Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 1 Num. 78 ====================================== ("Quid coniuratio est?") ----------------------------------------------------------------- [CN Editor -- I cannot vouch for the accuracy of *all* of the following. It may or may not be true, I just don't know.] [The following is a transcript of a recorded phone message put out by a group in Chicago called "Citizens' Committee to Clean Up the Courts [CCCC]." (312) 731-1100 and (312) 731-1505.] Hi! Sherman Skolnick, Citizens' Committee to Clean Up the Courts, 9800 Oglesby. A strange operation is the John D. and Catherine T. McArthur Foundation, headquartered in Chicago. It was founded by him. At one time, its sole asset was stock in his insurance company, called Bankers Life & Casualty, which he owned outright. Because of the insurance industry muscle, and the foundation's clout, little is ever said about the insurance operation or the foundation. From 1935, Bankers Life specialized in cheap health insurance policies, later going into "cheapo" life insurance. McArthur called state insurance regulators "petty bureaucrats." One author contended McArthur may have bribed state insurance inspectors not to look into his books. Critics called such insurance coverage "steamboat policy." Your beneficiaries could collect *only* if you were run over by a steamboat on Michigan Boulevard. Others call them "jackass and highway insurance." You could collect only if you were kicked in the head by a mule on a major expressway -- 10 eyewitnesses had to so swear, on oath. Now don't laugh. At one time the *Chicago Tribune* sold such ridiculous insurance policies to its subscribers. At one time or another, various "hot shots" have been directors of the McArthur Foundation, including Edward Levy, once head of the University of Chicago, later U.S. attorney general. Also William E. Simon, former Secretary of the Treasury and big dealer in buying up washed-out savings and loan associations. (By the way, is he involved in the CIA and S&L scandals, huh?) Another director has been proto-fascist radio commentator, Paul Harvey. Of course, few notice that a major sponsor of his propaganda blasts has been Bankers Life & Casualty. John McArthur's son once contended in court that the foundation directors were mishandling millions of dollars of charitable funds. J. Roderick McArthur's death, however, stopped the lawsuit against the directors. Through huge grants, the foundations manipulate activists all over -- including scientists, historians, and writers. Along with a Rockefeller front, the foundation bought out *Harpers Magazine*, which formerly much criticized, on occasion, major corporations. Some researchers have smiled to themselves: "Hmmm... The McArthur Foundation seems to operate very much like those set up by the Central Intelligence Agency." For example, the McArthur Foundation is a heavy money bags for public television, including channel 11 [PBS] in Chicago. (By the way, another manipulator of channel 11 is the reputed CIA-linked William Benton Foundation, a functionary of which is talk show circus whip-cracker, John Calloway.) The IRS and the Illinois state attorney general are supposed to keep a close watch on tax-free operations like the McArthur Foundation. *But*, it's easy to look the other way. As Illinois' highest legal officer, attorney general Neil Hartigan was charged with monitoring such "charitable" trusts. Instead, he helped cover up charges of the director's outrageous conduct. Over the years, various state and federal officials have suppressed data about mysterious operations like the McArthur Foundation. Tax-free moneyships are a perfect vehicle for covert operations. Footnote: McArthur's son, Roderick, was involved with George DeMohrenschildt and others in the plot to assassinate President Kennedy. In their December 21st, 1985 issue, the *Nation* magazine charged that the McArthur Foundation manipulated their tax exemption. In Chicago, see us on cable tv, channel 21, 9 pm [cst] most Monday evenings. Play it again: The Crooked *Chicago Tribune* and Their History. (312) 731-1505. New message Thursday; we change it several times a week. Donations appreciated. Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts, 9800 South Oglesby, Chicago, [Illinois] 60617. For the latest on courts, banks, espionage agencies, political assassinations, and the news media. On 24 hours a day. ----------------------------------------------------------------- I encourage distribution of "Conspiracy Nation." ----------------------------------------------------------------- If you would like "Conspiracy Nation" sent to your e-mail address, send a message in the form "subscribe conspire My Name" to -- To cancel, send a message in the form "unsubscribe conspire" to ----------------------------------------------------------------- Aperi os tuum muto, et causis omnium filiorum qui pertranseunt. Aperi os tuum, decerne quod justum est, et judica inopem et pauperem. -- Liber Proverbiorum XXXI: 8-9