GwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwD T h e G R E E N Y w o r l d D o m i n a t i o n T a s k F o r c e , I n c o r p o r a t e d Presents: __ __ 77777777777 0000000 _____ ____ _| |__| |_ 777 000 000 // | \ |_ __ _| 777 000 000 || ____ | || | | | | | 777 000 000 || || \ / | || | _| |__| |_ 777 000 000 \\___// \/\/ |____/ |_ __ _| 777 000 000 |__| |__| 777 000 000 777 0000000 "_The Droogist Manifesto_ (and Various Other Stuff)" by Lobo Licious and Seth The Fucking Bitch-Boy - Yeh ----- GwD: The American Dream with a Twist -- of Lime ***** Issue #70 ----- ----- release date: 11-25-99 ***** ISSN 1523-1585 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Here it is, you silly li'l bitch - the companion to gwd60.txt, _The Book of Keylime_: -----> The GREENY world Domination Task Force, Inc., Proudly Presents <----- /-----------------------------------\ < -+- _The Droogist Manifesto_ -+- > \-----------------------------------/ - Why try to rule the world if there isn't going to be a world left to rule? - We firmly believe that it is the failure of the current system, the Shopping Mall State, that has led humanity to its current state of depravity. This system MUST be put to an end BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY to ensure the endurance of a world to Dominate. After all, where's world Domination without the 'world?'" * The Second "Law" of Thermodynamics states, "elements in a system tend to seek their most probable distribution; in a system entropy always increases." According to noted physicist Groove Champion, "This ain't right. This REALLY ain't right." The law basically states that entropy - or disorder - or chaos (but not C.H.A.O.S.) - increases in every system, all the time. This has always been believed to be universally true. The only known exception to this rule is Grene and Her all-powerful splendor who defied this "law" by creating a non- entropic system. Life, the greatest creation of Grene, defies the Second Law of Thermodynamics by rising out of the primordial ooze into an ever- increasing complexity. The politics of Grene's dr00gs, Her avatars on this Earth, therefore follow the same anti-entropic pattern. [Besides, entropy is so passe. It's this techno-chic society, there's no place for such an archaic concept.] * A government by followers of Grene is no government, by definition. For a traditional government is designed to order society. Fuck that noise. Political Droogism is the belief in inherent freedom and no given rights. No man, government, or theologian has the power to give rights to individuals. Only Grene can give rights. She created us, so the rights are inherent. The governments are not. Thus it was, thus is shall be. * In truth, each individual holds every rank of church and state. We are all the Pope. We are all the President. We are all the Top Worshipper Type of Guy. And yes, we are all the Modern-Day Messiah. Yet, we are also all postmen. We are all garbage collectors. We are all serfs. We are all tax collectors. And yes, we are all Dan Quayle. * The Droogist is responsible only to himself. In opposition to the common anarchist system, the Droogist system is like life: self-organizing and evolving. It's ordered because it's not. * But how is the Droogist System implemented given the state of world politics? In the words of Steven Tyler from that old lame Aerosmith arcade game, "It's a revolution, baby!" "But what sort of revolution?" And well you might ask. "I thought Grene was all about love and porno and drugs and alcohol against violence." She is. If you would shut up for two seconds, maybe we could explain. The best kind of revolution is non-violent, with not so much as a single shot fired. The best revolution, my little dr00gies and dr00gettes, is through individuality, following the teachings of Grene, and sending many many many cash donations to GwD. That isn't to say that violent revolution is out of the question... it's just frowned upon. For Grene is non-violent, but that does not mean that she never gets pissed off. Things in the world today are not right. They are too ordered; too concerned with bringing order from the chaos rather than allowing that order to produce itself naturally through Her. Grene will punish those who go against Her will. She will bring her mighty H0ly Katana (tm) down, cutting a swath across the necks of her enemies. * "Around the globe, generations of polluters will be punished for their sins, unshielded by the O-zone layer they have successfully depleted, left to bake in the searing rays of light." - Intro to Busta Rhymes's _Extinction Level Event_. For Grene has noticed that our world is under siege. The siege, my friends, is coming from the Mightiest of the Mighty...from the Gap, from J.C. Penney, from Sears Roebuck & Co....and yes, from Abercrombie and Fitch [The store from that damn LFO song...if I hear that song one more time, I swear to Grene I'll cry like a little girl...get your "I Hate Gurls That Wear Abercrombie and Fitch" t-shirt today...available exclusively from GwD, Inc. $15 to the P.O. Box. ORDER NOW.] The siege must be broken. And it must be broken soon, or all will be lost. The cataclysm is drawing nigh. Armageddon is just around the corner. * We are living in desperate times. The Shopping Mall State has gone astray from its original goal of promotion of ease of shopping by consolidating stores in one location. In fact, this original goal *is* the core of the evil of the Shopping Mall: by forcing order on the shopping habits of the poor, down-trodden masses, the Malls obey the Second Law by increasing the Universal Chaos. The abominations that they have become