Eat a live frog, every morning, and nothing worse will happen to you all day. A fly by night leaves no shadow beyond a doubt. I'll smoke when the pope's wife takes the pill. Beauty times brains equals a constant. Nostalgia just isn't what it used to be. --Herb Caen How much does it cost to ride an IO bus? 2 Bits. Designed with your mind in mind by people who have in mind what you should have in mind. "That we can comprehend the little we know already is mindboggling in itself." -- Tom Gates Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny. Hell hath no fury like a woman beaten out of a million dollars. When the only tool you have is a hammer, it is tempting to treat everything as if it were a nail. Don't try to have the last word. You might get it. A poet who reads his verse in public may have other nasty habits. "We are getting into semantics again. If we use words, there is a very grave danger they will be misinterpreted." -- H. R. Haldeman, testifying in his own defense. Person who falls in blast furnace is certain to feel overwrought. Long computations which yield 0 (zero) are probably all for naught. Person who arrives at party two hours late will probably find he has been beaten to the punch. When Snow White turns on with the dwarfs she probably winds up feeling dopey. President Ford has noted that there are too many economic pundits and forecasters and has decided on an excess prophets tax. Worth seeing? Yes, but not worth going to see. Now and then an innocent man is sent to the legislature. He was so narrow-minded he could see through a keyhole with two eyes. There are more old drunkards than old doctors. He missed an invaluable opportunity to hold his tongue. There is no lawyer who cannot take two sides. With Congress, every time they make a joke it's a law; and every time they make a law it's a joke. A radical is a person with both feet firmly planted in the air. How wonderful opera would be if there were no singers. What is my loftiest ambition? I've always wanted to throw an egg at an electric fan. Conversation is the slowest form of human communication. Lady A: Mr. C, you are quite drunk. Mr. C.: And you are very ugly, but indisputably in the morning I will be quite sober. Your ignorance cramps my conversation. Reading is thinking with someone else's head instead of one's own. A person will sometimes devote all his life to the development of one part of his body - the wishbone. A mother takes twenty years to make a man of her boy, and another woman makes a fool of him in twenty minutes. There is one thing more exasperating than a spouse who can cook and won't, and that's a spouse who can't cook and will. The famous politician was trying to save both his faces. Sex is nature's way of saying Hi!'. Disclose classified information only when a NEED TO KNOW exists. Biggest security gap - an open mouth. Regnant populi. (The people rule.) Pregnant ropuli. (The snake will soon lay eggs.) Ditat Deus. (God enriches.) Post proelium, praemium. (After the battle, the reward.) Facta, non verba. Sum quod eris. (I am what you will be.) Auribus teneo lupum. (I hold a wolf by the ears.) Vigilia pretium libertatis. (Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.) Populus vult decipi. (The people like to be deceived.) Fidelity: A virtue peculiar to those who are about to be betrayed. Forgetfulness: A gift of God bestowed upon debtors in compensation for their destitution of conscience. The good die young - because they see it's no use living if you've got to be good. The thing that takes up the least amount of time and causes the most amount of trouble is sex. Drawing on my fine command of language, I said nothing. It took me fifteen years to discover I had no talent for writing, but I couldln't give it up because by that time I was too famous. Acquaintance: a person whom we know well enough to borrow from, but not well enough to lend to. The most important service rendered by the press is that of educating people to approach printed matter with distrust. The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds, and the pessimist fears this is true. In marriage, as in war, it is permitted to take every advantage of the enemy. He looked at me as if I was a side dish he hadn't ordered. It was a book to kill time for those who liked it better dead. He walks as if balancing the family tree on his nose. The plural of spouse is spice. There's so much to say but your eyes keep interrupting me. Friends: people who borrow my books and set wet glasses on them. A holding company is a thing where you hand an accomplice the goods while the policeman searches you. My notion of a wife at forty is that a man should be able to change her, like a bank note, for two twenties. Troubles are like babies; they only grow by nursing. "When a man says he had pleasure with a woman he does not mean conversation." Samuel Johnson To laugh at men of sense is the privilege of fools. Sin has many tools, but a lie is the handle which fits them all. Let a fool hold his tongue and he will pass for a sage. Dawn: The time when men of reason go to bed. Certain old men prefer to rise at about that time, taking a cold bath and a long walk with an empty stomach, and otherwise mortifying the flesh. They then point with pride to these practices as the cause of their sturdy health and ripe years; the truth being that they are hearty and old, not because of their habits, but in spite of them. The reason we find only robust persons doing this thing is that it has killed all the others who have tried it. What kind of sound does a sub-atomic duck make? Quark!! How many IBM CPUs does it take to execute a program? Ten. Nine to hold it down, and one to cut its head off. The only people who listen to both sides of an argument are the neighbors. With clothes the new are best, with friends the old are best. Cynic: A blackguard whose faulty vision sees things as they are, not as they ought to be. Hence the custom among the Scythians of plucking out a cynic's eyes to improve his vision. The rising people, hot and out of breath, Roared round the palace: "Liberty or death!" "If death will do," the King said, "let me reign; You'll have, I'm sure, no reason to complain." Frosh: "Lemme have a 10-mfd. capacitor." Salesman: "Will you pay for it now?" Frosh: "Naw, charge it." Today is a good day to bribe a high ranking public official. The universe is laughing behind your back. You can call her an outdoor girl if she has the bloom of youth on her cheeks and the cheeks of youth in her bloomers. Might as well be frank, monsieur. It would take a miracle to get you out of Casablanca and the Germans have outlawed miracles. A venerable old Jewish gentleman was day-dreaming while sunning himself on a bench on the boardwalk at Alantic City. His reverie was disturbed when another man approached and asked, "Can I join you?" "What's the matter, maybe I'm, coming apart??" Let not the sands of time get in your lunch. Standing on head makes smile of frown, but rest of face also upside down A critic is a legless man who teaches running. It is a truly wise man who does not play leap frog with a unicorn. Let him who takes the Plunge remember to return it by Tuesday. The decision doesn't have to be logical, it was unanimous. How can you work when the system's so crowded? HE WHO LAUGHS, LASTS. The best prophet of the future is the past. ONTOGENY RECAPITULATES PHILOGENY -- OR, IS THAT ONTOLOGY RECAPITULATES PHILOLOGY...??? Even the smallest candle burns brighter in the dark. To be is to do. I. Kant To do is to be. J. P. Sartre Do be do be do. F. Sinatra X E DU DX takes the place of normal sex! U E DU DX takes the place of normal sex! I do desire we may be better strangers. Assassination is the extreme form of censorship. An asylum for the sane would be empty. Council for the defence was prepared to prove: 1) He shot in self defence, 2) The police did it and stuck the gun in his hand, and 3) He was 100 miles away when it happened. The churches must learn humility as well as teach it. If all economists were laid end to end, they would not reach a conclusion. May you live all the days of your life. Never speak ill of yourself; your friends will always say enough on that subject. Fleas can be taught nearly anything that a congressperson can. His money is twice tainted: 'taint yours and 'taint mine. Little nips of whiskey, little drops of gin, Make a lady wonder where on earth she's bin. Living in the past has one thing in its favour - it's cheaper. Now I lay me back to sleep, The speaker's dull, the subject's deep. If he should stop before I wake, Give me a nudge for goodness' sake. Los Angeles: Seventeen suburbs in search of a city. How can I take an interest in my work when I don't like it? It's a useless but absolutely vital precaution. Speaking of poison, I'll see that you get some fresh breakfast immediately. Jay: Did you hear the one about the Polish athelete who was so proud of his gold medal that he had it bronzed? Banacek: No, how does it go? PARKINSON'S LAW: Work expands to fill the time available for its completion. PARKINSON'S LAW, MODIFIED: The junk you have will expand to fill the available space. THE PETER PRINCIPLE: In every hierarchy, each employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence. CHEOPS' LAW: Nothing ever gets built on schedule or within budget. MURPHY'S LAW: If something can go wrong, it will. WEILER'S LAW: Nothing is impossible for the man who does not have to do it himself. FINAGLE'S LAW: Once a job is fouled up, anything done to improve it makes it worse. RUDIN'S LAW: In a crisis that forces a choice to be made among alternative courses of action, most people will choose the worst one possible. UNNAMED LAW: If it happens, it must be possible. CLARKE'S THIRD LAW: Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishible from magic. GUMPERSON'S LAW: The outcome of a given desired probability will be inverse to the degree of desirability. (After a salary raise, you will have less money at the end of the month than you had before.) * (The more a recruit knows about a given subject, the better chance * he has of being assigned to something else.) CUTLER WEBSTER'S LAW: There are two sides to every argument unless a man is personally involved, in which case there is only one. ALBRECHT'S LAW: Social innovations tend to the level of minimum tolerable well being. PATRICKS'S THEOREM: If the experiment works, you must be using the wrong equipment. SKINNER'S CONSTANT: (also Fynnegan's Finagling Factor) That quantity which, when multiplied by, divided by, added to, or subtracted from the answer you got, gives the answer you should have gotton. HORNER'S FIVE THUMB POSTULATE: Experience varies directly with the equipment ruined. FLAOLE'S LAW OF THE PERVERSITY OF INANIMATE OBJECTS: Any inanimate object, regardless of its composition or configuration, may be expected to perform at any time - in a totally unexpected manner for reasons that are either entirely obscure or also completely mysterious. ALLEN'S AXIOM: When all else fails, read the instructions. THE SPARE PARTS PRINCIPLE: The accessability during recovery of small parts which fall from the workbench, varies directly with the size of the part, and inversely with its importance to the completion of the work