== ======== ======= ============= == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == ======= == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == ========= ======== ======= == <<*= Legion of S.C.H.R.A.M. Today =*>> "I must have got LoST, I must have got LoST, somewhere down the line..." Newsletter #2 November 1991 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WARNING : The surgeon general has determined that hoarding wares can have serious and detrimental effects to your ability to think clearly and rationally as a human being. In other words, KEEP THE WARES RATS OUT OF THE H/P SCENE! -- C. Everet Coop. U.S. Surgeon General LoST Follower In Issue #1, we explored the raw genius of N.A.S.T.Y., since LoST #1, numerous members of NASTY have been arrested. The reason? Has stupidity been outlawed? No. Here's the reason: - Taken from N.A.S.T.Y. #1: > This goes to show you just how low some people will go. Hope you get as good > a laugh from it as we did! > re: Toll Fraud Abuse Cases > 4/29/91 5:58 pm EST > Stem: Office of Communications/Data Integrity & Auditing > > Hello. My name is Ted Jahnsen and I am a representative at MCI > telecommunications in Texas. My reason for calling you on this bulletin boa rd > system stems from a number of unauthorized calls coming from this installati on > address in the near-present and not-so distant past. Aside from that, there > are also numerous attempts to call this system using MCI and subsidiary > long-haul lines, with illegitimate calling cards, to this system. I have made > a note to the Fraud Control and Communications office here in Texas and they in > turn will contact your local office in New York. NYNEX has been very > cooperative in providing us with the information we need in order to bring > charges upon you, most specifically US Code 1030 which involves wire fraud and > similar offenses. Please note, a racketeering charge is also possible being > that you may have committed 2 or more violations in accordance with this > statute. > For some time we have also been aware of pro-hacker related activities on this > system as well. We URGE you not to continue it unless you find it your > court. > Thanks for you time. > We thank you ahead of time for your cooperation, > Ted Jahnsen > (MCI West Division Communications Control and Auditing) Yeah well these guys laughed all the way to jail. That is what happens to idiots.. In #2, we WERE to explore a group that has proven to be almost as clever as NASTY.. Q: Who could be these minds at work? A: LoL (Legion of Loosers) They call themselves LoL/PHUCK, I think PKUCK LoL is more like it. These giants of the industry have been at it for about a year I believe and when will they stop? NOW I hope, but I don't think we'll be that lucky. We caught up with Garfield (Sysop of Electric Eye ][) and he had this to say in response to the question: "What do you think of LoL?" He replied with "I ain't Garfield and I'm not sayin nuthin" (I guess we're as popular as we thought) Instead.. It has come to my attention that there are a new group of Nasties at it.. (eh eh) Q: Really? Who? A: AXiS/MoF Q: WHO!? A: AXiS/MoF Q: Who the fuck are they? A: A group of "hackers" / VMB D00dz Q: Oh... Well to start it off, here is their greeting... What men! