Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 8 Num. 24 ====================================== ("Quid coniuratio est?") ----------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT IS *REALLY* GOING ON? ========================== By Sherman H. Skolnick ---------------------- The press bombards us with White House scandals of various kinds. Is that just to cover up what is *really* going on? ITEM: Dope is flooding into the United States yet the narcotics police are being severely cut back. The highest level of the Drug Enforcement Administration and the American intelligence agencies are so interwoven with the major drug traffickers you cannot tell which is which. The sordid details are in the huge book, *The Underground Empire* by James Mills. ITEM: Every country in this hemisphere south of the United States needs the dope business to survive. And, the United States is the major customer. Some describe Mexico as a "narco-dictatorship". Those who become the so-called "leaders" in Mexico are part of a corrupt elite, for decades and decades trained in fancy universities in the United States. They are interlocked with the American Eastern Establishment: Boston, New York, Washington. A typical example is when Carlos Salinas was president of Mexico. To avoid the Florida hang-up, Mexico became the transfer point for Columbian cocaine. The "presidente" looked the other way while two of his brothers transferred hundreds of millions of dollars to French and Swiss accounts -- proceeds of the narcotics traffic. And of course for decade after decade the American "presidente" looked the other way also. One brother, Raul Salinas, has been in prison since 1995 facing charges of master-minding the murder of a top official of Mexico's ruling party, the P.R.I., and also facing charges of illegal enrichment -- not being able to explain how he got the billions of dollars. {1}. The largest bank in the United States has been Citibank. Their TV ads say, "Citibank never sleeps." They don't have *time* to sleep. The Justice Department and the Federal Reserve are trying to cover up the money laundering mess with the Salinas family. In 1992, Citibank was quietly declared bankrupt by the Federal Reserve. They took over direct supervision of the bank's day-to-day operations. Citibank became insolvent by billions of dollars just "disappearing". So, the Federal Reserve arranged for a reportedly high, corrupt member of the Saudi royal family to buy a majority interest, from the Rockefellers, in Citibank. But the corruption at Citibank continues just as ever. Now, federal authorities offer the lame excuse that U.S. money laundering laws are too unclear about the duty of Citibank to investigate possible wrong-doing by their customers. Yet, officials of Citibank are the ones who apparently instructed the Salinas family how to launder the dope loot. {2}. Meanwhile, ex-Presidente Carlos Salinas reportedly used his interest in all this to buy his way into Dow Jones, parent firm of the world's largest financial newspaper, the Wall Street Journal. And Carlos Salinas, as a director of Dow Jones, claims -- now get this -- "not to know anything" of what is going on. *Oh* *yeah*?? ITEM: Arranging the dope traffic in the United States has been the Herrera family of Durango, Mexico. They are untouchable. Why? They are interwoven with the American CIA in dirty tricks against ordinary Mexicans who dissent about bad living conditions. And, at one time the Herreras reportedly owned a number of 7-11 stores, such as in the Chicago area, arranging the transfer, reportedly, of illicit funds to Mexico through money orders written on a Texas bank near the border. In the Kensington district in Chicago, the Herrera dopers lived -- naturally -- next to the "see nothing" police station! Where else, huh? + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Mr. Skolnick adds: "From time to time I get calls from inside jails. I got a call, some years ago, from inside the federal jail in Chicago. An inmate called me and says, 'They've got an old Herrera in here. And he told me to call you and tell you that the U.S. Attorney doesn't know what he is doing. If they don't get off this Herrera's back, there won't *be* any U.S. Attorney in Chicago any more.'" "And the implication of that is that it's forbidden for the U.S. authorities to bother the Herreras that have been big in the dope business in Chicago. And the reason for that is, the Herreras helped the CIA in Mexico." "In the Kensington district there, they took over a restaurant that used to be an Italian restaurant. And reportedly, the Herreras, or people friendly to them, ran it. Some years ago, I ate there from time to time. And I noticed how friendly the Herreras were with the police. It was just down the street from the police station. So [laughs], I saw at first-hand what the problem is." "The one thing I wanted to add is that I urge a boycott of the Wall Street Journal, in order to demand an explanation of how Carlos Salinas got to be their boss." ---------------------------<< Notes >>--------------------------- {1} For an in-depth look at the Salinas/Swiss Banks/Mexico stories, read the just-released book, *Bordering on Chaos* by Andres Oppenheimer. (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1996) {2} See also the June 23, 1996 *60 Minutes* report which, to give credit where credit is due, was fairly good. I had erroneously surmised that *60 Minutes* would not go into the illegal narcotics angle in their coverage of the story. I was proved wrong. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Mr. Skolnick, since 1963, has been founder/chairman of a public-interest group, CITIZENS' COMMITTEE TO CLEAN UP THE COURTS, researching and disclosing certain instances of judicial corruption and political murders. Since 1971, as editor of updates of the group's work, called HOTLINE NEWS, a 5-minute recorded phone message, changed several times per week -- a regular phone call -- (312) 731-1100. Since 1991, a regular participant, now moderator, of a popular, public access cable TV program, called "Broadsides", in Chicago and suburbs -- on most every Monday evening in Chicago, on Channel 21 cable, 9 p.m., available to some 400,000 households. His comments appear on Internet on several websites; archives of his stories can be pulled up and printed out. Also, on Internet, his stories appear on some five categories of news groups, such as alt.current-events.clinton.whitewater and alt.activism. Office (8 a.m. to midnight, 7 days): (312) 375-5741. 9800 So. Oglesby Avenue, Chicago, IL 60617-4870. Call before sending FAX. (After October 12, 1996, AREA CODE changes to 773.) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + I neither necessarily agree nor disagree with either all or portions of the preceding. 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