underway. THE COMPENSATION COROLLARY: The experiment must be considered a success if no more than 50% of the observed measurements must be discarded to obtain a correspondence with theory. THE ORDERING PRINCIPLE: Those supplies necessary for yesterday's experiment must be ordered by no later than noon tomorrow. THE ULTIMATE PRINCIPLE: By definition, when you are investigating the unknown - you do not know what you will find. THE FUTILITY FACTOR: No experiment is ever a complete failure - it can always serve as a bad example. Why did the chicken cross the road half way? He wanted to lay it on the line. System stopping for 2 minutes, 1 minute ago. YOUR SUBSYSTEM HAS DIED..... Startrek makes your sterile NEW FORTRAN H EXTENDED - GO TO STATEMENTS ARE NOW ILLEGAL. SEE ASPNEWS FOR DETAILS. Allison's Precept The best simple-minded test of expertise in a particular area is the ability to win money in a series of bets on future occurrences in that area. Corollary to Anthony's Law On the way to the corner, any dropped tool will first always strike your toes. Army Axiom Any order that can be misunderstood has been misunderstood. Axiom of the Pipe (Trischmann's Paradox) A pipe gives a wise man time to think and a fool something to stick in his mouth. Baker's Law Misery no longer loves company. Nowadays it insists on it. Barber's Laws of Backpacking The integral of the gravitational potential taken around any loop trail you choose to hike always comes out positive. Any stone in your boot always migrates against the pressure gradient to exactly the point of most pressure. The weight of your pack increases in direct proportion to the amount of food you consume from it. If you run out of food, the pack weight goes on increasing anyway. The number of stones in your boot is directly proportional to the number of hours you have been on the trail. Backpacking - The size of each of the stones in your boot is directly proportional to the number of hours you have been on the trail. The remaining distance to your chosen campsite remains constant as twilight approaches. The net weight of your boots is proportional to the cube of the number of hours you have been on the trail. When you arrive at your chosen campsite, it is full. Forthoffer's Cynical Summary of Barzun's Laws 1) That which has not yet been taught directly can never be taught directly. 2) If at first you don't succeed, you will never succeed. Baxter's First Law Government intervention in the free market always leads to a lower national standard of living. Baxter's Second Law The adoption of fractional gold reserves in a currency system always leads to depreciation, devaluation, demonetization and, ultimately, to complete destruction of that currency. Baxter's Third Law In a free market good money always drives bad money out of circulation. Becker's Law It is much harder to find a job than to keep one. Beifeld's Principle The probability of a young man meeting a desirable and receptive young female increases by pyramidal progression when he is already in the company of (1) a date, (2) his wife, and (3) a better looking and richer male friend. Bicycle Law All bicycles weigh 50 pounds: A 30-pound bicycle needs a 20-pound lock and chain. A 40-pound bicycle needs a 10-pound lock and chain. A 50-pound bicycle needs no lock or chain. Blaauw's Law Established technology tends to persist in spite of new technology. Booker's Law An ounce of application is worth a ton of abstraction. Boren's Laws 1) When in doubt, mumble. 2) When in trouble, delegate. 3) When in charge, ponder. Brien's First Law At some time in the life cycle of virtually every organization, its ability to succeed in spite of itself runs out. Brook's Law Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later. Brown's Law of Business Success Our customer's paperwork is profit. Our own paperwork is loss. Bucy's Law Nothing is ever accomplished by a reasonable man. Bustlin' Billy's Bogus Beliefs 1) The organization of any program reflects the organization of the people who develop it. 2) There is no such thing as a "dirty capitalist," only a capitalist. 3) Anything is possible, but nothing is easy. 4) Capitalism can exist in one of only two states -- welfare or warfare. 5) I'd rather go whoring than warring. 6) History proves nothing. Bye's First Law of Model Railroading Anytime you wish to demonstrate something, the number of faults is proportional to the number of viewers. Bye's Second Law of Model Railroading The desire for modeling a prototype is inversely proportional to the decline of the prototype. Cahn's Axiom When all else fails, read the instructions. Camp's Law A coup that is known in advance is a coup that does not take place. Canada Bill Jones' Motto It's morally wrong to allow suckers to keep their money. Canada Bill Jones' Supplement A Smith and Wesson beats four aces. Cheop's Law Nothing ever gets built on schedule or within budget. Chisholm's Law of Human Interaction Anytime things appear to be going better you have overlooked something. Chisholm's Third Law Proposals, as understood by the proposer, will be judged otherwise by others. Corollary 1: If you explain so clearly that nobody can misunderstand, somebody will. Corollary 2: If you do something which you are sure will meet with everyone's approval, somebody won't like it. Corollary 3: Procedures devised to implement the purpose won't quite work. Churchill's Commentary on Man Man will occasionally stumble over the truth but most of the time he will pick himself up and continue on. I STOPPED HERE ------------------------- Clarke's First Law When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong. Clarke's Second Law The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible. Clarke's Third Law Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Clarke's Law of Revolutionary Ideas Every revolutionary idea - in Science, Politics, Art or Whatever - evokes three stages of reaction. They may be summed up by the three phrases: 1) "It is completely impossible -- don't waste my time." 2) "It is possible, but it is not worth doing." 3) "I said it was a good idea all along." Cohen's Law What really matters is the name you succeed in imposing on the facts -- not the facts themselves. Cole's Law Thinly sliced cabbage. Commoner's Three Laws of Ecology 1) No action is without side-effects. 2) Nothing ever goes away. 3) There is no free lunch. Cook's Law Much work -- much food, little work -- little food, no work -- burial at sea. Cornuelle's Law Authority tends to assign jobs to those least able to do them. Crane's Law (Friedman's Reiteration) There ain't no such thing as a free lunch. Diogenes' First Dictum The more heavily a man is supposed to be taxed, the more power he has to escape being taxed. Diogenes' Second Dictum If a taxpayer thinks he can cheat safely, he probably will. Dow's Law In a hierarchical organization, the higher the level, the greater the confusion. Dunne's Law The territory behind rhetoric is too often mined with equivocation. Ehrman's Corollary to Ginsberg's Theorem 1) Things will get worse before they get better. 2) Who said things would get better. Ettorre's Observation The other line moves faster. Evan's Law of Politics When team members are finally in a position to help the team, it turns out they have quit the team. Everitt's Form of the Second Law of Thermodynamics Confusion (entropy) is always increasing in society. Only if someone or something works extremely hard can this confusion be reduced to order in a limited region. Nevertheless, this effort will still result in an increase in the total confusion of society at large. Extended Epstein-Heisenberg Principle In an R & D orbit, only 2 of the existing 3 parameters can be defined simultaneously. The parameters are: task, time and resources ($). Farber's First Law Give him an inch and he'll screw you. Farber's Second Law A hand in the bush is worth two anywhere else. Farber's Third Law We're all going down the same road in different directions. Farber's Fourth Law Necessity is the mother of strange bedfellows. The Fifth Rule You have taken yourself too seriously. Finagle's First Law If an experiment works, something has gone wrong. Finagle's Second Law No matter what result is anticipated, there will always be someone eager to (a) misinterpret it, (b) fake it, or (c) believe it happened to his own pet theory. Finagle's Third Law In any collection of data, the figure most obviously correct, beyond all need of checking, is the mistake. Corollary 1: No one whom you ask for help will see it. Corollary 2: Everyone who stops by with unsought advice will see it immediately. Finagle's Fourth Law Once a job is fouled up, anything done to improve it only makes it worse. Finagle's Rules In case of doubt, make it sound convincing. Experiments should be reproducible. They should all fail in the same way. Do not believe in miracles. Rely on them. First Law of Bicycling No matter which way you ride it's uphill and against the wind. First Law of Bridge It's always the partner's fault. First Law of Canoeing (Alfred Andrews' Canoeing Postulate) No matter which direction you start it's always against the wind coming back. First Law of Debate Never argue with a fool. People might not know the difference. First Law of Office Holders Get re-elected. Fitz-Gibbon's Law Creativity varies inversely with the number of cooks involved with the broth. Flap's Law Any inanimate object, regardless of its position or configuration, may be expected to perform at any time in a totally unexpected manner for reasons that are either entirely obscure or else completely mysterious. Fortis' Three Great Lies of Life 1) Money isn't everything. 2) It's great to be a Negro. 3) I'm only going to put it in a little way. Fourteenth Corollary of Atwood's General Law of Dynamic Negatives No books are lost by loaning except those you particularly wanted to keep. Franklin's Rule Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall not be disappointed. Gilb's Laws of Unreliability 1) Computers are unreliable, but humans are even more unreliable. Corollary: At the source of every error which is blamed on the computer you will find at least two human errors, including the error of blaming it on the computer. 