[D] 0800 Scanning Msg # - 39 To : ALL From : ALCHEMIST Subject : 0800899 FULL SCAN RESULTS Time : 3:18:47 AM 08/08/1994 THESE ARE THE CARRIERS I FOUND FOR 0800 899 XXX FULL 899 SCAN. PS ANYONE WANT TO SWAP TOME MAPS? LET ME KNOW... 0800-0003 - Carrier (1) 0800-0060 - Carrier (1) 0800-0073 - Carrier (0) 0800-0092 - Carrier (1) 0800-0157 - Carrier (0) 0800-0160 - Carrier (0) 0800-0166 - Carrier (0) 0800-0183 - Carrier (1) 0800-0187 - Carrier (0) 0800-0244 - Carrier (0) 0800-0249 - Carrier (0) 0800-0277 - Carrier (0) 0800-0280 - Carrier (0) 0800-0292 - Carrier (0) 0800-0328 - Carrier (0) 0800-0348 - Carrier (0) 0800-0350 - Carrier (0) 0800-0360 - Carrier (0) 0800-0362 - Carrier (0) 0800-0373 - Carrier (1) 0800-0455 - Carrier (0) 0800-0487 - Carrier (0) 0800-0491 - Carrier (0) 0800-0516 - Carrier (0) 0800-0537 - Carrier (0) 0800-0538 - Carrier (1) 0800-0548 - Carrier (1) 0800-0556 - Carrier (0) 0800-0559 - Carrier (1) 0800-0563 - Carrier (0) 0800-0565 - Carrier (0) 0800-0566 - Carrier (0) 0800-0638 - Carrier (1) 0800-0661 - Carrier (0) 0800-0663 - Carrier (3) 0800-0681 - Carrier (0) 0800-0707 - Carrier (0) 0800-0732 - Carr (0) 0800-0736 - Carrier 0) 0800-0743 - Carrier (1) 0800-0780 - Carrier (0) 0800-0812 - Carrier (0) 0800-0816 - Carrier (1) 0800-0825 - Carrier (0) 0800-0830 - Carrier (0) 0800-0833 - Carrier (0) 0800-0834 - Carrier (0) 0800-0856 - Carrier (0) 0800-0858 - Carrier (0) 0800-0888 - Carrier (0) 0800-0897 - Carrier (0) 0800-0899 - Carrier (0) 0800-0904 - Carrier (0) 0800-0907 - Carrier (0) 0800-0913 - Carrier (0) 0800-0921 - Carrier (0) 0800-0928 - Carrier (0) 0800-0934 - Carrier (0) 0800-0938 - Carrier (1) 0800-0948 - Carrier (0) 0800-0971 - Carrier (0) 0800-0989 - Carrier (0) 0800-0996 - Carrier (0) JUST USE THE LAST 3 DIGITS PREFIX IS 0800 899 XXX  [D] 0800 Scanning Msg # - 40 To : ALL From : ALCHEMIST Subject : 0800 899 825 Time : 3:21:01 AM 08/08/1994 HI FOUND A USEFULL FREE TELNET ACCESS FROM AN 0800 FREEPHONE NUMBER.. THIS DIALUP 0800 899 825 SET TO 7E1 THEN TYPE HELP FOR HELP FILE WHILE ONLINE. TYPE TELNET AT MAIN PROMPT FOR TELNET TO HOST OR IP ADDRESS HAVE PHUN!!!!! IF YOU FIND ANYTHING MORE ABOUT THIS THEN SHARE IT WITH US AS I HAVE MANY NUMBERS TO TRY AND BREAK INTO... [D] 0800 Scanning Msg # - 118 To : ALL From : THE SPARTAN KING Subject : Free BBS Time : 10:51:04 PM 08/22/1994 I've managed to locate quite a nice free BBS. Dial 0800891455,wait for it to be picked up then go to another telephone extension and press 1. You will then have complete access to the Advanced Micro Devices buletin board,all you have to do is give a false company name. You have a 3 hour time limit with as many downloads as you like 24 hours a day. LaTeRZ [D] 0800 Scanning Msg # - 161 To : ALL From : HAMSTERMAN Subject : 0800899899 Time : 10:14:30 PM 08/30/1994 Log on -7E1. Once connected, type *1 and get a 6 come up. Then type something? s. : [D] 0800 Scanning Msg # - 165 To : ALL From : VIPER Subject : AMD Time : 1:02:17 AM 08/31/1994 The AMD Free BBS 0800891455 DTMF 1... Has anyone had both nodes in operation...for possible free online chats, etc? VipeR [D] 0800 Scanning Msg # - 166 To : VIPER From : RINCEWIND Subject : AMD Time : 1:46:16 AM 08/31/1994 From what I have managed to find out the second AMD node is in texas (512 602 7604). Try it if you can afford the phone bill I cant so Ill leave it up to you lot to find out for me. L8r m8s Rincewind! [.s [D] 0800 Scanning Msg # - 265 To : ALL From : ON-BAIL Subject : Telnet hack Time : 12:26:25 AM 09/21/1994 Has any one had any success with the 0800 899825 Telnet number, I've been trying the AIX RISC System/6000 on IP addr : with on Luck. [D] 0800 Scanning Msg # - 289 To : THE SPARTAN KING From : HAPPY WOODCHOPPER Subject : Free BBS Time : 10:32:28 PM 