From: Cat@yabbs
To: Natalie@yabbs
Subject: re: boundaries
Date: Thu Apr 14 20:09:54 1994

Nat, I agree. Boundaries suck. How can families, or friends or anyone try 
to put a label on someoen else, or to try and box someone in...I 
personally have no idea who I am myself, so I hardly think anyone else 
has the ability to tell me who I am or what I should be....Be careful 
around famileis and what they say to you. Usually they mean well, but 
sometimes they get so caught up in trying to live through their children, 
or whatever, that they lose sight of who their children are, or forget 
that they aren't children anymore...sheesh, now I'm confusing me, but 
anyhow, the only person that can lable or put boundaries on me is me. :)

 My 5 senses. ;)