2) Any system which depends on human reliability is unreliable. Ginsberg's Theorem 1) You can't win. 2) You can't break even. 3) You can't even quit the game. Golden Rules of Indulgence Everything in excess! To enjoy the full flavor of life, take big bites. Moderation is for monks. Yield to temptation; it may never pass your way again. Gray's Law of Programming n+1 trivial tasks are expected to be accomplished in the same time as n trivial tasks. Logg's Rebuttal to Gray's Law of Programming n+1 trivial tasks take twice as long as n trivial tasks. Gresham's Law Trivial matters are handled promptly; important matters are never solved. Whenver possible blame the hardware. Grosch's Law Computing power increases as the square of the cost. If you want to do it twice as cheaply, you have to do it four times as fast. Gummidge'e Law The amount of expertise varies in inverse proportion to the number of statements understood by the general public. Gumperson's Law The probability of anything happening is in inverse ratio to its desirability. Hacker's Law of Personnel Anyone having supervisory responsibility for the completion of a task will invariably protest that more resources are needed. Hagerty's Law If you lose your temper at a newspaper columnist, he'll get rich or famous or both. Haldane's Law The Universe is not only queerer than we imagine; it is queerer than we CAN imagine. Harper's Magazine's Law You never find an article until you replace it. Hartley's First Law You can lead a horse to water, but if you can get him to float on his back you've got something. Hartley's Second Law Never sleep with anyone crazier than yourself. Harvard Law Under the most rigorously controlled conditions of pressure, temperature, volume, humidity, and other variables, the organism will do as it damn well pleases. Heller's Law The first myth of management is that it exists. Hendrickson's Law If a problem causes many meetings, the meetings eventually become more important than the problem. Hoare's Law of Large Programs Inside every large program is a small program struggling to get out. Horner's Five Thumb Postulate Experience varies directly with equipment ruined. Howard's First Law of Theater Use it. Howe's Law Every man has a scheme that will not work. Hull's Theorem The combined pull of several patrons is the sum of their separate pulls multiplied by the number of patrons. IBM Pollyanna Principle Machines should work. People should think. Imhoff's Law The organization of any bureaucracy is very much like a septic tank -- the REALLY big chunks always rise to the top. Iron Law of Distribution Them what has - gets. Italian Proverb She who is silent consents. Jacquin's Postulate on Democratic Governments No man's life, liberty or property are safe while the legislature is in session. Jay's Laws of Leadership 1) Changing things is central to leadership, and changing them before anyone else is creativeness. 2) To build something that endures, it is of the greatest importance to have a long tenure in office -- to rule for many years. You can achieve a quick success in a year or two, but nearly all of the great tycoons have continued their building much longer. Jenkinson's Law It won't work. John Cameron's Law No matter how many times you've had it, if it's offered, take it, because it'll never be quite the same again. John's Axiom When your opponent is down, kick him. John's Collateral Corollary In order to get a loan you must first prove you don't need it. Johnson's Corollary to Heller's Law Nobody really knows what is going on anywhere within your organization. Johnson's First Law of Auto Repair Any tool dropped while repairing an automobile will roll under the car to the vehicle's exact geographic center. Johnson-Laird's Law Toothache tends to start on Saturday night. Jones' Law The man who can smile when things go wrong has thought of someone he can blame it on. Jones' Motto Friends may come and go, but enemies accumulate. Kamin's First Law All currencies will decrease in value and purchasing power over the long term, unless they are freely and fully convertable into gold and that gold is traded freely without restrictions of any kind. Kamin's Second Law Threat of capital controls accelerates marginal capital outflows. Kamin's Third Law Combined total taxation from all levels of government will always increase (until the government is replaced by war or revolution). Kamin's Fourth Law Government inflation is always worse than statistics indicate; central bankers are biased toward inflation when the money unit is non-convertible, and without gold or silver backing. Kamin's Fifth Law Purchasing power of currency is always lost far more rapidly than ever regained. (Those who expect even fluctuations in both directions play a losing game.) Kamin's Sixth Law When attempting to predict and forcast macro-economic moves or economic legislation by a politician, never be misled by what he says; instead watch what he does. Kamin's Seventh Law Politicians will always inflate when given the opportunity. Katz's Law Men and nations will act rationally when all other possibilities have been exhausted. Kerr-Martin Law 1) In dealing with their OWN problems, faculty members are the most extreme conservatives. 2) In dealing with OTHER people's problems, they are the world's most extreme liberals. Kirkland's Law The usefulness of any meeting is in inverse proportion to the attendance. Kitman's Law Pure drivel tends to drive off the TV screen ordinary drivel. Lani's Principles of Economics 1) Taxes are not levied for the benefit of the taxed. 2) $100 placed at 7% interest compounded quarterly for 200 years will increase to more than $100,000,000 by which time it will be worth nothing. 3) In God we trust, all others pay cash. La Rochefoucauld's Law It is more shameful to distrust one's friends than to be deceived by them. Law of Communications The inevitable result of improved and enlarged communications between different levels in a hierarchy is a vastly increased area of misunderstanding. Law of Computability Applied to Social Science If at first you don't succeed, transform your data set. Law of Selective Gravity (The Buttered Side Down Law) An object will fall so as to do the most damage. Law of the Perversity of Nature (Mrs. Murphy's Corollary) You cannot successfully determine beforehand which side of the bread to butter. Law of Superiority The first example of superior principle is always inferior to the developed example of inferior principle. Laws of Computerdom According to Golub 1) Fuzzy project objectives are used to avoid the embarrassment of estimating the corresponding costs. 2) A carelessly planned project takes three times longer to complete than expected; a carefully planned project will take only twice as long. 3) The effort required to correct course increases geometrically with time. 4) Project teams detest weekly progress reporting because it so vividly manifests their lack of progress. Laws of Computer Programming 1) Any given program, when running, is obsolete. 2) Any given program costs more and takes longer. 3) If a program is useful, it will have to be changed. 4) If a program is useless, it will have to be documented. 5) Any given program will expand to fill all available memory. 6) The value of a program is proportional to the weight of its output. Laws of Gardening 1) Other people's tools work only in other people's yards. 2) Fanzy gizmos don't work. 3) If nobody uses it, there's a reason. 4) You get the most of what you need the least. Le Chatelier's Law If some stress is brought to bear on a system in equilibrium, the equilibrium is displaced in the direction which tends to undo the effect of the stress. Les Miserables Metalaw All laws, whether good, bad, or indifferent, must be obeyed to the letter. Long's Notes 1) Always store beer in a dark place. Lord Falkland's Rule When it is not necessary to make a decision, it is necessary not to make a decision. Lowery's Law If it jams -- force it. If it breaks, it needed replacing anyway. Malek's Law Any simple idea will be worded in the most complicated way. Malinowski's Law Looking from far above, from our high places of safety in the developed civilization, it is easy to see all the crudity and irrelevance of magic. Dean Martin's Definition of Drunkenness You're not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on. Martin-Berthelot Principle Of all possible committee reactions to any given agenda item, the reaction that will occur is the one which will liberate the greatest amount of hot air. Match's Maxim A fool in a high station is like a man on the top of a high mountain: everything appears small to him and he appears small to everybody. Matsch's Law It is better to have a horrible ending than to have horrors without end. McClaughry's Codicil on Jone's Motto To make an enemy, do someone a favor. McClaughry's Law of Zoning Where zoning is not needed, it will work perfectly; where it is desperately needed, it always breaks down. McGoon's Law The probability of winning is inversely proportional to the amount of the wager. McNaughton's Rule Any argument worth making within the bureaucracy must be capable of being expressed in a simple declarative sentence that is obviously true once stated. H. L. Mencken's Law Those who can -- do. Those who cannot -- teach. Those who cannot teach -- administrate. (Martin's extension) Merrill's First Corollary There are no winners in life; only survivors. Merrill's Second Corollary In the highway of life, the average happening is of about as much true significance as a dead skunk in the middle of the road. Meskimen's Law There's never time to do it right, but always time to do it over. Michehl's Theorem Less is more. Pastore's Comment on Michehl's Theorem Nothing is ultimate. Miller's Law You can't tell how deep a puddle is until you step into it. Mobil's Maxim Bad regulation begets worse regulation. Murphy's First Law Nothing is as easy as it looks. Murphy's Second Law Everything takes longer than you think. Murphy's Third Law In any field of scientific endeavor, anything that can go wrong will go wrong. Murphy's Fourth Law If there is a possibility of several things going wrong, the one that will cause the most damage will be the one to go wrong. Murphy's Fifth Law If anything just cannot go wrong, it will anyway. Murphy's Sixth Law If you perceive that there are four possible ways in which a procedure can go wrong, and circumvent these, then a fifth way, unprepared for, will promptly develop. Murphy's Seventh Law Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse. Murphy's Eighth Law If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something. Murphy's Ninth Law Nature always sides with the hidden flaw. Murphy's Tenth Law Mother nature is a bitch. Murphy's Eleventh Law It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious. Murphy's Law of Thermodynamics Things get worse under pressure. Newton's Little-known Seventh Law A bird in the hand is safer than one overhead. Nienberg's Law Progress is made on alternate Fridays. Ninety-ten Rule of Project Schedules The first ninety percent of the task takes ten percent of the time, and the last ten percent takes the other ninety percent. O'Brien's Principle (The $357.73 Theory) Auditors always reject any expense account with a bottom line divisible by 5 or 10. Oeser's Law There is a tendency for the person in the most powerful position in an organization to spend all his time serving on committees and signing letters. Ordering Principle Those supplies necessary for yesterday's experiment must be ordered no later than tomorrow noon. Osborn's Law Variables won't, constants aren't. O'Toole's Commentary on Murphy's Laws Murphy was an optimist. Pardo's Postulates 1) Anything good is either illegal, immoral, or fattening. 2) The three faithful things in life are money, a dog, and an old woman. 