Subject: Offering to email files 7. ***** Q: Should I offer to email this utility I have at my disposal? A: As a general answer I would say that the results of this kind of an offer often come as a nasty surprise to the person offering the service. Several unsuspecting users have had the problem of being completely inundated with the subsequent email requests, and may even have had to withdraw the offer. A much safer avenue is to tell where the utility is available. Or if it is not yet available anywhere on the net, first upload it to a suitable ftp site (don't forget to notify the moderator). Sometimes this means archives. (If you wish to consider other sites, see the list of sites). But if you have gullibly made such an offer I suggest that you grit your teeth, and see things through. The least you should do is to make the information available where and how the utility can be obtained, if you have to go back on your word of emailing directly to the users. Now what to do in the case if you are a user who has seen some goodies offered, and the offer of emailing then withdrawn. Back to the old file lists. We have several at archives. If you get the following files you have a good chance of finding what you are looking for: /pc/INDEX.ZIP, /pc/INDEXTS.ZIP, /windows/WINDEX.ZIP and /unix/UINDEX.ZIP. --------------------------------------------------------------------