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello we are the new [YEAH, OBVIOUSLY NOT ESTABLISHED] Phreaking, Hacking [AS IF THEY COULD], and Carding [WHAT!?!? HALLMARK CARDS???] group around, In our newsletters we will tell you about all kinds of fun ILLEGAL [AS IF THEY ACTUALLY HAD SOME ABILITIES...] stuff to do icluding valid codez [WHO WANTS DEAD CODES!], cardz, [EMPHASIZE THE ZZZZZZZ'ZZZZZ] systems to hack, and all kinds of other shit. We will try to come out with a newsletter at least once every two weeks [YEAH, THAT IS WHAT THEY ALL SAY - PERSONALLY I ENJOY SEEING AXiS FILES, BECAUSE AFTER YOU PRINT THEM OUT AND LAUGH AT THEM, YOU CAN USE THEM FOR A WIDE VARIETY OF RECREATIONAL PURPOSES FROM ASS WIPING TO KINDLING] or so. If you would like to become a member of or contribute articles to the newsletter there's a form included (regaxis.app) and after you fill it out try to u/l it to one of the AXiS boards. And to get the newest newsletters out by us call one of our bbs's. We are also looking for some (out of Wa.) bbs's to be AXiS nodes and distribute our shit. [THAT IS TRUE, THESE FILES ARE S-H-I-T] Thanks [NO PROBLEM GUYS, I ALWAYS ENJOY PUTTING DOWN SUBHUMAN LIFE FORMS] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ After AXiS got organized, they teamed up with MoF- here is the result. Oh also, remember, MoF is the best COMMODORE phreak group in the world [or so they say, so all respectable Commie h/per's get PISSED.. Axis/M.O.F. presents : The Monitor Some damn good scanning [YEAH, REAL HARD WORK] done by the hack god [LOSER IS MORE LIKE IT. WHO GETS IMPRESSED BY SOMEONE WHO CAN FIND A FEW CARRIERS? BIG DEAL...] himself ... G-String... [I SUPPOSE JOCKSTRAP HACKS THESE CARRIERS..] Re-Written in this lame ass ansi shit [I AGREE, ANYONE WHO MAKES H/P TFILES IN ANSI IS SAD. OF COURSE, WHO CONSIDERS AXiS WORKS H/P ORIENTED. MORE LIKE COMEDY RELIEF] by: Desolation alright..lets get down to some scanned shit... Carriers at these numbers: 1-800-955-XXXX 1034,1056,1057,1058.... 1600 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, these guys appear to be as bright as a burnt out lightbulb. Let's see some more of their Tom Foolery, and notice what experts and electronical geniuses they real aren't... Blue boxing has been dead for many years. [NO SHIT. ANYONE IN ESS KNOWS THAT. WHAT ABOUT PEOPLE IN XBAR AND OVERSEAS - e.g. HOLLAND. THESE GUYS DON'T DO THEIR RESEARCH VERY WELL...] Red and Green boxes are the new blue boxes which work! [REALLY! I ALWAYS THOUGHT A THAT BLUE BOXING AKA TRUNK DROPPING IS A 2600 Hz TONE... RED BOX IS 1700/2100 Hz. THEY ARE THE SAME??] They work on any fortress phones. [WHAT ABOUT COCOTS! NEVER CAN TELL...] And in case you don't know what a blue box is it's a box which makes sound into a pay phone, recordings of quartes being put in, [TIME OUT!!! THAT IS A RED BOX. CAN'T THESE GUYS GET ANYTHING STRAIGHT!] which allows you to get all the long distance you wish for free Part 1) A recorder which you can hook directly into a phone line. If you use a regular recorder you will have to make some small modifactions to it. If you have an answering machine you got it made! [OK, I WILL JUST DRAG MY ANSWERING MACHINE TO THE NEAREST PAYPHONE...] 2) Find a fortress phone and follow the metal pipe from the phone to where ever it ends up. At some point on the pipe, there will be a small box which is held together by two screws, unscrew the box. [HOLD ON... THAT IS TRUE, BUT TO RED BOX, THERE IS NO NEED FOR WIRE ACCESS... READ TAP MAGIZINE AND FUCKING LEARN SOMETHING AX-HOLES!] ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Next, let us take a journey through their newest and only file (*): I have previewed about 6 lines of this baby and I KNEW we had to make a file out of it.. Its rather "bonehead" if I may say so... Comments inside "["'s are made by LoST * - Editor's Note - We consider this their only TRUE file that is in ascii! Wowie Zowie! Instead of that fucking lame half assed ansi that the other 4 are. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Axis Newsletter #4 [A FOLLOW UP OF THEIR EVERSOPOPULAR #3] By: Desolation/President Members list as of March 29, 1991: Desolation - The President [THIS GUYS RUNNING RAMPAGE THROUGH THE NETS] Night's Shadow - ultimate hacker [OH YES.. THE "ULTIMATEST" D00D!] Effendi - Ansi artist, node, editor [OH PLEASE] Cerebrum - Hacker [THIS IS BEGINNING TO LOOK LIKE A G.I. JOE LINEUP] Animal Hacker - node, warez guy [ANIMAL CRACKERS, WHAT A DUFUS] The Guardian - warez outpost [IS THIS A WAREZ D00D GROUP!?] Eazy-E - the hacker [LESSE HE'S BEEN AROUND SINCE AT _LEAST_ 89! PH] Axis Boards: 1.) Apocalypse Now 2.)Stairway to Heaven 3.) Shadowgate 2o6/eat-crap 2o6/loc-al.. 2o6/dum/ware h/p/c only! Axis Node #1 38.4k v.42 bis 38.4k v.42 bis 38.4k v.42 bis 9600+ Only Axis World HQ Euphoria BBS *BETA site* Axis Warez Outpost Telegard 2.5i Soon 2 lines! -THG- Cosysop (Belgarion) NUP: Apocalypse NUP: Free NUP: Whotoldu 1- [H/P/C = HOARD/PIRATE/COPY WARES; ORIGINAL NUP THERE GUYS... WORLD HQ!?!? WHY DOES ANYONE IN ONE FUCKING NPA NEED A "WORLD HQ"?!?!] 2- [BOARD NAME IS AN INSULT TO LED ZEPPELIN, AND IS STOLEN FROM THE REAL STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN WHICH USED TO BE UP IN 203...] 3- [WAREZZZ OUTPOST! THIS IS A THG [THE HUMBLE GAYS] BBS! YIPPIE SKIPPE! HEY - WHERE'S THE WAREZ?] Alright, enough of the bullshit[YOU SAID IT].As stated before, we are an all hack/phreak/carding group[WHAT ABOUT THE WAREZ YOU BONEHEADS]. We are in desperate need of an [BRAIN???] out of state node, so if you want to be [THE LAUGHING STOCK OF THE H/P COMMUNITY] one, leave me mail somewhere. We are also involved in making ansi screens for free, so if you want somethin done, leave Effendi mail at his board or mine. [YIPPIE SKIPPIE] We are sick of the bullshit hackers in this area[TAKES ONE TO KNOW ONE] and around the nation. so we are planning to help out anyone who wants to learn how to hack/phreak/ [DO WAREZ,MAKE ANSI SCREENS, SWEAR... BY THE WAY I ASSUME THAT THESE GUYS COULD TEACH ARE THE R.H.O.A. [RETARDED HACKERS OF AMERICA] etc. If you know a little and want to know more, call up Apocalypse Now and we will [SCRATCH OUT ASSES AND MAKE STUFF UP FROM OTHER TEXTS] get you going. we will get you going. Where did all the hackers go? Who fucking knows. Down with warez [WHAT?! TAKE A LOOK AT YOUR OWN GROUP BUDDY] rise of the knowledge. This newsletter is to tell all of you guys that we want all of you lamers to get off you asses and hack something. [YEAH SOMEONES GOT TO DO IT, THEY SURE CAN'T] Whatever: Telenet, Tymnet, Unix, anything!!! Axis is planning to do some major scams, phreaking, inside codez trading [SOME MAJOR CODES TRADING]codez trading, carding, you name it. We are currently planning a members only teleconference, but if you are a good hacker leave me a message and we might let you in.[OOOOH NO WAY. LoST HAS THESE EVERY NIGHT] Plans for the future: [1. GET A REAL LEADER? UHH HACK A CODE? FIND A PBX? GET BUSTED?] 1. an Axis VMB, one for a code line, the other for members only [^^^---- OHH BABY WHAT A NEW CONCEPT, I HOPE NO ONE STEALS IT] 2. to nuke every fucking lamers harddrive in the country!!!! [WHAT WAS THE # TO THE AXIS HQ BBS AGAIN?????] 3. to recruit some better out of state hackers, limited to the 2o6 area is kind of getting lame, no more hackers to pick out [PETER THE GREAT IS AN EXCELLENT HACKER FROM 206, BUT YOU GUYS DON'T EVEN DESERVE TO CARRY HIS MUDDY BOOTS] 4. to get as huge as possible and get all the best hackers in on it [YEAH LoST, LOD, CHOAS ETC, STEP ON UP... YEAH RIGHT....] 5. to scam cash, people, etc. till we are old and gray [TO SCAM CASH? OH GOD WHAT A BUCH OF TARDS] So there you have it. Let's get some of you guys who are into REAL hacking in here. Apocalypse Now is the only h/p/c bbs in all of Western Washington and probably Eastern Washington too. So call it.