Mortal Kombat II Moves List v1.6.3 =============================================================================================================================================================== KEY |GENERAL MOVES U = Up HP = High Punch QT = 1/4 Circ. Towards + = and =MAY be in air| Face Punch: HP Uppercut : D+HP Roundhouse: B+HK Knee : HK/LK (C) D = Down LP = Low Punch QA = 1/4 Circ. Away - = then [A]=ONLY in air | Body Punch: LP Crouch Punch: D+LP Sweep : B+LK Jump Kick : J+HK/LK F = Forw HK = High Kick HT = 1/2 Circ. Towards / = or {#}=charge for | Face Kick : HK Crouch Kick : D+HK Specialty : HP (C) Jump Punch: J+HP/LP B = Back LK = Low Kick HA = 1/2 Circ. Away # seconds | Body Kick : LK Ankle Kick : D+LK Throw/Flip: LP (C) J = Jump BL = Block (C)= Close to opponent | Hop Kick/Punch : Jump, and kick or punch your opponent on the way up X(...) = Hold button X, perform moves in parentheses, release X | Turn-around Kick: Jump over your opponent and kick them after you turn XY= Do Y X times {JUMP},{CLOSE},{FULL},{SWEEP},{ANY} = Ranges for fatalities | around but are still in the air -------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIU KANG |KUNG LAO Double Forearm: HP (C) Bicycle Kick: LK (4) Fat1: D-F-2B-HK {CLOSE} |Headbutt : HP (C) Pit/Spikes: 3F-HP Fat1: 3F-LK {SWEEP} Fireball : 2F-HP Pit/Spikes : B-2F-LK (Turns into dragon) |Teleport : D-U Babality : 2B-2F-HK (Cuts victim in half) Low Fireball : 2F-LP Babality : 2D-F-B-LK Fat2: BL(360O Away) {CLOSE} |Air Kick : D+HK [A] FR(Rabbit): 3B-D-HK Fat2: LP(B-F)-U {FULL} Flying Kick : 2F-HK FR(Disco) : F-3B-LK (Cartwheel and uppercut) |Hat Throw: B-F-LP Whirlwind : BL(2U-LK) (Decapitates victim) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JOHNNY CAGE |SHANG TSUNG Morphs Stomach Jab: HP (C) Pit/Spikes: 3D-HK |1 Skull : 2B-HP LK B-2F-BL RP BL(U-D-HP) JX D-F-B-HK SC BL(2U) Axe Kick : HK/LK (C) Babality : 3B-HK |2 Skulls : 2B-F-HP KL B-D-B-HK SZ F-D-F-HP MI HP (2) RD D-B-F-LK Low Bolt : HT-LP FR(Photo) : 4D-HK |3 Skulls : 2B-2F-HP JC 2B-D-LP KI 3BL BA 2D-LK High Bolt : HA-HP Fat1: 2D-2F-LP {CLOSE} Note: To punch off 3 heads |Pit/Spikes : BL(2D-U-D) Fat1: HK (2) (Mist) {SWEEP} Fat3: LP (30) {CLOSE} Shadow UpCt: B-D-B-HP (Rips torso off) with fatality 2, hold |Babality : B-F-D-HK (Turns into mist) (Turns into Kintaro) Shadow Kick: B-F-LK Fat2: 2F-D-U {CLOSE} D+BL+LP+LK until the first |FR(Rainbow): 2B-D-F-HK Fat2: BL(U-D-U-LK) {CLOSE} Nut Punch : LP+BL (Punches off head) head is punched off. | (Drains victim's life force) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REPTILE |KITANA Backhand : HP (C) Invisible : BL(2U-D-HP) Fat1: 2B-D-LP {JUMP} |Elbow : HP (C) Air Punch : HA-HP Fat1: KL(2F-D-F) {CLOSE} Acid Spit: 2F-HP Pit/Spikes: D-2F-BL (Eats head with tongue) |Fan Swipe: B+HP Pit/Spikes: F-D-F-HK (Kisses victim) Slide : B+LP+BL+LK Babality : D-2B-LK Fat2: 2F-D-HK {CLOSE} |Fan Throw: 2F-HP+LP Babality : 3D-LK Fat2: 3BL-HK {CLOSE} Forceball: 2B-HP+LP FR(Doll) : 2B-D-LK (You MUST be invisible!) |Fan Lift : 3B-HP FR(Cake) : 3D-U-LK (Decapitates victim) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUB-ZERO Fat1: 2F-D-HK {SWEEP} |MILEENA Backhand : HP (C) Pit/Spikes: D-2F-BL then: F-D-2F-HP {CLOSE} |Elbow : HP (C) Pit/Spikes: F-D-F-LK Fat1: F-B-F-LP {CLOSE} Iceball : QT-LP Babality : D-2B-HK (Freeze then shatter vict.)