]]]]]]]]]]#[[[[[[[[[[ ]] LOCK PICKING [[ ]] BY [[ ]] ^^^NIGHTWING^^^ [[ ]]]]]]]]]]#[[[[[[[[[[ SO YOU WANT TO BE A CRIMINAL. WELL, IF YOU ARE WANTING TO BE LIKE JAMES BOND AND OPEN A LOCK IN FIFTEEN SECONDS, GO TO HOLLYWOOD BECAUSE THAT'S THE ONLY PLACE YOUR GONNA DO IT. EVEN EXPERIENCED LOCKSMITHS CAN SPEND 5 TO 10 MINUTES ON A LOCK IF THEY'RE UNLUCKY. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR EXTREMELY QUICK ACCESS, LOOK ELSEWHERE. THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS WILL PERTAIN MOSTLY TO THE "LOCK-IN-KNOB" TYPE LOCK, SINCE IT IS THE EASIEST TO PICK. IF THERE IS SUFFICIENT DEMAND, I WILL LATER WRITE A FILE DISCUSSING THE OTHER FORMS OF ENTRANCE, INCLUDING DEAD-BOLT FIRST OF ALL, YOU NEED A PICK SET. IF YOU KNOW A LOCKSMITH, GET HIM TO MAKE YOU A SET. THIS WILL BE THE BEST POSSIBLE SET FOR YOU TO USE. IF YOU FIND A LOCKSMITH WILLING TO SUPPLY A SET, DON'T GIVE UP HOPE. ITN'T GET DISCOURAGE ON YOUR FIRST TRY! IT WROBABLY TAKE YOU ABOUT 20-30 MINUTES YOUR FIRST TIME. AFTER THAT YOU WILL QUICKLY IMPROVE WITH PRACTICE. THIS IS BY NO MEANS THE MOST EFFICIENT WAY OF ENTERING A HOUSE. IF YOU WOULD LIKE ANOTHER ITEM OR TWO DEVOTED TO THESE OTHER WAYS, LET THE SYSOP KNOW. How to Make a Landmine by Merlin and Black knight First you need to get a push button switch... take the wires of it and connect one to a 9 volt battery connector and the other to a solar igniter (if you can't get that then use a thin piece of stereo wire). Connect the other wire of the 9 volt connector to to the other end of the solar igniter (stereo wire). Now... connect the end of a fuse (of a pipe bomb, M80, whatever has a fuse) to the solar igniter... Dig a hole... not to deep but enough to cover all the materials. Think about what direction your enemy will coming from and plant the switch, but leave the button visible (not to visible). Plant the explosive about 3 feet from the switch because there will be a delay in the explosion. And when your enemy steps on it... B O O M ! ! ! ------------------- --------------------------------------- ***CALL THE MORGUE AT:(201)376-4462*** *** THE ARMOURY AT:(201)267-1207*** ***THE TROLL HOLE AT:(201)783-9232*** HIGHWAY RADAR JAMMING Most drivers wanting to make better time on the open road will arm themselves with an expensive radar detector. However this device will not work against a gun type radar unit in which the radar signal is not present until the cop has you car in his sights and pull the trigger. Then it is too late to slow down. A better method is to continously jam any signal with a radar signal of your own. I have tested this idea with the cooperation of a local cop and found that his unit reads random numbers when your car approached him. It is suprisingly easy to make a low power radar transmitter. A nifty little semiconductor called a Gunn diode will generate microwaves when supplied with 5 to 10 vdc and enclosed in the correct size cavity (resonator). An 8 to 3 terminal regulator can be used to get this voltage from a car's system. However the correct construction and tuning of the cavity is difficult without good microwave measurement equipment. Police radars commonly operate on the K band at 22 ghz. or more often on the X band at 10.525 ghz. Most microwave intruder alarms and motion detectors (mounted over automatic doors in supermarkets, etc.) contain a Gunn type transmitter/receiver combination that transmits about 10 milliwatts at 10.525 ghz. These units work perfectly as jammers. If you can't get one locally write to Microwave Associates in Burlington, Mass. and ask for info on "Gunnplexers" for ham radio use. When you get the unit it may be mounted in a plastic box on the dash or in a weatherproof enclosure behind the plastic grille. Switch on the power when on the open highway. The unit will not jam radar to the side of behind the car so don't go speeding past the radar trap. An interesting phenomena you will notice is that drivers in front of you who are using detectors will hit their brakes as you approach large metal signs or bridges. Your signal is bouncing off these objects and triggering their detectors. Have fun... Cryton How to Have Fun at K-Mart By: The Daredevil The Police Station 612-934-4880 Well, first off, one must realise the importance of K-Marts in society today. First off, K-Marts provide things cheaper to those who can't afford to shop at higher quality stores. Although, all I ever see in there is minorities and Senior Citizens, and the poor people in our city. Personally, I wouldn't be caught dead in there. But, once, I did. You see, once, after The Moon Roach and Havoc Chaos(Dear friends of mine) and I were exploring such fun things as rooftops, we came along a K-Mart. Amused, and cold for that matter, we wandered in. The Tension mounts. As we walked up to te entrance, we were nearly attacked by Youth Groups selling cheap cookies, and wheelchair sticken people selling American Flags. After laughing at these people, we entered. This is where the real fun begins... First, we wandered around the store, and turned on all the blue lights we could find. That really distracts and confuses the attendents...Fun to do... The first neat thing, is to go to the section of the store where they sell computers. Darkness engulf the earth the day they find Apple Computers being sold there. Instead, lesser computers like the laughable Vic-20 can be found there...Turn it on, and make sure nobody's looking...Then, once in Basic, type... ]10 PRINT "Fuck the world! Anarchy Rules!" (or something to that effect.) ]20 GOTO 10 and walk away. Also, set the sample radios in the store to a santanic rock station, and turn the radio off. Then, set the alarm for two minutes ahead of the time displayed there. Turn the volume up all the way, and walk away. After about two minutes, you will see the clerk feebly attempt to turn the radio down or off. It's really neat to set ten or more radios to different stations, and walk away. One of my favorite things to do, is to get onto the intercom system of the store. Easi5 typed then done. First, check out the garden department. You say there's no attendent there? Good. Sneak carefully over to the phone behind the cheap counter there, and pick it up. Dial the number corrisponding to the item that says 'PAGE'... And talk. You will note that your voice will echo all over the bowels of K-Mart. I would suggest announcing something on the lines of:"Anarchy rules!!" !> * * * * * * !>lack Hand Society * * * * * * * * * * * ------------------- * * * * * * * * * * * in association with * * * * * * Metal Communications and The Neon Knights present -=- THE ANARCHY MANUAL -=- -=- volume one -=- call these awesome lines: ------- :It is not enough that only Metalland I AE/BBS/Cat-Fur one shall succeed, all the 10 megs online rest must fail............: (503)/538-0761 The Connection AE/BBS/CATSEND The Mortar Ae: pw-ZANDAR soon Catfur too 10 megs/2 floppies/Rana elite (604)/438-3735 (201)/528-6467 The Connection #2 The Reality Ae: pw-HARRIS (612)/471-9492 (818)/706-2054 Metalland III BBS/1200/Cat-Fur The Metal Ae: pw-KILL (612)/544-3980 (201)/879-6668 ----------------------------- V I D E O D R O M E - - - - - - - - - - AE/CATSEND/CATFUR/BBS pw-BLACK (716)/688-5485 The Anarchy Manual <------------------> Written by: Jonin Meka of The Black Hand Society Section One: The essence of terrorism Welcome ! In the following text I will attempt to explain to you the way of Anarchy and how to be an Anarchist. One major section of Anarchy is terrorism. Terrorism is to me the best thing ever to grace man's path. Personally I love terrorism because- well the reason is because I really hate strangers. Sometimes I'll decide to blow someone's car or house or even the person all together just because they don't look right. But now back to terrorism: Terrorism defined as "mass-organized ruthlessness" and a terrorist is defined as "one who rules by terror." Both of these descriptions are fairly accurate but to me terrorism is the hatred of all good, organization, love, and anything liked by normal morons who live in our disgusting society we all call free ! Therefore terrorism is the destruction of society. I love that ! To be a terrorist you must have this attitude ! Don't read any farther unless you are a terrorist. Well, now the we all have the understanding of terrorism we can begin. Note- you don't have to have killed to be a terrorist. Just be sure you love love to cause terror !!! Section Two: Simple Terrorism Welcome again ! Before I write anymore I must tell you that the reason I am writing this manual is because I wish to spread terroristic ideals and ideas. Also I wish to tell you that Black Hand Society rules. Well, on with it. The following are some of my own little goodies that I like to do once in a while. One more thing- this manual does not explain how to make destruction devices or any of that kind of stuff. And finally one more thing- I find experimentation is best when trying to terrorize someone or something. Here we go ! section two point one: ding dong ditch Ding dong ditch (DDD) is probably one of the simplest forms of terrorism known. It is played by millions and is also the check point for a future terrorist. What I mean is that we a kid first plays DDD he sub-consciously decides if he will be a terrorist. I still love to play this game but I add little things here and there like ringing the door bell,running,and then shooting the moron who answers with a BB gun or with a rock shot with a wrist rocket. Other things are possible too such as ringing the doorbell, and not running. This takes great courage and I find it stupid but extremely funny ! Like the time my friend rang some morons doorbell then pretended to be selling....well shall I say sexual protection for both men and women. There was one problem with this though- while my friend was talking I couldn't stop cracking my head off ! So finally when the moron decided to (I can't believe this happened) buy some I just had to stop the humility by taking an M-80 and shooting it (with the Wrist Rocket) through the guys window. Boom ! That was the end of "Trojan Distributing Western New York Division." (God was that a laugh!) section two point two: shoplifting Ahhh my favorite. Here is the best and most economical way to obtain anything you desire: Shoplifting ! One note- this is highly dangerous in these days of hidden cameras and microphones so be very careful and if all else fails and you're caught but some stupid moron of a "store-detective" just be sure to keep a cube of "potassium chloride plastic explosives" with so you can light it while the moron has you by the arm and is taking you wherever it is they take you when your caught. Well on to some safety clauses. For one always be silent while shoplifting as of the microphones (if any). Next always look for two-way mirrors, black spots on any store walls, and most of all people who stay in a store for more than an hour- They're Narcs ! And now for some advanced techniques. One I find to be fun is to stuff my jacket then go up to the register and then buy something small ! That really confuses the people. Another trick is to have your friend buy something while you talk to him and at the same time have a goodie right in your own hand then just walk out of the store still talking with your friend. One last thing- bagging goods with stuff you already bought is stupid unless the store doesn't give reciepts but what the f--k is you're good enough !!! section two point three: illegal entry Another of my favorites. What is there really to say about illegal entry except for it is a great way to attract attention to a neighborhood. I mean with all the cops that come around the next day. Also this is a great way to obtain valuable goodies like electronic equipment. One thing never do this in your own neighborhood because you won't be able to use the goodies you obtain. Well here we go again. Never break into a house with people in it if you are trying to obtain goodies and also never break into a house with an alarm (no s--t!). Always observe the area you're going to break into before entering and look through the window next to the front door to see if they have an alarm. There are several ways to break in: One is to lockpick your way through but to the novice this may take time and years of learning but one advantage is that it is real silent and undetectable. Another way is to use the BB gun Ice pick method. First bring your BB gun (pistol preferable) and shoot a small hole next to the lock. Then use the Ice pick or some other device to undo the lock on the window. Never leave anything of yours at the scene. Cat numbers and the such are traced quick. One final way to enter is to just crash the window with a stick. This is really noisy but fun. If you want to do this the target window should be next to another noisy place like a street or something. Also don't spend to much time in the place after entering and most off wear gloves and a black suit and always enter a night. One more,thing I find it enjoyable to paint some type of remark or sarcastic saying (real big of course) on one of the main walls. Such an example would be a certain symbol like a pentagram or a saying like "fuck off" (simple but suggestive) or to be creative "you have bad taste in panties and curtains" or my favorite "pigs have little dicks." Most of all be creative when signing you're little messages usually I sign them by putting "You're worst dream" and "love, John". You may find it wasteful to write such messages but personally I think terrorism should be funny, sarcastic, and confusing. Two more things- try not to leave any trace of yourself such as articles of your clothing or even your blood (you might cut yourself if you break the window). And if you consider yourself a common theif, DON'T! You are an Anarchist and a Terrorist !!! section two point four: Misc. Here are other simple things you might like to do: 1) Enter a place with people in it and sneak up them and then totally surprise the f--k out of them while theY're sleeping. You might do this by screaming and hollering at the foot of their bed or by setting their bedroom curtain on fire and then scream and holler at the foot of their bed. Scream "Get out the house !! There is a f--king fire !!!" Also if you're horny you might decide to pretend to be the husband and molest the wife while she's sleeping. Think of the possibilities. Pretending to be the husband is my favorite because....well I'm horny. I start off by gently massaging the women's breast and then taking my other hand and venturing into beaver land ! Another thing I find enjoyable is if the the women is alone in the house I do the above but when she wakes up I simply knock her out with the stick I used to break in with. If you plan to do this be sure that as soon as she opens her eyes you give her a swift blow to the head. Don't wait for her to scream for God's sake ! After you have done this it's one for all and one for one. One more thing if you're really horny I suggest you tie her up and then wait for her to wake. Note- Do note consider this rape! It is not! It is terrorist tension relief. Also it was done under pleasant circumstances. 2) Letting the air out of people's car tires has always been fun but I prefer to blow the tires up with impact explosives better. Also I recommend blowing up the whole car. This is not only fun but it makes great reading light. May I also suggest you do the above before you read the rest of the manual. That way after you blow the car up you can sit next to a great reading light and read some more of this manual while the car burns. And finally one more thing- I love to watch the people scurrying trying to put the car out. I mean if they had any brains they would not it is impossible especially if you put a buck of Napalm in their front seat. Also I suggest you paint the ground surrounding the car with impact explosives. That way when the car blows up (or just starts on fire) as soon as the people run to the car and watch it burn they'll step on the dried explosives and blow themselves up. Note- This is really cruel but what the hell! You're a terrorist! 3) Lastly, suggest you....well fuck I'll let you create your own little goodies for you to do. I've given you a start now go out and experiment ! Note- I have lots more but I don't want to give away all my secrets. (maybe in later issues.) Section Three: Destruction (and death as a result) Many of you I suspect don't want to become murders so I suggest you don't read any further.It takes a great hatred to kill a human being and I highly recommend you don't do it. Not only is it really evil but you will have severe guilt trips and may even commit suicide as a result. Personally I don't care anymore and could give a fuck about everything but occasionally I do regret all the things I've done. Please don't read the rest of the manual unless for entertainment purposes otherwise welcome to the world of Hell. (ha ha ha!) (Stupid ? Well yes to a mere human but to a terrorist the above is a sign of greatness. I mean a terrorist should be crazy !!!) (This concludes this volume of The Anarchy manual. Watch for volume two in the next couple of months.) Kill Thy Neighbor Preface ------- If you do indeed take the information provided in this art- icle seriously enough to do it, please forget where you read it. Poisons: -------- The first and probably least known way to maime(such a nice word) someone is through the use of various herbal extracts..