09/24/1994 you could always try putting ,,,,,,,,1 after the number on your software. I'm on that system as MARTIN ROGERS, so if you want to leave mail... the sysop left me some post, saying he was thinking of putting in INTERNET access, which would be kinda neat. [D] 0800 Scanning Msg # - 290 To : VIPER From : HAPPY WOODCHOPPER Subject : AMD Time : 10:34:08 PM 09/24/1994 I've never had anyone on the other line. And I'm not sure that if there was that youd be able to open the door, or whatever. I'm willing to try tho, if you post a time I'll phone them and we can see. [D] 0800 Scanning Msg # - 316 To : ALL From : TURBO BRAIN Subject : 0800 scan Time : 10:24:37 PM 09/28/1994 -=* TuRbO BrAiN HaCkEd *=- iN 94 -=========================================- ThE fUlL 0800-899-XxX cArRiEr ScAn! -=========================================- CoMpLiEd On 28/9/94 0800-899-003 - Fax Carrier 0800-899-060 - Fax Carrier 0800-899-073 - Fax Carrier 0800-899-092 - Modem Carrier 0800-899-157 - Fax Carrier 0800-899-160 - Modem Carrier 0800-899-166 - Modem Carrier 0800-899-183 - Fax Carrier 0800-899-187 - Fax Carrier 0800-899-244 - Fax Carrier 0800-899-249 - Fax Carrier 0800-899-277 - Modem Carrier 0800-899-280 - Fax Carrier 0800-899-292 - Modem Carrier 0800-899-328 - Modem Carrier 0800-899-348 - Fax Carrier 0800-899-350 - Fax Carrier 0800-899-360 - Fax Carrier 0800-899-362 - Fax Carrier 0800-899-373 - Fax Carrier 0800-899-455 - Modem Carrier 0800-899-487 - Modem Carrier 0800-899-491 - Modem Carrier 0800-899-516 - Fax Carrier 0800-899-537 - Fax Carrier 0800-899-538 - Fax Carrier 0800-899-548 - Fax Carrier 0800-899-556 - Modem Carrier 0800-899-559 - Fax Carrier 0800-899-563 - Fax Carrier 0800-899-565 - Fax arrie 0800899-5 - x Carer 00-899-638 - x Carrier 0800-899-661 - Fax Carrier 0800-899-663 - Fax Carrier 0800-899-681 - Modem Carrier 0800-899-707 - Fax Carrier 0800-899-732 - Fax Carrier 0800-899-743 - Modem Carrier 0800-899-780 - Fax Carrier 0800-899-816 - Fax Carrier 0800-899-825 - Fax Carrier 0800-899-830 - Modem Carrier 0800-899-833 - Modem Carrier 0800-899-834 - Fax Carrier 0800-899-858 - Fax Carrier 0800-899-888 - Modem rrier 00-89897 Fax Carrier 080-899-8 - Mdem Caier 800-899-904 - Modem Carrier 0800-899-907 - Modemarrier 800-899-13 - Fax rrier 0800-899-921 - Fax Carrier 0800-899-928 - Fax Carrier 0800-899-938 - Fax Carrier 0800-899-971 - Fax Carrier 0800-899-989 - Modem Carrier 0800-899-996 - Fax Carrier [D] 0800 Scanning Msg # - 337 To : ALL From : HAPPY WOODCHOPPER Subject : telenet Time : 10:53:45 PM 10/01/1994 has any body found a telenet number on 0800 or 0500? any number giving a @ prompt wanted. (I'll give you all I know, but it isn't much....) [D] 0800 Scanning Msg # - 338 To : ALL From : HAPPY WOODCHOPPER Subject : help wanted Time : 10:55:39 PM 10/01/1994 if you dial 0800 899825 you get a telnet (?) system. try things like CONNECT RESAC1 or CONNECT but i can't get much further. SHOW NODES or SHOW SERVER is quite good. [D] 0800 Scanning Msg # - 340 To : HAPPY WOODCHOPPER From : RED MECURY Subject : help wanted Time : 12:17:25 AM 10/02/1994 try sHow aDDreSSes?.....................................rEd [D] 0800 Scanning Msg # - 457 To : ALL From : ALCHEMIST Subject : 0800899843 gyana Time : 4:50:03 AM 10/18/1994 just checked these kp2+592 4412 344 st opens up a line maybe for international calls 5920279550 another sex line 5920278279 always engaged 592 027 8570 some nice bird i woke up! shes well into chatting ....say dave sent yer... also i spoke to the gyana op`s and they gave me as a routing code from gyana to the uk as 80144+acn i fucked about a bit with this but if anyone can spend a while we might be able to get uk calls...... any other routing codes would be helpfull let us all know as we all want to call global