3) Don't care if you're rich or not, as long as you can live comfortably and have everything you want. Pareto's Law (The 20/80 Law) 20% of the customers account for 80% of the turnover, 20% of components account for 80% of the cost, and so forth. Parker's Rule of Parlimentary Procedure A motion to adjourn is always in order. Parker's Law of Political Statements The truth of a proposition has nothing to do with its credibility and vice versa. Parkinson's First Law Work expands to fill the time available for its completion; the thing to be done swells in perceived importance and complexity in a direct ratio with the time to be spent in its completion. Parkinson's Second Law Expenditures rise to meet income. Parkinson's Third Law If there is a way to delay an important decision the good bureaucracy, public or private, will find it. Parkinson's Fourth Law The number of people in any working group tends to increase regardless of the amount of work to be done. Parkinson's Law of Delay Delay is the deadliest form of denial. Pastore's Truths 1) Even paranoids have enemies. 2) This job is marginally better than daytime TV. 3) On alcohol: four is one more than more than enough. Peckham's Law Beauty times brains equals a constant. Peer's Law The solution to a problem changes the problem. Peter Principle In every hierarchy, whether it be government or business, each employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence; every post tends to be filled by an employee incompetent to execute its duties. Peter's Corollaries 1) Incompetence knows no barriers of time or place. 2) Work is accomplished by those employees who have not yet reached their level of incompetence. 3) If at first you don't succeed, try something else. Peter's Inversion Internal consistency is valued more highly than efficiency. Peter's Paradox Employees in a hierarchy do not really object to incompetence in their colleagues. Peter's Perfect People Palliative Each of us is a mixture of good qualities and some (perhaps) not-so-good qualities. In considering our fellow people we should remember their good qualities and realize that their faults only prove that they are, after all, human. We should refrain from making harsh judgements of people just because they happen to be dirty, rotten, no-good sons-of-bitches. Peter's Placebo An ounce of image is worth a pound of performance. Peter's Theorem Incompetence plus incompetence equals incompetence. Potter's Law The amount of flak received on any subject is inversely proportional to the subject's true value. Productivity Equation The productivity, P, of a group of people is: P = N x T x (.55 - .00005 x N x (N - 1) ) where N is the number of people in the group and T is the number of hours in a work period. Professor Gordon's Rule of Evolving Bryographic Systems While bryographic plants are typically encountered in substrata of earthy or mineral matter in concreted state, discrete substrata elements occasionally display a roughly spherical configuration which, in presence of suitable gravitational and other effects, lends itself to combined translatory and rotational motion. One notices in such cases an absence of the otherwise typical accretion of bryophyta. We therefore conclude that a rolling stone gathers no moss. Pudder's Law Anything that begins well ends badly. Anything that begins badly ends worse. Puritan's Law Evil is live spelled backwards. Puritan's Second Law If it feels good, don't do it. Q's Law No matter what stage of completion one reaches in a North Sea (oil) field, the cost of the remainder of the project remains the same. Rangnekar's Modified Rules Concerning Decisions 1) If you must make a decision, delay it. 2) If you can authorize someone else to avoid a decision, do so. 3) If you can form a committee, have them avoid the decision. 4) If you can otherwise avoid a decision, avoid it immediately. Rayburn's Rule If you want to get along, go along. Riddle's Constant There are coexisting elements in frustration phenomena which separate expected results from achieved results. Ross' Law Never characterize the importance of a statement in advance. Rudin's Law In a crisis that forces a choice to be made among alternative courses of action, most people will choose the worst one possible. Rule of Accuracy When working toward the solution of a problem it always helps if you know the answer. Sam's Axiom 1) Any line, however short, is still too long. 2) Work is the crabgrass of life, but money is the water that keeps it green. Sattinger's Law It works better if you plug it in. Segal's Law A man with one watch knows what time it is; a man with two watches is never sure. Sevareid's Law The chief cause of problems is solutions. Shalit's Law The intensity of movie publicity is in inverse ratio to the quality of the movie. Shanahan's Law The length of a meeting rises with the square of the number of people present. Shaw's Principle Build a system that even a fool can use, and only a fool will want to use it. Simmon's Law The desire for racial integration increases with the square of the distance from the actual event. Simon's Law Everything put together sooner or later falls apart. Skinner's Constant (Flannegan's Finagling Factor) That quantity which, when multiplied by, divided by, added to, or subtracted from the answer you get, gives you the answer you should have gotten. Snafu Equations 1) Given any problem containing n equations, there will be n + 1 unknowns. 2) An object or bit of information most needed, will be least available. 3) Any device requiring service or adjustment will be least accessible. 4) Interchangable devices won't. Sociology's Iron Law of Oligarchy In every organized activity, no matter the sphere, a small number will become the oligarchial leaders and the others will follow. Spare Parts Principle The accessibility, during recovery of small parts which fall from the work bench, varies directly with the size of the part and inversely with its importance to the completion of work underway. Steele's Plagiarism of Somebody's Philosophy Everyone should believe in something -- I believe I'll have another drink. Sturgeon's Law 90 per cent of everything is crud. Swipple Rule of Order He who shouts loudest has the floor. Terman's Law There is no direct relationship between the quality of an educational program and its cost. Terman's Law of Innovation If you want a track team to win the high jump you find one person who can jump seven feet, not seven people who can jump one foot. Theory of the International Society of Philosophic Engineering In any calculation, any error which can creep in will. Thoreau's Law If you see a man approaching with the obvious intent of doing you good, run for your life. Transcription Law The number of errors made is equal to the number of 'squares' employed. Truman's Law If you cannot convince them, confuse them. Truths of Management 1) Think before you act; it's not your money. 2) All good management is the expression of one great idea. 3) No executive devotes effort to proving himself wrong. 4) Cash in must exceed cash out. 5) Management capability is always less than the organization actually needs. 6) Either an executive can do his job or he can't. 7) If sophisticated calculations are needed to justify an action, don't do it. Truth 5.1 of Management Organizations always have too many managers. 10) The easiest way of making money is to stop losing it. Tuccille's First Law of Reality Industry always moves in to fill an economic vacuum. Vail's Axiom In any human enterprise, work seeks the lowest hierarchial level. Vique's Law A man without religion is like a fish without a bicycle. Vonnegut's Corollary Beauty may be only skin deep, but ugliness goes right to the core. Weaver's Law When several reporters share a cab on an assignment, the reporter in the front seat pays for all. Weaver's Corollary (Doyle's Corollary) No matter how many reporters share a cab, and no matter who pays, each puts the full fare on his own expense account. Weber-Fechner Law The least change in stimulus necessary to produce a perceptible change in response is proportional to the stimulus already existing. Weiler's Law Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn't have to do it himself. Weinberg's Law If builders built buildings the way programmers wrote programs, then the first woodpecker that came along would destroy civilization. Weinberg's Corollary An expert is a person who avoids the small errors while sweeping on to the grand fallacy. Westheimer's Rule To estimate the time it takes to do a task: estimate the time you think it should take, multiply by 2, and change the unit of measure to the next highest unit. Thus we allocate 2 days for a one hour task. White's Chappaquidick Theorem The sooner and in more detail you announce bad news, the better. White's Observations of Committee Operation 1) People very rarely think in groups; they talk together, they exchange information, they adjudicate, they make compromises. But they do not think; they do not create. 2) A really new idea affronts current agreement. White's Statement Don't lose heart... Owen's Comment on White's Statement ...they might want to cut it out... Byrd's Addition to Owen's Comment on White's Statement ...and they want to avoid a lengthy search. Wiker's Law Government expands to absorb revenue and then some. Wolf's Law (An Optimistic View of a Pessimistic World) It isn't that things will necessarily go wrong (Murphy's Law), but rather that they will take so much more time and effort than you think if they are not to go wrong. Worker's Dilemma Law (or Management's Put-Down Law) 1) No matter how much you do, you'll never do enough. 2) What you don't do is always more important than what you do do. Wynne's Law Negative slack tends to increase. Zymurgy's First Law of Evolving System Dynamics Once you open a can of worms, the only way to recan them is to use a larger can. (Old worms never die, they just worm their way into larger cans). Zymurgy's Law on the Availability of Volunteer Labor People are always available for work in the past tense. Zymurgy's Seventh Exception to Murphy's Laws When it rains, it pours. Murphy's Laws of Thermodynamics: 1) You can't win 2) You can't break even 3) You can't get out of the game Murphy's Law of Selective Gravitation An object will alway fall where it can do the most damage. Murphy's Law of Physics A paritcle will always appear where it shouldn't. Murphy's law of the Lab You will never have the part you need, and will always have 10 of every part you don't need. Given the need for a resistor of M ohms, and N resistors of values K1 to Kn, there will be no way to combine them to = M Your files will always expand to fill the available tracks. The system will always crash when you are over your track limit, and have been editing for the last 3 hours. There comes a time in the affairs of man when he must take the bull by the tail and face the situation -- W. C. Fields A man's reach should exceed his grasp. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Haste makes waste. He who hesitates is lost. Above all, to thine own self be true. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. It is never too late to learn. You can't teach an old dog new tricks. Good things come in small packages. The bigger, the better. There is no point in beating a dead horse. If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. He who hesitates is lost. Act in haste, repent at leisure. (Look before you leap.) Two is company, three is a crowd. The more, the merrier. it well or not at all. Half a loaf is better than none. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Better safe than sorry. Never judge a book by its cover. Clothes make the man. Out of sight, out of mind. