From: Badger01@yabbs To: Zbadba@yabbs Subject: Hello, Greenie Date: Sat Jul 30 13:55:28 1994 Okay, I want to know something: (And altyhough I am emotionally invested in this, my rage is not aimed at YOU, I should make haste to apologize for any inadverdent flame that spills on you.) Where the HELL is Greenpeace during the Wolf Hunts in Russia and America? Durnoing the Japaneese Shark Slaughtere? Or the Pirhana killings? Why do they worry about the cute and the smart and the loveable, but not the predatorial!? Why are cougars and wolves and suchlike expendable to them!? WHY!? Why can the American Badger nearly go the way of the FUCKING DODO without word ONE from them! Again, that wasn't aimed at you, may very well care for this issue. BUT GREENPEACE DOESN'T!!! I say it's time to get my gun and go out into the woods...and the next poacher I see DIES. Badger01 Hunting the Human Animal