again... [D] 0800 Scanning Msg # - 514 To : ALL From : CYBERNETIK Subject : 0800899843 Time : 10:39:16 PM 10/27/1994 I couldnt get any of those UK routing codes to werk. I asked about US Direct, credit card calls etc. but was told "Gyana does not have this feature." I was also told that Gyana has no international prefix so for international call you must go through the 002 operator. The first time I called and told em I was calling from Gorage Town and they believed me! hehehe :-) Last time she just kept asking "What country are you dialling from?" and didnt believe that I was calling from Gyana... Has anybody managed to get a good modem connection to kp2-5920279313/333? I keep getting no carrier within a few secs. Tried ATS10=255 but I think its their modem thats disconnecting. That kp2-592-0279-414 chatline can also be reached on kp2-592-11010. This is the same number that they repeat 'cept with a 1 before it. Yeah, and all of the operator numbers are for the same operator! The number kp2-592-y-xxxx-st is t itsike. it ia 8 diit number then any number wl wk for y. Praps the y is supposed ttell em where we're calling from? Who knows?... [D] 0800 Scanning Msg # - 535 To : ALL From : INCINERATOR Subject : 0800 pbxs Time : 1:57:28 AM 10/31/1994 Does any1 have a list of dialtone pbxs?? If so could they upload it. Another PBX that might be worth hacking is Conner Peripherals on 0294 315333 I have had a couple of tries myself but without success, it just seems to either go dead or silent??? any1 got any ideas??? Incinerator [D] 0800 Scanning Msg # - 1236 To : ALL From : DANGERMOUSE Subject : Some VMBs Time : 10:37:50 AM 03/23/1995 I hope this isn't all dreadfully old hat, but here y'are... Small 0800 713 Scan: 713 000 VMB 713 001->003 Coca Cola VMB system 713 004 big click, dead for c.15 secs, then tone 713 005->008 nothing 713 009 Coca-Cola again 713 010 VMB 713 011 Steve Milligan VMB 713 012 Tony Mears VMB 713 013 nothing 713 014 Eddie Renshaw VMB 713 015->017 nothing 713 018 VMB 713 019 nothing 713 020 Some Kacko-Cola Exec's VMB 713 021 VMB 713 022->026 nothing 713 027 VMB 713 028 VMB 713 029->032 nothing 713 033 VMB 713 034 VMB 713 035 VMB 713 036 VMB 713 037 VMB says to try Milton Keynes 0908 210 828 2201. 713 038 & 039 Coca-Cola voice mail system As you can see, thick with VMBs. I think they all belong to Coca-Cola, so if you prefer Pepsi, you could try messing with these. Dangermouse PS - Can anyone tell me anything about VMB abuse? Its not an area that seems very well documented. [D] 0800 Scanning Msg # - 1425 To : ALL From : KAOS Subject : 0800 895 0-100 Time : 7:26:18 PM 05/02/1995 Could-be numbers from 0800 895 xxx 001 Can't connect 003 Data 006 Data 015 Some company called 'Alamo' or something - PBX 021 Data 023 PBX - Wants PIN 026 PBX - Dead funky - Type in all sorts and listen to other peoples mail! 029 PBX 030 Data 033 PBX 038 Data 039 Might box 043 Data 044 Might box - German 046 Might box 048 PBX - German 050 German - Some lass answered - Whoops 051 Data 053 PBX 054 Data 056 PBX 061 PBX 065 Crap PBX 072 PBX (VMS) 084 Clark Capital (I think) VMS - Press '*' to get in. 085 Data 090 Crap PBX 091 Fuckin' corker - Some guy called Boris - Private residence - FUN FUN FUN !!!!! 093 Data 094 Data 099 Data 100 PBX (German VMS) by Kaos [D] 0800 Scanning Msg # - 1474 To : ALL From : ETHERLORD Subject : 0800 scan Time : 6:29:48 PM 05/08/1995 @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- CoOl aS fUcK o8oo sCaNs bY tHe eTheRloRd hImeSelf -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=@END_FILE_ID.DIZ ScAnNed aNd TyPEd By eTHerLoRd.. Play WiTH thEsE aNd fUck OfF the ComPaNIeS No eNd [lIkE a GuD LitTlE HaCkEr] 0800 000 000 - Prudential 0800 111 110 - Childline ;) 0800 111 111 - Childline again.. ;o> 0800 111 444 - Shocking Truth leaflet?? 