ts-001.txt 19427
TOXIC SHOCK: The Fetus ts-002.txt 10500
TOXIC SHOCK: Horny Toad Spree ts-003.txt 6752
TOXIC SHOCK: 50 Uses for the Household Pussy ts-004.txt 13576
TOXIC SHOCK: Freddy Meets the Gestapo ts-005.txt 13260
TOXIC SHOCK: Night of the Fetus ts-006.txt 12900
TOXIC SHOCK: Fetal Department Stores ts-007.txt 4986
TOXIC SHOCK: Roadkill Anarchy ts-008.txt 8533
TOXIC SHOCK: Tele-Anarchy ts-009.txt 15376
TOXIC SHOCK: Downfall of Coathanger ts-010.txt 5011
TOXIC SHOCK: Runaway Pubic Hair ts-011.txt 13515
TOXIC SHOCK: Fetus Got His Chainsaw ts-012.txt 15352
TOXIC SHOCK: the young like it bloody ts-013.txt 2621
TOXIC SHOCK: A Woman Dies ts-014.txt 18247
TOXIC SHOCK: Fetus Conspires Child Porno ts-015.txt 17816
TOXIC SHOCK: Home for the Holidays ts-016.txt 10244
TOXIC SHOCK: Fetus' Christmas ts-017.txt 2769
TOXIC SHOCK: The Song ts-018.txt 8337
TOXIC SHOCK: The McDonald's Conspiracy "A Bang for a Burger" ts-019.txt 3684
TOXIC SHOCK: My Mind ts-020.txt 3934
TOXIC SHOCK: The Philosophy of the Community Cricket ts-021.txt 2825
TOXIC SHOCK: The Stampede ts-022.txt 9279
TOXIC SHOCK: Future of Game Machines ts-023.txt 9910
TOXIC SHOCK: How To Trash ts-024.txt 6573
TOXIC SHOCK: When A Fetus Takes A Bath ts-025.txt 7277
TOXIC SHOCK: How Must I Beat Thee? ts-026.txt 2278
TOXIC SHOCK: Fetal Poetry for Baters ts-027.txt 5343
TOXIC SHOCK: Fetus Admires a Decade ts-028.txt 9535
TOXIC SHOCK: A Night In December ts-029.txt 4633
TOXIC SHOCK: Bum Dialogue ts-030.txt 6535
TOXIC SHOCK: America : Land of the Free. Home of the Brave. ts-031.txt 5490
TOXIC SHOCK: More From The Bums ts-032.txt 5249
TOXIC SHOCK: The Three Dildoed Goats Rough A Parody of "The Three Billy Goats Gruff" ts-033.txt 8590
TOXIC SHOCK: Fetal Nursery Rhymes (Fun for the whole family!) (Great for use in Day Care Centers!) ts-034.txt 4039
TOXIC SHOCK: Cat Music ts-035.txt 10011
TOXIC SHOCK: Terrorizing The Dog Bitch ts-036.txt 2556
TOXIC SHOCK: Where Is My Brain Going? ts-037.txt 6737
TOXIC SHOCK: Psychotic Orthodontists From Hell ts-038.txt 3892
TOXIC SHOCK: Refrigerator Sex ts-039.txt 6645
TOXIC SHOCK: Late-Night Canoeing ts-040.txt 4898
TOXIC SHOCK: A Man and His Love ts-041.txt 14823
TOXIC SHOCK: Flamethrower ts-042.txt 5160
TOXIC SHOCK: People You Meet In Elevators ts-043.txt 3143
TOXIC SHOCK: Ode to Elvis ts-044.txt 5160
TOXIC SHOCK: Miscellaneous Oddity ts-045.txt 6455
TOXIC SHOCK: Fuck You ts-046.txt 16987
TOXIC SHOCK: The Merciful Father ts-047.txt 5631
TOXIC SHOCK: A Bad Period ts-048.txt 5088