[OH FOR SURE] True knowledge is better than any game any day [TELL THAT TO YOUR "WAREZ GUY] Look at the opportunities; free cash,[THESE GUYS SOUND LIKE 3RD GRADERS] free merchandise, free anything. So get off your asses and learn something worthwhile.[THIS GOES STRAIGHT BACK TO AXIS] NEW ADDITION AS OF APRIL 1, 1991!!! Axis has now merged with M.O.F. (Ministry of Fear) of the commodore realm. We have now expanded with them, so we are pretty much a kicking group now. There will be a full detailed listing of all the members, etc. So be aware of that. [OH YES, I'M EXCITED ALREADY] The group will have 2 names, but one group. [OH GOODIE] It will still be M.O.F. and it will still be Axis, just one group.[THANKS FOR CLEARING THAT UP SO I CAN SLEEP TONIGHT] Call the Axis/M.O.F. commodore Headquarters: Global Genoside 7o3/bon-head 2400 baud Commodore 64 compromised by: Desolation - Sysop of Apocalypse Now [RESIDENT MORON] AxiS/M.O.F. member - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - END OF AXIS FILE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - gee whiz kids... that was real keen.. They sound like they have a real plan.. lesse: scam cash scam free stuffs run a vmb and trade codes Oh yea.. this sounds like the beginning to something big and new. And the great thing is, they're based in the hacker capitol of 206land! Lets see, theyve already listed 3 wareZZzz bbss as HQ's and listed people as Warez "guys" but YET they say "Down with warez" now.... is it just me or do these guys sound like they dont know what theyre doing? They are a prime example of an oxymoron, or JUST PLAIN moron in their case. As I look through my AXIS package I'm encountered with about 20 BBS ANSI ads (starting to remind me of the old winners SoC and theyre breathtaking "get cc, order, pick up" carding file) and an ANSI I dont think I PERSONALLY could do without labeled "Extenders.ans" listing various extenders such as 950-1033, 800-433-4778, gee those are real goodies.. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK BOYS.. I sure am glad to be enlightened to some 2-3 year old extenders. As I skip to my highly convenient RED1.ans (Gee I'm oh so glad they make all their files in ANSI, its so keen) I see this soon to be famous qoute "Red and green boxes are the new blue boxes which work!" That is highly informative.. thank you... yes and included is a 3 page ANSI description of a red box basically saying THIS in _3_ pages: "record a quarter tone of a payphone and play it back when it asks for money to place a call" THERE.... you dont need to tell people how to FIND a payphone.. good god. we're not as stupid as the average AXIS/MOF member for christ sake!! Getting a dir on my other machine I notice a "RUNTHIS.BAT" (b-duh, tanks for tellin me) After ANOTHER ad for thaty godawful Apopazit now I see "Some damn good scanning done by the hack god himself....G-String.." Yea, he goes way back.. what a god figure to us all.. why.. he managed to find a list of 6 800 carriers to contribute to this AXIS mastermind file! oh goodie.. heres a list of VMB Systems these guys have listed.. Yay. I then see before my eyes a list of 2 credit cards.. lets see.. I go through more than 2 each DAY. They're wonderful ANSI comes to a close with the following rumours: 713's tracing 426's tracing 346's getting harder 225's getting harder [225-_5946_!?!?] this is extremely enlightening.. Thank you for the inside info. The greatness trails off with a powerful closing statement: "Look for all of our fucking rad new shit." oh... we will... Last but not least... we will explore the Axis APPLICATION form. Let's have a look shall we? Application for Axis -------------------- Axis is a private p/h/c group.