(no I don't mean Sinsemella) Diffenbachia (dumbcane) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Take 2-4 of the leaves and boil them in water (don't inhale the fumes) When the water becomes a greenish color, take the leaves and throw them away..Now take the liquid and add it to the victims drink,food etc..The victims voice goes kaput. Oleander. =-=-=-=-= Take a twig of this bush and grind it into a fine powder..Place the powder in the salt shaker,or sub- stitute it for any other type of seasoning...Causes death within 3-4 hours...sometimes quicker Poison Oak/Ivy. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Take the leaves and do the above process..Or boil the leaves and when the water turns brownish/green pour it out into a vial...Add a few drops to the victims beverage.. It tends to destroy the victims vocal cords... Systemic roses. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Take a rose bush and soak the ground around it with a very poisonous fertilizer..In the days following the roses leaves,stems,etc will become highly deadly..When the victim gets scratched by it..He/she dies.. Poisons Part 2 -------------- The second and more common poisons are that of deadly metals and earthy extracts. Sodium Arsenide. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This along with Lead Arsenide rank in the top ten of leathal materials Sodium Arsenide can be aquired at a glass staining shop..It is placed int the victims food,etc. Potassium Cyanide. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This is chemical is contained in appleseeds..To get it you must grind up about 12 oz of apple seeds ..The effect is close to radiation poisoning...It kills within 6 hours / Curare. =-=-=-= This substance is basically a ba28rd poison..It is various poisons combined into a leathal dosage..It kills within 45 minutes. Lead. =-=-= Although this material is very common it is also very deadly..Take about 30-40 grams of lead shavings(dust) and put them in someones food.. It does wonders....<ack!> Mercury. =-=-=-=- Mercury is a highly deadly material that kills skin on contact...To use most effectivly,place about 20 grams wherever the victim might place his hand or any other part of his body for that matter..Or place it in his food supply...It to does wonders...<ack!> Plutonium. =-=-=-=-=- This material along with Pulonium, is <VERY> deadly...It causes cancer in even the most minute dosages. If the victim is exposed to it he will die within a week of radiation poisoning....<glow in the dark!> Others (Unknown!) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Although it is impossible to list all of the deadly substances here I will show how to make contact poison... (credit to Ima Hacker) take 3 no-fly pest strips (tm) place them in a jar of turpentine overnight..In the morning scoop out the white/brown gel at the bottom. it kills in 60 seconds..Count 'em (again credit must go to Ima Hacker) Highway Accidents??? -------------------- The following section describes various was to seriously harm the occupant by destroying the victims car... Explosions =-=-=-=-=- Take a film canister filled with liquid drano and drop it into the gas tank...Do this just before your target enters his car...When he's driving down the freeway or any other part of the HTS his car will suddenly become engulfed in flame. Carbon Monoxide (CO) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Drill a small hole into the exhaust system of the victims car..From it run a length of tubing into the passenger compartment..After 20 minutes he will fall onto the floor and most probably die when he hits something. Stuck Accelerator =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Find the victims throttle cable and cut it..now follow the piece coming out of the manifold..Now supposing you found where it intersects the valve...There should be a small spring there that keeps the valve closed...Cut it...push the valve open....clean up...When Mr. Victim starts his car the engine will race. when he shifts he should fly out of control down the roadway..until <KERASH> Other more messy ways --------------------- This section is not really what you would call classic..but i suppose it'll have to do. The Chain saw. =-=-=-=-=-=-=- Don a ski mask and follow your victim. When he stops and turns around... Give his limbs a vacation with your nifty poulan chainsaw....... The Exploding House. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Take one pound of plastique and a blasting cap...hook the two wires of the blasting cap onto your victims telephone Box..insert the blasting cap into the plastique..Now place the plastique underneath the victims gas meter..Go to a pay phone and dial his number...when the phone rings <BAAAARRROOOOOOMM!> house and all... Conclusion ---------- This file was first suggested by Someone Else, & The Eraser.. Dutifully Typed by The Arsonist. Miscellanous Nasties By: Lex Luthor The Police Station 612-934-4880 FIREBOMBS Most fire bombs are simply gasoline filled bottles with a fuel soaked rag in the mouth (the bottle's mouth, not yours). The original Molotov cocktail, and still about the best, was a mixture of one part gasoline and one part motor oil. The oil helps it to cling to what it splatters on. Some use one part roofing tar and one part gasoline. Fire bombs have been found whcih were made by pouring melted wax into gasoline. NAPALM About the best fire bomb is napalm. It has a thick consistancy, like jam and is best for use on vehilces or buildings. Napalms is simply one part gasoline and one part soap. The soap is either soap flakes or shredded bar soap. Detergents won't do. The gasoline must be heated in order for the soap to melt. The usual way is with a double boiler where the top part has at least a two-quart capicity. The water in the bottom part is brought to a boil and the double boiler is taken from the stove and carried to where there is no flame. Then one part, by volume, of gasoline is put in the top part and allowed to heat as much as it will and the soap is added and the mess is stirred until it thickens. A better way to heat gasoline is to fill a bathtub with water as hot as you can get it. It will hold its heat longer and permit a much larger container than will the double boiler. MATCH HEAD BOMB Simple safety match heads in a pipe, capped at both ends, make a devestating bomb. It is set off with a regular fuse A plastic Baggie is put into the pipe before the heads go in to prevent detonation by contact with the metal. Cutting enough match heads to fill the pipe can be tedious work for one but an evening's fun for the family if you can drag them away from the TV. FUSE IGNITION FIRE BOMB A four strand homemade fuse is used for this. It burns like fury. It is held down and concealed by a strip of bent tin cut from a can. The exposed end of the fuse is dipped into the flare igniter. To use this one, you light the fuse and hold the fire bomb until the fuse has burned out of sight under the tin. Then throw it and when it breaks, the burning fuse will ignite the contents. PYROMANIACS IMPACT GRENADES 1] MIX SOLID NITRIC IODINE WITH HOUSE-HOLD AMMONIA 2] WAIT OVERNIGHT 3] POUR OFF THE LIQUID 4] LET THE 'MUD' ON THE BOTTOM DRY... (IT'S LIKE CONCRETE) 5] THROW IT AT SOMETHING!!! SMOKE BOMBS 1] MIX : 3 PARTS SUGAR TO 6 PARTS EPSON SALTS 2] PUT IT IN A TINCAN (COFFEE CAN WILL DO) 3] HEAT IT OVER LOW FLAME (LIKE A CIGERETTE LIGHTER) 4] LET GEL AND HARDEN 5] PUT A MATCH IN AS A FUSE. 6] LIGHT IT AND RUN LIKE HELL........(4 POUNDS OF THE STUFF WILL FILL A CITY BLOCK WITH THICK WHITE SMOKE MEDIUM-GRADE EXPLOSIVES 1] MIX : 7 PARTS POTASSIUM CHLORATE 1 PART VASELINE 2] TO IGNITE, USE AN ELECTRIC CHARGE OR A FUSE. CAR BOMB 1] PUT LIQUID DRANO INTO A PRESCRIPTION BOTTLE (THE SMALL BROWN PILL BOTTLES) 2] CLOSE THE LID AND POP IT INTO THE GAS TANK (OR A BOTTLE OF GASOLINE IF YOU WANT TO MAKE A SIMPLE TIME-BOMB) 3] WAIT 5 MINUTES..... 4] RUN LIKE HELL PLASTIC EXPLOSIVES 1] MIX : 2 PARTS VASELINE 1 PART GASOLINE 2] IGNITE IT WITH AN ELECTRIC CHARGE. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : : : Niffty Ideas For When Your Bored : : : : Brought to you by: : : : : Night Scout : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Record Revenge -------------- One day when you and a friend are bored make a strong electromagnet that will fit in a coat pocket then go into a record store and make like your shopping picking up the tapes putting them back and if you made the electomagnet strong enough when you walk by the tapes should erase, you can do the same to video tapes causing the store to loose money. Windows ------- On a cold day take some rubber cement( the flammable kind) and go to someone's house of whom you donot like put some rubber cement on the window, better if you do it to a bay window, light it and leave. The window should crack. Parked Cars ----------- If you find a car with its doors unlocked, especially at night go in turn on the lights and leave, next morning the person will be pissed cause of his stupidity to leave the lights on all night Bike Track ---------- During the summer get together with some friends who have bikes(normal dirt, not mechanical) and ride through people yards if you do this frequently then the grass will ware away and you have a niffty little track. Light Bulbs ----------- Go up to someone's house and take out as many light bulbs as possible in one night without being caught, be imaginative with your uses for them. Trash ----- Around spring cleaning time when people throw alot of stuff away. Go out and get stuff like carpet, televisions, tables, chairs, and set them up as if to make a room right outside on their front lawn. Painting -------- If your mark lives in a single story house get some black spray paint and paint all the windows. Make paint bombs and throw at house for nice abstract painting effect. The bombs are easy to make and there are a couple of ways to make them. One way is to take baggies and put paint inside close tightly then throw or you can take milk cartons (small ones like at school) drink the milk pour in paint reglue it and throw, these are excellent to throw at parked cars from a moving car. Florecent orange is great and if the people don't really look harder to see on a white hose compared to black paint not to mention the fun at night when their house starts to glow. Barf ---- Barf is fun to use too and fake barf is more easier to obtain. Here is a recipe for it that works well. Put all these things into a container, baggie(zip-lock) in unlimited proportions. Whipped cream, special K, grapes, Hershey's Chocolate Syrup, maple syrup, dish detergent, and a little warm water. Zip-lock it and shake it should look brownish in color and smell awlful. Go to your marks house and dump on the front door, try to get inside of screen, even more fun if the front door is open. Delivery Services ----------------- I know this kid who's a real ass and he works at a pizza shop so me and a friend ordered a pizza to this house. When he delivered it we threw rocks and stuff at him. Obstacles --------- Get some fishing line, 20pound test kind. Go up to someone's house and tie it around their railing, at ankle level, and other things like trees, bushes and something loose like lawn furnichure. Then go up to their house and get them to chase you, What fun! Fireworks --------- Get some bottle rockets and aim them right at your marks bay window, light. Make a match stik bomb(end of file) and light on someones porch. Ring bell and run. Swimming Pools -------------- If your mark has a swimming pool get an awe and puncture the side of it as close to the ground as possiable or maybe add some bubble bath to it ot if you want to be really fuckin tight. Get hold of some acid preferablly hydochloric get the higher molar soulution you can then one night, right before the have a pool party dump it in, it is going to take a lot but it will be worth it tommarrow when they go in and a few minutes later they feel really hot and their skin starts falling off. If anybody out there has gotten HCl on them and remember how it felt, think of it all over somebody. Woodpiles --------- The bigger they are the better they fall. Get some friends together and have them line up along the pile. On the count of three push then get the hell out of there. Whatever you do at night have fun doing it and don't get caught. Some recommendations, learn the yards around your neighborhood, knowing who has a dog is useful too, learn to identify cars (cops, marks). Never chicken out if someone in your group gets caught and you get away, have a set up where if the mark takes the person in the house, have everyone else throw rocks at the house so the person can escape. If someone starts chasing you, get them to chase you behind peoples houses then lead them to where you know there is a wood pile. knock it over and keep running, chances are that if there are a bunch of kids chasing you the guy will come out and assume they knocked over his wood pile and fuck them over. Later. Matchstik bomb -------------- It is not a bomb that blows up but is more of a flare. Go to a store like CVS or Pathmark and buy some matches(they come in boxes and are about 43cents each) rip apart package saving the cardboard box. Get some good sharp siccors and cut just below the match head, do this to the whole package putting heads in cardboard box. Get a container and put them in there. I'll use a tennis ball with a hole poked in it, get a fuse or take an old shirt rip into little strips and substitute. Put the fuse in the hole and pour in matchheads, you may need 2 or more boxes. Pack them tightly, then dump some lighter fluid on the fuse ,light and get away. You can put tape around the hole so matchheads won't fall out. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : : : More Niffty Ideas For When Your Bored : : : : Brought to you by: : : : : Night Scout : :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Dealing with Bitches -------------------- Call up a girl whose a real bitch and make sure her parents answer. Then talking very nervously explain to her parent that you and her daughter had a relationship and it ended when you got her pregnant and that your really sorry then hang up. Some kids did this to this girl I know and her mother grounded her ass. Now she isn't allowed to answer the phone if there is a boy on the other end. Lawn Fun -------- Get hold of a lawn fertilizer, fill it with salt and spread across some pecker's lawn. About 2 months later, no lawn. Obstacles --------- If the mark is very private and lives in a house where the garage is part of the house and they own one of those garage door openers. Place things in front of the doors so when they back out, they go right over it. Me and a friend took this guys love chair and put one leg of it in the handle of the garage door. The next morning it busted his garage door opener and he couldn't get his car out so he had to take a taxi to work. Parked Cars ----------- Get a couple of car jacks and place them under a car right under the axle then raise it so that the wheel is just off the ground. Porch Raiders ------------- Go to some ones house with a couple of friends all armed with eggs, ring the door bell and when someone comes to the door throw the eggs! Gardens ------- Now that it is spring people are starting to plant fruits and vegtables, when they are ripe have a feast or take some veggies and do Porch Raiders subsituding the eggs for their crop! Getting Caught -------------- No one wants to but stuff like this is easy to start but hard to stop. Always carry something so that if someone comes up you have a chance. I carry a substance that is corrosive to the eyes. If you are unfortunate enough to get caught everyone gang up on the person and beat the shit out of them. Cookouts -------- Find a cookout and go up and say "Hi, food almost done?" Basically invite yourself to everything. If done the right way the people will be totally baffeled! Or if there is one at night and no one outside around the grill go and take all the food! OK, SO YOU WANT TO KNOW HOW TO MAKE YOUR OWN FIREWORKS? NOTE: ALL THE AMOUNTS GIVEN IN THESE DIRECTIONS ARE IN PARTS BY WEIGHT. DO NOT USE PARTS BY VOLUME (LIKE TEASPOONS OR SOMETHING), OR ELSE YOU COULD HAVE A SERIOUS PROBLEM. ALWAYS MIX THESE CHEMICALS BY SHAKING THEM ON A SHEET OF PAPER OR SOMETHING. IF YOU GRIND THEM, STIR THEM, ETC. THEY COULD EXPLODE IN YOUR FACE!