From: Badger01@yabbs To: Patton@yabbs Subject: re: shark attacks Date: Thu Aug 4 09:13:15 1994 That's cool, I are loyal to your species. I myself have no compunctions, because the truth is, SOMETHING IS GOING TO KILL EVERYONE. Americans have this obsession with immortality...they don't want to admit they'll die somehow, no matter what they do. For instance, the cougar is expanding his range now that we aren't slaughtering him with the same impunity...causing him to have more encounters with man...causing some people to cry to the hills that the cougar is a dangerous killer. Yes, he is. But compared to man, he's an amatuerish buffoon...Mankind is the most lethal killer. So these people are trying to get the cougars protection revoked, so if they see one, instead of avoiding it, they can kill it. This is typical human arrogance. If the COUGAR doesn't kill them, eventually, FAT CELLS might! Badger01 Who knows that cougars try like hell to avoid evil, smelly, bad tasting humans