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Many hands make light work. Too many cooks spoil the broth. Never send a boy to do a man's job. ...and a little child shall lead them. Actions speak louder than words. The pen is mightier than the sword. Never change horses in mid-stream. Variety is the spice of life. Silence is golden. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Practice makes perfect. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. A penny saved is a penny earned. The love of money is the root of all evil. There is no expedient to which a man will not go to avoid the real labor of thinking. Be kindly affectionated one to another It's much easier to ride a horse the way he is going. Belladonna: In Italian, a beautiful lady; in English a deadly poison. A striking example of the essential identity of the two tongues. (A. Bierce) Bigot: One who is obstinately and zealously attached to an opinion that you do not entertain. (A. Bierce) Bore: A person who talks when you wish him to listen. (A. Bierce) Cabbage: A familiar kitchen-garden vegetable about as large and as wise as a man's head. (A. Bierce) Clairvoyant: A person, commonly a woman, who has the power of seeing that which is invisible to her patron - namely, that he is a blockhead. (A. Bierce) Education: That which discloses to the wise and disguises from the foolish their lack of understanding. (A. Bierce) Inventor: A person who makes an ingenious arrangement of wheels, levers and springs, and believes it civilization. (A. Bierce) Logic: The art of thinking and reasoning in strict accordance with the limitations and incapacities of the human misunderstanding. (A. Bierce) Mayonnaise: One of the sauces which serve the French in place of a state religion. (A. Bierce) Optimism: The doctrine that everything is beautiful, including what is ugly, everything good, especially the bad, and everything right that is wrong. ... It is hereditary, but fortunately not contagious. (A. Bierce) A poet who reads his verse in public may have other bad habits. Never underestimate the power of human stupidity. Natural laws have not pity. Never try to outstubborn a cat The only difference between the fool and the criminal who attacks a system is that the fool attacks unpredictably and on a broader front. Virtue is its own reward, but then so is sin! We're all bozos on this bus - Firesign Theater We're dumber than we look. Everything you know is wrong. Why does the porridge bird lay her egg in the air? You don't understand how radio works. All you have to do is fade your voice down and queue the organist. We have met the enemy and he is us. - Pogo Please engage brain before setting mouth into motion. Mumble. You don't need a weatherman to tell which way the wind blows. - Bob Dylan Nintey per cent of everything is Garbage. - P. Sturgeon There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order to things. - N. Machiavelli Let's look at the record. - Al Smith Non illigitum carburundum est. (Don't let the bastards grind you down) A man without a God is like a fish without a bicycle. The confidence of ignorance will always overcome indecision of knowledge. One man's bug is another man's feature He who join nudist club pay no cover charge. Candy is dandy, but sex won't rot your teeth. Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker. Don't vote, it only encourages them. Vote for Harris, McCarthy and Prop 14. 01/10/88 THE ATLANTA BULLETIN BOARD LIST Revision #15 (Long Version) Copyright (c) 1988, OAS, Inc. This edition compiled by Tim Farley & Ralph Infanti Official list of the Organization of Atlanta Sysops, Inc. All known public access bulletin board systems in the toll-free Atlanta dialing area (404) are shown in this list. This file is named ABBL-15L.TXT. The short version (i.e. ABBL-15S.TXT) contains the same system names and numbers, but with a short, one-line entry for each system. As an attempt is made to keep this one of the most current local BBS lists offered in the U.S., a request is made to remove all old copies from your system. Please pass this list along freely! LISTING FORMAT: <full name of board> ...................................... <phone#> <a> <sysop name>; <machine>; <bbs software>; (<b>;<s>;<p>); <A long description of the system>. (<city>) (<verification>) ACCESS: <a> is the access information: = Open access R = Registration required $ = Donation/payment required. BAUD RATES: <b> is the baud rate code: 3 = 300 B = 1200 C = 2400 F = FastComm 9600 U = USR HST 9600 M = MNP H = Hayes 9600 STORAGE, PROTOCOLS: <s> is approximate disk storage online, like 10M for 10 Meg. <p> are file transfer protocols: X = Xmodem, C = Xmodem CRC, Y = Ymodem, B = Ymodem Batch, G = Ymodem G, W = WXmodem, Z = Zmodem, K = Kermit, T = Telink, P = Punter (C-64) VERIFICATION <v> of systems: V = Verified B = Busy NA = No Answer NN = New phone Number TERMINAL PARAMETERS: All systems are 8-N-1 (i.e. 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit). If (7-E-1) is seen, set up for 7 data bits and even parity. HOURS: All system 24hrs/day, unless note mentions otherwise. W/D = Weekdays. W/E = Weekends (Saturday & Sunday) ====================================================================== [ Section 1. OAS Members: [ These adhere to OAS Standards. Adam-IBM Connection ....................................... 424-6258 Scott Earley; IBM PC-XT; PC Board; (3BC;30M;XCY); The nation's first BBS exclusively for Coleco Adam users now also supports IBM PC's and compatibles. Three sub-boards. Downloads for CP/M, ADAM and IBM. Formerly Adam SmartLink. (Marietta) (V:01/01) Atlanta Macintosh Users Group BBS (AMUG BBS) .... 972-3389, 985-0265 R$ Ron Patterson; PC-XT clone; PC Board; (3BC;85M;XCY); Macintosh ONLY supported. Up/downloads. Official BBS of Atlanta Mac Users Group. First line is open to public, second is members only. (Norcross) (V:01/01) Atlanta Chatline .......................................... 922-2428 R$ Bill Noel; Apple //e; custom?; (3;N;N); 6-line Chat program in 24-hour operation. Must register to use. Send $1.00 fee for temporary password, plus name, address, phone and age to: The Booth, P.O. Box 80425, Conyers, GA 30208. Checks to Bill Noel. (Conyers) (V:01/01) Atlanta Connection #1 (133/205) .......................... 929-0800 R Bill Noel; IBM PC clone; TBBS; (3BC;11M;?); Multiple adult and teen message bases, private mail, large national and specialized BBS lists. One of Atlanta's longest continually active BBS's as well as one of the most active. Second and third line are $15 per year. (Conyers) (V:01/01) Austell Georgia RBBS-PC ................................... 944-0826 Dave Howard; Tandy 3000HD; RBBS-PC; (3BCF;30M;XCK); IBM PC's and compatibles only. Running on Fastcomm 2496 high speed modem which supports up to 19,200 baud. (Austell) (B:01/08) AV-Sync Atlanta ........................................... 320-6202 R$ Bill Tullis; IBM PC-AT; PC Board; (3BC;400M;XCYG); The LOGICAL exchange for video, audio, post-production and broadcast engineering professionals. Audio, video, film, RF & FCC issues. By subscription. 4 nodes online. File support for IBM, Apple and MIDI users. (Atlanta) (V:01/07) Big Peach BBS ............................................. 446-6650 Marshall Magee; IBM PC; PC Board; (BC;?;XCYG); Home of Automenu(tm), the Software Management System; and Southeastern Distribution point for Shareware. Shareware ONLY in files section, NO Public Domain. Shareware authors conference, Automenu user support. (Norcross) (V:01/01) Bill's Obsession BBS ...................................... 377-2550 William Erickson; IBM PC; RBBS-PC; (3BC;?;XC); For IBM and compatible computer users. Many conferences, including CLONEIT, EXPLORE, FORUM, FAITH, GAMES, JOBS, JOKES, PROGRAMMING, SF, SHOPPER and the infamous MAX. (Decatur) (V:01/01) Birds Nest BBS ............................................ 751-0252 Tom Henn; Tandy 1000HD; ?; (3B;10M;?); For Tandy 1000 & MS-DOS. Sister board to The Right Place. Dedicated to the common exchange of Knowledge, Help and Ideas. (Alpharetta) (V:01/04) Centurion BBS, (133/302) ................................. 296-9681 Steve Antonoff; IBM PC; Opus; (3BCUM;80M;XCYGSZ); Run By Centurion Software Corp. Regional and National EchoMail groups online. Support of Centurion Software products including CSCSTOCK and PP. (Stone Mountain) (V:01/01) Cider City ................................................ 446-9048 R Steve Park; Apple //e; GBBS Pro; (3BCH;10M;X); Apple & Macintosh supported in multiple bases. Many message bases supported. (Norcross) (NN:01/09) The Corner Drug Store ..................................... 422-1060 Joe Skehan; PC clone; PC Board; (3BC;20M;XCYG); For U.S. Micro customers, Novell NetWare users wanting software updates and technical bulletins, and for the general public. IBM-PC oriented. (Atlanta) (V:01/01) Data-World BBS ............................................ 289-2050 Jim Foust - WB4LBM; IBM-PC; PC Board; (3BC;20M;XCY); HAM radio, CP/M and MS-DOS. Conferences include Personal (customers only), SwapShop, Sysops and Christian. Bible verse of the day online. (Decatur) (V:01/01) Decibel BBS ............................................... 288-6858 R$ Tom Brady; PC-Clone; T-Comm; (3BCUM;200M;XCYZK); System open to all. Release point for newest NUBYE and NUKMD programs. Dealer for US Robotics modems, hard disk drives, Z-80 clocks, etc. Interested in CP/M, MS-DOS and all computer related subjects. 15,000+ files online! (Decatur) (V:01/01) Donovan's Reef ............................................ 642-4690 Jacob Donovan; Apple //e; GBBS Pro; (3B;10M;?); Teen-oriented. (Woodstock) (V:01/10) The Electronic Auto Trader BBS ............................ 633-2886 Barney Cortell; Beltron PC; RBBS-PC; (3B;30M;XCY); Buy, sell, trade autos and other vehicles. Search by make, model, cost, year, color and milage. Do comparison shopping without reading the paper or making multiple phone calls! (Atlanta) (V:01/01) Fantasia's Forest ......................................... 762-1471 Fantasia; IBM; custom JJABBS; (3B;?;XC); Conversation-oriented (Atlanta) (V:01/01) Fido of the South (Fidonet #3) (Fido 133/2) ............... 448-0686 Lane Fowler; IBM PC-AT; Fido; (3B;40M;XCKT); Largest Kaypro and Commodore files sections in Atlanta area. Official BBS of Stone Mountain Commodore Users' Group. Member of Fidonet system. Open access. (Lawrenceville) (B:01/08) FTL BBS ................................................... 292-8761 Robert S. Vostreys; Tandy 1200; PC Board; (3B;10M;XCYG); Science fiction, gaming. TradeWars and Diplomacy doors online. Conferences include Tech/Science, SF & Games, Trivia Zone, Diplomacy and Advanced Dungeons & Dragons. (Stone Mountain) (V:01/01) Garden of Eden ............................................ 445-0723 R Sherman Murdock; IBM PC-XT; Nochange; (3B;20M;?); Major support for ADAM and IBM computers. Online games. (Dallas) (V:01/01) Georgia BBS ..................................... 457-6815, 454-7394 Joe White; Turbo XT; PC Board; (3BCUM;62M;XCY); IBM and compatibles only! Thousands of files available. Graphics supported. 3 conferences: Advertisements, Games and Sysops. All system is open access, except for Sysops conference. (Atlanta) (V:01/07) Gonzoland ................................................. 