ХННННННННННННННННННННННННё і Filename: TRUKPIPE.TXTі ЖННННННННННННННННННННННННµ і Title: Truck Weaponry і ЖННННННННННННННННННННННННµ і By: Captain Hack і ЖННННННННННННННННННННННННµ і Released: 06/26/95 і ЖННННННННННННННННННННННННµ і Danger: ЫЫЫ°°°°°°° і ФННННННННННННННННННННННННѕ This is a fun thing you can do if you own a pick-up truck. I haven't done it in mine, yet, but that's only cause I don't have the cash to buy the pipe at the moment. All you need is: 4' long lead or steel pipe, 4" Diam several yds of nylon cord or other strong string Attach the cord to the release of the tailgate. String that up so it goes into the cab somehow. THrough a window or whatever. It really doesn't matter. Just be sure that if you yank the string, and let it go, the tailgate drops. Now, just put the pipe in the bed of the truck. Drive. When some asshole cuts you off, then get around in front of him again, and floor it. Just as the car jerks, yank the cord and keep your foot on the floor. The pipe rolls out. The other car swerves, hits other cars....much fun. Sorry, officer, the tail gate must have come undone. I was on my way to help my uncle install a swim- ming pool. (Just be sure you hide the cord). --hack