|Telep. Kick: 2F-LK Babality : 3D-HK (Stabs and lifts victim) GndFreeze: QA-LK FR(Doll) : 2B-D-HK Fat2: LP(2B-D-F) {FULL} |Ground Roll: 2B-D-HK FR(Flower): 3D-U-HK Fat2: HK (2) {CLOSE} Slide : B+LP+BL+LK (Throws ice grenade) |Sai Throw : HP (2) (Inhales victim) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCORPION |BARAKA Backhand : HP (C) Air Throw : BL [A] Fat1: BL(2U-HP) {SWEEP} (Same as |Backhand : HP (C) Blue Bolt : QA-HP Fat1: BL(4B-HP) {CLOSE} Spear : 2B-LP Pit/Spikes: D-2F-BL or: BL(2D-2U-HP) {ANY} MK1) |Double Kick: 2HK (C) Pit/Spikes: 2F-D-HK (Decapitates victim) Tel.Punch: QA-HP Babality : D-2B-HK Fat2: HP(D-3F) {CLOSE} |Blade Swipe: B+HP Babality : 3F-HK Fat2: B-F-D-F-LP {CLOSE} Leg Grab : HA-LK FR(Doll) : 2B-D-HK (Cuts victim down the middle) |Blade Fury : 3B-LP FR(Gift) : BL(U-2F-HK) (Stabs and lifts victim) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RAIDEN |JAX Mini Uppercut: HP (C) Teleport : D-U Fat1: LK (6)-BL+LK rep.{CLOSE}|OvrhdHammer: HP (C) BackBreakr: BL [A] Fat1: LP(3F) {CLOSE} Body Launch : 2B-F Pit/Spikes: BL(3U-HP) (Electrocution. Repeat BL+LK)|Gnd Smash : LK (3) Pit/Spikes: 2U-D-LK (Claps victim' head) Lightning : QT-LP Babality : 2D-U-HK Fat2: HP (8) {CLOSE} |Gotcha Grab: 2F-LP Babality : D-U-D-U-LK Fat2: 4BL-LP {STEP} Electrocution: HP (4)(C) FR(Kidd T): D-B-F-HK (Uppercuts opponent) |Quad Slam : Throw-HP FR(Paper) : 2D-2U-LK (Rips victim' arms off) |Energy Wave: HA-HK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JADE - Win 1 round on the stage directly before the question mark using only LK|RANDOM SEL. - Press U+START at fighter select with selectors at orig. positions SMOKE - Press D+START when the "Toasty" face appears, ONLY ON THE PORTAL STAGE!|NO THROWS - 2 players only - D+HP on BOTH joystics after fighters selected NOOB SAIBOT - Win 50 consecutive matches. |DEAD POOL FATALITY (All chars.) - Hold LP+LK, then do an uppercut. Only works PONG - Reach Battle 250 | on the Dead Pool screen. Hold D after doing this to hear the "Almost" yell. =============================================================================================================================================================== Condensed into one page form from the Mortal Kombat II FAQ v16 by Jason J. Tucker ( Revised April 15, 1994 The latest revision of this list may be obtained by anonymous FTP from Andy Eddy's storehouse o' FAQs at FTP.NETCOM.COM in the directory /pub/vi/vidgames/faqs ===============================================================================================================================================================