New in this faq are the game genie codes that boost experience. I believe in an earlier post I had accidently put that the codes gave HP instead of Exp. Those typos have been fixed. /\ /\ _ )( ______________________ ______________________ )( _ (_)///////(**)______________________> <______________________(**)\\\\\\\(_) )( )( \/ \/ \_ ____/ | `\ \-. __ _____ _ _ ____ _____ ,--. | | / | \ | ` /^\` | `| | .--. | ' | | \ | /~'\ | / | | | | | | .---.|_ | | | ./ |___ | ||-{ |-- |---| | |---| | || |--/ | |-/ | | || \ | | | | | | `---'| | | | `\ | | ./ | ||__.| | | | | / | __|__ | | |_____ /' BoF FAQ Version 0.7 Nov 5, 1994 /\ /\ _ )( ______________________ ______________________ )( _ (_)///////(**)______________________> <______________________(**)\\\\\\\(_) )( )( \/ \/ Authors: Todd Manookin - Alex Pelton - Maintainers : Donald Yee - Todd Manookin - READ THIS FIRST! This latest version of the Breath of Fire FAQ contains two distinct section to it. The first is a series of lists of information about important aspects of the game, also answering a number of the frequently asked questions about this game, and revealing many of its secrets. The second portion is a complete walk-through, very thorough and detailed. The walk-through will probably answer any question you have that is not covered in the first part. If you are stuck and looking for a specific answer, check in the appropriate area of the game. If you are looking for 'secret' information about the game, check the first section first - most of it is found there. Order of Topics --------------- Cast List - The characters in the game. Dragon Training - Where you go and what you need to gain dragon spells for your hero. Rod5 Sites - Locations where you need to use the Rod5 fishing pole. You gain VERY important items at these sites. Karn's Forms - Where you need to go so Kain can gain additional forms. Also has descriptions of Karn's various forms. Cement Blocks - Locations of the cement blocks. The cement blocks are entrances to special caves with bonus items. Dragon Marks - Locations of the dragon marks. The dragon marks are entrances to special caves with bonus items. Ingredients - List of ingredients and where to get them for tonic. The tonic is needed to cure Nina's amnesia. Obelisk - This section talks about where to get the I.Claw (Iron Claw), where the Obelisk is, etc... This part is important after Sara and Jade have been defeated and the Obelisk is floating in the sky. Weapon Effects - This is a listing of spells various weapons can cast when used as items in battle. Item Effects - This is a listing of some items that can do special effects. Gobi's Shop - A buying guide of items Gobi can aquire at his shop. General Hints - Hints on playing the game. Walk-through - A complete walk-through for the game! Coming Soon - Info that will hopefully be included in future versions of this faq. FAQ Location - This part mentions where this faq is found and how to gain ftp access if you don't have it. CAST LIST --------- Hero - This is you, warrior of the Light Dragon Family. Basically, a fighter, but can learn magic to become a dragon. Also, the only character who can fish. Nina - She learns to fly after you unfreeze the town of Carmen. She also has lots of clerical type magic. Bo - He can shoot arrows and travel through forest on the global map. Karn - He can pick most locks, avoid traps in chests, and avoid pits. He also can combine into a special form with other chars. Gobi - He can turn into a fish underwater when he has the sphere. He also has magic when under water. Ox - He can knock down some rock piles. He can also hit trees on the global map knocking down fruit and nuts. Bleu - She has the most magic in the group. Her spells are mainly offensive. Mogu - He can dig in dirt on the world map and gain items. He can also dig up roots under some plants south of Grimor. DRAGON TRAINING --------------- At these four sites you can have your hero learn sets of dragon spells. The dragon spells can be used to transform your hero, and (with Agni) your entire party. Using a dragon spell should heal your hero when cast. 1) You can learn your first set south of Tuntar across the river. You can cross the river after lava from a nearby volcano fills in the river south of Tuntar. Defeat TALON to gain Snow, Flame, and Thunder Dragon magics. 