0800 111 555 - Fax Machine... Weird ring tones 2.. 0800 111 777 - Mercantile.. Business.. 0800 112 233 - 'Welcome to help.. Sorry we cant help you because we are.. 'not open untill the 1st of June' 0800 121 121 - Diner Services 0800 123 123 - Kodak 0800 125 125 - Fax 0800 132 132 - Death by Chocolate care line.. ooer :) send me some.. 0800 200 000 - 'The other person has cleared' 0800 200 200 - Can hear pulse dialling - then continuous buzzzzz 0800 222 000 - First Direct 0800 222 111 - Quick Fit 0800 222 222 - Rings, picks up, rings again. Transworl airlines, various * commands do weird things.. 0800 222 333 - Eaglestar Direct helpline (24hours a day) 0800 222 666 - BT Mobiles (could be handy this one?? ;o>) 0800 222 777 - Something control.. real quiet.. 0800 223 344 - Mercedes repair centre 0800 252 252 - HCS Global.. have a gud hack.. *8 or *9 0800 258 852 - fONEday info - # gives 'please enter your security code' 0800 260 260 - 'sound response' - some company.. 24 hours 0800 300 300 - CellCall Vodapage.. might be useful ;) 0800 303 030 - NatWest cheque card referral service 0800 300 000 - Old IBM display station helpline 0800 333 000 - some company 0800 333 333 - National sales 0800 450 000 - Some registration hotline.. but * gets u weird tones.. 0800 456 456 - Sally Line reservations 0800 454 545 - Landmark Express.. but press * 4 a fun time.. (helps if u have letters on your phone as well as numbas) 0800 454 454 - Principal Hotels.. # hangs up, * = please enter your password.. passwords are 4 digits.. anyone for a hack?? ;) 0800 400 000 - IBM aT4000 help line.. * = enter pw (4 digits..) 0800 444 400 - Paul Simons 0800 444 444 - Hotel 0800 545 454 - 'sorry this service is not available in your area' 0800 500 000 - Littlewoods pools 0800 550 000 - Improving connections 0800 696 969 - Weird ring.. 0800 666 666 - Weird tones [D] 0800 Scanning Msg # - 1476 To : ALL From : ETHERLORD Subject : 0800 scan Time : 7:03:51 PM 05/09/1995 Scanned and typed by etherlord.. play with these and fuckoff the companies no end [like a gud little hacker] 0800 000 000 - Prudential 0800 111 110 - Childline ;) 0800 111 111 - Childline again.. ;o> 0800 111 444 - Shocking Truth leaflet?? 0800 111 555 - Fax Machine... Weird ring tones 2.. 0800 111 777 - Mercantile.. Business.. 0800 112 233 - 'Welcome to help.. Sorry we cant help you because' we are not open untill the 1st of June' 0800 121 121 - Diner Services 0800 123 123 - Kodak 0800 125 125 - Fax 0800 132 132 - Death by Chocolate care line.. 0800 200 000 - 'The other person has cleared' 0800 200 200 - Can hear pulse dialling - then continuous buzzzzz 0800 222 000 - First Direct 0800 222 111 - Quick Fit 0800 222 222 - Rings, picks up, rings again. Transworl airlines, various * commands do weird things.. 0800 222 333 - Eaglestar Direct helpline (24hours a day) 0800 222 666 - BT Mobiles (could be handy this one?? ;o>) 0800 222 777 - Something control.. real quiet.. 0800 223 344 - Mercedes repair centre 0800 252 252 - HCS Global.. have a gud hack.. *8 or *9 0800 258 852 - fONEday info - # gives 'please enter your sec. code' 0800 260 260 - 'sound response' - some company.. 24 hours 0800 300 300 - CellCall Vodapage.. might be useful ;) 0800 303 030 - NatWest cheque card referral service 0800 300 000 - Old IBM display station helpline 0800 333 000 - some company 0800 333 333 - National sales 0800 450 000 - Some registration hotline.. but * gets weird tones 0800 456 456 - Sally Line reservations 0800 454 545 - Landmark Express.. but press * 4 a fun time.. (helps if u have letters on your phone as well as numbas) 0800 454 454 - Principal Hotels.. # hangs up, * = please enter your password.. passwords are 4 digits 0800 400 000 - IBM aT4000 help line.. * = enter pw (4 digits..) 