Computer Down-Under-Ground Digest. Volume 1, Number 1. 2/1/91 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Editor: Aaron Schiff Usenet: FidoNet: Digest Daemon 3:772/110.0 Demi-Monde: Digest Daemon 199:310/1.0 DISCLAIMER: The views presented herein do not necessarily represent the views of the editor. Individual authors accept all responsibility for ensuring articles submitted do not violate copyright restrictions. This publication has no affiliation with the Computer Underground Digest published in the USA. Computer Down-Under-Ground Digest is an open publication dedicated to the sharing of information and views concerning computer enthusiasts in New Zealand. CDUGD articles may be reprinted providing the source and original author are cited. Readers are welcome to submit articles to this publication. Please send all contributions to the above address. Issues of CDUGD are posted to the Demi-Monde.hack and newsgroups. Back issues may be obtained by contacting the editor. CDUGD holds a growing archive of text files that may be of interest to users. Complete lists and additions to the archive are published regularly. To request files please contact the editor. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTENTS OF CDUGD Volume 1, Number 1. ===================================== 1. Editors Report. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Editor's Report: =================== Welcome to the first ever issue of the Computer Down-Under-Ground Digest. Please note that this is not a proper issue of CDUGD, merely a preliminary issue to 'get the ball rolling'. CDUGD will be published on a regular basis (probably monthly) and is to be distributed on the Demi-monde and Fidonet networks. To provide the content for future issues of CDUGD I wish to request readers to write articles relating to the computer scene in New Zealand. Articles on all subjects of computing welcome. I am also looking for about half a dozen people willing to write articles for this digest on a regular basis - about once every 2 months or so will be fine - if you are interested please contact me. All mail to the digest should be sent to the above addresses, NOT to the Editor's personal address! I am trying to build a text file archive. In this I hope to have issues of the Computer Underground Digest (the American publication) and issues of the PHRACK magazine. Also held will be other general text files about all sorts of things. If anyone has any text file that they think may be of interest to other users please email me with the title and a brief description and I will get back to you regarding whether I want it for the archive or not. Basically, CDUGD cannot survive without YOUR support. I cannot write all the articles myself and it will be impossible for me to produce a monthly publication without exterior input. Aaron Schiff. Editor. ************************************************************************** End of Computer Down-Under-Ground Digest Volume 1, Number 1.