2) You can gain your second set after Gobi has regained the Sphere and can turn into a fish. He regains the sphere after your party saves Gant and Prima. You will need the Rod5 from Tunlar to gain the item required to enter the dragon shrine. In Tunlar, go the the vault and try to walk to the treasure chest on the left hand side. You will either be pushed or fall down the pit. After you fall though go the the chest in the lower right hand corner of where you have fallen and push the chest aside. Search where the chest was and you gain the Rod5. With the Rod5 and some type of fishing bait (you must equip these on your hero) try fishing in all the wells you can reach on the global map. The list of fishing spots is listed lower down. The location of this shrine is southwest of Gant. You can reach it by going through the pyramid and around the mountains near Gant. Defeat BAIN to acquire Ice, Fire, Bolt, and Gold Dragon magics. Note: the Gold Dragon is useful on the undead (zombies) and nothing else. 3) You can reach this place after you can fly with Nina. It is northwest of Gust in the middle of a lake. You need the Dragon Armor to enter. Defeat AVIAN to receive Rudra magic. 4) You can gain Agni after you have the power gained from shrine #3 and you possess the Dragon Helmet and Rudra magic. No combat is involved here. The location of this shrine Under the Water in the Magic Spring. This is the same spring you had to go to fill up the Water Jar. Since you can travel under water by this stage in the game, enter the water where you filled the jar earlier. Note: to use Agni all your characters need to be alive, unparalyzed, and unjoined (through Karn's magic). Rod5 SITES ---------- These are the sites where you can use the Rod5 fishing rod. You will need bait to be able to do any fishing. Bait can be bought and/or dug up by Mogu. The items you gain from these sites are very important to the game. Note: You equip your hero (from the item screen) with the Rod5 and bait, and put your hero at the head of the party. Try pushing buttons while against a well to start fishing. Well - Northwest of Tantar. You gain the Slab telling about shrine #4 here. Well - Far west of Agua and east of shrine #3. You gain the Dragon Sword here. Dock - This is located in the town of Spring. Go down some stairs and walk into the water surrounding the town. You head west and climb back onto the land on the other side. There is a pond with ducks and a pier. Fish from the pier. The Dragon Armor is gained here. Well - West of Gust surrounded by mountains. You have to fly to reach it. This is where you find the Dragon Shield. Well - Far southwest of Arad. You have to fly to reach it. It contains the Dragon Helmet. You can use any bait to fish but you must be using Rod5 to get the Dragon items. KARN'S FORMS ------------ These are various forms of Karn's. With these he can combine with Bo, Ox, or Gobi to become a new creature that has different abilities and higher hit points. Note: Karn's form must be leading the party to use any special abilities available in non-combat situations. Shin - This form can shoot like Bo when leading the part on the global map. This form is a combo of Bo and Gobi. You gain this form in Gant by pushing a cabinet. Doof - This form is even stronger than Ox. It is a combo of Ox and Bo. This form can push aside objects that you couldn't before. This is found by having Mogu dig on a dragon mark northeast of Camlon. Debo - This is a combo of Gobi and Ox, and can only be activated while underwater. You get it by pushing an empty crate in Gust at the flute player's house. Puka - There are cement blocks with the impression of a dragon's head on the global map. Puka can breath on them to access the caves they cover. Puka has two powerful attack forms in combat, breathing and rolling, the later doing about double damage (which can also be doubled by 'Slamming'!) Get this form by pushing a cabinet in Bleak with Doof. CEMENT BLOCKS ------------- These are accessed by Puka (a form of Karn's). When Puka breaths on a cement block, the block will slide to the side and allow you to enter a cave. The caves contain powerful specialized bracelets. NOTE: Puka must be at the head of the party to open the blocks. #1) North of Auria. Get the DarkBR here. #2) Southwest of Gust. Get the LoveBR here. #3) Far southeast of Carmen. Get the WindBR here. DRAGON MARKS ------------ You dig with Mogu on these marks on the global map. The marks are entrances to special caves with bonus items. #1) Northeast of Camlon. This one is very important. You gain Karn's Doof form here. #2) East of where you originally found the stone golem. Also far northeast of Tuntar. Find A.,L,V.Potions and Clog here. #3) Somewhere north of Winlan among the islands. You need to be able to fly to reach it. Find V.,S. Potions and Sash here. #4) Next to the Spyre near Spring. This is the tower entrance. #5) Northeast of Carmen and south of Spring. Find HeroBW here. #6) Southern most part of the continent. Far southeast of Scande. You need to be able to fly to reach it. Find