, his family and the magi, with an epilog about Rome's British satrap "Queen" Victoria's humiliating coronation. Cooper, Giles, THE OTHER MAN W: S: Coppel, Alfred, THE BURNING MOUNTAIN: A NOVEL OF THE INVASION OF JAPAN {HBJ 83} W: A lightning strike disrupted the Trinity test. S: Operations Olympic and Coronet, the invasion of Japan. Cores, Lucy, "Hail to the Chief", in W: The Watergate break-in went undiscovered and Richard Nixon was president until poor health caused his resignation in 1994. S: In 1996, a plumbers unit breaks into a Hyannisport house to retrieve a tape stolen from the San Clemente archives. Cornett, Robert: see Randle, Kevin, & Robert Cornett Corvo, Baron: see Rolfe, Frederick William Costello, Matthew J., TIME OF THE FOX {NAL/Roc 90} A mental time traveler studying what made the Beatles so great is sidetracked into "change war" action involving Rommel's Afrika Korps. --------------------, HOUR OF THE SCORPION {NAL/Roc 91} Our hero becomes a US infantry lieutenant as the time war shifts focus to the Tet offensive and the attack on the US embassy in Saigon. --------------------, DAY OF THE SNAKE {NAL/Roc 92} More time-war action, involving Pearl Harbor. Coulson, Juanita, "Unscheduled Flight", in The Bermuda Triangle offers a one-way trip to an America colonized by Vikings and English pirates. Coulson, Robert, "Soy la Libertad!", in W: Magellan discovered the Americas. 350 years later abolitionists blocked US annexation of Texas. S: A US Customs inspector considers the disastrous possibilities on a Balkanized N America of the assassination of Texas president Lyndon Johnson. Counsil, Wendy, "Black Handkerchiefs", in Dec 91 W: After defeating the US in WW2, the Japanese set the AmerInds up as governors of the country. S: Decades after the war, white Americans meet secretly to enjoy relics of Euro-American culture, and argue with a man who advocates accommodation. C: May not be AH. Lack of detail leaves room for the possibility that the Japanese defeat the US in the future. Cox, Glen E., "The More Things Change...", in W: Dewey defeated Truman in the election of 1948. S: How playing hardball over Communism led to Dewey's win. Cox, Irving E., Jr., "In the Circle of Nowhere", in Universe Jul 54, Fantastic Jan 60 and Following a study of racial equality, an AmerInd from a world where red men enslaved Europe is transported to our Chicago. Cox, Richard (ed), OPERATION SEA LION {Thornton Cox 74; Presidio 77} W: Nazi Germany carried out Operation Sealowe, invading England on 22 Sep 1940. S: A detailed account of Germany's miserable 5-day failure. C: Based on a war game played out in 1974 by British and West German officers. Crowley, John, "Great Work of Time", in NOVELTY {Doubleday 90} and W: Cecil Rhodes died in 1893, and left his fortune to endow a secret society to preserve and extend the British Empire. S: Among other tasks, the Otherhood must ensure that Rhodes dies before he can rethink his will. Cupp, Scott, "Thirteen Days of Glory", in RAZORED SADDLES (eds Lansdale & LoBrutto) {Dark Harvest 89; Avon 90} W: The defenders of the Alamo were homosexuals defending their lifestyle. S: Drag-queens fight an outraged Mexican army. C: Borderline AH-secret history. Dabney, Virginia, "If the South had Won the War", in American Mercury Oct 36 W: Pickett's Charge succeeded, and the defenders of Vicksburg were a bit more tenacious. S: A look at the CSA during Huey Long's presidency. Daniels, Tony, "The Careful Man Goes West", in Jul 92 W: AmerInds were absorbed peacefully into a multi-cultural society. S: People have the ability to choose from a variety of possible futures, and one of them picked one in which the AmerInds were instead wiped out. Davidson, Avram, "O Brave New World!", in W: Offered the choice of going to hell or to America, George II's heir opted for the latter. S: The center of British power shifts to Philadelphia, leading to an English uprising in the early 1800s against American tyranny. Davidson, Avram: see also Goldstone, Cynthia, & Avram Davidson Davin, Eric L., "Avenging Angel", in FAR FRONTIERS II (eds Pournelle & Baen) {Baen 85} and W: The CSA developed a long-range rocket and fired it on Washington during Lincoln's second inauguration, 4 Mar 1865. S: An explanation of its development and how it provoked the sack of Richmond and a harsher Reconstruction. de Camp, L. Sprague, "Aristotle and the Gun", in Astounding Feb 58, GUN FOR DINOSAUR AND OTHER IMAGINATIVE TALES {Doubleday 63}, , MODERN CLASSICS OF SCIENCE FICTION (ed Dozois) {St. Martin's 92, 93}, etc W: Aristotle abandoned the study of natural science. S: Trying to teach Aristotle the scientific method, a time traveler instead overawes and sours him on scientific research. de Camp, L. Sprague, LEST DARKNESS FALL {Ballantine 49; Pyramid 63; Ballantine 74; Ballantine 83}; exp of "Lest Darkness Fall", in Unknown Dec 39 Transported to Rome in the time of Justinian, a man decides to start up a few modern industries and avert the Dark Ages. de Camp, L. Sprague, "The Round-Eyed Barbarians", in Amazing Jan 92 and W: The Chinese discovered the Americas at about the same time as Columbus. S: C. 1560, Spanish and Chinese explorers meet in N America, and a dispute over a Spaniard's elopement with a AmerInd girl must be settled. de Camp, L. Sprague, "The Wheels of If", in Unknown Dec 40, THE WHEELS OF IF {Shasta 48}, and Tor SF Double #20 {Tor 90} W: Oswiu of Northumbria adopted the Celtic rather than Roman branch of Christianity. Later, the Arabs won at Tours. S: A DA from our New York finds himself residing in the body of a Celtic Christian bishop in "New Belfast". C: Sequel is Turtledove's "The Pugnacious Peacemaker".