(AFTER ALL, I DON'T WANT YOU TO KILL YOURSELF WHILE DOING THIS!) FUSE: 1. DISSOLVE AS MUCH POTASSIUM NITRATE AS YOU CAN IN ABOUT A PINT OF WATER AT ROOM TEMPERATURE. 2. SOAK 5-6 INCH PIECES OF STRING OR PAPER IN THIS SOLUTION AND LET THEM DRY. 3. LIGHT THE FIREWORKS WITH THE STRING OR A PIECE OF PAPER ROLLED INTO A TIGHT TUBE. FLASH POWDER: 1. MIX: 1 PARTS POWDERED MAGNESIUM METAL & 4 PARTS POWDERED POTASIUM NITRATE. 2. IGNITE WITH A VERY LONG FUSE. THIS STUFF EXPLODES WITH A HUGE WHITE FLASH, AND MAY BE BRIGHT ENOUGH TO SCREW UP YOUR EYES IF YOU LOOK STRAIGHT AT IT. "SNAKES": 1. MIX: 5 PARTS POTASSIUM NITRATE 10 PARTS POTASSIUM DICHROMATE 5 PARTS REGULAR SUGAR 2. MIX THESE POWDERS WITH ENOUGH MUSCILAGE OF ACACIA (THAT GOOEY BROWN GLUE YOU CAN GET AT A DRUGSTORE) SO THAT YOU CAN MOLD THEM INTO CONES ABOUT 1/2 AN INCH HIGH. 3. WHEN DRY, LIGHT THE TIPS OF THE CONES WITH A MATCH. FOUNTAIN #1: 1. MIX: 1 PART POWDERED MAGNESIUM METAL 1 PART POWDERED IRON METAL 1 PART POWDERED ZINC METAL 1 PART ANTIMONY SULFIDE 1 PART POWDERED CHARCOAL 1 PART POWDERED SULFUR 1 PART LYCOPODIUM POWDER 1 PART POWDERED SUGAR 1 PART POTASSIUM NITRATE 2. COAT A CARDBOARD TUBE AND PLUG THE BOTTOM WITH PLASTER OF PARIS (THIS IS SO IT WON'T BURN). 3. FILL THE TUBE WITH THE MIXTURE, INSERT A FUSE, AND LIGHT IT. "83 Ways to Trash Your School" 6/23/86 --------------------------------------- Liberate your life! Smash your school! The public schools are slowly killing every kid in them, stifling their creativity and individuality and making them into non-persons. If you are a victim of this one of the things you can do is fight back. This chapter is not written for people who are not yet sure whether school is good or bad. It is written for students that realize the way that compulsory education and grades destroy the natural curiosity so many children feel... Who realize how the tracking system keeps the poor people and minorities in our society on the bottom while keeping the rich and powerful on the top... Who realize the danger of teaching complete obedience to authority and who are fed up with the racism and sexism in schools. It is written for students who have "gone through channels" trying to correct these problems and who are tired of helplessly waiting while the schools destroy more and more minds each day. It is written for young people who realize that because they are trapped in school they don't have a chance to learn what they need to know to create a free and good life. Before trying any of the ideas in here you should think about the effect they will have in view of the situation in your particular area. Not all of them will be effective at all times in all areas. If you think of other ideas please send them to us so we can print them in future editions. What You Can Do... 1. Get a syringe (minus the needle) or similar device. Mix two tubes of epoxy glue with a little rubbing alcohol. You now have about half an hour to fill locks, door jams, etc., before glue hardens. If you can't get the epoxy glue and syringe, a tube of airplane cement can also be used although it is not as permanent. 2. An alternative use for the syringe is to pretend to shoot up while a teacher is watching. If they speak to you tell them you have to do it because school is so horrible. 3. Call the school and leave the phone off the hook. The way some (but not all) phone systems work this will tie up their phone for as long as yours is off the hook. 4. Protest U.S. aid to reactionary regimes abroad by defoliating plants around the school or by digging a bomb crater on the front lawn. When the ecology freaks complain, ask them where they were when the U.S. was doing the same thing to Indochina. 5. Draw or paste something "obscene" on pull-down wall maps or movie screens. 6. Get some of the punch cards that your school uses for taking attendance. Punch new holes in them either with a keypunch machine or a screwdriver. Then switch the cards with others wherever they are stored. If you can figure out the code the cards are punched by this has even more possibilities. You can often be just as effective without actually repunching the cards by redistributing them a few days after you collect them (particularly when they're used for attendence). 7. Start an information service to let new students voice their opinions and warnings about the teachers and administrators before enrollment day. 8. Bad food? Have a good old fashioned food riot. 9. In gym classes or in hallways between classes have massive searches for "lost" contact lenses telling people not to walk through the hall or "you might step on it". 10. If your school still has a dress code, protest it, having everyone do something disruptive that does not violate the code. For example, dye your hair green with food coloring. 11. Free all the animals in the biology classroom. 12. Write a "consumer report" on the "education" you've been consuming. Distribute it to parents at school functions. 13. Periodically have students go to the office to have some rumor confirmed or denied. 14. Perform citizen's arrests of administrators for destroying the minds of youths, then telephone the police to come and take the criminals into custody. (This would be an excellent guerilla theatre action.) 15. Rip off dishes and silverware from the cafeteria, towels from the gym, stencils and paper from the duplicating room, layout equipment from the art and drafting departments, tools from the wood shop, and light bulbs from the sockets. Give them to a needy movement group. 16. During lunch turn on and light all the gas jets in the science labs. 17. Demand to see your school records on file. (Everyone can see them.) 18. You can make a very effective fuse by inserting a non-filter cigarette in a book of matches so that it touches the head of some matches and will ignite them when it burns down that far. Then loosly crumple paper around the matches and cigarettes so that they are hidden. Toss it in a wastebasket or any other area with a lot of papers, preferably in the office. It takes 5 minutes to ignite... By then you can be on the other side of the building. Practice this at home before trying it. 19. Have giant coughing or sneezing epidemics in class or study hall. 20. Rub lipstick, glue, or vaseline onto the doorknobs of the school's administrative offices. 21. Swallow some snake bite antidote. Then walk into the principal's office. The antidote (most types are harmless, make sure you get that kind) will make you vomit. Do so all over his carpet, desk, clothing, etc. Then apologize profusely. 22. Pick up some dog training liquid at any pet store. It smells like concentrated urine. And if you can't figure out what to do with that then you shouldn't be reading this. 23. Remove contents of teacher's mailboxes. Print up everything that's confidential or interesting. 24. Leave notes and hints that "Tuesday's the day". 25. Impersonate parental voices and make irritant phone calls to the office. 26. Make a super stink bomb out of hydrogen sulfide and put somewhere in the ventilating system. This has cleared school buildings for days. 27. If your school has a suspended ceiling, (that is a ceiling composed of rectangles or squares resting on a frame so that the rectangles can be pushed up) you can put a dead fish -- or anything else -- above them. Or put it into empty lockers and glue them shut. 28. Put signs on your locker saying "This locker will self-destruct if opened for inspection". 29. Give your school library a subscription to a good underground newspaper from your area and insist that they make it available to students. 30. Print up false notices frequently using the same format as the school uses and distribute them to the teachers' mailboxes. Eventually they'll never know what to believe. 31. Make your own passes, forms, tickets, etc. Or lift them out of teachers' desks. 32. Need a signature? Collect things that have teachers' signatures on them. Paste them all down on a sheet of white paper and either xerox or print up a bunch of copies. Forge when useful. When getting started you might put a piece of carbon paper under the signature with the carbon paper facing down on what you want signed. Then trace over the name with a steady relaxed hand. Practice makes perfect. 33. Do some revolutionary wall painting. All you need is a can of spray paint (red?) plus a little imagination and courage. Then write your favorite slogans on walls, sidewalks, blackboards, etc. If you are a perfectionist you can make a stencil, But that limits the size of what you can do. Wear gloves or you will certainly get tell-tale paint on your spraying finger. 34. Are certain teachers or administrators misbehaving? Print up a rat sheet with their names and telephone numbers and distribute it. Now students can call up at any time and reprimand them... 3.00 a.m. for example. Also you could order them pizzas, plumbers... Think big! 35. Break into your school at night and burn it down. To get inside you can either hide in the building during the day and wait until the janitor leaves (know in advance what time that is) or come in later at night and either force your way through the door, find an open window, or break a window. If you use the latter method do it a few hours or days in advance so you don't get caught if it attracts attention. Be careful not to leave fingerprints. Wear gloves all the time if possible. Once inside make sure the walls will light well by placing loose paper or wood around them, or squirting lighter fluid, kerosene, or gasoline onto them. If alot of burnable boxes are stacked in one area, spread them around. Start the fire from the inside of the building so it will take longer before it can be seen from the windows. Make sure the fire has a way to travel from one burnable area to another. Of course you should wear dark clothes and know exactly where you are going when you split. 36. Get hold of a film to be shown at a school assembly and splice in parts of another movie of your own choosing before the assembly. A little imagination on your part will make for an unforgettable day. 37. Clog up the drains of sinks with clay then turn on the water after everyone leaves school. 38. Teachers often leave gradebooks, conduct sheets, and attendance records unguarded. Take every chance to help yourself. 39. Put up posters all around the school. To make them stick permanently use wet evaporated milk for glue. 40. You could ice-pick tires as a warning... But make sure you have a total enemy before you put sugar in their gas tank. 41. Start wailing in the halls. 42. If you can't find any skunks, let chickens loose in the school, or pigeons. 43. Create the "web of thread" in your classroom. Have everybody in your class bring a spool of thread, with extras for people who forget. Tie your thread onto something and pass the spools around till you run out, winding thread around everything. It is best to pick on one of your more dullwitted teachers for this one. Explain that you did it in the name of art. 44. Carry and pretend to sell oregano rolled in papers and aspirin with the name filed off. 45. Put calcium carbide (available in some parts of the country as "gopher-go". Also available in some hobby and joke shops) in a gelatin capsule and flush down a toilet or sink. Calcium carbide reacts violently with water, quickly producing large amounts of gas and bursting pipes, etc. as soon as the water disolves the capsule. 46. Ride a bicycle down a busy hall. 47. Save your book reports and essays. Give them to other students to use next year or re-use them yourself with different teachers. 48. Play with lighting and microphone controls during "important" assemblies. 49. Flush things down the toilets (preferably faculty johns) like balloons filled with air, baseballs, M80's, huge amounts of toilet paper, etc. Then build an ark. 50. Start a campaign to have the letter Z appear everywhere as the mark of angry students. 51. You can short-circuit the school's wiring by taking a regular plug with a short cord attached. Connect the two wires with a switch between them. Plug it in, turn the switch on, and you've blown a fuse. Turn it off. Pull it out and try another. You don't have to use the switch, but if you don't sometimes the current will arc and weld the plug to the socket. 52. Set up a fake school and hire away the lousy teachers - or put up notices inviting the entire school to a going away party for a teacher who isn't really leaving. 53. Read the school budget. Reprint and distribute a list of the stupid expenditures. 54. Take booze to lunch in a thermos and pass it around. 55. During some important test (SAT, ACT, etc.) on each subject have some student who is good at that subject stand up and read the correct answers for as long as possible. When they're finished or silenced have someone else stand up and do the same thing. The test results will be worthless and it will have to be given over at great cost to the school. 56. Take down the American flag in front of the school and put up one of your own. The best way to do this is to lower the flag that's already up, replace it with your flag and cut the rope about a foot below where the flag is attached. Then tie a slip knot around the other end of the rope that is hanging down to raise the flag. At this point there is no way your flag can be lowered without someone climbing up the flagpole. 57. Put alarm clocks in various lockers set on "loudest". Set the alarm clocks so they will go off about every 10 minutes then close and lock the lockers. 58. Have a group of people march around the school with a flag singing the star spangled banner. If the administration tries to punish you telephone your local radio stations and patriotic groups and complain that your school is being run by pinkos. 59. In a class where there is a rule against chewing gum have everyone blow a bubble at the same time one day. 60. Many schools have automatic sprinkler systems which go off automatically when sensors in the ceiling feel too much heat. Find the sensors and hold up a match to them. 61. Persuade the graduating class to use their senior gift money for something useful or subversive. 62. Reprint the "Schoolstoppers Textbook" in your underground paper or on a leaflet or buy bulk copies and pass them around. 63. Demand that all equipment being stored rather than being used be made available to students. 64. If your school won't have a teacher evaluation, make up some forms and do it yourself. Compile the result and publicize them to students, faculty, school board, and community. 65. Use your "free choice" book reports, term papers, etc. to read revolutionary literature and further the political education of you and your class. 66. Have a student lie on the ground. When a teacher comes, scream, "He jumped!" and point to the roof or third floor window. Mumble, "Fred dared him," or, "maybe it was LSD." 67. Make an address list of disliked adults in your school. Answer sex ads for them - or order them a few gross items (C.O.D. of course). 68. Toss handfuls of BBs on the floors of busy halls, assemblies, graduation ceremonies, weddings, funerals. 69. Steal cafeteria trays or plates. Burn large holes in them and turn them into the school washer saying, "I guess the food did it". 70. Leave phony letters of resignation from teachers or administrators on the principal's desk. 71. Get a small group to always carry screwdrivers and slowly dismantle the school. 72. Lots of bomb scares tend to break up the boredom especially during exams or on beautiful days. 73. Photograph teachers and administrators constantly... even without film. 74. If you've got the nerve, urinate in your pants while giving an oral report. 75. Splice into your school's intercom system (from a remote hidden spot). Now you have your own guerrilla radio station. Play on! 76. Drop large bottles of ether in science class. 77. Hang your teacher! Hang a hangman's noose from a tree. Make a dummy and hang the dummy from the noose. Pin notes on it like "Weatherbee in '73". To add realism put holes in the body. Then let dilute ketchup trickle down. 78. Newspaper stands in buildings are usually left unguarded. Take out papers and replace with rotten comics or papers. 79. Put a rotten apple or stale sandwich on teacher's desk. 80. If your school intercom has phones that connect into the intercom switchboard, put a small magnet either where the cord comes out of the handset or in the part where you hear. If the intercom just has a speaker, put the magnet near or on one of the electrical connections of the speaker. In either case it will short out the system. It may take weeks for them to find the trouble. 