S.,A.,L. Potions, MystCW, StarSH, AgileHT, LoveHT, and Life2 here. INGREDIENTS (for tonic that is supposed to cure Nina's amnesia) ----------- Root: Found just a little south of Gramor, dig by the plant before the caves. C. Nut: Can be found by having Ox punch any palm tree (a few tries). W. Antler: Found from shooting a white deer or by searching a stool in the doctor's house in Carmen. This can also be found by digging with Mogu in random locations around Gramor. P. Fish: Fish on the bridge to Scande, from the side that Carmen is on. OBELISK (and where to use the I.Claw) ------- You get the I.Claw by flying to an island southwest of Tantar. An old lady on the island would like to talk to another weapons collector. Go back and forth from her to the old man located far south of her. After a while you will receive the I.Claw. You can use the I.Claw after Sara and Jade have been defeated and the Obelisk is floating in the sky. The Obelisk will appear where Scande used to be. When you land on the Obelisk you need to have Mogu dig on a crack located northern most within the Obelisk. Note: After you defeat Zog it seems you run into a dead end an are unable to progress. Go to Agua and let Jade activate the goddess Tyr. When you chase after him you end up in the twin towers of Pagoda. In the Pagoda when you cross the bridge, enter the right tower, and go down the stairs it looks like there is a set of stairs you can't reach because of some bars. Immediately after you go down the stairs go down and around and enter the center area. Activate the trigger in the center area and you can reach the other set of stairs. WEAPON SPELL EFFECTS -------------------- Use these weapons as items in combat to produce the following spell effects. Cane: Zom1 Emperor Sword: Char Flame Hammer: Flame Flame Rapier: F.Ball Icy Cane: Chill Icy Claw: Frost Icy Dagger: Cold Glow Cane: Hold Power Rapier: Ag-Up Rage Hammer: Frost Star Hammer: -->Comet<-- Thunder Rapier: Fry Trident: Storm SPECIAL ITEM EFFECTS -------------------- Use these special items to produce special effects. Earth Key: 3.5 (spell) WtrJr': Restore full HP/AP to all (one use, can be refilled) Light Key: Turns night to day (outside only) Dark Key: Turns day to night (outside only) Hourglass: Advances time 12 hours (outside only) GOBI'S SHOP ----------- Gobi can play merchant by standing behind the counter at Prima or in Tunlan and pressing 'A' button. People come up and buy or sell stuff--if you just want to buy, try storing all of your saleable items so everyone is a seller. What they can sell you depends on what point in the game you are. There are essentially 3 stages with regard to what Gobi can buy. Here is a list of all items and during which stage they can be bought (if you are past a stage, you can *never* get items from earlier stages). The stages are: 1 = Starts when you first get Gobi 2 = Starts when you first get Bleu 3 = Starts when you first arrive at Scande * = Means the item is found nowhere else in the game. Item Stage found ==== =========== AngelAR 1 C.Stn 1 HuntGL 1 LightRP 1 MetalAR 1 Rod2 1 SilverDR 1 SteelBW 1 *ThunderRP* 1 Cure2 1,2 F.Stn 1,2 Antd x9 1,2,3 ProtnB 1,2,3 Smoke 1,2,3 EvilRP 2 Mackrl 2 *Sleeper* 2 B.Stn 2,3 G.Tiara 2,3 AgileHT 3 Cure x9 3 *DwarfBW* 3 *DarkDR* 3 *EvilRB* 3 *GlowCN* 3 *Mallet* 3 *MaskSH* 3 *PowerRP* 3 Tuna 3 *?Dragon's Warp?* ? The Dragon's Warp has not actually been found by anyone but it is supposedly acquired by Gobi-merchant (this is NOT the Dragon Heart) GAME GENIE CODES ---------------- These codes are from Galoob: Breath of Fire(tm) Game 1 D9BF-CD69 Create a new character that starts at level 5 2 BBBF-CFD9 Create a new character that starts with 153 max H.P. 3 BBBF-CF69 Create a new character that starts with 153 H.P. 4 F0BF-C4D9 Create a new character that starts with 20 max A.P. 5 F0BF-C469 Create a new character that starts with 20 A.P. 6 F1B4-CD09 Create a new character that starts with INT at 22 7 F1B4-CD69 Create a new character that starts with Agility at 22 8 46B4-CFD9 Create a new character that starts with Fate at 40 9 74BF-C7A9 Create a new character that starts with strength at 50 10 74B4-CDD9 Create a new character that starts with Vigor at 50 Breath of Fire is a Trademark of Capcom Co. Ltd. Game Genie codes are from Galoob. This code comes from TheSpook1 66BF-C769 8,913020 Exp to start for hero. Use this at the start of the game along with any stat modifing codes. The rest I came up with. I've only tried them in their goldfinger form. 66B5-C769 8,913036 Exp to start for Nina. 66B2-C769 8,913*** Exp to start for ... \ 66B7-A769 8,913*** Exp to start for ... \_ Untried 66BB-A769 8,913*** Exp to start for ... / 66BE-A769 8,913*** Exp to start for ... / Mail one of the maintainers if you verify one of the last 5 codes. I believe these codes should work. Since the character data storage is in the same area for all the chars, you can decode the game genie codes look at nearby addresses to get codes for other stats. Use each experience code right before you get each char. After you get that char, save. You can then enter the codes that affect the next char you are going to get. That way you don't have to worry about being limited to using 5 codes. GENERAL HINTS ------------- Search every big dresser you see. They usually have items to raise stats. Also search pushable objects like vases, stools, cabinets, etc.