
* From: IN%""  "!! Bad Dog !!"

        Game: Crazy Climber (Upright)
                                44 Pin Wiring List
         Left Stick - UP            | 1 | 2 |  Left Stick - DOWN
          Left Stick - LEFT         | 3 | 4 |  Left Stick - RIGHT
        Right Stick - UP            | 5 | 6 |  Right Stick - DOWN
          Right Stick - LEFT            | 7 | 8 |  Right Stick - RIGHT
                                    | 9 | 10|
                                    | 11| 12|
                                    | 13| 14|
                                    | 15| 16|
                                    | 17| 18|
                                    | 19| 20|
                                    | 21| 22|
                                    | 23| 24|
          Coin 1                    | 25| 26|  Coin 2
        Select 1                    | 27| 28|  Select 2
          Upright Conversion (GND)  | 29| 30|
       Audio Out                    | 31| 32|  +12 VDC
          +5 VDC                    | 33| 34|  +5 VDC
          +5 VDC                    | 35| 36|  +5 VDC
          Ground                    | 37| 38|  Ground
          Ground                    | 39| 40|  Ground
                                    | 41| 42|
                                    | 43| 44|

 * Origin:  Mirabella Limited.  Anything that happens, happens.  (1:133/411.7)
 * from FidoMail v12t
             *** I Survived the Georgia Blizzard of 1993 !! ***

 Internet:      Fidonet: Jonathan Deitch@1:133/411.7
    Bellnet: 1 - (404) - 261 - 3665
Atlanta 1996 !! | Play Pinball !! | Don't Panic ! | "I hate it when I can't
--------------------------------------------------| trust my own technology!"
"Thrills!  Chills!  Magic!  Prizes!" -- Hurricane |    -- Geordi LaForge

Gene Roddenberry, Isaac Asimov, Jim Henson, Dr. Seuss, Mel Blanc ... Sigh ...