974-1521 Jim McAnally; IBM; RBBS-PC; (3B;?;?); General, Adult sections (Acworth) (V:01/01) The Head-Board III ........................................ 394-8327 Iverson Bell, M.D.; Franklin Ace 1000; GBBS II; (3;286K;X); Dedicated to "thoughtware". Groups include Poetry, Group Support, Complaints and an anonymous section. No General Files, Games or Downloads! (Decatur) (V:01/01) Input/Output Connection ................................... 446-8044 R Ken & Jim Mauragus; Atari; Forem; (3BC;1M;?); Atari 8, 16 bit computers, but all welcome. Six message bases, downloads. (Norcross) (V:01/01) The Index System I (133/201) ............................. 951-1540 R$ Rodney A. Aloia; PC?; TBBS; (3BC;5M;XC); Email, movie reviews, national & local BBS lists, and more. Specializes in Tandy & Apple, but has bases for CoCo and others. Also Electronic shopping mall, Ads, Movie reviews, etc. A Division of R&R Enterprises. (Atlanta) (V:01/07) ISIS (Intecolor Support Information System) ............... 446-6931 George Price; IBM PC; PC Board; (B;12M;XCY); Intecolor customers only, please. Run by Intecolor tech support group. Manual updates, tech info, news, product updates, tech support, and a focal point for Intecolor users. Up/downloads available. For registered owners. (Norcross) (V:01/01) JOBBS! .................................................... 992-8937 William Griffin; PC-Clone; custom FoxBase; (3B;16M;N); Country's first BBS devoted to job listings. Specializes in job searches for professionals. Company has contacts in 12 southeastern states. STC Subscriber (BBH715). Alpha Systems, Inc. 1510 Oakfield, Roswell, GA 30075 (Roswell) (V:01/01) Jodeco House BBS .......................................... 478-7761 Beth & Bob Jarvis; IBM clone; Forem PC; (3BC;20M;LL); All visitors welcome. Supports MS-DOS, 8 and 16-bit Atari. Conferences include Stately Oaks, 8 bit Atari, MS-DOS, Southside User Group, Atari ST, Sci-Fi, For Sale and Forum. (Jonesboro) (V:01/01) Kasper's TI ............................................... 939-0526 Stephen Kasper; TI 99/4a; custom; (3;?;?); (7-E-1) TI-99's and general. 40 columns. (Atlanta) (V:01/01) Le Chateau ................................................ 593-2828 Lady Morgana; Atari 320XE; BBS Express; (3B;760K;X); Adult Sections, General, Politics/religion, Music, books/movies, Sports/Games, Text downloads ONLY, Handles allowed. (Lithonia) (NN:01/08) Main Street BBS ........................................... 924-8593 Jolinda Cooper; IBM PC; PC Board; (3B;?;XCY); All welcome. Conferences include: Curmudgeon's Conference, Library, Music Room, Bar, VIP table, Parlor and Technical. Still under construction. (Woodstock) (V:01/01) Milo's Meadow ............................................. 972-3458 Mike Sirmans; IBM PC; RBBS-PC; (3BC;20M;XC); Extensive support for most popular programming languages, including C, Turbo Pascal, 808x Assembler, BASIC, Forth, Prolog, and other interests. Supports ANSI color menus. Formerly "Zap! BBS". (Snellville) (V:01/01) NASPA Systems SE (133/301) ............................... 441-1431 R Robert Weatherford; IBM PC; Fido; (BCH;?;?); Communications, National and Local EchoMail areas available. (Norcross) (V:01/01) Nochange #1 ............................................... 641-8270 Jim Kloss; IBM PC AT; Nochange; (3BC;20M;XCYK); IBM, general. Software Developer for Nochange BBS and XChange file transfer system. Customer support provided. (Roswell) (B:01/08) Norcross RCP/M MBBS ....................................... 921-1116 Jim Gooch; Datavue 3000 CP/M; MBBS; (3BC;15M;XCY); MBBS: public, CP/M: requires question. Interest in dBaseII, comm progs 8 bit .ASM files. (Norcross) (V:01/01) The OASis ................................................. 288-0547 R Tim Farley; Xerox 820-II; ROS; (3BCUM;8M;XCY); Contact point for OAS, for both users and sysops in the Atlanta area. Discussions of tips, legal issues, news developments. Text files include BBS lists, file transfer protocol documents, etc. All welcome (Decatur) (V:01/09) One of a Kind BBS ......................................... 455-1271 R Douglas Voss; Epson Equity II; PC Board; (3BCUM;91M;XCYG); General, MS-DOS/text file. Four public conferences, two private. Topics include Sandbox, Politics, Games, Tech, Mercer and Sysops. Several popular Doors online, including TradeWars, Chess and Voting. (Atlanta) (V:01/01) PC-Link ................................................... 921-8108 James Kerr; IBM PC; PC Board; (3BC;75M;XCY); IBM, user supported. Conferences include: CHRISTIAN, REAL ESTATE, SUPPORT, THE MALL, HELP, EGA and RELIGION. Doors include: Weather prediction, Ymodem batch & Zmodem, Darwin national BBS search, TradeWars & SafeCracker. (Lilburn) (V:01/01) Pecan Pi .................................................. 454-8756 Stan Young & Bill Lamp'l; IBM PC; RBBS-PC; (3BC;40M;XCKY); Technically oriented, conferences on algorithms, hardware, humor, brain teasers, For Sale. (Doraville) (V:01/01) The Plexus ................................................ 768-0990 R Robert Orr; Sanyo PC-Clone; PC Board; (3BCM;10M;XCY); For Sanyo & MS-DOS computers. A service of Microplex, Inc. for its customers and others. (Atlanta) (V:01/01) The Right Place ........................................... 476-2607 R Roger Sligar; AT clone; PC Board; (3BCUM;142M;XCYZ); PC/MS-DOS uploads and downloads, specializing in utilities. General interest. Technical help from Sysop, several message bases. French language support. (Duluth) (V:01/01) The Rock 'N' Roll Party ................................... 982-0960 Tricia Hudson, B. Helbush; PC XT; PC Board; (3B;20M;XCY); For Broadcasting professionals and their audiences. Welcome! Featuring Radio, News, Music, Art, Tech and "Looking for Trouble" (adult) conferences. No files. Graphics-oriented as well. (Atlanta) (V:01/01) Sharp Electronics EBS Div. Tech Support Line .............. 962-1788 R Gary Meeker; Sharp PC 7100; PC Board; (3B;30M;XCY); Technical support. Conferences: PC Magazine, PC-Tech, Languages, General, Sharp employees, users of Sharp Personal Computers. (Lawrenceville) (V:01/01) The Software Shop #1 ...................................... 964-4483 Billy Brand; Kaypro 286i; PC Board; (3BC;64M;XCYG); General, IBM, Door games, liberal time limits (Fayetteville) (V:01/01) The Software Shop BBS ..................................... 968-1826 R$ Robert Pierce; IBM AT; PC Board; (3BC;65M;XCYG); IBM & compatibles welcome, doors available. (Forest Park) (V:01/01) The Swamp (133/304) ....................................... 447-6403 Kris Fussell; IBM PC; Opus; (3BCUM;60M;XCYTK); IBM, Atari ST and Macintosh computers supported online. (Norcross) (V:01/01) TJ's Place BBS .................................. 392-1756, 394-1756 R$ Jimmy Lehmkuhl; IBM PC; PC Board; (3BC;60M;XCY); IBM oriented. All sysops welcome: sysops conference online. First line public, second one private. Mail registration required for full access: $25.00 per year. (Dunwoody) (V:01/01) True Blue BBS ............................................. 987-5235 R Fred McClaren; IBM-PC; PC Board; (BC;?;?); General interest with several message bases including: IBM, Network, Sysops, Tech, Ads, Investor, TV/Movies, Sports, Files. Node #19 of the national PCBoard EchoMail network. (Panola) (V:01/01) Westfield Express BBS ..................................... 435-8122 R Mark Gill; Tandy 1000 SX; PC Board; (BC;42M;XCY); For Tandy systems (i.e. 1000, 1000HD, etc...) Sysops conference. Mail registration only. BBS program uploads and downloads available to verified users only. Donations allow extra time online. (Smyrna) (V:01/01) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [ Section 2. NEW Since last list: The AERODROME ............................................. 822-0620 R$ PILOT; Amiga; BBS-PC; (3BC;65M;XCYKZ); Supporting the Commodore Amiga. Trial period of 2 weeks, then $10 per year required for access. Message bases include: General, Programmers, Problems-Solutions, Hardware, For-Sale. (?) (V:01/09) The Afterglow BBS ......................................... 975-3875 Dr. DeMento; Apple //e; GBBS Pro; (3B;286K;N); General, adult, singles and teen sections. Message oriented, with gaming. Message areas include General, Shopping, Flea Market, Adult, Game, Teens and Singles. (Emerson) (V:01/07) Alpha Complex ............................................. 451-7820 The Computer & The Magi; Atari ST; BBS Express; (3B;?;?); Atari. Exchange of info, files. (Atlanta?) (V:01/07) The Amiga Vortex .......................................... 395-9736 R ?; Amiga; BBS-PC; (3BC;?;?); For members of Amiga Atlanta, Inc. and selected vendors. 3+ message bases. (Atlanta) (V:01/09) Arrow Action Line ......................................... 662-0732 Rick Ruhl; IBM; PC Board; (3BCUM;?;XCY); Customer support for Arrow Electronics, Inc. Conferences include Programmers, Sharp Portable, Hardware, Altos, and Desktop Publishing. (Norcross) (V:01/07) The Atlanta Exchange ...................................... 921-4395 R Ken Cherry; PC clone; PC Board; (BC;?;XCY); IBM PC & compatibles software exchange, and DEC home users exchange. Message bases for dBase/Clipper, Greene's corner, Atlanta Drive Services, JCI Battery, and Sysops. (Lilburn) (V:01/09) CHEROKEE (133/102) ....................................... 928-1429 R Ken Shackelford; IBM PC-AT; Opus; (3BC;40M;XCYKT); Message oriented system, sister system to ATLGATE, 133/100. Metro-Atlanta FidoNet BackBone Collection/Distribution system. 31 message areas including local and national EchoMail groups. (Woodstock) (V:01/07) The Computer Connector .................................... 928-5659 The Professor; 9am-4pm, 9pm-8am; Corona PC; PC Board; (3B;10M;XC); Technically oriented support board, with product information, repair sources, do-it-yourself projects, etc. Conferences include: Tech Notebook, Programmer's Haven, Shopper's Guide. Soon moving to 386 with 50M drive. (Acworth) (V:01/08) The Conference System BBS ................................. 433-0689 R$ Jimmy Dingess; IBM; PC Board; (3BC;31M;XCYZ); Conference oriented IBM system includes areas for Ads, Games, Religion, Cars, Politics, Humor, Sports and Sysops. Optional $12 annual fee grants higher access. Sysop priviledges extended. ProDoor downloads available. (Smyrna) (V:01/08) The Education Center ...................................... 924-7963 R Michael Austin; IBM; PC Board; (3BC;?;XCY); Explorer Post 036 BBS. Everyone welcome, especially from other explorer posts. Additional access for $5 donation. Conferences: Hobbies, Programming, Hardware, Science Fiction, ANSI Graphics, Fun Spots, Boiler Room. (Woodstock) (V:01/10) Excalibur BBS ............................................. 879-0319 Lord British; C-64; C-Net; (B;?;?); No 300 baud. (Stone Mountain) (V:01/10) Fitted Software Tools' Support BBS ........................ 497-0931 R ?; PC clone; PC Board; (3BC;?;XCY); Private BBS to distribute FST's ShareWare products, and to provide support and updates to users. New users can only download the shareware product. BIX conference, Association ShareWare Professionals member. (Duluth) (V:01/08) Heavenly Pleasures ........................................ 