--they often hide important objects as well. Sometimes the order that you talk to people and do things is very important. An example is when you need to get the WtrJr in Romero. You need to talk to a guy in the town who mentions a couple that used to sell something ... Then you need to visit the couple in the graveyard at night. The old woman will give it to you only after you've talked to people in the correct order. The WtrJr can be refilled in the spring and in Tunlan (by the girl that mentions songs can be bottled). It is useful for healing all four of the fighting party and reviving them if they are dead. The Earth Key can be used as an item during battle. It does 30 points of damage to all enemies. This is very useful for Nina since she has a wimpy attack. Different shops charge different prices for the same items. This also means that shops will pay different prices when selling items. If you are going to sell valuable items, find a high priced shop, and vice versa while buying. When searching underwater turn Gobi into a fish (you must have the sphere, saved Prima, and have Gobi as the lead character). That way you won't be attack by monsters while moving around. The Tri-Rang can be found behind Pagoda after Nina learns how to fly and BEFORE Pagoda has been activated. Search directly behind the twin towers of Pagoda to find the Tri-Rang. Gain oodles of exp (9999 exp a shot :) from M.Slimes on the island Pagoda is on. After a while the M.Slimes will run out and will only show up after a period of rest. The Hero's Agni spell and Bleu's FireX spell work well against the M.Slime. Unfortunately they don't appear with great frequency. After you get Karn, go back to Agua open the doors that were locked before. When you get to the top you should be able to reach a scenic place with where the path forms a cross on the water. On the left and right side of the cross are two statues of dragons. Search them to gain two very good items. These are the Life Armor and the Icy Dagger. The Icy Dagger makes a good weapon for Karn but can be used during battle to produce a spell effect. Also check back in Winlan to find the Flame Rapier and in the Auria->Bleak cave for a G.Bar and other stuff. After getting Ox, go back to Agua to break down a wall for more treasure. Also check the Auria->Bleak cave. Free the B.Rang from Krypt as well, using Ox--it will be broken though when you first find it. Reportedly, you can get get Chun Li to appear. To do this, talk to the magician in Bleak, and when he asks you if you want to see him perform, say yes. Then when he asks you to put 100gp on the table say yes again. When he asks you to turn around, say no twice, then say yes. Chun Li will appear at this point. Check by the throne after defeating Jade to discover the Emperor Sword. Check the righthand pillar in the same room for the Star Hammer. Use this in combat to produce *Comet* spell effect! *-={+}=-*-={+}=-*-={+}=-*-={+}=-*-={+}=-*-={+}=-*-={+}=-*-={+}=-*-={+}=-*-={ BREATH OF FIRE WALK-THROUGH -------------------------- This section is a complete walk-through, including all important places, events, monsters and items you will encounter throughout the game. If you are stuck somewhere in the game, check the section in the walk-through and your question will probably be answered. STARTING TIPS ------------- IMPORTANT!!! Pay no attention to the order of locations listed on the map foldout that comes with the game. The numbers are not sequential and have no relevance to the order in which they are visited. In combat defeat monsters as quickly as possible, the fewer rounds it takes, the more EXP and Gold you will receive. You will notice animals walking around every once in a while. If Bo is leading your party, he can fire arrows to kill them. Buffalo leave Meat, birds leave W.Meat, deer leave Antlers, and white deer leave W.Antlers. You will also notice tiny fish swimming off of coasts in some places and wells throughout the land. You can fish in these places by equipping your hero with a Rod and some form of