serve no purpose other than to maim and kill Grene's First Creation: the Earth, the world on which we live, die, and procreate. As we said before, what good is world Domination if there ain't a world? Huh? WHAT FUCKING GOOD? Humanity has suffered beneath the boot-heels of the Shopping Mall State and its good-for-nothing aristocracy for too long. * We're tired of the senseless destruction of rainforests to build shopping malls. Everyday, millions of acres of rainforests are destroyed so that you can shop in Waldenbooks and eat pretzels. Don't even get us started on pretzel shops. * We're tired of the senseless clubbing of baby seals to put fur coats on sale in these Shopping Malls. Fine, so seals aren't used for fur coats. The seals are clubbed, and you *ARE* wearing the furs. You get the point. Millions upon millions of animals are killed (not to mention all of the sheep that are SHAVED) each year so YOU can buy clothes. SHAME AND DISGRACE BE UPON YOUR FAMILY FOR GENERATIONS. * We're tired of factories polluting the air, land, and water to manufacture the materials used to both build and fill these Shopping Malls. This one is obvious. Pollution = bad. * We're tired of conservationists and other "extremists" being imprisoned the world over for "crimes" that are in the best interest of the world as a whole, "crimes" against the Shopping Mall State. As such, the GREENY world Domination Task Force, Inc. hereby demands that the following Hostages and Political Prisoners of the Shopping Mall War be released: Mumia Abu-Jamal Talib Becktemba Connor Grady William Jones "Wolverine" Ignace Theodore Kaczynski Adolfo Matos John Eddie McNicholl Kevin Mitnick Leonard Peltier Ahmad Qatamesh Chen Yanbin Updates to this list will be made when we damn well feel like it. If they are not released in a timely fashion, there will be hell to pay. Green Hell. Not the Misfits song, either. Yeah. * Basically, we're tired of Shopping Malls. They're big. They're ugly. They smell funny. And they're filled with people. You might actually have to interact with someone. Who wants that? ---> BOYCOTT SHOPPING MALLS! <--- "Why?" - THEY are the ROOT of all that is EVIL! THEY are the TOOLS of REDD, the DESTROYER! "How?" - JOIN THE GROWING RANKS OF THE ECOTERRORISTS! New members are joining in the GwD/Ecoterrorism coalition everyday. We already have the support of leading social and environmental groups (the specifics of which we cannot disclose because they're afraid of their association with us going public. Soon, they'll be afraid NOT TO have the public know of their association with us.) We will follow the teachings of Grene. We will wreak havoc on the Shopping Mall State in which we live. We will kill the ones that eat us and eat the ones we kill. We will make you pay for your insolence. We will pay you to be insolent. We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; WE SHALL NEVER SURRENDER! "What can I do?" - You can DO YOUR PART to END the SHOPPING MALL MENACE! SAVE the WHALES or EAT the WHALES! SAVE the BABY SEALS _BY_ CLUBBING THEM! SAVE the RAINFORESTS through ARSON! DO your PART to PROTECT the ENVIRONMENT! RECYCLE! Contribute to LANDFILLS! BURN DOWN the HOMES of SMOKERS! PISS on the STEPS or in the ELEVATOR of your LEAST FAVORITE dept. store, or BETTER YET the CAPITOL BUILDING IN WASHINGTON, D.C.! SPILL your COKE in a BOOKSTORE! TEAR OPEN the PLASTIC-WRAP on all the NUDIE MAGAZINES! SERVE FOOD without WASHING YOUR HANDS FIRST! DESTROY the FACTORIES! Build NEW ones! THROW a MONKEY-WRENCH into the COGS of the MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX! STOCKPILE NUCLEAR WEAPONS! PUT a BULLET in the HEADS of the POLLUTERS! SKULL-FUCK THOSE WHO OPPOSE! DO NOT allow the SHAVING of the SHEEP; instead OFFER YOURSELF AS THE SACRIFICIAL LAMB! (It's about time we walk around in clothing made from HUMAN HAIR, isn't it?) ***** ECOTERRORISTS OF THE WORLD UNITE! ***** ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ --- The GwD High Council --- Top Worshipper Type of Guy - Lobo Licious Top Dog Type of Guy - Seth The Man Top Organizer Type of Guy - Ratt Fink Worshipper Type of Guy - Diamondback Dog Type of Guy - TransDerm-Nitro Advisor/Corsair - Yancey Slide \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ /-----------------------***** GwD Propagandists *****--------------------------\ | Lobo Licious - Seth The Man - The Lizard King - Yancey Slide - Sir Flea | | Zippy - Aracnia - Zen - Trojan-Man - fastjack - Diamondback - Bill Hooper | | Lasher - Mogel - Izzy - Bob the Master of the World - K2 - Carson - Rainne | | Trailer Park Queen - The Mad Screamer - Priest - Snotty - Purpldrgn | | Pezzy - Otis - Franken Gibe | \------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ - Vehicular Manslaughter on the Information Super Highway - *%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%* for Car-Jacking: GwDweb - for Drive By Shootings: GwD Pubz, beatch! - for Driving Under the Influence: C.H.A.O.S. - Da Den - for Hit and Run: (Fan/Hate Mail) (FREE CRAP) (Submit now!) (Letters to Editor/Pimp LL) %*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*% (-) (-) Postal (-) (-) GwD, Inc. P.O. Box 16038 Lubbock, Texas 79490 (-) (-) latsoP (-) (-) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "This green." - The Retard in _Cube_ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <-+- A S M D -+-> GR33NY LIK3S mash3d p0tat03s MORE THAN FIVE YEARS of ABSOLUTE CRAP! /---------------\ copyright (c) MCMXCVI-MCMXCIX STM/LL/GwD Publications :FIGHT THE POWER: copyright (c) MCMXCVI-MCMXCIX GwD, Inc. : GwD : All rights reserved \---------------/ GwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwD70