h0gz 0f duh enthropee prezentz... atdt18003887478 yew have konnektid tew h0e.org@#! login: mogel password: login incorrect. login: mogel password: login incorrect. login: mogel password: login incorrect login: mogel password: login incorrect. login: mogel password: login incorrect. login: mogel password: login incorrect login: mogel password: login incorrect. login: mogel password: login incorrect. login: mogel password: login incorrect login: pip2 password: welkum to h0e.org! asdf fsda adfs asdfdfas asdf asdfasdf sdfasdf asdf fdas asdf asdf dfs asdf afds fdas asdf asdf asdfsdfaasd asdf dfsd fdsasdff asdf fdsa ffsdfasd sdfa fasd sdfa fsda asdf fdsd dfs fasd fsda fsda asdf asdf sdaf asdf sadf asdf sdfsdfaf fd asdf fdda dfsa sdfaasdf yew hayve 2 pieces o' mail waitin ~$ ls donkeysex.gif m0gels.mother.gif pip.yew.laymer ~$ cat pip.yew.laymer hey pip, you are one stupid fuck, you know that? i know you're the one who's been trying to haxor my account on here... just give up man... don't even bother with it. hell, i hacked your account on tlorah in five minutes... not that hard when your password is incest... you stupid fuck. -m0g (d2o, cDc) ~$ rm pip.yew.laymer ~$ telnet tlorah.gov trying 666.666.666.1 connected to 666.666.666.1 login: rattle password: login incorrect. login: shit password: login incorrect. login: pip2 password: welcome to tlorah. tlorah runing HackUnix v2. You have no mail waiting. % ls pip.yew.laymer % cat pip.yew.laymer muhahahhahahahahahhaha... -m0ggie p00 % rm pip.yew.laymer % rz to.mogel.the.stupid.fuck type sz to your terminal to send... *B0000000 % cat to.mogel.the.stupid.fuck sure, my knowlege in unix is farely limited, even though i'm thought to be some sort of genius out here in california... but just back off man... i'm not touching your account % Message from Talk-Daemon@tlorah.gov received. Talk request from root@tlorah.gov Respond with talk root@tlorah.gov % talk root [connected] hi, what's up? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- don't give me that what's up crap... just get teh fuck off of my system, consider yourself and your account locked out of tlorah for good. bye bye... (connection with remote host lost) ~$ telnet alfheim.net trying 1.1 connected to 1.1 welcome to Alfheim Forest... please login. login: ilsundal password: login incorrect. login: pip2 password: ElfUnix v1.2.3.4 thank you for being more than jolly enough to use my system. sorry, my jolly friend, you have no mail waiting. # who # at least it's as bad as my system... Bash - Command at least it's as bad as my system... not found. # telnet taco-land.com trying 123.456.789 123.456.789 is not an internet host. # great, another board down^H^H^H^H Bash - Command great, another board down not found. #bye ~$ adventure You're standing in a forest. Paths lead to the west and north. You're feeling hungry. >