bait. Note, you can only fish in wells with Rod5. Sometimes monsters will leave items, try and remember which monsters leave useful ones. Though you won't find any special/unique items or weapons/armor you can find things like M.Drops (can be found from DogfishX, Mages, and other things). Again, don't forget to search dressers--ALL of them contain an item, some of which are very useful--Inns are especially common places to find dressers. Also learn which objects in the game can be pushed--empty boxes, stools, cabinets, jars, and other things. These also can hide items (but not always). Certain types of cabinets can only be pushed by Karn in his Doof form. Mogu can dig into dirt outside to find random items. Again there aren't any unique items, weapons/armor found this way, but some useful stuff may turn up, like Life, W.Antler, and Cure2. Mogu's spell 'Dig' only works if you can dig into the surface you are standing on. This spell will automatically get you out of combat. All of Gobi's spells are offensive attack spells that can be used only underwater. THE GAME -------- Note: Important items and boss creatures are listed in all caps. 1. DROGEN-The city gets burned by Jade and his soldiers-Sara is unable to defend it. Little else of importance in town. One of the guys in the main building can heal you. The dragon statue will save games. 2. CAMLON-North of Drogen, the king asks you to rid the castle of monsters. Bring plenty of antidotes with you. The fountains (and all subsequent ones) can heal all HP/AP and conditions (like poison). Fight the FROG at the end--all monsters will vanish after this. 3. NANAI-The King of Camlon asks you to go to Nanai and destroy the quake machine. Go in at night while the guards are sleeping, be careful of those who aren't. Recommended: buy weapons now before finishing the dungeon (including IronRP for Nina in advance). Find the dungeon in the palace and fight KNIGHT at the end. Get the EARTH KEY and the town will be leveled--use this key to produce 3.5 spell effect. 4. WINLAN-Here, the quest shifts to Nina (the Hero is not a player at this time). Equip Nina with better weapons/armor first off. Find two Soldiers to join you in the cave to Romero, while in search of the REMEDY for the king. Get the I.ORE in this cave as well. 5. ROMERO-Find the MAP down a hole in one house by pushing jars (press Start outside to view it). The zombies won't be dealt with until later. 6. FOREST WEST OF ROMERO-Use the EARTH KEY often here. Search behind some trees to find 4 hidden chests. Red mushroom patches can be eaten to recover 10 HP, yellow patches are poisonous. Find your way through to reach Karma. 7. KARMA-Travel up the east tower by defeating MORTE and MORTEA, and cross to the west tower where you can Save/Recover. You will find the Romero women and the WIZARD here. The WIZARD can't be defeated except by the Hero. Return here as the Hero, find the RANG and kill the him. 8. TANTAR/TUNTAR-Now with Hero & Nina go to the twin cities and find the smith who will make a SAW (with I.ORE) used to enter the Forest of Despair found NW of town. 9. FOREST OF DESPAIR-Use the saw to enter. Find the hideout where you need to be cautious of pitfalls, and attacks by BOWMEN & LANCERS. One of the chests in the 2nd floor pit room is trapped as well. When you find the Tuntar leader, refuse to follow him several times, he's an imposter. Bo will appear and help you fight the imposter--the GENERAL. 10.MYSTIC WATER CAVE-Return to Romero and talk to people during the day, then the old woman at night--she will give you the WTRJR. Find the cave southwest of town (north of Camlon)--you will need Bo to lead you through the woods. In the lowest level you can fill the WTRJR used to purify Romero. You can also return to refill it again and again. 11.AGUA-The chief of Romero will give you the TABLET used to enter Agua. Climb to the top and defeat the WISP go get the KNGKEY. 12.STONE CEMETERY-Find the Stone Robot in Stone Cemetery, and enter it via left foot. Find the heart and defeat the GENERAL to activate the teleport devices. Find the brain and use the key to activate the robot. 13.WATER CAVE-After restoring the river with the robot, get the KEY from the Tantar chief. Go to the cave next to the robot, which leads to a second cave where the RING can be found (gives +10 attack power). 14.STONE ROBOT ATTACK-Return to Tantar for the wedding, then go outside. The Dark Dragons will have taken control of the robot and use it to destroy Tuntar. Reenter the robot and fight the GREMLIN (beware, he is very hard to defeat!) After being able to cross the lava bed, you can seek out your first Dragon Training (see notes in FAQ). 