ANSWER: Gandhiji These demands were met, and he broke his fast. "Let this be my last fast," he said. He was gunned down shortly afterwards. It is 2002 and not only is Pakistan and India still an open wound, so are Afganistan and the US and Israel and Palestine. [see:] for QUESTION ***** ******* ** ** ** ** ******* ***** activist times ** incorporated! ** ******** ******** ** ** ** ** ** ** ******** ******** ** ** ... ** ** . . .316. ... Issue #316 12apr01 N U M B E R S LETTUCE: Subject: AMISH VIRUS AMISH VIRUS: You have just received the Amish Virus. Since we do not have electricity nor computers, you are on the honor system. Please delete all of your files. Thank thee. PUBLISHER'S COLUMN Rather than a column, this week I turn this section over to Shell Stern who wrote an article about the SOA many years ago. It means as much this moment as it ever did before. SCHOOL OF THE AMERICAS by Shell Stern Feb 6, 1997. School of the Americas. When I first heard the phrase I tried to imagine what this place could be about. Was it an institution of higher education that initiates and encourages dialogue between our northern and southern neighbors? Was it a non-profit organization that taught the true history of our continents? I was pretty optimistic with the fairly inclusive title. This did not leave me fully prepared for the hidden truths I was soon to discover. All I had to hear was the title of the video "School of the Assassins" and I knew I was in for some grim news. Once again I learned how our government is undoubtedly responsible for the deaths of thousands of people in Latin America. Our tax money is going to support torture, rape and murder. The school of the Americas (SOA) has been in existence for about 50 years now; first in Panama to ultimately "combat" communism and today in Fort Benning, Georgia to essentially crush socialist thought. It wasn't some ignorant soul who one day decided that the "School of the Assassins" was a better name for the place, but rather a passionate reaction to the discovery that graduates from the school were committing disgusting acts of violence on their own people. SOA students aren't taking Non-violent Conflict Resolution Skills: 101 or even a mediocre leadership course like I might have hoped. These people are taught "how-can-I-get-away-with-torturing-raping-killing-entire-villages-of- peasants-who-are-becoming-empowered-by-an-honest-liberation-theology- driven-church-worker-and-get-away-with-it: 101." Let's face it, with former panamanian dictator, Manuel Noriega as an "honored" graduate, what more do we need to concur that something is just a little bit corrupt with the activities of SOA? Oh there are many right-wingers who would want us to believe that SOA plays a crucial role in promoting democracy and human rights in Latin America (and under their breath mutter something about protecting US economic interests.) Hmm, that's odd, why then in October, 1996 would Amnesty International launch official investigations concerning the training manuals at SOA and urge the US government to assume responsibility for human rights violations committed by military personell trained there? Is it just a fluke that a United Nations Truth Commission report on El Salvador stated that over two thirds of the officers cited for the worst atrocities were alumni of SOA? These are only two examples that aided in the creation of a long list of graduates that have taken part in major human rights abuses in many Latin American countries. With so many contradictions, can there be any legitimate purpose for the School of the America's existance? For me this information is completely impossible to ignore. In the military's 260 million dollar budget there is 18.4 million dollars for SOA. Somewhere in that big stack of 18.4 million worn, burnt out dollar bills is at least one that has my name written all over it. As tax paying citizens WE are the ones who need to say the School of the Americas has to cease operation immediately! Friends, I do not believe that five hundred people stormed in on SOA last November because it was a great place for a picnic. I also do not believe that grandmothers, priests and nuns were getting arrested for civil disobedience because they had nothing better to do that day. I met a woman who was one of the sixty arrested. Hearing her powerful words and non-violent approach, accompanied with the contents of the "School of the Assassins" 18 minute video, I was determined to begin my own investigation of SOA. Every day I discover a new article on SOA and each time I reflect on it I realize that we are all called in some way to work for justice. Each time I talk to someone else who has read about this scandalous school we become even more determined and motivated to spread the word. Won't you please join us in the struggle to shutdown this school of assassins? This April (date to be announced) we will try... -99- [ref]=[ ] [ ] ============== DOES YOUR LIFE HAVE A BIG VOID? Maybe the answer can be found by subscribing to the Lakota Journal Call 605.399.1999 today! ============== I found that ad in Lakota Journal print edition 29mar I'm NOT making this up; "you know who" as my witness. .____________________________________________. ..This newspaper is NOT advertiser supported.. please don't try supporting all of our... ....advertisers. Find one that is, and maybe.... .....consider supporting THEM instead, ok?..... .____________________________________________. "I don't have digital. I don't have diddly squat." --Sheryl Crow PICTURE THIS: "Joyfully and willfully keeping ourselves as stupid as possible about what is happening beyond the ChemLawn in the front yard." --Michael Moore from "Stupid White Men." ~=~=~=~ 89% of ATI's readers experienced incredible happiness; as opposed to 51% with sugar pills. Most common side effect from ATI was dry mouth. ~=~=~=~ UPDATE: Another ATI rewrite of a rewrite. [REF]=[] E Oh give me land, lots of land under starry skies above, B7 Don't sell this song. Let me ride thru the wide open country that I love, E Don't sell this song. E7 Let me be by myself in the evening breeze A Am Listen to the murmer of the cottonwood trees E Send me off forever A Am But I ask you please E B7 E Don't sell this song. A Just leave me 'lone E let me sit in front of TV without havin' t' hear your lies. A On my phone or my modem let me live without E a jingle... teasin' my eyes. A Am I wanna live life without violence to art E Dbm Never write a song that's not truly straight from my heart D Dbm C B7 Chargin' for a tune is puttin the horse before the cart Don't fence me in! Nazi Germany and USA can never be compared, only contrasted. The Reichstad building burned to the ground 11sep33. 50 years passed and still no one knows if President Hitler blew it up. The USA have the WorldTrade Building burning down 27feb01 but history just may yet give all the answers in under four years. ATI - No longer abusing puts and calls since 1991 .-. / \ .-. .-. / \ / \ .-. _ .-. / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / `-' `-' \ / \ \ / `-' `-' \ `-' ` Well, that's about it for ATI issue 316. Send all the moolah to The Zine's semi-official website is at: for all things reconsidered. Oh, and if you've got sense, you'll dial 1-860-887-2600 ext. 5293