81. Take the door of the administration offices off its hinges but leave it standing there so that when the principal tries to open the door in the morning it will have a slightly crushing effect. Hmm. Someone miscounted somewhere!... There were supposed to be 83! Really!... %#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%# %--------------->Sector <7> Ae Line Presents: Assassin file #1<--------------# %#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#% Written by: Anselot The Slayer %#%#%#%#%#%#%#%# %#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#% Call The Sector <7> Ae at: <619><728><0485> %#%#%#%#%#%#%#%# %#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%Password=Sector%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%# % # % Traps: # % ------ # % Traps are the vital part of any assassins strategy. So if you are going# % to be a dealer of death you must learn the art of trap building.. # % All traps don't have to kill, the following traps are made to wound the# % victim and make the kill easier... # % # % Trap #1-Foot trap # % ----------------- # % You will need the following items: # % 1) 8-10 bungi sticks about 7 inches long each # %[Note]: Bungi sticks are just sticks that have one end sharpened to a point.# % If you want to get fancy 1-1/2 inch dowel works great! # % 2) A shovel # % 3) A victim # % # % First off pick a spot where the victim will walk that is soft ground or # % dirt. Then proceed to dig a hole about 2-3 feet deep and about 2 feet in # % diameter. Once the hole is dug take the bungi sticks and line the hole with# % them so that they are pointing downward at an angle like this: # % hole wall--> !\ <--bungi stick--> /! <--hole wall # % !\ /! # % !---------------------! # % Cover the hole to match the ground cover (use twigs and leaves with # % dirt or whatever matches on top) and find a nice hiding spot. When the # % victim steps into the hole the stakes will do nothing to him but maybe snag# % his pants, but when he trys to remove his foot he will be going against the# % stakes and they will drive into his ankle... # % [P.S.]-For a nice touch you could also put the stakes on the hole floor... # % # % Trap #2-Light Bulb Trap # % ----------------------- # % To make this trap work you must have access inside the victims house and # % it helps if you don't like them very much. To start go into the kitchen or # % where ever your mom keeps her ammonia, and put some in a sealable container# % that it won't eat through. Next, aquire a medical syringe. Go to the house # % of the victim and get into a room by yourself. Go to the nearest lamp or # % light fixture that has a light bulb in it and remove the light bulb. Fill # % the syringe with the ammonia and make a small puncture in the light bulb. # % It may sound impossible but it's actually pretty easy. Once you have the # % the ammonia touching the filament in the light bulb stop injecting and re- # % place the bulb. Leave the room and try and stay out of there until the # % light is turned on. When it is turned on the red hot filament and the # % ammonia do all sorts of fun stuff!!....Have fun, Anselot The Slayer # % CALL THESE BOARDS: # % ------------------ # % Sector <7> Ae.......(619)-728-0485 PSW=SECTOR # % The Citadel..........(619)-434-3406 # % /<-Mart..............(619)-433-4653 # % The Encounter........(619)-433-7075 # %#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%# +=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+ \ \ \ The Best Blasting Gelignite \ \ \ \ By: The Flower Child \ \ \ +=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+ \ \ \ Call these great AE's \ \ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= \ \ The Arena (PW: Turkey).........................(408) 429-8562 \ \ Dark Side (No Password)........................(408) 245-7926 \ \ \ +=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+ Disclaimer: This stuff is DANGEROUS!!! This file is for information purposes only and is not to be thought of as an endorsement for the making of this blasting gelignite. If you do make it and blow your face (head, arms, legs, feet, hands, etc.) off you deserve it because this stuff is just downright dangerous!! (I have a friend who had some blow up in his face and he has nice third degree burns all over his face which means fun stuff like skin grafts, etc.) +=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+ The Best Blasting Gelignite.. To try and tell you about the potency and danger of this stuff, I want you to know that one time some friends of mine and I (Disk Slasher, Romper Stomper) were very careful and made some of this stuff. After it was made, we were scared as shit of it and carried it on a ten foot pole. (literally!) Near to my house there is a club that has a Coke machine outside. So we went over there at about 3 in the morning and stuck this stuff all over the Coke Machine and set it off. The whole Coke Machine damn near split in two (well anyway the front door was blown off) and the Cokes and money came spilling out We helped ourselves to both and got the hell out of there which was good because the police and fire department were there in about 15 minutes because all the people around that the blast had waken up had called them because they thought there was a fire or something. So if you make this stuff (Which we don't endorse you doing) BE CAREFUL!!!!!! +=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+ The Best Blasting Gelignite.. The Recipe: Note: None of these items are too hard to get but you damn well better not think that this stuff is not powerful because of that. if you think that, you had better get prepared to lose part of your body. Further Note: A step marked with a star '*' should be done behind a blast shield of some kind. We used a big sheet of plexiglas. Stuff you need 1) 50 parts water 2) 20 parts sugar (provides oxygen) 3) 1 part baking soda 4) 5 parts Corn Flakes (I'm not kidding, this is VITAL as a stabilizing agent) 5) 30 parts Charcoal (Very finely ground Fishtank charcoal- No Barbeque charcoal) 6) 10 parts Sulphur (You can sometimes get this at grocery stores [especially Kroger] in the drug section) 7) 30 parts Saltpetre (You can also get this at grocery stores sometimes. Kroger is the only one I know of but ther might be others. get it in the drug section.) 8) A Jar of Vaseline The Actions... 1) Get a deep metal pan to cook over the stove on and put the water in it. Stir in the sugar until it all dissolves. if you can't get all of the sugar to dissolve, add more water until all of the sugar has dissolved. Now stir in the baking soda until it dissolves. if you can't get all of the baking soda to dissolve, don't worry about it, just leave it. 2) Heat the pan over a medium flame (You don't need to stir) until it begins to boil. Now stir in the corn flakes until they are all in water and the whole thing begins to look like hot breakfast cereal. let the mixture sit on the burner until it begins to boil again. (This could be a long time or it could be a very short time depending on the water and the elevation, etc.) 3) As soon as the mixture begins to boil, stir it constantly until it is a sludgy mass that is sort of half solid and half liquid. 4) Now dump this mixture out onto a greased cookie pan (so it dosen't stick) It should be just solid enough to almost stay in a lump. Now mix in the Charcoal and the Sulphur. If it gets really gritty, don't worry. Just mix it together as well as you can. Now stick in the oven at 150 degrees. Make sure that is 150 degrees. if it is much higher, this stuff will burn up in your oven and take your whole house with it. Constantly monitor the pan until all of the sludge is baked dry and has no wetness in it at all. * 5) Get the pan out of the oven when it is ready and put it in the refrigerator or let it cool down by itself (The refrigerator is faster). Now take it out of the pan and pound it into dust. This might need to be done behind a blast shield because even though I have heard that it can't blow up or burn up if it is cool at this stage, When I pounded up my batch I made some sparks and so I got a blast shield just in case. * 6) When you have the dust. put it in a tupperware or something like that and put it, the saltpetre, and the vaseline in the fridge until they are all cold. This definately needs to be done behind a blast shield as this is the part where it gets very unstable. Get a cooler and fill it with ice and put an open container in the ice but don't let ice get in the container. Mix all of the dust and saltpetre together. Get a big glob of vaseline and get it nice and soft and quickly mix as much of the dust into it as you can. If the mixture get above about 35 degrees Celcius, it will blow up so try to not keep it in your hands too long (I definately advise wearing gloves to keep your hands from heating the mixture.) When you have mixed all of the dust possible into the lump of vaseline, drop it into the container in the cooler and get some more vaseline and make a new lump. When all of the dust is gone, close the container and put it in the fridge. When you want it to blow up (And it will blow up big!) just get it hot. We did both by sticking firecrackers in it and lighting them and running like hell (Very Dangerous!) and by model rocket ignition system model rocket igniters which we stuck in the stuff. If you are crazy and stupid enough to do this, then watch out! it is a good way to hurt yourself. /----------------------------\ [ THE BOOK OF THE ] ] UNLAWFULS [ [ ] ] CREATED BY: [ [ --==>>><<<==-- ] ] -SHADOWSPAWN-- [ [ --==>>><<<==-- ] \----------------------------/ VOLUME: I Welcome! To the world of Unlawful ideas. *THE AUTHOR IS IN NO WAY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ACTIONS OF THE PEOPLE...THIS IS INTENDED FOR EDUCATIONAL PERPOSES ONLY* -=] Section I [=- -=] Bombs [=- --- ----- --- House Hold equivalants ----- ---- ----------- Name Equivalant ---- ---------- acetic acid vinegar aluminum oxide alumia aluminum potassium sulfate alum aluminum sulfate alum ammonium hydroxide ammonia carbon carbonate chalk carbon tetrachloride cleaning fluid calcium hypochloride bleaching powder calcium oxide lime calcium sulfate plaster of paris carbonic acid seltzer ethylene dichloride dutch fluid ferric oxide iron rust glucose corn syrup graphite pencil lead hydrochloric acid muriatic acid hydrogen peroxide peroxide lead acetate sugar of lead lead tetrooxide red lead magesium silicate talc magesium sulfate Epsom salts naphthalene mothballs phenol carbolic acid potassium bicarbonate cream of tarter potassium chromium sulfate chrome alum potassium nitrate saltpeter sodium dioxide sand sodium bicarbonate baking soda sodium borate borax sodium carbonate washing soda sodium choride salt sodium hydroxide lye sodium silicate water glass sodium sulfate glaubers' salt sodium thiosulfate photographers hypo sulferic acid battery acid sucrose cane sugar zinc choride tinner's fluid ------------ -------------- -=] Smoke Bomb [=- --- ----- ---- --- Mix: 4 parts sugar - ----- ----- 6 parts potassium nitrate Heat: over low flame till melts stir well, then pour into container. Before it sold- ifies, put a few matches in for fuses. *One pound of this stuff will fill a block nicely with a thick cloud of white smoke* --- ----- ------ -=] Generic bomb [=- --- ------- ---- --- 1) Aquire a glass container 2) Put in a few drops of gasoline 3) Cap the top 4) Now turn the container around to coat the inner surfaces and then evaporates 5) Add a few drops of potassium permanganate(<-Get this stuff from a snake bite kit) 6) The bomb is detonated by throwing aganist a solid object. *AFTER THROWING THIS THING RUN* *LIKE HELL THIS THING PACKS* *ABOUT 1/2 STICK OF DYNAMITE* -=] Section II [=- -=] Hacking [=- --- ------- --- -=] Conferance calls [=- --- ---------- ----- --- *I recomend that you do this local* To make a conference call with as many people you want, just call the operator ("0") and say "Hello, I'd like to make a conference call." Then give the (first) Names (not pirate names, ether) and the phone #'s of the people you want to call And she'll do it.(hint: make sure that the people you are callin are expecting it. because its damn annoying to be talking to 3 people and having the third be busy for the whole time ----- ---- -=] Charge-a-call phones [=- --- ------------- ------ --- On a charge-a-call phone (there blue but dont have any coin slots) take a hex wrench (with a hole in the middle) and remove the screw in the middle for an extention! ----- -- --- ------ --- -- ---------- -=] Free calls [=- --- ---- ----- --- From a pay phone, (the kind that gives you a dial tone AFTER you put in the dime) and drop in your dime. Then dial the #, then put another dime in! It'll come back out when you finish your call. ---- --- ------ ---- ---- Car Phun BY: System Crusher Ok you real sick bastards so your so called friend screwed you right so do we get mad??? Of course not JUST EVEN!! Now say he just got a car or has a good one as it is gee let's see what phun we can have with it: FLAME THROWER ============= Take a cup of gas and poor it down the exahuast pipe when the dude starts it **POOF** he has a 30 foot flame thrower Now that doesnt do anything thats just to make the guy shit in his pants. PRETTY DESIGNS ============== Ok now take his windshield wiper and attach some tacks to it Gee what pretty designs they leave on the car window when he turns then on. lets see: HOT HAND ======== Ok now you got this dick for a teacher so it's 9th period and you see him or her in the office or something. You go over to their car and heat the handle with a lighter till its practically red then wait...When you hear a "Shit!" you know you did it right and you get a good laugh out of it..(HEHEHE) POTATO TRICK ============ Just take your average potato and stuff it in someones exhaust pipe.The car wont start if there somewhere else they will have to get it towed.If there stupid they will have to ask a mechanic Ok they will probably have to go to a mechanic and ask to get it out boy wont they ever look stupid! and cost them $$$$$ or a pain in the ass to do it themselves.. Nitro triodide ============== I saw a message on this its the ammonia and iodine mixture well you take the shit and smear it on the tire treads and when he pulls out **BOOM**. -=>System Crusher<=- WAYS TO HAVE A CHEAP THRILL... AT THE EXPENSE OF LAW-ABIDING AMERICAN CITIZENS: 1) ORDER A BB MACHINE GUN. THEY GO FOR ABOUT $10 IF YOU SHOP AROUND, AND ARE CAPABLE OF WREAKING TOTAL HAVOC. THEY CAN HOLD AROUND 1000 BB'S, ARE LIGHT- WEIGHT (PLASTIC, PVC) COME WITH SHOULDER STOCK, AND CAN BE POWERED WITH A STANDARD FREON CAN, OR COMPRESSOR. 2) ASSEMBLE SOME HOME-BREW MX MISSILES. GO OUT AND BUY A DOZEN SMALL ESTES ROCKETS - ONE STAGE, NO CHUTE NECESSARY (NOSE CONE SHOULD BE REMOVABLE) AND PREFERABLY ONE WITH A HOLLOW, PLASTIC NOSE PIECE. THEY COST AROUND 3 DOLLARS A THROW. ARM THESE WITH M-80'S (OR ANY OTHER DEATH DEVICE) TIGHTLY PACKED IN THE NOSE CONE. USE A C-ENGINE WITH A FUSE OR ELECTRIC LAUNCHER. THE KICK- BACK FROM THE ENGINE SHOULD, IF THE BODY IS SHORT AND YOU DON'T USE WADDING, IGNITE THE FUSE. I'VE FOUND BEST SPORT IS TO FIRE THESE BUGGERS AT PASSING BOATS AND SHIPS FROM THE WEST SIDE (DESERTED) ELEVATED HIGHWAY AT NIGHT. USE ABOUT A 45 DEGREE ANGLE FOR OPTIMUM BANG-FOR-THE-BUCK. 3) ONE OF THE BEST THINGS TO DO TO A PHONE BOOTH WITH A WHITE PAGES BOOK ATTACHED TO IT, IS TO USE A TORCH TO MELT THE BACK OF THE HANDSET AND WELD IT TO THE PLASTIC COVER OF THE BOOK. 4) PHONE PHUN - IF YOU ARE BORED OF CHEATING GM EXECS OUT OF DOUGH BY USING THEIR ACCOUNTS ON TRAVEL NET AND CALLING OUTER MONGOLIA, TRY SOME >REAL< PHONE PHUN. BE IMAGINATIVE. ASK KEDORG ABOUT THE TIME HE GOT A WOMAN TO CUT OFF HER PHONE'S GREEN (RECEIVING) WIRE... HE EVEN HAS A TAPE OF THE SESSION THE NICE THING ABOUT PHONE PHUN IS THAT IT IS ABSOLUTELY ALMOST FREE. YOU CAN ALSO DO SOME AWESOME STUFF IF YOU HAVE MULTIPLE LINES. TRY CALLING DIAL A PRAYER AND CONNECTING IT WITH SOME POOR SLOB. HE'LL THINK DIAL A PRAYER MADE THE CALL.... OR IF YOU WANNA SEE FEATHERS FLY, AND CHICKENS SQUABBLE, CALL TWO OPERATORS AND PATCH 'EM IN TOGETHER. 5) BB GUN FUN - IF YOU HAVE A GOOD BB GUN WITH A SCOPE, YOU CAN DO SOME AMAZING DAMAGE. I HAVE A CROSSMAN 766 WITH A BUSHNELL 4X SCOPE WHICH ALLOWS ME TO USE .177 CAL. PELLETS, OR 5 BB ROUNDS SHOT-GUN STYLE. KILLING PIGEONS IS FUN. WHAT WAS I UP TO? 6? ANYWAY, A GOOD BB GUN WITH PELLETS AT 650-700 FPS CAN KNOCK OUT A GOOD PLATE WINDOW FROM 100 YARDS OR SO. DEPENDING ON THE TYPE OF POINT THE PELLET HAS, YOU CAN MAKE PUNCTURE HOLES, OR SMASH THE ENTIRE WINDOW. 8) WRIST ROCKETS - OK, SO YOU'RE TOO CHEAP TO BUY A RIFLE... THEN GO OUT AND GET A WRIST ROCKET. ALTHOUGH THEY ARE SUBSTANTIALLY LESS POWERFUL, THEY CAN BE EFFECTIVELY EMPLOYED AS TERROR INSTRUMENTS. IF YOU'RE STRONG, YOU CAN KNOCK OUT MOST NORMAL WINDOWS AT 100 YARDS. SEE IF YOU CAN KNOCK OUT A BUS WINDOW... I SWEAR TO GOD, THOSE NEW GM BUSES HAVE WINDOWS MADE OF TITANIUM OR SOMETHING. 