btw.ans 3179
ANSI: Bizzare Types of Wares (BOW) Logo by The Insomniac btw.nfo 8591
The TeleConference/Usenet Acronym List Version 1.0 by SumsDos (November 7, 1994) btwnews 592
BTW Group News, by SumsDos (BTW) compacro.200 162029
Computer Acronym List v2.00 compacro.300 313248
Computer Acronym List v3.00 computer.acr 105766
Computer Acronym List v1.00 cs.nfo 7533
NFO: The Cheat Sheet Verison 94.06.21 by Ajax the Trojan (June 21, 1994) cs940621.acr 9549
The Elite Acronym List Version 94.06.21 by Ajax The Trojan (June 21, 1994) cs941107.acr 24092
The Cheat Sheet Elite Acronym List Version 94.11.07 by Sumsdos (November 7, 1994) cs941211.acr 29324
The Cheat Sheet Elite Acronum List Version 94.12.11 by SumsDos (November 12, 1994) cs950109.acr 31503
The Cheat Sheet Elite Acronym List Version 95.01.09 by SumsDos (January 9, 1995) cs950504.acr 44657
The Cheat Sheet Elite Acronym List Version 95.05.04 by Sumsdos (May 4, 1995) cs950612.acr 55026
The Cheat Sheet Elite Acronym List by SumsDOS of DoS (June, 1995) cs950930.acr 59013
The Cheat Sheet Elite Acronym List Verison 95.09 by SumsDos (September, 1995) dos.ans 4636
ANSI LOGO: Disciples of SUMsDos 2893
Application to Join Disciples of SumsDos dos.nfo 11872
NFO: JokeAcro Version 1 by SumsDos (June 12, 1995) goh.ans 1237
BBS AD: The Gates of Hell jokeacro.100 2208
The Joke Acronym List jokeacro.101 2456
The Joke Acronym List Version 1.01 message.1st 1067
A Message From SumsDos About BBR Magazine sumsdos.pom 574
Poems by SumsDos 2732
Text Writers and Traderz (Parody of TWAT) usechat1.acr 9468
TeleConference/UseNet Acronym List v1.0 By sUMsDos [BTW] voting 693
The Voting Booth, by SumsDos

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