[YA FORGOT W FOR WAREZ] We are only looking for nodes and members from out of Washington state. We will make no exceptions for people in Washington. Also if you can supply new uncracked games [NOW IS IT MY IMAGINATION OR DID HE SAY BACK AWAYS "DOWN WITH WAREZ" IS HE PLAYING "TUG OF WARE" OR IS IT ME? ]please leave a special not in this form. Your Handle -> * Your Real FULL name -> * [OH YEAH.. LIKE ANYONE'S GONNA DO THAT!!] Your Phone Number -> * [CNA ME IF YOU CAN, LOSERS...] Your city and state -> * Your age -> * [MORE MATURE THAN YOU, ASSHOLES...] Your Address -> * Do you run a bbs? -> * If so whats the name? -> * Whats the number? -> * Do you want your bbs to be a Axis Node? -> * [INSULT TO SYSOPS] List three people who can validate for you - 1-> * 2-> * [WHO CAN _VALIDATE_ FOR YOU? VALIDATE WHAT? PARKING?] 3-> * [I THINK THE WORD THEY WANT IS "VOUCH" ITS "VOUCH" BOYS] List three boards you are on and the numbers- 1-> * 2-> * 3-> * What speed modem do you have, and what type? -> * [WAREZ, WAREZ, WAREZ, WAREZ. YOU CAN HACK AT 1200 OR 9600 BPS. I SUPPOSE NEXT THEY WILL ASK IF ANYONE WANTS TO BE A COURIER...] List the other groups you are currently in - -> * -> * -> * Why do you want to be in Axis - -> * [COMIC RELEIF] -> * [I'M DOING A PSYCHOLOGY PROJECT ON RETARDED CHILDREN] -> * [I NEED SOME WAREZ] -> * [I WANT TO WITNESS THE AWESOME RAW POWER OF THESE FAMED INDIVIDUALS] -> * [I AM NOT FROM WASHINGTON, YOU LOCAL FUCKS] -> * -> * Do you think you could contribute articles to the newsletters and what kinds - -> * -> * -> * [I THINK YOU NEED TO JUST HANG IT UP] -> * -> * -> * Why do you think you should be in Axis (crucial answer) - -> * -> * -> * -> * [BECAUSE _SOMEONE_ SHOULD KNOW WHAT THEYRE DOING] -> * -> * -> * -> * Not answering ONE of these questions will atomatically give you NO chance of becoming a member. We will also check ALL your crudentials, [IS THIS GUY SELLING INSURANCE? GET A PIECE OF THE ROCK...] phone number, etc...(Don't doubt us!). Thank you for taking [WASTING] your time and filling out the form. [YEAH .. HEH HEH.. STUFF IT UP YOUR REAR PASSAGE] Effendi! Please now u/l this form to either - Leech City (206)232-8459 NUP - FREE! [<-- WAREZ MAYBE?!] Apocalypse Now (206)838-6435 END OF AXIS FILE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Conclusion: You might say Axis is a bunch of no talent idiots... well... your right. They are full of contradictions, down with warez! we hate warez, if you have uncrakced warez please u/l, etc etc. Suggestions: 1. I am at a total and complete loss 2. SysOps, append your TRASHCAN.TXT files, and add their whole member list. 3. These guys should invest in some stuff... Spell checker, grammar checker, brain... In final conclusion, if ANYONE has heard of ANY of these people.. I will be surprised: Member list: Desolation, G-String, Artifact, Night's Shadow, The Tall Man, Cerebrum, Wrong Way, Effendi, Terminator, ELectron, The Guardian Bounty Hunter (the famed warez d00d!?), Tyrant, Skull Krusher (my personal favorite), Mayhem, Violator, Night Chill 4. If these guys produce AXiS #6 after this has been distributed on all those k-k00l mediums of which AXiS knows so much of [BitNet, FTP sites, ***NON 206 bulletin boards***, real hack/phreak systems, etc]. I then say, we will further entertain you with yet another LoST production. Oh yeah... These guys are real winners.. I've seen them all over the place. Oh well..Anyway.. This has been LoST Production #2.... LoST is: - The Exploding Boy (Christian Death) - Malcontent - Third Party Bill - Skateboard Joe - Gordon Tesh - The Enemy of the People - The /<rad /<odez /<id - Nigger Smasher - and the rest of the anonymous bunch... <*- L. O. S. T -*> Legion of S.C.H.R.A.M. Today .....