TOXIC SHOCK: Fetus Punishes A Rapist ts-049.txt 10638
TOXIC SHOCK: Fuck You Too: I Hate Your Guts ts-050.txt 63905
TOXIC SHOCK: Prophecies of the End Times ts-052.txt 12466
TOXIC SHOCK: PMS : Post Mortem Syndrome ts-054.txt 15393
TOXIC SHOCK: Fetus Takes A Day Off ts-055.txt 5377
TOXIC SHOCK: Trix Are For Kids ts-056.txt 21340
TOXIC SHOCK: Druglore and Draft-Dodgers ts-057.txt 5746
TOXIC SHOCK: The Guide to Telecommunication Terms ts-060.txt 10770
TOXIC SHOCK: BIRTHQUAKE! ts-061.txt 21722
TOXIC SHOCK: Ed Rosenthal Counterculture Hero of the Year 1989 ts-062.txt 13237
TOXIC SHOCK: Poison Ivy ts-063.txt 20451
TOXIC SHOCK: Drug Tests : the shape of things to come... ts-064.txt 4280
TOXIC SHOCK: Earth ts-066.txt 6401
TOXIC SHOCK: Burn The Flag! ts-067.txt 7274
TOXIC SHOCK: How to Leave the Planet ts-068.txt 40326
TOXIC SHOCK: The Final Conflict ts-069.txt 76300
TOXIC SHOCK: The Flaming Fetus Issue #1 ts-070.txt 22006
TOXIC SHOCK: Green Consuming in Perspective ts-071.txt 11626
TOXIC SHOCK: The Bummers ts-072.txt 9022
TOXIC SHOCK: Evolving Into Our Past ts-073.txt 7757
TOXIC SHOCK: Getting High Herbally ts-074.txt 30984
TOXIC SHOCK: Nihilism And You Part I : A Nihilist's Perspective ts-075.txt 12242
TOXIC SHOCK: Mac IIfx Product Review ts-076.txt 23556
TOXIC SHOCK: Danzig II : Lucifuge ts-077.txt 7976
TOXIC SHOCK: Killing Yourself ts-078.txt 6916
TOXIC SHOCK: Pot Reform ts-079.txt 10498
TOXIC SHOCK: The Chemisty of Reefer Madness ts-080.txt 4162
TOXIC SHOCK: MIAMI (AP) 8/1/89 Church Challenges Animal Sacrifice Laws ts-081.txt 7247
TOXIC SHOCK: Clever Hans ts-083.txt 4923
TOXIC SHOCK: Driving a slut crazy just for kicks ts-084.txt 9629
TOXIC SHOCK: ACTIVIST NEWS Pot Prohibition Leads to Law Abuse ts-085.txt 4038
TOXIC SHOCK: The Louse and the Flea Brother Grimms Fairy Tale #30 ts-086.txt 11105
TOXIC SHOCK: Parity: the Drug Paraphernalia Issue ts-087.txt 6862
TOXIC SHOCK: The Next Battleground ts-088.txt 10865
TOXIC SHOCK: The Driver ts-089.txt 6756
TOXIC SHOCK: Acme Checklists ts-090.txt 5227
TOXIC SHOCK: Damn It ts-091.txt 5127
TOXIC SHOCK: An Interview with The Streptococci ts-092.txt 18064
TOXIC SHOCK: Stud Trashing Master's "Doobie Smokin" ts-095.txt 7779
TOXIC SHOCK: Drug Addiction? ts-098.txt 6201
TOXIC SHOCK: On Abortion and the Protectors of Nature ts-099.txt 5899
TOXIC SHOCK: WOD #3: The Hallowed Day ts-100.txt 266785
TOXIC SHOCK: The Flaming Fetus Issue #2 ts-104.txt 6444
TOXIC SHOCK: The Sower Reaps ts-index.txt 2676
TOXIC SHOCK: Index of Files

There are 94 files for a total of 1,281,940 bytes.