15.AURIA-After crossing the dried lava bed you will also find a woodsman trapped by faeries in the woods, and a cave leading to Auria. In Auria you can get money by doing a number of tasks. Get a VITAMIN for a man above the shop. Cure the back ache of a man in one of the houses. Also talk to the mother of the woodsman, then go back and convince the faeries to free him to collect a reward. Don't miss the PRISNCL in the jail, this armor gives +20 luck. 16.BLEAK-Go through the cave east of Auria and find Bleak. Remember to return to this cave with Karn and Ox later to claim further treasure. In Bleak you will need to give the Head Thief a G.BAR in exchange for the ICICLE. Be careful at the Inn, the keeper will try to steal your money--if you have a POUCH, however, he will fail, and pay you to keep quiet about it. 17.ARAD-Travel through the cave near Bleak to reach the desert. To the south you will find Arad, where you need to defeat the SANDWORM in the NE part of town to receive the FIFE. 18.KRYPT-Use the FIFE to enter. Don't open the chests until after Karn has joined, most are trapped. Kill EYESPY and soon after locate Karn. Take Karn down to the bottom and open the 8 coffins, the last one opened will have the BOOK needed to open the vault in Auria. The B.RANG cannot be freed until you have Ox. With Karn you can also return to Agua, Winlan, and the cave east of Auria to open locked doors. 19.TOWER OF DARKNESS-Located near Bleak, fight your way to the top and defeat the CLOUD to get the DKKEY and the MIRROR. 20.TOWER OF LIGHT-Return to Auria and use Karn to open the vault to save the girl. Use the MIRROR to convince the rich man to give you the LTKEY found at the top of the tower. 21.THE VOYAGE-At the docks of Auria you will encounter a KNIGHT and ARCHER who will destroy the ship. Give Gobi a G.BAR for GNPWDR to pass through the blocked passage in the cave north of Auria. Find the Dark Dragons' ship and fight your way to the SQUID. Return to Auria and set sail, where you will be attacked again, and you must battle OCTO. You will be forced to sink your own ship and the party will be stranded on an island. 22.PRIMA-Now you are playing as Gobi; travel west from the island to Prima. The guild master will tell you to go to Gant. You can go to the flea market here and play merchant (see notes in FAQ). 23.GANT-From Prima go south to find Gant. You can find the HRGLAS here, as well as Karn's spell, Shin, once you have the party reassembled. Get the GOODS and return with them to Prima. 24.OX-When you return to Prima, give the guild master the GOODS. He will in turn give you the GILLS, so you can get the rest of the party to save the injured smith, Ox who is near death. When you return with the party, fight MORTEO. Ox will join with you at this point. With Ox, you can go back to Agua and the cave east of Auria to claim treasure. You can also free the B.RANG in Krypt but it is damaged and must be repaired. 25.B.RANG-Once you have freed the B.RANG from Krypt, take it to an old hermit who lives far east of Gant--he will identify it and tell you to have it repaired in Gant. Once you rescue the townsmen, you can get it repaired. 26.NABAL-To reach Nabal, travel NW from Prima onto the shore. You must pass through a fort where the Gant men are held--fight TOAD to free them. Pass through a forest after this filled with Grimfowl and a mysterious man (you will meet him several more times in the game). Follow his advice to learn how to get into Nabal--seek out the hermit for strategy. When you return to the forest fight a GRIMFOWL, then get the others to follow you with the EGG. Enter Nabal finally, and battle SLIMEX. The general will escape to attack Prima where you will return to receive the STATUE. Don't forget to return to Nabal to find more treasure, including a CLOG hidden on the dock. 27.WISDON-You can now enter the moving city of Wisdon, just north of Arad, possessing the STATUE. Find your way through the dungeon and locate Bleu. To wake her, defeat WISP, CLOUD, and MYST. She will instruct you to take the OLDEGG and throw it into a volcano. 28.UNDERWATER VOLCANO-This is found directly north of Prima. Find the cavern with lava and throw the OLDEGG in. You will appear back at Wisdon, where Bleu will join your party. 29.BATTLE AT PRIMA-Now that Bleu has joined, return to Prima and battle the Dark Dragons. You must defeat PINCHER, in return for which the guild master gives Gobi the SPHERE, used to transform into a big fish. 30.GUST-Use the SPHERE to cross the chasm underwater. You can now find Gust to the north. Push a box in the flute player's house to find another thief to teach Karn Debo spell (used only underwater). 31.ROD5 FISHING-With the SPHERE, you can also reach Tunlan where if you fall down a pit to the left of the vault in the princess's house, you can search a box to find the ROD5. With this you can fish at the wells (three can be reached now, see notes in FAQ). With the DRAGON SWORD, you can also get your second step in Dragon Training (also see notes in FAQ) 32.CORT'S LABORATORY-Cort's flower has caused everyone in Gust to go insane. The lab just north of town has ROGUES guarding several chests. Once you are past them, Cort will shrink your party. Find the mouse hole to the north, and defeat the 3 K.ROACHES. The mice will give you the M.CURA to revert to normal. Find Cort and defeat RUGAX who is actually Nicholie on bad acid. He will be badly injured after defeating him, and you need the OIL to save him. 33.FLY'S CAVE/FROG'S CAVE-First enter the cave in Gust and kill the G.FLY. Take its corpse to the Frog's Cave to trade for OIL. The Frog's Cave is found by passing underwater to the far southeast of Gust onto a shore. Return to Gust with the OIL. You will also need to go kill the FLOWERX to cure the villagers' insanity. Get the MAESTRO from the flute player's bed now. Unfortunately Nicholie will have another relapse and must be defeated as RUGAX again. He will be able to repair the bridge finally, but Cort will try to stop you from crossing, kill him as he transforms into HORNTOAD to pass. 34.GRAMOR-Cross the bridge and travel to Gramor, where the mole people live. To save Mogu, you need the BOLSTER found in Tunlan. You will be given the COWL so you can communicate with the people there (along with the MAESTRO). 35.TUNLAN-Talk to the old woman and princess. Find the combination to the lock by returning at night and walking through a crack in the wall to spy on the bathing princess. Go to the vault and get the BOLSTER. If you haven't already, get the ROD5 here--see Item 31. for details. 36.MOGU'S DREAM-Return to Gramor with the BOLSTER and enter Mogu's dream. First go to the Tower north of town and meet MOTHRO--run away for now. Beware of pressure plates here, green ones cause the walls to disappear, red ones make them reappear. 37.POISON CAVE-Go to the cave south of town (still in the dream). It is blocked by poisonous gas which can generally be detected by bones. Once you find your way through, meet Courage and unite him with Reason, Humor Sorrow, Fear, and Anger. Mogu will join your party at this point. 38.DREAM TOWER-Go back to the tower with Mogu and you will now be able to go all the way to the top, where you must defeat MOTHRO. You will exit the dream after this is accomplished. 39.DIGGING-With Mogu seek out the Dragonhead marks in the dirt where he can dig to find hidden treasure rooms. Get Karn's Doof spell, then go to Bleak and push a cabinet in the Gypsy's house in Doof form to get Puka spell. As Puka you can open the dragonhead marked stone doors to get more treasure. See FAQ notes for more details. Also have Mogu dig under a strange looking tree south of Gramor to obtain the ROOT. 40.SPRING-Go through the cave south of Gramor to reach Spring. The town is frozen over by magical forces. To save it head to Spyre to the south. 41.SPYRE-Have Mogu dig to enter the tower. Search behind two pillars above a set of stairs on the first level to find hidden items. Avoid the exits along the walls on higher floors--they will take you outside. At the top you will meet Mote who forces you into his dreamworld. 42.MOTE'S DREAM-Go to the cave north of town. In the maze area that spins you around remember you always remain facing the same way, even after being spun. In the area with the damage zones find a hidden pit to access the next section. In the room full of stairs, take the second one to the right of the stairs you entered by. Fight MOTE for a short time until his Conscience shows up. Now you can defeat him. You will then return to reality and get the SKYKEY--use on the machine to restore warmth to the valley. In Spring you can now fish for the DRAGON ARMOR with ROD5. 43.CARMEN-Go through Spring's waterfall cave to find Carmen to the south. All the people here have been frozen in time except for Alan. 44.TOCK-Go to the tower east of Carmen and use the arrow warps to reach the top, where Cerl will warp you out. Return to Carmen, and talk to Alan. Now go back to Tock and battle CERL. She will warp you out yet again--go to Carmen. Next, go to the large tree south of Carmen, and get the FRUIT by punching it with Ox. Take it to Cerl in the fort to the SE, where she will give you the TMKEY, but Goda shows up and the fort vanishes along with Cerl and Alan. Return to Tock where Nina will insert the TMKEY to restore Carmen to normal. She however, will be lost in time. Note: you can return to Tock one more time and find the MYSTSD. 