         __YES_______|    Does the damn    |____NO______
         |           |      thing work     |            |
         |           -----------------------            |
         |                                         _____|
     ____|________                            _____|______
    | DON'T FUCK  |                          |DID YOU FUCK|__
    |  WITH IT    |                          |  WITH IT ? |  |
    ---------------                          --------------  |
       |                                          |          |
       |                                      YES |          | NO
       |                                          |          |
       |            ______________        ________|___       |
       |      ______| DOES ANYONE |<-----| YOU DUMB   |      |
       |      |     |   KNOW      |      |  SHIT !!!  |      |
       |      |     ---------------      --------------      |
       |   NO |              |                     -------------
       |      |              |             ________|  WILL YOU  |
       |   ----------        |YES          |       | CATCH HELL |
       |  |  HIDE IT |       |         YES |       --------------
       |  ------------       |             |              | NO
       |       |         ----------        |              |
       |       |  ----->| YOU POOR |       |     ----------------
       |       |  |     |  BASTARD |<-------     | SHIT CAN IT! |
       |       |  |     ------------             ----------------
       |       |  |          |                          |
       |       |  | NO       |                          |
       |       |  |     ---------------                 |
       |       |  |----| CAN YOU BLAME |                |
       |       |       | SOMEONE ELSE ?|                |
       |       |       -----------------                |
       |       |               |                        |
       |       |               |  YES                   |
       |       |               |                        |
       |       |-------------->|                        |
       |                       |                        |
       |              ---------------                   |
       -------------->| NO PROBLEM  |<-------------------


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 realitycheck                             Poindexter Fortran   415-567-7043
 Lies Unlimited                           Mick Freen           415-583-4102

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