8) YOU CAN WREAK MUCH HAVOC OFF A GOOD ROOF AS WELL. ASK MR. DEATH ABOUT THAT! IN GENERAL, YOU WANT TO BE ON AS HIGH A ROOF AS POSSIBLE WHICH WILL ALLOW ACCURATE BOMBARDMENT. THIS WAY, ESPECIALLY IF THE BUILDING HAS SEVERAL APTS. AND TERRACES, YOUR TARGET WILL BE UNABLE TO LOCATE YOU. FIREWORKS DROPPED FROM ROOVES IS ALWAYS ENTERTAINING. EGGING IS AN EXCELLENT WAY TO PASS SOME TIME TOO. DURING PARADES AND SHIT YOU CAN REALLY WREAK TREMENDOUS DISRUPTION BY THROWING EGGS BY THE DOZEN INTO THE CROWD. THE FUNNIEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN WAS MR. DEATH EGGING A WOMAN IN THE WEST VILLAGE HALLOWEEN PARADE WHO DRESSED AS A CLOWN... THE EGG JUST LANDED ON HER TECHNICOLOR AFRO-WIG AND SHOWERED HER. 9) PIGEON FUN - THIS IS REALLY A SEPARATE CATAGORY FOR YOU PIGEON DIE-HARDS OUT THERE. I MENTIONED PLUGGING THEM WITH BB'S... YOU CAN ALSO TRY: TYING THEIR LEGS TOGETHER... JUST WATCH THES TRY TO LAND ON A LEDGE; TYING M-80S TO THEIR FEET... WHAT A TRIP! TYING STRING AROUND THEIR BODY SO THEY CAN'T USE THEIR WINGS AND DROPPING THEM OFF A BUILDING, AND MY ALL TIME FAVORITE, STRAPPING THEM TO AN ESTES HOME-BREW MX MISSILE, AND WATCHING THE FEATHERS FLY. 10) FLY FUN - THIS IS MY LATEST HOBBY. MY HOUSE WAS RECENTLY INVADED BY A SWORM OF SICKLY HUGE (I MEAN >HUGE<) FLIES, AND I HAVE BEEN DEVISING CONSTRUCT- IVE WAYS OF TERMINATING THEM... AND I HAVE COME UP WITH SEVERAL EFFECTIVE AND ENTERTAINING MEANS. MY FAVORITE WAY IS TO SHOOT THEM WITH RUBBER BANDS (THICK, STRONG). REMEMBER TO HAVE A VACUUM HANDY THOUGH, SINCE THEY USUALLY BREAK UP INTO ITY-BITY PIECES. TRY SWATTING THEM IN MID-AIR. IF YOU HIT THEM HARD ENOUGH, YOU CAN HEAR THEM GO "CLICK" AND SAIL ACROSS THE ROOM... THEM FIND THEM AND DISPOSE OF THEM. ALTERNATIVELY, IF YOU FIND THEM AND THEY ARE ONLY STUNNED, TAKE A SPOOL OF THREAD AND TIE THE END AROUND ITS NECK. LEAVE THE SPOOL WITH SOME SLACK IN A VISIBLE PLACE, AND YOU HAVE AN INSTANT CONVERSATION PIECE! JUST IMAGINE WHAT YOUR FRIENDS WILL THINK! THIS IS NOT ADVISABLE WITH NYC FLIES... YOU WILL PROBABLY CONTRACT A TERRIBLE DISEASE AND DIE A FIERY DEATH. FLY'S REVENGE. WELL, THAT'S IT FOR NOW. GO OUT AND HAVE SOME REAL FUN. WHO NEEDS TO PLAY SPY HUNTER OR GALAXIAN WHEN YOU CAN WREAK >TRUE< HAVOC AROUND YOUR BLOCK? I'LL BE BACK WITH THE LATEST IN FALL FUN NEXT TIME, ON EVERYONE'S FAVORITE SHOW ---- CAPTAIN CRASH AND THE DEATH SQUADS OF THE COMMUNIST MUTANT WORLD! MISTER YANSU CHEMICAL IGNITERS FROM THE BOOK: THE POOR MAN'S JAMES BOND BY KURT SAXON CHEMICAL DELAY IGNITERS HAVE ALWAYS BEEN POPULAR WITH THE MORE VERSITILE MILITANTS. THE MOST COMMON SUCH IGNITER IS THE SULFURIC ACID-POTASSIUM CHLORATE AND SUGER GOODY. THE IGNITER IS A MIXTURE OF HALF POTASSIUM CHLORATE AND HALF GRANULATED SUGAR. IT BURSTS INTO FLAME WITH THE APPLICATION OF A DROP OF SULFURIC ACID. THE IDEA IS TO PUT SOME OF THE MIXTURE INTO A GLASS OR PLASTIC TUBE AND THEN STUFF IN SOME COTTON, OR PAPER. SOME ACID IS THEN PUT INTO THE TUBE WITH A MEDICINE DROPPER, BOUGHT AT A DRUG OR HOBBY STORE. THE ACID IS SUPPOSED TO SEEP SLOWLY THROUGH THE BARRIER AND FINALLY IGNITE THE MIXTURE. THE BAD THING ABOUT THIS SYSTEM IS THAT IT OFTEN DOESN'T WORK OR IT WORKS TOO FAST. WHEN SULFURIC ACID EATS THROUGH VEGATABLE MATTER THERE IS A REACTION OF GREAT HEAT. THIS IS OFTEN ENOUGH TO BREAK THE GLASS TUBINGOR MELT A PLASTIC DRINKING STRAW AND CAN STOP THE ACTION RIGHT THERE. IF THE GLASS TUBING HOLDS, THE ACID STILLL LOSES ITS POTENCY AS IT REACTS WITH THE VEGATABLE MATTER AND THAT WHICH REACHES THJE MIXTURE MAY BE TOO WEAK. THE WORST THING THAT CAN HAPPEN, HOWEVER, IS THAT IT WILL WORK TOO FAST. THE ACID CAN EAT THROUGH THE BARRIER IN SECONDS INSTEAD OF THE MINUTES YOU THINK YOU HAVE. THIS COULD BE DISASTROUS IF YOU LOITERED IN THE AREA FOR A MINUTE TO AVOID LOOKING SUSPICIOUS. IF YOU ARMED THE DEVICE BEFORE GOING INTO THE TARGET AREA, YOU MIGHT NOT EVEN GET THERE. TO AVOID SUCH HANGUPS YOU SHOULD USE A NON-REACTIVE BARRIER SUCH AS ASBESTOS FIBERS, BOUGHT FROM ANY BUILDING SUPPLY STORE. THE ACID WILL SEEP THROUGH THE ASBESTOS FIBERS, MAKING HEAT AND WITH- OUT LOSING ITS POTENCY. AND SINCE IT DOESN'T EAT THE ASBESTOS, IT CAN BE TIMED WITH MUCH MORE CERTAINTY, WHICH MAKES IT SAFER AND MORE SURE. POWDERED HIGHWAY6 FLARE IGNITER CAN BE SUBSTITUTED FOR THE POTASSIUM CHLORATE-SUGAR MIXTURE. IT IS OVER HALF POTASSIUM CHLORATE AND IS SIMPLER. IN FACT, IF THJE PLASTIC STRAW IS PUSHED OVER A FUSE COATED WITH FLARE IGNITER, THE FUSE NEEDS NO OTHER IGNITE R. ANOTHER CHEMICAL IGNITION DEVICE USES GLYCERINE TO REACT WITH POTASSIUM PERMANGANATE. POTASSIUM PERMANGANATE IS A RELATIVELY STABLE OXYGENATOR AND CAN EASILY BE BOUGHT AT THE DRUG STORE. IT IS ALSO USED FOR STAINING MICROSCOPE SPECIMENS, DISINFECTING FISH TANKS. THE POTASSIUM PERMANGANATE IS GROUND TO A POWDER AND MIXED WITH THE SAME AMOUNT OF FUSE POWDER AND MIXED WITH THE SAME AMOUNT OF FUSE POWDER OR THE HIGHWAY FLARE IGNITER. COTTEN CAN BE USED AS A BARRIER AS IT DOESN'T REACT WITH GLYCERINE. AT LEAST AN INCH OF GLYCERINE IS PUT INTO THE TUBE, ESPECIALLY IF YOU USE A BARRIER. WHEN IT REACHES THE MIXTURE IT TAKES FROM THREE TO FIVE MINUTES FOR THE IGNITION TO TAKE PLACE. IF THE IGNITER IS POTASSIUM CHLORATE AND SUGAR OR FLARE IGNITER OR POTASSIUM PERMANGANATE, IT NEEDS A BARRIER TO KEEP IT IN PLACE. TO MAKE SURE THE FIRE TRAIN BURNS PAST THJE BARRIER TO THE FUSE, THJE BARRIER SHOULD BE FLAMMABLE. TO MAKE MATERIAL FOR THIS BARRIER, MIX COTTEN WITH WET FUSE POWDER OR FLARE IGNITER. THEN DRY IT AND PULL OFF PINCHES AS NEEDED. TO ARM THESE DEVICES A MEDICINE DROPPER FILLED WITH ACID OR GLYCERINE CAN BE CARRIED UP-ENDED IN A TEST TUBE IN THE SHIRT POCKET. A PLASTIC FELT-TIP MARKER WITH A CLIP TO HOLD IT UPRIGHT IN THJE POCKET CAN BE USED INSTEAD OF THE TEST TUBE. IT IS SIMPLY HOLLOWED OUT AND THE DROPPER FITS IN NICELY. TO AVOID BURNED FINGERS, A STRING IS TIED TO THE DROPPER SO IT CAN BE PULLED OUT OF THE CONTAINER. The Chemist's Corner Article #1: Explosives By Zaphod Beeblebrox/MPG This article deals with the instructions for creating some dangerous explosives. If you intend to make any of these explosives, do so in SMALL AMOUNTS ONLY, as they are all dangerous and could seriously injure or kill you if done in larger amounts. If you don't know anything about chemistry, DON'T DO THESE EXPERIMENTS! I am not joking in giving this warning. Unless you have a death wish, you shouldn't try any of the following unless you have had prior experience with chemicals. I am not responsible for any injury or damage caused by people using this information. It is provided for use by people knowledgable in chemistry who are interested in such experiments and can safely handle such experiments. ============================================================================== = I. Common "weak" explosives. A. Gunpowder: 75% Potassium Nitrate 15% Charcoal 10% Sulfur The chemicals should be ground into a fine powder (seperately!) with a morter & pestle. If gunpowder is ignited in the open, it burns fiercely, but if in a closed space it builds up pressure from the released gases and can explode the container. Gunpowder works like this: the potassium nitrate oxidizes the charcoal and sulfur, which then burn fiercely. Carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide are the gases released. B. Ammonal: Ammonal is a mixture of ammonium nitrate (a strong oxidizer) with aluminum powder (the 'fuel' in this case). I am not sure of the % composition for Ammonal, so you may want to experiment a little using small amounts. C. Chemically ignited explosives: 1. A mixture of 1 part potassium chlorate to 3 parts table sugar (sucrose) burns fiercely and brightly (similar to the burning of magnesium) when 1 drop of concentrated sulfuric acid is placed on it. What occurs is this: when the acid is added it reacts with the potassium chlorate to form chlorine dioxide, which explodes on formation, burning the sugar as well. 2. Using various chemicals, I have developed a mixture that works very well for imitating volcanic eruptions. I have given it the name 'MPG Volcanite' (tm). Here it is: potassium chlorate + potassium perchlorate + ammonium nitrate + ammonium dichromate + potassium nitrate + sugar + sulfur + iron filings + charcoal + zinc dust + some coloring agent. (scarlet= strontium nitrate, purple= iodine crystals, yellow= sodium chloride, crimson= calcium chloride, etc...). 3. So, do you think water puts out fires? In this one, it starts it. Mixture: ammonium nitrate + ammonium chloride + iodine + zinc dust. When a drop or two of water is added, the ammonium nitrate forms nitric acid which reacts with the zinc to produce hydrogen and heat. The heat vaporizes the iodine (giving off purple smoke) and the ammonium chloride (becomes purple when mixed with iodine vapor). It also may ignite the hydrogen and begin burning. Ammonium nitrate: 8 grams Ammonium choride: 1 gram Zinc dust: 8 grams Iodine crystals: 1 gram 4. Potassium permanganate + glycerine when mixed produces a purple-colored flame in 30 secs-1 min. Works best if the potassium permanganate is finely ground. 5. Calcium carbide + water releases acetylene gas (highly flammable gas used in blow torches...) II. Thermite reaction. The Thermite reaction is used in welding, because it generates molten iron and temperatures of 3500 C (6000F+). It uses one of the previous reactions that I talked about to START it! Starter=potassium chlorate + sugar Main pt.= iron (III) oxide + aluminum powder (325 mesh or finer) Put the potassium chlorate + sugar around and on top of the main pt. To start the reaction, place one drop of concentrated sulfuric acid on top of the starter mixture. STEP BACK! The ratios are: 3 parts iron (III) oxide to 1 part aluminum powder to 1 part potassium chlorate to 1 part sugar. When you first do it, try 3g:1g:1g:1g! Also, there is an alternative starter for the Thermite reaction. The alternative is potassium permanganate + glycerine. Amounts: 55g iron (III) oxide, 15g aluminum powder, 25g potassium permanganate, 6ml glycerine. III. Nitrogen-containing high explosives. A. Mercury(II) Fulminate To produce Mercury(II) Fulminate, a very sensitive shock explosive, one might assume that it could be formed by adding Fulminic acid to mercury. This is somewhat difficult since Fulminic acid is very unstable and cannot be purchased. I did some research and figured out a way to make it without fulminic acid. You add 2 parts nitric acid to 2 parts alcohol to 1 part mercury. This is theoretical (I have not yet tried it) so please, if you try this, do it in very small amounts and tell me the results. B. Nitrogen Triiodide Nitrogen Triiodide is a very powerful and very shock sensitive explosive. Never store it and be careful when you're around it- sound, air movements, and other tiny things could set it off. Materials- 2-3g Iodine 15ml conc. ammonia 8 sheets filter paper 50ml beaker feather mounted on a two meter pole ear plugs tape spatula stirring rod Add 2-3g Iodine to 15ml ammonia in the 50ml beaker. Stir, let stand for 5 minutes. DO THE FOLLOWING WITHIN 5 MINUTES! Retain the solid, decant the liquid (pour off the liquid but keep the brown solid...). Scape the brown residue of Nitrogen Triiodide onto a stack of four sheets of filter paper. Divide solid into four parts, putting each on a seperate sheet of dry filter paper. Tape in position, leave to dry undisturbed for AT LEAST 30 minutes (preferrably longer). To detonate, touch with feather. (WEAR EAR PLUGS WHEN DETONATING OR COVER EARS- IT IS VERY LOUD!) C. Cellulose Nitrate (Guncotton) Commonly known as Smokeless powder, Nitrocellulose is exactly that- it does not give off smoke when it burns. Materials- 70ml concentrated sulfuric acid 30ml concentrated nitric acid 5g absorbent cotton 250ml 1M sodium bicarbonate 250ml beaker ice bath tongs paper towels Place 250ml beaker in the ice bath, add 70ml sulfuric acid, 30 ml nitric acid. Divide cotton into .7g pieces. With tongs, immerse each piece in the acid solution for 1 minute. Next, rinse each piece in 3 successive baths of 500ml water. Use fresh water for each piece. Then immerse in 250ml 1M sodium bicarbonate. If it bubbles, rinse in water once more until no bubbling occurs. Squeeze dry and spread on paper towels to dry overnight. D. Nitroglycerine Nitroglycerine is a *VERY* dangerous shock sensitive explosive. It is used in making dynamite, among other things. I am not sure as to the proportions and amounts of chemicals to be used, so I shall use estimates. Materials- 70ml conc. sulfuric acid 30ml conc. nitric acid 10 ml glycerine ice bath 150ml beaker Put the 150ml beaker in the ice bath and make sure that it is very cold. Slowly add the 70ml sulfuric and 30ml nitric acids to the beaker, trying to maintain a low temperature. When the temperature starts to level off, add about 10 ml glycerine. If it turns brown or looks funny, **RUN LIKE HELL**. When Nitrog lycerine turns brown, that means it's ready to explode... If it stays clear and all works well, keep the temperature as low as you can and let it sit for a few hours. You then should have some Nitroglycerine, probably mixed with nitric and sulfuric acids. When you set it off, you must not be nearby. Nitroglycerine can fill 10,000 times its original area with expanding gases. This means that hat if you have 10ml's of Nitroglycerine in there, it will produce some 100,000 ml's of gases. To make it into dynamite, the Nitroglycerine must be absorbed into somethin g like wood pulp or diamaeceous earth (spelled something like that). IV. Other stuff A. Peroxyacetone Peroxyacetone is extremely flammable and has been reported to be shock sensitive. Materials- 4ml Acetone 4ml 30% Hydrogen Peroxide 4 drops conc. hydrochloric acid 150mm test tube Add 4ml acetone and 4ml hydrogen peroxide to the test tube. Then add 4 drops concentrated hydrochloric acid. In 10-20 minutes a white solid should begin to appear. If no change is observed, warm the test tube in a water bath at 40 celsius. Allow the reaction to continue for two hours. Swirl the slurry and filter it. Leave out on filter paper to dry for at least two hours. To ignite, light a candle tied to a meter stick and light it (while staying at least a meter away). B. Smoke smoke smoke... The following reaction should produce a fair amount of smoke. Since this reaction is not all that dangerous you can use larger amounts if necessary for larger amounts of smoke. 6g zinc powder 1g sulfur powder Insert a red hot wire into the pile, step back. A lot of smoke should be created. There are many other experiments I could have included, but I will save them for the next Chemist's Corner article. Upcoming articles will include Glow-in- the-dark reactions, 'party' reactions, things you can do with household chemicals, and more... I would like to give credit to a book by Shakashari entitled "Chemical Demonstrations" for a few of the precise amounts of chemicals in some experiments. This is it for Chemist's Corner #1... look for Chemist's Corner #2: What to do with household chemicals... ...Zaphod Beeblebrox/MPG! The Chemist's Corner Article #2: Household chemicals By Zaphod Beeblebrox/MPG This article deals with instructions on how to do some interesting experiment with common household chemicals. Some may or may not work depending on the concentration of certain chemicals in different areas and brands. I would suggest that the person doing these experiments have some knowledge of chemistry, especially for the more dangerous experiments. I am not responsible for any injury or damage caused by people using this information. It is provided for use by people knowledgable in chemistry who are interested in such experiments and can safely handle such experiments. ============================================================================== = I. A list of household chemicals and their composition Vinegar: 3-5% acetic acid Baking soda: sodium bicarbonate Drain cleaners: sodium hydroxide Sani-flush: 75% sodium bisulfate Ammonia water: ammonium hydroxide Citrus fruit: citric acid Table salt: sodium chloride Sugar: sucrose Milk of Magnesia- magnesium hydroxide Tincture of iodine- 47% alcohol, 4% iodine Rubbing alcohol- 70 or 99% (depends on brand) isopropyl alcohol (DO NOT DRINK!) etc... EXP #1: Ye old fizz experiment Mix vinegar with baking soda. It produces sodium acetate and carbonic acid. Carbonic acid quickly decomposes into carbon dioxide and water, resulting in the "fizz". This simple reaction can be contained in a small bottle or something, and when enough pressure builds up it will break open. I sincerely doubt that it will blow "all four walls off the house" as some loser wrote in his Safehouse article. The same basic thing can be done with dry ice & water, baking powder & water, citric acid & baking soda, and many other combinations. EXP #2: A fruity battery If you're ever in need of a little power, get your hands on these: a citrus fruit (lemon, orange, etc) a small zinc strip a small copper strip Just stick the zinc strip in one end of a lemon and a copper strip in the other. You now have a 1.5 volt battery! Just attach the wires to the copper & zinc strips... EXP #3: Generating chlorine gas This is slightly more dangerous than the other two experiments, so you should know what you're doing before you try this... Ever wonder why ammonia bottles always say 