=   F.U.C.K. - Fucked Up College Kids - Born Jan. 24th, 1993 - F.U.C.K.   =

			  Some Raindom Thoughts

I was thinking tonight; thinking about this magazine...

I have been involved with F.U.C.K. for about four years now.  I guess that
I consider myself old school like that, and I wanted to express some of
my experiences and reflections related to the magazine.

I wrote my first file for F.U.C.K. under a different nick when I was a
freshman in high school.  My old BBS was one of the first F.U.C.K. distro
sites in 303.  I was one of the first people in 303 who knew that DisordeR
was Dam.  I have watched this mag grow and change over the last several
years.  I don't take credit for any of that.  I don't feel special because
I have been involved as much as I have.  There are others who have a
deeper background in this zine than myself.  That is not the point I want
to make.  It's just some background that lets you know where I come from.

I remember chatting with Dis one night on my BBS.  Back then, I didn't
know that he was Dam.  All I knew was that he was connected to the zine in
some way.  I had read several of the files and was very interested in the
mag and what it had to offer.  I wanted to be involved, so I asked Dis if
my board could be a distro site.  It was actually pretty amusing what took
place.  I filled out the app and he told me that he was going to chat with
Dam on IRC and get back to me.  Once of the pre-requisites to becoming a
distro site was to have read all the files and he asked me if I had.  At
the time there were about 65 files released and I was reading them as we
chatted.  I told him that I hadn't, that I was in the process of doing so,
and to "tell Dam that I had read them all".  A few weeks later when I made
the Dam/Dis connection I felt like an idiot.  It's a story that sticks out
in my mind to this day when I think about the early times.

I was captivated by several of the files that I read back then.  Some
titles that stick out in my mind as influential are: "Some Wildly Obscure
Fiction", "Pity the Cynic", "Shock Value", and "Night Sounds".  Some of
the early writers I can recall by memory are PsI, fastjack, Loki, Doc
Z., and Acid Warlock to name a few.  Those files and authors helped to 
build the foundation that F.U.C.K. has been building on for the past
several years.  Beyond that, they also make a personal impact on me, my
perceptions, and my thoughts.

I have seen how the face of F.U.C.K. has changed considerably since those
times.  Files that are being released now have a totally different
direction and feel to them.  Many times I have contemplated whether or not
this change is good, or if we are abandoning the foundation which has made
F.U.C.K. what it is.  Even now I am not sure, and I believe that this file
is my own personal interrogation into that question.

I admit that I am "guilty" of contributing to what people perceive 
F.U.C.K. as today.  I have released my own score of files on 
relationships.  I have used this zine as an outlet of my own angst, and
cannot and will not apologize for that.  However, I do feel that we, the
writers for F.U.C.K., need to evaluate for our selves whether or not we
are keeping the spirit of F.U.C.K. alive.

F.U.C.K. has changed.  I have changed.  The world has changed.  But when I
looked at it closely I have discovered that not much is different.  While
I have a completely different outlook on life than I did back in those
days, I can still find my true self.  I am still me.  I am still a cynic.
I still hate 90% of this world.  I still have the anger and rage that I
have always had.  There are still things in this world that make me want
to spit in a blind fury.  I am still as passionate about my beliefs as I
used to be.  I still have things that I love.  I am still searching my
soul to define my own existence.  None of that has changed.  I am still as
dysfunctional and broken as have been for the last 8 years.  Who I am
hasn't changed, just the way I portray myself.

In the same manner, I think that this magazine is still itself.  Even
though the face of F.U.C.K. is different, I feel that the writers still
hold a common bond with the authors of the past.  I cannot restrict the
essence of what I feel F.U.C.K. is to mere words.  You have to find and
understand that for yourself.

Now I find myself sitting in my dorm room... in college.  I don't feel
that I have grown out of this magazine.  I think that I have grown into
it.  There is so much that I have yet to ponder and experience and I hope
that I will still be able to use this zine as a way to express myself to
the world.

I realize now who I really am.

I guess I am just a Fucked Up College Kid...

.: illusionary :.                         .: <illusion@cyberrock.com> :.

= Questions, Comments, Bitches, Ideas, Rants, Death Threats, Submissions  =
= Mail: jericho@dimensional.com                       (Mail is welcomed)  =
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=       (c) Copyright. All files copyright by the original author.        =