45.NINA-Nina has warped back in time and is located in Tunlan (you may have met her before) but she has amnesia. The mysterious man will appear and tell you to visit Carmen and meet the doctor. The doctor in Carmen will make a TONIC to help Nina but needs 4 ingredients (see FAQ notes). Once you have all of these you can get the TONIC as well as the PASS to Scande found by talking to the mysterious man under a tree in Carmen (search the spot he stands on). Once you restore Nina she will be able to fly, and is (seemingly, but not actually) better in combat. 46.FLYING-Now that you can fly, you can visit many new important places. Such places include: new digging spots for Mogu, more Puka doors, more wells, the final two Dragon Training locations, the old woman hermit's house on an island SW of Tuntar, the location of the TRI-RANG. See notes in the FAQ for more info on all of these points. 47.SCANDE-After getting the pass from Carmen, you can enter Scande, found in the middle of the poisonous swampland in the Southwest. After talking to the people here, go the Spring to find the Climber who gives you the B.PART. Take this to Gant for repairs. With the PARTS, you may take the elevator to the top of the Scande Tower. 48.SCANDE TOWER-When you reach the top the mysterious man will visit you one more time and tell you to get the D.HRT from Tunlan. Go back to Tunlan and find a woman in one of the houses who gives it to you. Go through the tower and face ZOG. You can use the D.HRT on him to inflict heavy damage but the hero will also take damage (even if he's not in combat when used). After defeating him, you will meet Sara who will betray you by giving all the keys to the mysterious man who is actually Jade. You will be trapped gut if you go south, the mole people will save you. 49.AGUA-Find your way to the top of Agua (northwest of Romero) where Jade and Sara have activated the keys to release Tyr. The twin towers Pagoda will form and can now be entered (teleport or fly). 50.PAGODA-Step on pressure plates to open the doors here, and find SARA, who will attack you just when you think she has recovered. After killing her (*sob*) continue on to confront Jade, who blasts the party unconscious. You will wake up in Drogen to find out Jade has uncovered Obelisk. 51.OBELISK-It is now floating over where Scande used to be, have Nina fly in to enter. You can not descend however, until Mogu has the I.CLAW (see FAQ notes) and learns to use it. Go to Gramor and talk to the Great Digger who teaches Mogu to use the I.CLAW. Now you can dig into Obelisk. Find GODA, last of Jade's minions and defeat him. Further in the dungeon, all the areas look the same, so be careful about being tricked into thinking you're back at the beginning when you really aren't. Find JADE and destroy him once and for all. Search by his throne to find the EMPORSD, also search by the righthand pillar in the same room to find the STARHR. 52.TYR-THE FINAL BATTLE-Step onto one of the two grey buttons in front of Jade's throne to descend to a lower level. Here, you will meet TYR. She will ask you if you want a wish, say yes to recover all HP/AP back. Then tell her 'No' and you will enter combat--she won't fight back, and you will return to talking sequence again. After talking to her, Sara should appear and tell you to use Agni magic. If you do not, when you reenter combat, you will get the 'Bad' ending. Otherwise, by using Agni magic (see FAQ notes on Dragon Training), she will reveal her true form--a big 'Alien'-like multi-headed snake creature who has lots and lots of hit points and nasty attack forms. Kill her in this form to win the game with the 'Good' ending! THE END *-={+}=-*-={+}=-*-={+}=-*-={+}=-*-={+}=-*-={+}=-*-={+}=-*-={+}=-*-={+}=-*-={ COMING SOON (To a faq near you ;) ----------- 1. More Game Genie codes courtesy of 2. More hints (depending if anyone sends some to the maintainers) ps. If you see anything missing that you feel would enhance this faq, please mail the maintainers. We can use any help we can get :) FAQ LOCATION ------------ This FAQ is available at under /pub/vidgames/faqs. This ftp site for FAQS maintained courtesy of GamePro magazine's Andy Eddy. =-=-=-=-= *Extra info from Andy* If you don't have FTP access, you can get FTP by e-mail. Simply send a message (in order of quality of service) to, or with no subject line and the following text in the body of the message: help quit You'll get a reply with the FTP-by-mail help file. This should keep you in touch with my FAQs-by-FTP directory at all times! Finally, if you are able to use Mosaic or WWW, Michel Buffa (Michel_Buffa@IUS4.IUS.CS.CMU.EDU) has created a games link that includes my FTP site. The address to get to it is: