Article: 8084 of comp.sys.laptops Newsgroups: comp.sys.laptops Path:!wupost!!sun-barr!ames!!!bross From: (Wilson S. Ross) Subject: Re: NiCad batteries again Keywords: Storage, interrupted charging References: <> <> <> <> Sender: (News Administrator) Organization: NAS Program, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA Date: Tue, 17 Nov 92 03:55:52 GMT Message-ID: <> Lines: 9 My Toshiba battery was force-charged by a friend who has some sort of generic charging equipment. It had reached a point where the machine would not operate at all with the battery - even plugged in. Now it has remained plugged & working for months, i.e, I have overcome the problem of always shuffling batteries for home use. My other battery (still good, I hope) sits on the shelf for when I travel. The 'dead' battery isn't good without the power supply. Bill Ross