289-8058 Pleasure; Atari 130XE; BBS Express; (3;320K;X); Adult ONLY, Multiple message bases, Text downloads only, Handles Allowed. (Decatur) (V:01/08) The Invisible BBS ......................................... 993-5310 R$ Dick Caliendo; PC Clone; PC Board; (BC;42M;XCYZWK); IBM compatibles-oriented. No games. Conferences include sysops, ads. Members can be registered for $20.00. (Marietta) (V:01/09) JoKeR's BBS (133/303) .................................... 894-5784 R J. Kenneth Riviere; 5:30pm-8am, 24hrs W/E; IBM; Opus; (3BC;?;XCYZKT); Comic book collectors. FidoNet EchoMail available. (Atlanta) (V:01/08) The Main Line ............................................. 294-8738 R ?; C-128; C-Net 128; (3B;500K;XP); C-64, C-128. (Atlanta) (V:01/08) Mountain Park Fido (133/16) .............................. 587-5792 R Warren H. Tucker; IBM?; Fido; (3B;?;XCYKT); (Mountain Park) (V:01/08) PC-Atlanta (133/307) ..................................... 381-6975 Bart Alcorn; IBM?; Opus; (3BCUM;?;XCYKT); Home of STARFLEET Atlanta, for fans of Star Trek. Carries many file and message areas. EchoMail supports the national StarFleet and Star Trek EchoMail groups as well as others. (Norcross) (V:01/08) Programmer's Information Exchange ......................... 928-0033 R$ Tony Elliott; IBM PC; PC Board; (BC;?;XCYGK); Specializing in Microsoft QuickBasic, Pascal and C. Node 10 of EchoMail Network. (Woodstock) (V:01/06) Smuggler's Haven .......................................... 925-8829 Red Beard; C-64; C-Net; (3B;?;?); Commodore board. Affiliated with S.M.U.G. and C.U.G.A. (Lilburn) (V:01/07) The Star Trek Convention .................................. 487-1376 R Captain; C-128; C-Net 128; (3B;N;N); Message oriented, with a few special-access downloads. Dedicated solely to fans of the TV series Star Trek. Message areas include: General Quarters, Trivia, Entertainment, Conventions, Trading Post, BBS Ads and Graphics. (Peachtree City) (V:01/07) STAR*LIGHT ................................................ 739-1329 R Magician Trent; C-64; ?; (3B;?;XP); C-64 oriented. Both files and message bases available. (Riverdale) (V:01/06) Xystus .................................................... 885-9941 Tempus; PC; Emulex; (3B;?;?); Role playing, general (Atlanta) (V:01/06) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [ Section 3. Active systems: 99er BBS (Atlanta TI 99/4a Users Group BBS) ............... 991-6250 James A. Fairchild; TI 99/4a; 99 BBS; (3B;1M;L); TI 99/4a users, but all welcome. In support of the TI User's Group of Atlanta. Club info on line. Callers must be validated on-line. Use 7 bits, even parity, 1 stop bit when calling. (College Park) (V:01/01) Atlanta Computer Society Members BBS ...................... 564-9706 Joe Novosel; Heath HS-151-20; PC Board; (3BC;20M;XC); Atlanta Computer Society Inc's BBS. Exchange of Public Domain software amongst ACS members. Provide message exchange for computer users and further the educational and scientific purposes of ACS. Coco, OS/9 & 68xxx support. (Atlanta) (NN:01/07) Atlanta TI 99/4a Users Group BBS #1 ....................... 366-1914 Charles Dupree - WD4MDC; TI-99/4a; TIBBS; (3B;?;L); Atlanta 99/4a Computer User's Group BBS. TI uploads and downloads, club has large program library off-line. Supports TI color graphics. Use 7 bits, even parity, 1 stop bit when calling. (Atlanta) (V:01/01) Atlanta Area Pick Users Group BBS ......................... 969-0618 R Doug Dumitru; IBM PC?; PC Board; (3B;?;XCY); For users of the Pick Operating system on various computers. Five conferences include Programmers, Job openings, Industry News, For Sale and Service listings. Sponsored by Modular Software Corporation. (Union City) (V:01/01) Atlanta Electronic Service Center BBS ..................... 381-1947 R$ Mike Sabot; Baby PC-AT; PC Board; (3BCF;300M;XCYG); Supports Smart Users Group of Georgia. Home of the PCBDaily program. $20/year for full access. (Lilburn) (V:01/09) Amos & Andy's ............................................. 448-4554 Kingfish; IBM PS/2 Mod 25; Nochange; (3BC;20M;?); Dedicated to gaming, games on line. (Norcross) (NA:01/07) Apple Atlanta ............................................. 636-1341 R The Stalker; Laser 128; GBBS Pro; (3BC;N;N); Apple & other computers. Multiple message bases. (Decatur) (V:01/01) ARC BBS ................................................... 393-3083 ?; ?; ?; (3BC;?;?); Atlanta Ham Radio Club BBS. (Dunwoody) (V:01/01) Atlanta L-5 BBS ........................................... 993-2207 R Dan Scheltema; IBM PC?; Fido; (3B;?;XCYT); L-5 Society's local electronic contact point. Provides an open forum on issues regarding space development, communication between L-5 members, and electronic communication for local chapter business. (Atlanta) (V:01/01) Atlanta Medical Forum (133/204) .......................... 351-9757 Floyd P. Garrett, M.D.; IBM PC?; TBBS; (3BC;20M;N); All interested in health care, computers, or mature discussions on about any topic. This system has merged with Behavioral Medicine Associates BBS. Donations encouraged but not required. (Atlanta) (V:01/08) Atlanta Microplex ......................................... now down R Scott Sage; ?; ?; (3BC;?;?); Atari ST & IBM. All welcome. (Tucker) (NA:01/08) Atlanta On-Line ................................. 928-9675, 928-8201 Stephen R. Williamson; Six Apple //e's; Let's Talk; (3B;60M;N); Six incoming lines, soon to be ten. Menu-driven on-line consumer information service (like Compuserve or Source) but local and free. Lots of online services. Member, National Data Broadcasting Network. (Woodstock) (V:01/01) ATLGATE (133/101) ........................................ 928-1876 R$ Ken Shackelford; 8 am - 10 pm; IBM PC-AT; Opus; (3BCUM;60M;XCKT); Atlanta's oldest IBM BBS, Online since 1982. On-line verification, optional $25 yearly donation. Sister board to Cherokee, shares same message bases. Over 60 message areas, including local, regional & national EchoMail groups (Woodstock) (V:01/08) AST's Engineering & AutoCAD BBS (133/6) .................. 633-2197 Steve Fox; IBM PC; Fido; (3B;10M;XCKT); Applied Software Technology, Inc.'s, BBS devoted to the Georgia AutoCAD User's Group and the ASCE Computer Committee. 8 message bases, AutoCAD & other files. Supports FidoNet and EchoMail. (Atlanta) (V:01/08) The Back Seat ............................................. 739-0052 R Steven Keller; Apple //; SKBBS+; (3B;289K;N); Social Board, 3 message bases, handles allowed, creativity encouraged. (Austell) (V:01/01) Bare Bones (133/305) ...................................... 987-3972 Mike Hancock; IBM?; Opus?; (3BC;?;?); IBM PC-Jr Support (Panola) (V:01/01) Buford Byte Size BBS ...................................... 945-6021 ?; Atari?; ?; (3B;?;?); Atari. Sister system to I/O Connection. (Buford) (V:01/01) Byte Connection ........................................... 941-0159 R Greg Maddux; Atari 800xl; Forem XL; (3BC;5M;X); All computer types welcome. Electronic shopping guide, hundreds of Atari downloads available, both 8-bit and for the "ST". (Austell) (V:01/02) Byte Flight (133/306) .................................... 454-8795 R Mark Hulsey; PC Clone; Opus; (BCUM;80M;XCYKT); IBM & Compatibles. 15+ message areas including many national EchoMail conferences. Over 15 file areas as well. (Chamblee) (V:01/08) The C & Turbo Exchange .................................... 263-1151 Paul Kurr; IBM PC-AT; RBBS-PC; (3BC;?;XCK); C & Pascal files and message bases relating to Borland products. Also interested in all programming languages. Conferences on BBS design, and a public domain compiler project: OPUS. (Norcross) (V:01/01) Cam's Wildcat House ....................................... 461-5947 R$ Cam DeBuck; IBM PC?; Wildcat; (BC;?;?); Users register by mail. Unregistered user can call on the 1st through 7th of each month, for trial access until the 15th. Full access is $21/year or $15 for 6 months. Formerly Fayette Genesis. (Fayetteville) (V:01/09) Comm-Adorers BBS .......................................... 422-2250 Jon Proctor; C-128; custom; (3;?;?); C-64, C-128, general. ISOPIA, the BBS is down, but will return as a game program. (Marietta) (V:01/09) Commodore Colorama ........................................ 932-0039 STRINGBEAn; 5pm-6am; C-64; C-Net; (3B;1.3M;XP); C-64 support. Formerly Bean Patch. Will be going to Ribit software soon. 1 Meg to be added by the time you read this. (Buford) (V:01/04) ComPro, A Commodore Professional System ................... 943-9648 Gordon Leslie; C-128; C-Net; (3B;13M;XP); Five message bases, five U/D boards. Commodore hobbyists, mainly. No 300 Baud 7pm to 11pm. (Powder Springs) (V:01/01) Comuserve ................................................. 435-6690 R Bryan Smith; C-64; custom C-Net 11.0; (3B;11M;P); For serious C-64 users only. Access is verified. Affiliated with Commodore's Corner boards. Multiple downloads. Assistance with programming and interfacing from sysop, who is a Commodore technician. $15.00 one-time fee. (Smyrna) (V:01/01) Crosstalk Communications BBS .............................. 998-8048 Maria Forrest, L. Higgins; IBM PC; RBBS-PC; (3BC;?;X); Service to users of Crosstalk and other Microstuf products, including Infoscope, Transporter and Remote. Open to public, but customers get extra time and privileges. (Roswell) (V:01/01) Crosstalk Communication's Crosstalk Mk.4 BBS .............. 641-1803 Maria A. Forrest; IBM-PC; PC Board; (3BC;?;XCYG); Support for Crosstalk Mk.4 users. Crosstalk XVI, Transporter and Remote users should call the regular Crosstalk Communcations BBS. (Roswell) (V:01/01) Crystal Palace ............................................ 299-5511 R$ Jon Carr; Apple II; GBBS II; (3BC;?;?); Seven message bases plus E-mail. Must register by mail: call system for form and address to mail to. (Decatur) (V:01/01) Dallas RBBS ............................................... 443-2421 Dave Bailey, J. Campbell; IBM; RBBS-PC; (3BC;30M;XC); IBM system (Douglasville) (V:01/01) Digit's ................................................... 925-0361 Loone; C-64?; C-Net; (3B;?;?); C-64. (Lilburn) (V:01/01) Dim_Sum (133/5) .......................................... 881-0658 ?; IBM PC; Fido; (3B;?;?); Online magazine, EECAD, Fidonet support. (Atlanta) (NA:01/08) Discovery BBS ............................................. 427-6871 ?; 9:30am-11:30pm; C-128; C-Net 128; (3B;340K;XP); (Marietta) (NA:01/08) E/T's BBS ................................................. 962-8477 E/T; IBM PC; Emulex; (3BC;?;?); Apple, Commodore and other sub-boards. (Lawrenceville) (V:01/01) Express Lane .............................................. 564-3688 ?; ?; ?; (3B;?;?); Go ATASCII, Online Quest. (Lilburn) (V:01/02) Flagship Express RBBS ........................... 934-4515, 934-4517 R$ F. Huggins & H. Pierce; IBM PC-AT; PC Board; (BC;60M;XCY); Second phone for paying users only. IBM's & compatibles only. Free mail registration, but $30/yr for extended access. ANSI Color Graphics. Over 1500 files on line. Five conferences include: Aviation, Games, Sysops, Classified (Stone Mountain) (V:01/01) Flash Backs ............................................... 975-0806 ?; ?; ?; (3B;?;?); Into 60's Music. No downloads. (Acworth) (V:01/02) Ham's BBS ................................................. 