'DO NOT mix with chlorine bleach', and vice-versa? That's because if you mix ammonia water with Ajax or something like it, it will give off chlorine gas. To capture it, get a large bottle and put Ajax in the bottom. Then pour some ammonia down into the bottle. Since the chlorine is heavier than air, it will stay down in there unless you use large amounts of either Ajax or ammonia (DON'T!). For something fun to do with chlorine stay tuned.... EXP #4: Chlorine + turpentine Take a small cloth or rag and soak it in turpentine. Quickly drop it into the bottle of chlorine. It should give off a lot of black smoke and probably start burning... EXP #5: Generating hydrogen gas To generate hydrogen, all you need is an acid and a metal that will react with that acid. Try vinegar (acetic acid) with zinc, aluminum, magnesium, etc. You can collect hydrogen in something if you note that it is lighter than air... Light a small amount and it burns with a small *pop*. Another way of creating hydrogen is by the electrolysis of water. This involves seperating water (H2O) into hydrogen and oxygen by an electric current. To do this, you need a 6-12 volt battery, two test tubes, a large bowl, two carbon electrodes (take them out of an unworking 6-12 volt battery), and table salt. Dissolve the salt in a large bowl full of water. Submerge the two test tubes in the water and put the electrodes inside them, with the mouth of the tube a iming down. Connect the battery to some wire going down to the electrodes. Thi s will work for a while, but chlorine will be generated along with the oxygen which will undoubtedly corrode your copper wires leading to the carbon electrodes... (the table salt is broken up into chlorine and sodium ions, the chlorine comes off as a gas with oxygen while sodium reacts with the water to form sodium hydroxide....). Therefore, if you can get your hands on some sulfuric acid, use it instead. It will not affect the reaction other than making the water conduct electricity. EXP #6: Hydrogen + chlorine Take the test tube of hydrogen and cover the mouth with your thumb. Keep it inverted, and bring it near the bottle of chlorine (not one that has reacted with turpentine). Say "goodbye test tube", and drop it into the bottle. The hydrogen and chlorine should react and possibly explode (depending on purity and amount of each gas). An interesting thing about this is they will not react if it is dark and no heat or other energy is around. When a light is turned on, enough energy is present to cause them to react... EXP #7: Preparation of oxygen Get some hydrogen peroxide (from a drug store) and manganese dioxide (from a battery- it's a black powder). Mix the two in a bottle, and they give off oxygen. If the bottle is stoppered, pressure will build up and shoot it off. Try lighting a wood splint and sticking it (when only glowing) into the bottle. The oxygen will make it burst into flame. Experiment with it. The oxygen will allow things to burn better... EXP #8: Alcohol Buy some rubbing alcohol in a drug store. Usually this is either 70% or 99% alcohol and burns just great. You can soak a towel in water and then in alcohol, light the towel, and when it finishes burning the alcohol, the flame should g o out and leave the towel unharmed. Nice for "party tricks", etc. EXP #9: Iodine? Tincture of iodine contains mainly alcohol and a little iodine. To seperate them, put the tincture of iodine in a metal lid to a bottle and heat it over a candle. Have a stand holding another metal lid directly over the tincture (about 4-6 inches above it) with ice on top of it. The alcohol should evaporate, and the iodine should sublime, but should reform iodine crystals on the cold metal lid directly above. If this works (I haven't tried), you can use the iodine along with household ammonia to form Nitrogen Triiodide (discussed in article #1). =-= =-= =-= =-= =-= =-= =-= =-= =-= =-= CONTACT EXPLOSIVES AND SMOKE BOMBS BY THE APPLE MANIAC =-= =-= =-= =-= =-= =-= =-= =-= =-= =-= /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ PETROLEUM JELLY AND POTASSIUM CHLORATE IN A 1 TO 1 RATIO BY WEIGHT MAKES A TOTALY SAFE WHEN WET COMPOUND BUT IS HIGHLY EXPLOSIVE AND SHOCK SENSITIVE WHEN DRY. \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ 3 GRAMS OF POTASSIUM IODIDE 5 GRAMS OF IODINE IN A BEAKER WITH 50ML OF WATER MIXED ALL TOGETHER. ADD 20ML OF AMMONIUM HYDROXIDE (AMMONIA WATER 10%) FILTER AND THE RESULTING SOLID IS CALLED NITROGEN TRIIODIDE. WHEN WET IS VERY SAFE BUT UPON DRYING BECOMES VERY EXPLOSIVE AND SHOCK SENSITIVE, TO THE POINT OF A FEATHER SETTING IT OFF. \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ TO SET OFF THE ABOVE EXPLOSIVES ALL YOU REALLY NEED TO DO IS PUT SOME OF THE MIXTURE ON OR IN SOMETHING AND THEN DROP IT SORT OF LIKE AN INPACT BOMB. IT EXPLODES ON INPACT WITH ANOTHER OBJECTS [-][-][-][-][-][-][-][-][-][-][-][-][-] HERE IS A MIXTURE FOR GREAT SMOKE BOMBS 4 PARTS OF SUGAR TO 6 PARTS POTASSIUM NITRATE (SALT PETER). HEAT OVER LOW FLAME UNTIL IT MELTS, STIR WELL. POUR IT INTO FUTURE CONTAINER. BEFORE IT SOLIDIFES, IMBED A FEW MATCHES AS FUSES INTO THE MIXTURE. ONE LB. FILLS A BLOCK NICELY WITH THICK WHITE SMOKE. DESTROY PAY-PHONES BY MR. DEATH TO ALL PEOPLE WHO DON'T BELIEVE IN GIVING THE PHONE COMPANY 25 CENTS FOR A CALL, OR EVEN A DIME, THIS IS FOR YOU I DON'T KNOW ABOUT THE REST OF THE COUNTRY BUT HERE IN N.Y.C. THEY HAVE ARMOURED THE PAY-PHONES WITH STEEL PLATES SURROUNDING THE BOTTOM HALF OF THE PHONE. THIS SHEILD WILL WITHSTAND ANY ATTACK BY M-80'S, BLOCK-BUSTERS, SUPER-BLOCKBUSTERS, ASH-CANS, PINAPPLES, ETC...... (EXCEPT DYNAMITE) TO DESTROY THIS PLATING AND MOST OF THE BOTTOM HALF OF THE PHONE, USE THE FOLLOWING DEVICE. FIRST YOU MUST BLOW OUT THE HING ON THE COIN RETURN SLOT. THIS CAN BE DONE WITH MOST CONVENTIONAL WEAPONS SUCH AS A BLOCK-BUSTER. THEN, TAKE A 6 INCH SECTION OF THE SAME TYPE OF BENDABLE METAL TUBING THAT SURROUNDS THE WIRE TO THE RECIEVER, BUT IT MUST BE AT LEAST 1 INCH IN DI- AMETER. THEN, SOLDER A PEICE OF SHEET METAL ON TO ONE SIDE OF THE TUBE TO SEAL THAT SIDE. THEN FILL THE TUBE WITH THE SAME FLASH-POWDER USED IN BLOCK-BUSTERS AND FILL THAT END WITH STRONG EPOXY TO SEAL IT. ONE THING I FORGOT TO MENTION, BEFORE SOLDERING THE ROUND PIECE OF SHEET METAL TO THE TUBE, DRILL A SMALL HOLE IN IT JUST BIG ENOUGH TO FIT A PIECE OF DEMOLITION FUSE THROUGH. THEN PUT THE PIECE THOUGH BEFORE FILLING IT. SEAL THE EDGES OF THE FUSE WITH THE SAME EPOXY USED TO SEAL THE OPPOSITE END OF THE TUBE. THEN, WHEN COMPLETE, SHOVE THE THING UP INTO THE COIN SLOT WITH THE EPOXY END GOING IN FIRST. NEXT THING YOU KNOW, YOU'VE GOT DIMES, NICKELS, AND QUARTERS FALLING ALL AROUND YOU. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ THE CYPHER @ | [010100]->[011010] | v v | PRESENTS: | -*- >Effective Murder< -*- ^ ^ | | @ 2/88 @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Disclaimer: This file is not intended for everyday use (unless, of course, you're a psycho, like myself,) but for self-defense, and for your OWN protection. The information contained in this file can be found in any major library, or martial arts class. So, for all you feds, or general peace activists, better stop reading now. You wont enjoy it. And, to all anarchists, I hope you will find this file enjoyable, and for good use when our nation is in peril, or for some good old fashioned ass-kicking. * Enjoy * Effective Neck-breaking techniques: ---------------------------------- *Crossneck* This method will only work if you are much taller (1 1/2 - 2 feet) than your target, or the target is sitting down (guards, teachers, etc.) Approach the target from the behind SLOWLY as not to startle, then place your left arm around the neck, and the right arm across the neck (over the left) and grab your upper-left arm with your right arm. Move the right arm upward sharply, and the left arm left firmly around the neck. Pop the neck out of the spinal cord, and seperate the head from the rest of the body. The neck should be quite twistable now. Damage the spinal cord, so the victim has little/no hope for survival. Don't even think about whipping out a knife. This method is for killing without leaving a single mark. *Throat demolition* When using this technique, be sure to rid your concience of any regrets while attempting this. You will be staring your victin eye-to-eye, and you dont want to cower out. Your victim will have a scared-shitless look of "Why me?" They will look so innocent, it might make you chicken out. Check out "The Cypher's guide to the elimination of the concience" if you have these problems. It could mean the difference between life and death... Creep up to your mark while they are leaning over (reading, loading gun, etc.) Stare down at what they're doing by their RIGHT side, then place the left arm around the neck from the underside. In other words, extend the right arm under their chin, then reach back around to the back of the head. Grab the neck tightly, plpace your shoulder on their chest, flip them over onto the table or floor, then punch them AS HARD AS YOU CAN right in the throat. I'm not sadistic (yeah, sure, you say,) and I am somewhat of an animal lover, but a good way to practice this technique is with pigs. Go down to any forestry project, and then find out where some of the pigs are... This will not be too hand to do. Just look for severe underbrush. Wait, and they will come. Ambush from behind, and the pigs neck is yours. Im not sure if this kind of hunting is legal (bare hands) but it is essential for proper exercises in the art of the elimination of the concience. EXPLOSIONS: Effective demolition. --------------------------------- We will be using this brand of Pipe Bomb in most all of our elimination exploits: One 1 foot length of pipe (threaded) two caps for the ends of the pipe. one baby-food jar about a baby-food jar full worth of vinegar baking soda some gravel To construct the pipe bomb: 1. Cap one end of the pipe with a metal cap TIGHTLY! 2. Fill the baby-food jar with vinegar, cover, AND WIPE CLEAN! 3. Drop the baby-food jar into the pipe lightly as not to break, and add some gravel. 4. Pour baking soda to the rim into the pipe bomb. 5. Cap the other end very tightly. Synopsis: Once you crack the pipe hard enough to break the baby food jar, it will cause the baking soda to create such pressure, that it will explode. The explosion is more than effective. Rumor has it that when it was thrown into an old car, it blew the doors about ten feet away, and the roof three feet into the air. When this device was constructed by myself, I just stuck it under an old tree, and it was removed. You have about five minutes to wait, so you might still have time to acquire a quick alibi. USING THE PIPE/PRESSURE BOMB ---------------------------- Someone you hate? Well, creep out of your house REAL LATE at night (3-4:00) and walk up to their house. Crack it to start on the driveway, and throw under the car. Run home, then read the police reports. Once you have been better acquainted with device, it can be used to help you out. Throw it under the stage of a play, or leave it in the bathroom of your school, etc. MOLOTOV COCTAILS IMPROVED: ------------------------- Well, the origional Molotov coctail was used differently.. Its not REALLY improved, but its better this way. Molotov created this weapon in the Russian revolution (give them a taste of their own medicine) and the formula was 50% gasoline, alchohol, and 50% oil. With the oil, it sticks to what it hits. Much more effective... MODIFYING MOST SEMI-AUTOMATICS ------------------------------ Whats this B.S. about spending $3000 for a full-auto kit? All we did was file down the firing pin, and it worked almost perfectly. File down the part by the springs that rubs against the tracks, so it is free. This works best with a good-old M-16, or most HK rifles. SURVIVALIST PYROTECHNICS ------------------------ It is almost imperative for the modern-day snow camper to carry around a bit of gasoline (i know, only the shitbaits do that, but the wind gets pretty rough out there) with you. Once that much has been done, you are ready for the Survivalist's bomb: in other files, the GENERIC BOMB. This bomb is infamous among bulletin boards, but because it suits this method better, I call it the survivalists bomb. 1 jar, pipe, etc. few drops of gasoline. a few drops of potassium permanganate found in most all snakebite kits I. Put in a few drops of gas into the jar, pipe, etc... and coat the surface inside. II. Once the gas has evaporated, put in a few drops of Pot. Permangate, and close the jar shut. Throw the jar at your target, or the truck under you, or into the crowd at the mardi-gras and be far away. This bomb will pack 1/2 stick of standard GCM dynamite. Handy, indeed. SIMPLE SMOKE BOMB FOR CAFETERIA USE ----------------------------------- Get ten packets for sugar, and ten packets of salt. Grab a straw, and have a lighter nearby. Pour all of this into an ash-tray, and heat the bottom with a lighter, until it melts. Stir occasionally. Once it has been all melted, stick a bunch of matchheads (if possible) into the goop. When done, stick a straw into the goop nice and deep. Stop heating, and leave it on a chair so it solidifies. Drop some matchheads into the straw. When it is nice and solid, light the straw and leave. It will fill a moderately-sized cafeteria with thick white smoke. If you want to improve, pour maldahyde (SP?) into the solution for instant tear-gas. As for knives, etc. Use your own judgement. I will not go into all the details on such a large subject. I deal in mostly improvisational tactics. Enjoy. The Cypher [100101]->[111010] MORE ON TRASHING What to look for, ho w to act, where to go [2600 -- Sep tember 1984] by The Kid & Co. and The Shadow An inspection of you local Telco offi ce trash receptacles can reveal a wealth of documents of great interest to a tel ecommunications hobbiest. The fone company doesn't expect anyone except ma ybe bums to paw through their refuge, and therefore often disposes some inter esting materials. In all the installation we have investigated, the Company doesn't shred or incinerate anything. Most sites have their garbag e in trash bags convenient for removal an leisurely inspection at home. A case in point. The authors of this article have been engaged in trashing for about three months, finding quite i nformative info, but when we escorted two phriends from the city on an expedi tion, we didn't know the most efficient methods. They came out of the boondock s of New Jersey to inspect the wealth of AT&T and Bell installations in the region. They were quite expert at trashing, having more experience in the art, so we merely watched an copied their technique. Our first hit of the night was of an AT&T Information Systems office building. We gathered a large mass of manuals and binders. Then we moved onward to hit AT&T Communcations, the local business office, our central office, and another Bell site. After a successful session, we decided to call it a night. We sorted the piles of garbage for things of merit. Our phriends gathered the majority of the really interesting items, but we salvaged several things of worth. This sorting session was conducted in the center of town, to the amusement of passers-by. It was interesting to explain to friends that passed by what we were doing. We BS'ed an inquisitive young lady into thinking that we were a local group of Boy Scouts cleaning the area as a project for our Eagle Scout badge. Following the tendency of the masses to follow falsehoods, she complimented us on how clean the town looked, for she had been out of the country for the last couple of months. A couple of times we alsmost contradicted each other as everyone got into the flow of falsehoods. Numerous things of interest can be found in Bell trash. Ones that are of use to anyone are binders and notebooks with the Bell logo on them, good for impressing friends. Also, supplies of Bell letterhead are good for scaring phriends. Documents of more interest to phreaks can also be found. Cosmos printouts abound in any CO trash. In house telephone directories list employees of Bell, goot to try social engineering on. Manuals also have merit for the phreak. Maintenance reports, trunk outages reports, line reports, network control analysis (NCA), TSPS documents, and lists of abbreviations used by the fone company can be found. The latter is of great importance as it allows one to decipher the cryptic documents. Bell seems to love ridiculous and mysterious abbreviations and anacronyms. "Looking for Notebooks" The expert trasher must be willing to physically enter the dumpster. Only reaching in for easily obtainable objects misses heavy manuals that tend to sink to the bottom. Huge bulky printouts, directories, and obese manuals as well as binders settle out of reach. Also, once in the dumpster, inquisitive security can't see you. Speaking of security, what are the dangers of trashing? Well, we don't know, having never