0800 444 400 - Paul Simons 0800 444 444 - Hotel 0800 545 454 - 'sorry this service is not available in your area' 0800 500 000 - Littlewoods pools 0800 550 000 - Improving connections 0800 696 969 - Weird ring.. 0800 666 666 - Weird tones 0800 660 000 - Adamsons 0800 666 600 - AAH PLC bollox stuff 0800 666 660 - WwEeeIiiRrrDdd tones 0800 700 000 - Fidelity Investments line 0800 750 750 - 'The other person has cleared' again??? 0800 777 700 - Laney 0800 777 770 - bollox 0800 787 878 - Scottish Financial help line. unavail. in my area msg. 0800 800 000 - Littlewood pools - real people thistime.. 0800 800 800 - BT 0800 info line 0800 880 000 - Jacobs food service.. looong pause.. another one of those bloody '*' - passworded things! 0800 888 000 - Virgin info 0800 895 385 - Japanese!?!? 0800 911 911 - 'RG'?? and 'are they not in the fa cup??' titter.. 0800 987 987 - /really/ high pitched whistle in the background.. Play with these :) l8rz people, eTHeRLoRD [D] 0800 Scanning Msg # - 1512 To : ALL From : ALCHEMIST Subject : stuff Time : 2:54:18 AM 05/16/1995 Hi just found a pbx on 0800 891 457 gives you 2 attempts then knocks you off! also vmb`s on 891 446 and 891 455 ( press 1 to connect to modem this is AMD) thats all just a five minute session at random... Regards and all that shit Alchy [D] 0800 Scanning Msg # - 2076 To : ALL From : PARANOIA Subject : C5 LINE Time : 10:04:57 PM 07/24/1995 erhm,Been doin some scanning 899 would ya belive it..anyway,noone mentioned (dont think) that theres a line which should break on 0800 899 401 and ya get that old siren found on old baxable lines on 899 400. theres also a PBX on 201 and 233. atz [D] 0800 Scanning Msg # - 2078 To : ALL From : PARANOIA Subject : 89x scan Time : 10:13:40 PM 07/24/1995 Hi all,Someone was saying about co-ordinating a scan,well id be happy to help if anyone wants to mail me with some prefixes that want scanning or suchlike,i've just done a quick proggie on my ST to speed up scanning(just makes dtmf tones and increases...saves time though),if anyone wants it ill upload it. [D] 0800 Scanning Msg # - 2089 To : PARANOIA From : FUGITIVE Subject : C5 LINE Time : 6:40:29 PM 07/25/1995 > erhm,Been doin some scanning 899 would ya belive it..anyway,noone > mentioned (dont think) that theres a line which should break on 0800 > 899 401 and ya get that old siren found on old baxable lines on 899 > 400. > theres also a PBX on 201 and 233. > atz > 899 400 used to go to columbia and was boxable.. and at one point global.. 899 401 is also columbia but is not breakable with the same frequencies!?!? hmm.. the PBX's I would expect would have been abused already as many people have scanned 899 before.. but they might be worth a try.. [D] 0800 Scanning Msg # - 2153 To : FUGITIVE From : ECK Subject : C5 LINE Time : 12:25:13 AM 07/29/1995 > > erhm,Been doin some scanning 899 would ya belive it..anyway,noone > > mentioned (dont think) that theres a line which should break on 0800 > > 899 401 and ya get that old siren found on old baxable lines on 899 > > 400. > > theres also a PBX on 201 and 233. > > atz > > > 899 400 used to go to columbia and was boxable.. and at one point > global.. 899 401 is also columbia but is not breakable with the same > frequencies!?!? hmm.. the PBX's I would expect would have been abused > already as many people have scanned 899 before.. but they might be > worth a try.. The Colimban lines (400/1/2/3) will break with a looooooong 2600 (2secs+) and a short 2400 with a tiny dealy inbetween, but don't dial shit, not even terminal or inward ops. werid, there is a lot of exchanges that now do this that used to disl global or at least terminal (Iceland, Colomiba, Peru,China to name but a few) Ccitt-5Bis?