363-1640 Larry M. Lord - WA4CBT; TI99/4a; TIBBS; (3BC;?;L); HAM oriented, mainly for TI users, but all welcome. National TIBBS list online. Hamfest listings online. Special TI protocol needed for downloads. Use 7 bits, even parity, 1 stop bit when calling. (Forest Park) (V:01/01) Heath/Zenith BBS .......................................... 252-4345 R Al Kuntzler; Zenith ZW-158-42; PC Board; (3B;10M;XC); Publicly accessible message base, members of HUG-GA get access to download areas as well. Color graphics support. Sponsored by Heath/Zenith Computer Store #22. (Atlanta) (V:01/01) Illumi-Net ................................................ 377-1141 Ron Bonds; ?; ?; (3B;?;?); Paranormal, magic, etc. (Decatur) (V:01/01) In-Sight Financial Bulletin Board Service ................. 455-4707 R Gerald Edwards; IBM PC; PC Board; (3BC;?;?); BBS is devoted to Financial awareness. Free access for 15 minutes per day, but pay for additional time. All users must register by mail. (Chamblee) (V:01/01) The Index System II (133/202) ........................... 991-3569 $ Rory J. Didas; ?; TBBS; (3B;?;?); INformation and Data EXchange System II. For Amiga-owners. Affiliated with Amiga Atlanta, Inc. FidoNet EchoMail support. (Morrow) (V:01/08) The Information Shoppe .................................... 288-7535 Steve & Bill Tuttle; Macintosh 512e; Red Ryder Host; (3B;20M;XC); Apple II & Macintosh support only. General, Technical, Macintosh & Adventure message bases. Users must be verified for access. System provided by Imaginetic Neovision. Online magazine "Visions" for downloading. (Decatur) (V:01/01) Kink Link ................................................. 242-6813 R David Tidwell; 7pm-7am M-F, 24 hrs W/E; Tandy/IBM; ?; (3;20M;N); Adult BBS. Associated with "Georgia Socials". (Norcross) (V:01/01) The Labyrinth ST .......................................... 594-0700 R King Minos; Atari ST; Forem ST; (3BC;?;?); Atari ST computer users. Semi private system. Formerly ST Black Forest. (Roswell) (V:01/09) The Lair .................................................. 995-0847 R Dark; IBM; RBBS-PC; (3B;?;XCWK); IBM, Adult section (Buford) (V:01/08) Lockheed Amateur Radio Club (LARC) BBS .................... 949-0687 George Carrier - KA4ENY; IBM PC; PC Board; (3BC;450K;XCY); Oriented toward HAM radio enthusiasts. Cosysop: Joe White. (Douglasville) (V:01/01) mAdHoUsE .................................................. 964-3043 Lanny Finch; Atari 320xe; ATABBS Rv mH; (3B;380K; ); "Atlanta's full-time happy hour" Accepts new adult uers with mail application. Send name, address, phone no, and proof of age over 18 to: mAdHoUsE, 4385 Melanie Lane, College Park, GA 30349 (College Park) (V:01/01) Match-80 .................................................. 972-7947 R$ Ruth Greene; ?; DYM; (3B;?;?); Social introductions. Log on for registration information. Has SIGS for Jokes, Food & Drink, Music, TRS-80, MS-DOS, Parapsychology, and much more, plus several private SIGS. (Snellville) (V:01/01) Mel-Har-Rhythm BBS ........................................ 378-4410 Lee F. Blitch; 7 pm-7 am; Kaypro 16; RBBS-PC; (3B;720K;X); Supports Kaypro 8 & 16 bit machines, and TRS CoCo. Uploads and downloads for these accessible on second call. CoCo conference supported. (Atlanta) (V:01/01) Molecular Magic BBS ....................................... 995-5287 ?; ?; ?; (3BC;?;?); Apple // and Macintosh. (Lawrenceville) (V:01/01) Mournblade BBS ............................................ 292-9691 ?; ?; ?; (3B;?;?); Online quests (Atlanta) (V:01/01) Omni Connection ........................................... 971-5297 Vaughn Cato; Midnight- noon; TRS-80 CoCo; custom; (3;330K;N); Seventeen message bases and special interest groups. Six online games with a "Points system" allowing users to compete for higher access, etc. Donation grants extended time/access. Verification required for game access. (Marietta) (V:01/02) The Order Board ........................................... now down Tom Whelan; ?; ?; (3B;?;?); (Acworth) (NA:01/01) OS9 BBS ................................................... 446-5630 Jesse Crapo; TRS-80 CoCo, OS/9; custom; (3;?;?); BBS set up for use of the Atlanta Robotics Special Interest Group of the Atlanta Computer Society. Uploads/downloads available. (Duluth) (NA:01/08) PC Exchange BBS ........................................... 977-6686 Mike Simmons; IBM PC; PC Board; (3BC;20M;XCY); General, all welcome. Voice verification required. Sponsored by Northside Computer Supplies in Norcross. Optional $10.00 donation earns extra time. (Marietta) (V:01/01) PC Forum, Atlanta ......................................... 294-0237 $ Lee Nelson; IBM PC; PC Board; (3BC;10M;XCY); IBM-PC Only! Paid system for corporate and university based IBM-PC & PC-compatible users. Over 2500 files available. Costs $35/yr to join. (Stone Mountain) (V:01/01) PC Plus Bulletin Board Service ............................ 762-0923 Jerry Frost; IBM PC?; PC Board; (3BC;?;XCYG); IBM-PC, Conferences on dBase, Sysops, Airline pilots, games, programmers. Mark Gill and Todd Moritz are co-sysops. (Atlanta) (V:01/01) Atlanta PC Users Group BBS ...................... 433-0062, 433-2427 R$ Bob Nye; IBM PC-XT; PC Board; (3BC;10M;XCY); PC User's Group information and support. Sponsored by MicroTronics of Atlanta. First line public, open access. Second line is registered for members and the public. (Atlanta) (V:01/08) Psychedelic Psystem / Western Horizons .................... 956-7197 ?; ?; ?; (3BC;?;?); Two systems in one. Psychedelic Psystem uses real names, and features Programming/Technical discussions. Westtern Horizons uses handles, and features Games/Music/teens discussions. (Smyrna) (V:01/10) Psychology Online ......................................... 252-8810 R D.B. Adams, PhD; PC Clone; PC Board; (3BC;?;XCY); Conference oriented, well respected nationally. Run by a practicing psychologist. (Atlanta) (V:01/01) SA-ARC BBS ................................................ 449-2029 ?; ?; ?; (3B;?;?); (Norcross) (V:01/04) South Atlanta Mini Board (SAMBo) .......................... 766-7639 Richard Logan; Tandy M-100, 32K; Tele-msg 100; (3;2DVI;?); "World's smallest BBS" specializes in Tandy model 100, NEC 8201 and similar laptops, though all computers welcome. (Model 100's: set to M7I1E) (Atlanta) (V:01/01) ShareWare South BBS ....................................... 378-7914 Steve Rohrer; IBM PC?; RBBS-PC; (3B;?;XCKYW); HAM radio, SWL's and electronic enthusiasts are encouraged to call. Operates under DoubleDOS. Conferences include SWL, Communications, PC-Jr, ShareWare News, and Tech. (Decatur) (V:01/08) The Software Link ......................................... 263-8772 Rod Roark; IBM PC; MLBBS; (3BC;?;X); For IBM'S w/Multi-Link. Technical news and assistance for customers of The Software Link, Inc. Primarily intended for customers, but visitors welcome. (Atlanta) (V:01/01) Southern Connection (133/203) ........................... 446-6269 $ Steve Verska; TRS-80; TBBS; (3BC;10M;XC); Supports TRS-80's, MS-DOS, Timex computers. Georgia Tech student section. Limited free access to public: full access to those who join the club and pay the $15.00. FidoNet EchoMail support. (Norcross) (V:01/01) System One ................................................ 389-3935 ?; ?; ?; (3B;?;?); Atari ST (Stockbridge) (V:01/01) The System Support Bulletin Board System .................. 261-1312 R Barry Young; Tandy 1000; Forum-PC; (3BC;?;?); This is a public bulletin board system intended to help Sysops and Users needing computer help. NOT to be used for any illegal purposes or lurking. (Atlanta) (V:01/01) TELCOM80 .................................................. 995-0144 Everett L. Stowe, Jr.; TRS-80 Model 4; custom Greene; (3B;5M;X); Supports TRS models 1,3,4,100,200,CoCo and MS-DOS. Official BBS of the TRS-80 Users' Group of Atlanta, Ltd. Some Ham info too. Use 7 bits, even parity. (Lawrenceville) (V:01/08) Third World InfoNet ....................................... 758-8498 R Paul Roberts; Atari 800xl; BBS Express; (3BC;65M;?); For Atari users. Upload/Downloads available. (Atlanta) (V:01/01) Track Meet ................................................ 941-7084 ?; ?; ?; (3BC;?;?); (Austell) (V:01/01) Victims BBS 4.0 ........................................... 294-5924 $ ?; C-64; C-Net; (3B;?;?); VICtims club BBS, open to members only, and to those interested in joining. Group is devoted to C-64 & C-128 computers. Club is $10/yr, with BBS an extra $10/yr. Log on and read General files for more info. (Atlanta) (V:01/01) Atlanta VM/370 User Board ................................. 378-7046 Mark Horton; IBM PC-AT; RBBS-PC; (3BC;64M;XC); Purpose is to disseminate VM/370 and VM/SP knowledge, primarily to VM system programmers, but also to anyone interested in the furtherance of VM. (Atlanta) (V:01/01) The Wading Pool BBS ....................................... 452-0956 $ Chris Wade; 9pm-5am WD, 24 hrs Sat; IBM PC; PC Board; (3B;?;XCY); Closed on Sundays. No handles, please. Conferences include Sysops, Infocom, Programmers, Games, SF, Quest. Supporting users can pay an annual fee for extended access. (Doraville) (V:01/09) Wimsey (Moonstone) ........................................ 255-8646 Bill White; IBM PC-XT; custom; (3B;?;?); Interactive text fantasy game online (Sandy Springs) (V:01/01) ====================================================================== [ Section 4. Dead systems: Atari Express! Audio Lab of GA Changing Domain (Jimmy Traylor) Emory Univ. GT-BBS Green Nebula BBS (Erick Kobres) HAF/MD - BBS (Hal Franklin, II, M.D.) IT BBS of Atlanta (Leroy Williams) Lurker's Lair (Larry the Lurker) Marietta BBS (Lamar Hawkins) Micro Music MIDI Pilot Exchange (The Pilot) RAM-Page! (Gary Pearcey) Real Time (Dan Coy) ScholarQuest BBS (Louis Hlad) Starship! (Karate Kid) TIBBS Atlanta (Ralph Fowler - N4NEQ) Valrost ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Currently active systems: 146 Private systems not listed: 13 Inactive systems listed: 17 ------------ TOTAL: 176 ======================================= ======================================= COPYRIGHT (c) 1988 by OAS, Inc. This list is a compilation prepared by the authors who reserve all rights except as follows: This list may be freely given away but may not be, in whole OR IN PART, sold; used or published in written, electronic, or any other form for any COMMERCIAL purpose; included in any product, package or publication sold commercially; or included online on any pay-access basis without the express express written permission of the authors. We prefer that you do not post modified versions of this list. DISCLAIMER: Please note that listing of a system does not constitute an endorsement. Neither the compilers of this list, those posting or distributing it, nor the OAS or its members will be held responsible for any activities taking place on boards listed or the nature, contents, copyright status or legality of any programs or other materials accessible on them. UPDATES: Please use the following contact information for corrections to this list. Prompt reporting results in a more accurate list. Help us to publicize your BBS for you. By modem: The OASis (404) 288-0547, 24 hours, 300/1200/2400/9600 USR HST By mail: OAS, Inc. P.O. Box 561 Decatur, GA 30031-0561 --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- End of List