been caught at it. The basic fact which protects the trasher is the ludicrousness of someone stealing your garbage. Probably the most they can get you for is trespassing, and most of the time they'll probably just throw you off of the property. Good excuses for being around the dumpster are that you are passing through on a shortcut, that a ball or frisbee has flown in, or you are looking for notebooks for school. A good way to avoid unnecessary surveillance by Telco employees is to trash late at night, after most have gone home. Weekends, especially Sunday nights, leave the sites deserted, except for security or janitorial staff. Before starting on a trashing run, be sure to reconnoiter the area, and find out the schedule of garbage collection. That way you can hit the trash at the fullest and most profitable time. One thing that simplifies trashing runs is the use of a car. A car will allow one to hit trash sites farther afield, as well as assisting in the removal of bags and boxes of trash to sort at your leisure. Trash sorting really shouldn't be done on site as it increases the possible time for your discovery by security. Removing garbage by foot invites stares and limits the amount that can be removed. The car should drop off the trashers and return about a half hour later, depending on the amount of trash there. Before dropping them off, be sure to investigate if there is any trash in the first place for, as past experience has shown, they tend to get quite angered when they have spent the last hour staring at an empty trash container. The on-site trashers should be willng to hop into the dumpster. As we mentioned, this maximizes the amount of trash that can be reached. They should rip open any bags, shoving the uninteresting ones to the rear and botton of the container, while bringing new ones to the forefront. Boxes in the trash should be used to carry the documents into the trunk of the car for leisurely sorting. This should be done with a minimum of noise and light, if flashlights are to be used. The trasher shouldn't attempt to take the best stuff, just to grab as much as looks interesting. At the appointed time, the car should return and pick up the trashers. Boxes should be stuffed in the trunk as quickly as possible. Smell won't be much of a problem, as all you are taking are papers. Occasionally a bag of coffee grinds smells up the works, but you, at all costs, should avoid cafeteria dumpsters as the rotting food really reeks, and contains little of value to the telecommunications hobbiest. The car should then drive off to a safe and secluded spot to sort the trash. The location should be well lit and have another dumpster handy to throw the real trash out permanently. The valuable stuff should be take home and sorted according to type. By keeping all of the similar stuff together, patterns can be recognized. Here, abbreviation lists come in handy. The date and location where the trash is located helps to keep the junk organized. A carful inspection of local Telco trash receptables can be informative and fun. Any real phreak should find out at the least what the switching equipment for his/her/its area is. Proper trashing technique is gained by experience, so climb on in! Well, happy trashing and have a phree day. +---------------------------+ !Disclaimer: The author of! !this file and all or part! !Of the data contained here-! !in is intended for inform-! !ative purposes only and! !takes no responsibility for! !the end result of the users! !actions..... ! +---------------------------+ : ELECTRONIC TERRORISM : It starts when a big, dumb lummox rudely insults you. Being of a rational, intelligent disposition, you wisely choose to avoid a (direct) confrontation. But as he laughs in your face, you smile inwardly---your revenge is already planned. Step 1: Follow your victim to his locker, car, or house. Once you have chosen your target site, lay low for a week or more, letting your anger boil. Step 2: In the mean time, assemble your versatile terrorist kit (details below.) Step 3: Plant your kit at the designated target site on a Monday morning between the hours of 4:00 AM and 6:00 AM. Include a calm, suggestive note that quietly hints at the possibility of another attack. DO NOT WRITE IT BY HAND! An example of an effective note: "Don't be such a jerk, or the next one will take off your hand. Have a nice day." Notice how the calm tone instills fear, as if written by a homicidal psycho. Step 5: Choose a strategic location overlooking the target site. Try to position yourself in such a way that you can see his facial contortions. Step 6: Sit back and enjoy the fireworks! Assembly of the versatile, economic, and effective Terrorist Kit #1: The parts you'll need are: 1) 4 AA Batteries 2) 1 9-Volt Battery 3) 1 SPDT Mini Relay (Radio Shack) 4) 1 Rocket Engine(Smoke Bomb or M-80) 5) 1 Solar Ignitor (any hobby store) 6) 1 9-Volt Battery connector Step 1: Take the 9-volt battery and wire it through the relay's coil. This circuit should also include a pair of contacts that when separated cut off this circuit. These contacts should be held together by trapping them between the locker,mailbox, or car door. Once the door is opened, the contacts fall apart and the 9-volt circuit is broken, allow- ing the relay to fall to the close postion thus closing the ignition circuit. (If all this is confusing take a look at the schematic below.) Step 2: Take the 4 AA batteries and wire them in succession. Wire the positive terminal of one to the negative terminal of another, until all four are connected except one positive terminal and one negative terminal. Even though the four AA batteries only combine to create 6 volts, the increase in amperage is necessary to activate the solar ignitor quickly and effectively. Step 3: Take the battery pack (made in step 2) and wire one end of it to the relay's single pole and the other end to one prong of the solar ignitor. Then wire the other prong of the solar ignitor back to the open position on the relay. Step 4: Using double sided carpet tape mount the kit in his locker, mailbox, or car door. And last, insert the solar ignitor into the rocket engine (smoke bomb or M-80). Your kit is now complete! ---------><--------- I (CONTACTS) I I I I --- (9 VOLT) I - (BATTERY) I --- I I I (COIL) I ------///////------- /----------- / I / I / I (SWITCH) I I I I I --- (BATTERY) I - ( PACK ) I --- I I I I ---- ----- I I * (SOLAR IGNITOR) So-o-o-o You would like to delve into the art of harassing,pestering,annoying & possibly harming another enemy!!! Ok-here you'll learn some of the useful methods iv'e used! For the squimesh & c! ITEM 1- To torment a person,allways start off easy & slowly increase the severity of your attack until your goal is accomplished!here ill give you an example of r attack letting them know that your not done with them yet! ITEM 2- To start your revenge,mail anonymouse letters & call at all hours! ITEM 3- Call the papers-place ads in their name (1964 chevy impalla-$600)will get every mexican gang member in l.a.to call & visit their address if you put it in th ead.Advertise something illegal in their name,then call the cops & show them th! Call long distance under their phone # and order candy & flowers from western union under their #. Order magazine subsccriptions,books records,everything you! THE JUG BAND BOMB. THIS ONE IS SHORT AND SWEET. 1) GET AHOLD OF A GLASS JUG. 2) PUT IN A FEW DROPS OF GASOLINE. 3) CAP THE TOP. 4) NOW TURN THE JUG AROUND TO COAT THE INNER SURFACES AND EVAPORATES. 5) ADD A FEW DROPS OF POTASSIUM PERMANGANATE.(YOU CAN GET THIS REAL EASY FROM A SNAKE-BITE KIT.) 6) THE BOMB IS DETONATED BY THROWING OR FORCIBLY ROLLING AGAINST A SOLID OBJECT. WHEN THIS SUCKER GOES OFF IT IS THE SAME AS A HALF STICK OF DYNAMITE. LOADS OF FUN. HOW TO MAKE A FLASHLIGHT BOMB A FLASHLIGHT BOMB IS FAIRLY EASY IT MAKE AND CAN BE CONCEALED SO WELL, THAY IT IS VIRTUALLY IMPOSSIBLE TO DETECT IT. HERES WHAT TO DO: GET YOURSELF ONE FLASHLIGHT OF ANY SIZE, SHAPE, OR CREED, AND THE BATTERY/BATTERIES THAT GO ALONG WITH IT. NOW IT IS TIME FOR AN IMPORTANT DECISION. DEPENDING UPON THE TYPE OF BOMB YOU REQUIRE, YOU HAVE TO MAKE A CHOICE IN MATERIALS. HERE ARE YOUR CHOICES: [1] MERCURIC CHLORIDE - GAS BOMN [2] PURE SODIUM+WATER - FLAME BOMB [3] SULFURIC NITRATE - ACID BOMB [4] GUNPOWDER (TNT) - BOOOOOOOOM! NOW, TAKING THE MATERIAL FOR THE TYPE OF BOMB YOU WOULD LIKE TO MAKE, PROCEED TO PUT ROCKS, BB'S, GLASS PELLETS, ETC... IN THE BOTTOM OF A HOLLOWED OUT BATTERY/BATTERIES, UNLESS YOU ARE MAKING A FLAME BOMB, WHICH IN THAT CASE READ ON. THEN LINE A MAGNESIUM STRIP ALONG THE SIDE OF THE FLASHLIGHT APPRERING ON TOP OF THE FLASHLIGHT SO YOU MAY LIGHT IT. NEXT, MAKE SURE YOU HAVE PLENTY OF THE EXPLOSIVE YOU CHOSE IN THE BATTERY. [ NOT YOU MAY LIGHTLY PACK IT IN, BUT DO NOT HIT IT!!! MY FRIEND WAS PACKING A HOME-MADE BOMB ONE DAY, AND HAMMERED THE COVER ON, AND BLEW A HOLE RIGHT THROUGH HIS LIQUOR CABINET ] NEXT, SECURE THE TOP, LEAVING ROOM TO INSERT THE MAGNESIUM STRIP. IT SHOULD LOOK LIKE THIS: ----------- \ / \ / \_____/ ! BMB ! ! BMB ! ! BMB ! ! BBB ! ! ! !_____! IN THE LAST DIAGRAM, (B) STANDS FOR BATTERY AND (M) FOR MAGNESIUM. ALSO INSIDE THE BATTERY SHOULD BE THE AMMO AND THE EXPLOSIVE. NOW FOR THE FLAME BOMB...THE SODIUM, SHOULD BE ON THE TOP, AND THE WATER IN A BABYFOOD JAR. THE SODIUM USED HERE IS NOT TABLE SALT!!! YOU WON'T NEED THE MAG. STRIP BEAUSE NUMBER 1, BECUASE ALL YOU NEED DO IS HIT THE FLASHLIGHT AGAINST SOMETHING HARD. DO NOT HOLD IT---THROW IT AS FAR AS YOU CAN!!! remember DONT GET CAUGHT! ------------------------------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ----ELETRAN 1 & The Apple Bootlegger With thanks to Randrew S. Tayley EXPLOSIVE PENS Here are the instructions for building a device no agent should be without. From the mind of "Q" himself, a device for your evaluation. Materials...... [1]-(1) "Felt" Tip Pen [2]-(1) "Ball" Point Pen [3]-(1) High quality firecracker! [4]-(1) 8 gram measure potassium parmagranite (optional) [5]-(x) Scotch Tape [6]-(1) Large Paper Clip [7]-(2) Packages of matches [8]-(1) Pair of scissors [9]-(1) Length of Beige thread Assembly...... [1]- Use thread to friction saw the felt tip pen in half at the point where the cap "snaps" onto the pen. (about mid-section) [2]- Remove the innerts of the felt tip pen, and throw them away. [3]- Pull the innerts out of a bic ball point pen and remove the ball point assembly at the front of the pen. [4]- Use scissors to widen the hole in the "felt" end of the pen. Insert the ball assembly and make sure it is a tight fit. It should now look as if the felt tip pen was constructed as a ball point pen. [5]- Cut off abrasive strips from the packs of matches. It is best if they have not been used. Tape these to the top of the firecracker near the fuse, the strips should run parallel to the outstreched fuse. Wrap fuse over the top of one strip and tape down so fuse runs parallel to abrasive strips. [6]- Unbend paperclip and tape a match to the metal rod, the match should be parallel to the rod and it should be taped tight using as little tape as possible. [7]- Insert the match head 1/5 of the way between the abrasive strips and wrap tape around the assembly. It should now look like this. ------______----- [][][]a[][][]-----------------(b) (())--------------------- ______------_____ |(c) |(d) (a)-Explosive/(b)-Fuse/(c)-Match attached to metal rod/(d)-Abrasives The entire assembly should be thin enough to slip into the case of the felt tip pen. [8]- Using scissors drill a small hole in the "non-tip" end of the felt tip pen case. Insert the assembly so the metal rod fits through the hole in the end of the pen case. [9]- The assembly will not quite fit properly. The firecracker will protrude from the cut half of the felt tip case. Slip the removed end of the case over the firecracker. (join the halfs together over the firecracker in the center) and mount the cap of the felt tip pen on the end of the metal rod. Glue any loose parts. You are done! To Detonate... Simply hit the cap (mounted at end of pen permanently) and throw it at your target, or hand it to your target. My favourite is to say "Think Fast" and throw them your felt tip pen. (make it a easy throw) Your victim will catch it, and it will then explode. Cutting off many small appendages if you coat the firecracker with potassium parmagranite. Or killing your target if you use contact poison in place of the potassium. Theory of operation... Quite simple, by hitting the cap you are ramming the match head at the end of the metal rod between the tight abrasive strips causing combustion. Or the "Orgasm" effect. (the term Axis Agents use!) The fire lights the fuse and from there, the pen is history! (pardon the pun) After hitting the cap you have a average time limit of 2.5 seconds to rid yourself of the pen. (plenty of time actually...) Edited by : Quasimoto So, you want to learn about some explosives, eh sonny? Well, you have come to the right place. Starting with this file, a series begins that will try to bring that world of demolitions and fun ( ha ha ) a little closer to you. This serier, ingeniously dubbed the "Explosive Files" will go through the many types of explosives around. In addition, a few sidetracks will be made on the way in the areas of fireworks or whatever seems appropriate. As you delve through what is contained in the files, you may find some helpful information, you may not. But have fun reading them anyway. ********************************************** * * * DISCLAIMER * * :::::::::::::: * * * * The author and the management takes no * * responsibility whatever for any of the * * information presented from hereon in any * * of the Explosive Files. There are no * * warranties what-so-ever, express or * * implied. * * * ********************************************** If you haven't figured this one out yet, this file is formatted for 80 columns. And the rest of the files are the same way. So, using a quote I saw once on a file on a board, " Use your damn printers people !!! " And now on with the show. EXPLOSIVES :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: To start learning about explosives, you have got to start at the begining. I plan to be as thorough as possible, but I may forget things every now and then. The files should still be complete though. So now to start at the begining...... An explosive is a substance that, under the influence of heat, shock, or some other agency, undergoes a chemical reaction that causes it to decompose or break up quickly with more or less violence ( whew ). Explosives fly to pieces because the materials composing them react in such a way that solids or liquids are suddenly converted into gases, which tend to expand and rapidly fill a larger volume of space. Heat is also developed and acts as a catalyst ( something that changes the speed of the reaction in some way. In this case it speeds it up. ). The noise associated with an explosion is caused by air waves. An explosion is an intensified combustion also. The history of explosives is too long for one file, but certain events are covered in individual files. For instance, gunpowder's history is in the gunpowder file. Lets narrow the scope a little here and get a little introduction into explosives. How they are classified is a good thing to know, so here it is. There are basically 3 differnt types of explosives existing. All explosives fall into one of these categories somewhere. What follows is a listing of each of these categories with a brief description and some examples. I. Propellants Propellants, or low explosives, are combustible materials, containing within themselves all oxygen needed for their combustion. They burn themselves out but do not explode, and function by producing gas which explodes. Examples are Black powder and smokeless powder. II. Primary Explosives Primary Explosives, or initiators as they are sometimes called , explode or detonate when they are heated or subjected to shock. They do not burn and sometimes they do not even contain the elements necessary for combustion. The materials themselves explode, and the explosion results whether they are confined or not. Their brisance, or the shock which they produce when they explode, differs considerably in different explosives, as does their sensitivity to heat and the amount of heat they give off. Examples : Mercury Fulminate, Lead Azide, Fulminating Gold, the mixture of Red Phosphorus with Potassium Chlorate, Copper Acetylide, Nitrogen Sulfide, and Tetracene. III. High Explosives High Explosives detonate under the influence of the shock of the explosion of a suitable primary explosive. They do not function by burning. Most of them can be ignited by a flame though and in a small amount generally burn tranquilly and can be extinguished easily. If heated to a high temperature by external heat or by their own combustion, they will sometimes explode. They are generally more brisant and powerful than primary explosives. They