---------------------------(w0ol #5: no comprende?)---------------------------- hola, buenos dias, ese w0ol esta numero cinco. ese w0ol esta en espanol. no comprende? bece me culo, cabaza de mierde. ok, w0ol #5, hmm.. nothing is as graceful as a dot........................... .................................. *BANG* *BANG* ok. dots are bad.. anyway on to something you do not know -----------------------(late night show wars)------------------------------- you sat back you thought they were over you were wrong. (well ovbiously) thats right the w0ol show. ok, i lied, the w0ol show isnt a late night show, but it IS a daytime talk show, and a very good one i might add.. ok, here is how it works.. you all know how boring and stupid daytime talk shows are, basically a bunch of people gather in a room with a few freaks on a stage and the freaks are in some sort of argument, the nice, caring, supprotive (jock strap?) audience, being such good humans, support the freaks and they resolve their problems with eachother, then the audience shuns them all because well, theyre freaks. ok, so here is how the w0ol show works.. flowchart time tickets are sold: 200 seats, 208 tickets | people arrive | | early people the late-eight | | audience seats boxes (*)--------\ | | \ watch people be tortured put in box with gun \ | | \ clap, support, jockstrap like behaviour are tortured \ | | | leave kill themselves in anguish | | special 2 person box * = hot girls who want any op on #w0ol or #y0lk as you can see this show would make for GREAT entertainment, and also provide education on whips/chains/knives/guns/hot embers/papercuts & vinegar/ect, which would help our young and still naieve society.. ok, simply put, it would rule as a show, it would get good ratings, and everyone involved excluding the torture victims would have fun and earn tons of money... on to another theory ------(w0ol theorum #1: cherry coke contains anti-depressant drugs)--------- ok, first off id like to say im sorry for saying "theorum" but its the only word for that type of think... ok, here, there are steps for this, so prepare to get up, print this, and bring it around a bit... ok, here you go: walk somewhere that sells/you can steal cherry coke, buy/steal one, walk home(optional), ok, look at the bottle, pretty fucked up ehh? cherry's mixed with coke? gotta be drugged, ok, go somewhere and get depressed, ie: if you suck at football go play a football game with the jocks and then realize that football is the most important thing in life and that you really suck in it, this should depress you, ok, open the bottle, drink it all, you go from waaah to YEAH!@!#!# in like 30 seconds, druggery again, ok, so we have now 2 forms of proof that cherry coke has drugs in it, now, for our last one flip it over and look on the back under ingredients INGREDIENTS: Lucrosesodamathyle, Orange-falvor, Terrorist Semen, Octenathane Foglyceride, Dantanothl, Raid-bug-spray, Un-saturator-filling, Gas, Stuff now take the first letter from each of these ingredients... LOTS OF DRUGS, its a sEcReT message, dont tell anyone, cherry coke has lots of drugs in it, now that youve read that go buy some, i always do when im depressed --------------------------(barney)------------------------------------------ Barney's log: fartdate Voice Capture: hell, o, this is barney, eye am stationed outside the famed "kid mall" where many kids are playing, my mission today is to bring the kids under the so-called barney-trance and lure them to toy stores, please not i am satan Barney's log: fartdate Voice Capture: hello, we have infultrated the base and made many of the kids assume strange sexual posi..... i mean we have induced a large case of barney-trance, and have lured many kids to toy stores where approximately 8240 purchase have been made.. we have also started a new line of Baby Bop: oh my barney! i didnt know you had two tails! Barney: good god!@ TURN AROUND Baby Bop: why are you petting that one? does it hurt where was i? ah yes, we have a new line of barney toys en route to this station and we soon hope to have them all under our control this is sata.. i mean barney signing off Barney's log: fartdate Voice Capture: we have seized control of the base and everyone is under our control, time to move on to earth.. muah ah ah ahahha! goodbye, from satan.. i mean barney of course, that was a simple error ------------------------(scare-a-delic)----------------------------------- yeah i know, he must be stopped, and here is how, the super eleet plans to the barney bomb: .--. .-----------------------. . ' ` <| `'--'` | / pin to set it off . . ' <<| BOMB STUFF--CIRCUT---- ' . <| .,--,. | `--' `-----------------------' / firey stuff to propel it this will land on barney, if you aim it correctly, it should kill him, mabey even baby bop, go build one and ship it to me. ------------(empty folder)----------------------------------------------- shame on you macintosh naming you new folders "empty folder" sure they're empty for a while, but soon they fill up, well FUCK YOU!@ thatl teach you to label things and expect everything to be the way it always was, well the world changes, people change, and right now, i have to change my underwear ----------------------(gruesom)---------------------------------------- hey dont look ------------------(you going yet?)------------------------------------- yeah i think my creativity is used for the week hmm ---------------------(shhh nobody tell him about the ascii)------------ oh well i guess thats a rap but i feel kind of like im missing something, could it be? OOhhhhhhhhh yeah, ascii time -------------(UGH, well, draw something reasonable)-------------------- today i will draw for you.. ugh.. ive drawn everything on my desk already.. hmmm.. ill draw.. a nifty-q dollar bill.. .-----------------------------------------------------. | . .-. . . .-. . | | ` `- | ' _._ ` `- | ' | | `, `. ,' .|'` `'|. `, `. ,' | | || oOo. || | | .| []-[]o. |. | | .-. || | | | || .-. | | `- | .| \---/ |. `- | | | `. || || `. | `-----------------------------------------------------' that took me hours.. ok, print that out, snipit to size, and buy food counterfitting is cool hmmm, ok, hmm what else, whats good...yeah..mmm...batteries? .-. |~' + `~| | d | | u | | r | | a | | hell- | |_______| the positive end of that battery looks a lot like a breast, im proud speaking of which .-. /o-/-\__-~' `~~-__-~'`------------'| <_____---.______-_.--___.-----------_-' hey everyone, theres a girl with huge breasts and NO ARMS!#!^% quick!@ get her!@! ok, anyway, hmm. lastly, id like to draw you something i see all the time .-----------------------. / /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\ \ / / . . . . . . . . . . . . \ \ / / . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ \ \ \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . / / \ \___________________________/ / `-----------------------------' its a port of a sort w0ol ok i end now oh yeah if you see these people kill them: hansolo firewalker w0ol to that -----------------------------(the end)------------------------------------ finally. ---------------------------+ eDiToR CoMmEnT +---------------------------------- no. ---------------------------------+ InDeX +------------------------------------ this is so you can find them: #1: w0ol comes from sheep! (nettle) #2: the electric santa (nettle) #3: gourmet food, gourmet boredom (nettle) #4: toast some pixie stix in the hour that doesnt exist (nettle) #5: no comprende? (nettle) wow -------------------------------+ people of w0ol +------------------------------ nettle (thats all right now.. so write sumfin!#) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_ email addresses _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ nettle: nettle@novasys.com nettle@nevermind.lag.novasys.com nettle@nexxus.novasys.com thats it..