exert a mechanical effect on whatever is near them when they explode, whether they are confined or not. Examples : Dynamite, Trinitrotoluene, Tetryl, Picric Acid, Nitrocellulose, Nitroglycerin, Liqiud Oxygen mixed with wood pulp, fuming Nitric Acid mixed with Nitrobenzene, Ammonium Nitrate , Ammonium Perchlorate, and Nitroguanidine. So Now you have taken the first step toward your explosive education. The next file will be on igniters and will be important for detonating stuff. See ya then. ! ! - * Flash Point * - ! ! ! / \! / -------------------------------------------------\- / / I G N I T E R S --- + * + --- -------------------------------------------------/- \ \ The Explosives Files II /! \ / ! \ by Flash Point ! (c) 1983, 1984 The Agency; Prism Industries Call The Agency (818) 794 - 8916 10 meg soon (I hope). These files may not be changed at all when posted on other systems. Please do not delete any of the credits. These files may be posted on other systems with the permission of The Agency. A small but major part of any explosive is how to ignite it. Some materials, like gunpowder, will ignite quickly when in contact with flame. But some explosives will not light by just a flame and hence they require some thing with some more power, maybe even another explosive. What follows is a list of your basic igniters. BLACK MATCH Black match is made with fine, soft cotton twine and meal powder. It is easily made by twisting 3 or 4 strands of the twine together and covering the resulting cord with a paste made by mixing the meal powder with water. The excess paste should be wiped off and the cord should be allowed to dry while stretched across a frame. A slower match can be made by twisting the twine and using a homemade black powder as the paste. This powder is made by mixing 6 parts Potassium nitrate, 1 part sulfur, and 1 part soft wood charcoal. This match and slight derivations are used on nearly ever firework available. Its cheap, reliable if made right, and easy. QUICK MATCH Quick match is black match inserted into a paper tube which does not need to fit tightly. When light, the black match burns through the tube at a extremely quick rate. MINERS FUSE Miners Fuse is also called Safety Fuse or Bickford Fuse. It consists of a central thread surrounded by a core of black powder enclosed within a tube of woven threads, which is then surrounded by waterproof materials, etc. It commonly burns at the rate of 1 foot a minute. When the fire reaches the end, a jet of flame about 1 inch long shoots out for the purpose of igniting black powder or lighting a blasting cap. DETONATING FUSE Detonating Fuse, or Cordeau, is a narrow tube filled with high explosive. When the explosion is initiated at one end by a detonator, the explosion travels along the tube with a high velocity which causes other high explosives in its path to explode. In America, cordeau is made from lead tubes filled with TNT, from aluminum or tin tubes filled with Picric Acid, and from tubes of woven fabric filled with Nitrocellulose or PETN ( yes, thats Pentaerythrite Tetranitrate ). BLASTING CAPS Instead of making a whole seperate file out of blasting caps, my first intention, I will just put the stuff here. Blasting caps were invented in 1867 by Alfred Nobel, who also first made Nitroglycerin, invented dynamite and blasting gelatin, and provided funding to start the Nobel prizes. What a cool dude. There exist 3 different kinds of blasting caps, varying from a simple fuse wrapped by explosive to a complicated waterproff cap involving an electrical detonation. . There is also 8 grades, or strengths of caps, denoted by numbers ( No. 1, No. 6, etc. ). Usually the strength is marked on the cap. SIDENOTE : Electrically ignited caps are the most common type available. If you live anywhere near a quarry, try to get a tour of the place. Watch wherever you walk. blasting caps abound in areas like this. When nobodys looking, pocket a few. What follows is a generally useless chart, but here it is anyway. It shows a little about the strengths of each cap type ( see another file about mercury fulminate ). Weight of Mercury External Fulminate Dimensions ::::::::::::: :::::::::::::: grams diameter,mm length,mm ::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::: No. 1 .30 5.5 16 No. 2 .40 5.5 22 No. 3 .54 5.5 26 No. 4 .65 6 28 No. 5 .80 6 30-32 No. 6 1.00 6 35 No. 7 1.50 6 40-45 No. 8 2.00 6-7 50-55 Make sure you check out the next 3 files which are probably the best ones out of the whole group. !>Flash Point<! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRIMARY HIGH EXPLOSIVE * Flash Point * (c) 1983, 1984 The Agency; Prism Industries. Call The Agency (818) 794 - 8916 10 meg soon? These files may not be changed at all if they are to be posted on another system. Please do not delete any of the credits. These files may be posted on other systems with the permission of THE AGENCY. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here we are with a list of primary high explosives. It's not much, but there are not many of them. There are many more secondary high and low explosives ( see the next two files ). Mercury Fulminate ::::::::::::::::: Mercury Fulminate is an initiating explosive, commonly appearing as white or gray crystals. It is extremely sensetive to initiation by heat, friction, spark or flame, and impact. It will detonate when initiated by any of the ways. When stored continiously at temperatures above 100 degrees F it gradually becomes inert. A dark-colored product of deterioration gives evidence of this condition. Mercury Fulminate is commonly stored underwater except in places where freezing is possible. Then it is stored under a mixture of water and alcohol. Lead Styphnate :::: ::::::::: Lead Styphnate is an initiating explosive, usually appearing in orange or white crystals. It is easily ignited by heat and static discharge, but cannot be used to start secondary high explosive reliably. Lead Styphnate is an ingredient in priming mixtures for small arms ammunition. Lead Styphnate is stored underwater except where freezing is possible. Then it stored under water and alcohol. Lead Azide :::: ::::: Lead Azide is an initiating explosive produced as a white to buff crystalline substance. It is more reliable than Mercury Fulminate and it does not decompose during long storage at moderately elevated temperatures ( 90 and above ). It should not be loaded into copper or brass containers because Copper Azide, an extremely sensitive explosive, can be formed in the presence of moisture. DDNP Diazodinitrophenol :::::::::::::::::: DDNP is a primary high explosive. It is used extensively in commercial blasting caps that are initiated by black powder safety fuse. It is superior to Mercury Fulminate in stability but is not as stable as Lead Azide. DDNP is desenzitized by immersion in water. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECONDARY HIGH EXPLOSIVES File #4 - Flash Point (c) 1983, 1984 The Agency; Prism Industries Call The Agency (818) 794 - 8916 10 meg soon?!? These files may not be edited if they are to be posted on other systems. Please do not delete any of the credits. These files may be posted on other systems with the permission of THE AGENCY. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section is a rather complete listing of secondary high explosives. They are listed in no particular order and thay all have a bit of information about them again, just like the primary high explosives. I think that this is probably the best file in the whole group so have fun. TNT TRINITROLOLUENE ::::::::::::::: TNT is produced from Toluene, Sulfuric acid, and Nitric acid. It is powerful high explosive. It is well suited for steel cutting, concrete breaching, general demonlition, and underwater demolition. It is a stable explosive and relatively insensitive to shock. It may be detonated by a blasting cap or primacord. TNT is toxic and its dust should not be inhaled or allowed contact with the skin. NITROSTARCH ::::::::::: Nitrostarch is composed of Starch Nitrate, Barium Nitrate, and Sodium Nitrate. It is more sensitive to flame, friction, and shock than TNT but not as powerful. It is initiated by detonating cord. TETRYL :::::: Tetryl is a fine, yellow crystalline material and exhibits a very high shattering power. It is commonly used as a booster in explosive trains. It is stable in storage. It is used in detonators. RDX CYCLONITE ::::::::: RDX is a white crystalline solid that exhibits very high shattering power. It is commonly used as a booster in explosive trains or as a main bursting charge. It is stable in storage. NITROGLYCERIN ::::::::::::: Nitroglycerin is manfactured by treating Glycerin with a nitrating mixture of Nitric Acid and Sulfuric acid. It is thick, clear to yellow-brownish, and extremely powerful and shock sensetive. Nitroglycerin freezes at 56 degrees farenheit in which state it is less sensitive to shock than in liquid form. COMMERCIAL DYNAMITE ::::::::::::::::::: Commercial dynamite comes in three principal types. Straight dynamite, Ammonia dynamite, and Gelatin dynamite. Each type is further divided into a series of grades. All dynamites contain Nitroglycerin in varying amounts and the strength of the explosion is related to the Nitroglycerin content. Dynamite ranges in detonation velocity from 4000 to 23,000 feet per second and is sensitive to shock. Dynamite is initiated by electric or nonelectric blasting caps. PETN PENTAERYTHRITE TETRANITRATE ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: PETN is one of the most powerful of military explosives and is almost equal in force to nitroglycrerine and RDX. When used in detonating cord, it has a detonation velocity of 21,000 f.p.s. and is relatively insensitive to friction and shock from handling and transportation. MILITARY DYNAMITE ::::::::::::::::: Military ( construction ) dynamite, unlike other commercial dynamite, does not absorb or retain moisture, contains no nitroglycerine, and is much safer to store, handle, and transport. It detonates at a velocity of about 20,000 feet per second and is good for military construction, quarrying, or demolition. It may be detonated with an electric or nonelectric military blasting cap or detonating cord. AMATOL :::::: Amatol is a high explosive, white to buff in color. It is a mixture of Ammonium nitrate and TNT, with a relative effectiveness slightly higher than TNT alone. Amatol is used a main bursting charge in artillery shells and bombs. Amatol absorbs moisture and can form dangerous compounds with copper and brass. BLASTING GELATIN :::::::::::::::: Blasting gelatin is a translucent material of an elastic, jellylike texture and is made in a number of different colors. It is considered to be the most powerful industrial explosive. It is more water resistant than Gelatin dynamite. COMPOSITION C4 :::::::::::::: Composition C4 is a white plastic explosive more powerful than TNT. It consists of 91% RDX and 9% plastic binder. It remains plastic over a wide range of temperatures (-70 F. to 170 F. ), and is as sensitive as TNT. It is eroded less than other plastic explosives when immersed is water for long periods. It is well suited for cutting steel and timber and breaching concrete. COMPOSITION B ::::::::::::: Composition B is a high explosive mixture with a relative efffectiveness higher than that of of TNT. It is also more sensetive that TNT. It is composed of 59% RDX, 40% TNT, and 1% wax. Because of its shattering power and high rate of detonation, Composition B is used as the main charge in certain bangalore torpedoes and shaped charges. AMMONIUM NITRATE :::::::::::::::: Ammonium Nitrate is a white crystalline substance that is extremely water absorbent and is therefor usually packed in a sealed metal container. It has a low velocity of detonation ( 3600 f.p.s ) and is used primarily as an additive to other explosives. It is only 55% as powerful as TNT. HMX ::: HMX is a solid high explosive commonly used as a booster and sometimes as a main charge where its shattering effect is needed. It is a white substance with a rather high melting point; hence it is usually pressed into its container. It may be initiated by Lead azide or Mercury fulminate. PENTOLITE ::::::::: Pentolite is a high explosive made from equal mixtures of PETN and TNT. It is light yellow and is used as the main bursting charge in grenades, small shells, and shaped charges. Pentolite should not be drilled to produce cavities; forming tools should be used. PICRIC ACID ::::::::::: Picric Acid is a yellow crystalline, high explosive bursting charge. it is initiated by Lead azide or Mercury fulminate and has the same effectiveness as TNT. When in contact with lead, Picric acid produces Lead Picrate, a sensitive and violent explosive. GUN COTTON :::::::::: Gun cotton is a nitrocellulose explosive made from cotton fibers containing 13% or more of nitrogen. Although primarily considered a propellant, it is sometimes used as a base charge in electric detonators. AMMONAL ::::::: Ammonal is a high explosive mixture composed of 22% Ammonium nitrate, 67% TNT, and 11% flaked or powdered aluminum. It is sometimes used as a filler for artillery shell. The composition is 83% as effective as TNT and explodes with a bright flash upon detonation. IMPROVISED PLASTIC EXPLOSIVE FILLER ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Plastic explosive filler can be made from Potassium Chlorate and petroleum jelly. The Potassium chlorate crystals are ground into a very fine powder and then mixed with the petroleum jelly. This explosive can be detonated with a No. 8 commercial blasting cap or with any military blasting cap. The explosive must be stored in a waterproof container until ready to use. TETRYTOL :::::::: Tetrytol is a high explosive bursting charge containing 75% Tetryl and 25% TNT. It is used as a demolitions explosive, a bursting charge for mines, and in artillery shells. It is about as strong as TNT. !>Flash Point<! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GUNPOWDER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Explosives file #5 by Flashpoint. (c) 1983; 1984 The Agency; Prism Industries Call The Agency (818) 794 - 8916 10 meg soon?!? These files may not be changed if they are to be posted on other systems. Please do not delete any of the credits. These files may be posted on other systems with the permission of THE AGENCY. --------------------------------------- Probably the most common explosive you will ever encounter in your travels is gunpowder. It is nearly everwhere. Most every firework will use gunpowder. It is the easiest to make, and the cheapest of all the explosive. How about a little bit of history here... Gunpowder is the oldest of all the known explosives. It's invention is credited to the Chinese, the Arabs, and the Hindus, but the first one to publish anything definite on it was friar Roger Bacon of Oxford in 1242. He wrote a book telling how to make an explosive mixture containing saltpeter. For this reason Roger Bacon is sometimes considered the inventor of gunpowder. Berthold Schwartz, a monk, also played his part in gunpowders history by helping to develop firearms using gunpowders properties. By 1326 cannons were being used. Certainly gunpowder helped change the course of the world. It has been used in things such as warfare to mechanical assistance. By the way, Saltpeter is Potassium Nitrate ( KNO3 ). Also, doesn't it seem a bit funny that most of the people involved in the history of explosives were religious people? The modern gunpowder is commonly called Black Powder, but is made in about the same way as its ancestors. Saltpeter, charcoal, and sulphur are mechanically mixed into a fix powder. The rate of ingition depends on the grain size ; the smaller the grains, the faster it burns. The exact proportions of each material can vary, and each mixture is a little different. But the most effective powder has been found to be in the ratio of 6 parts Saltpeter, 1 part charcoal, and 1 part sulphur. Here are a few other mixtures though for your enjoyment. DATE SALTPETER CHARCOAL SULFUR -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 8th century 66 22 12 8th century 70 23 7 Roger Bacon 37 32 31 1560 50 33 17 1781 75 15 10 1635 75 12.5 12.5 Brown powder, also called cocoa powder, was discovered and it was found that it could be used as a replacement for normal black charcoal. Brown powder is slower burning than its brother and was used extensively in guns before smokeless powder was developed. Cocoa powder is more sensitive to friction than ordinary black powder. Samples have ingited when shaking in canvas bags. As before, here are some exciting different formulas. Saltpeter Brown Charcoal Sulphur <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*> 79 18 3 78 19 3 80 20 0 There are a few more variations of gunpowder existing too, so check out the next file for a listing. A common myth about gunpowder is that it explodes. This is wrong ( I know a few people out there are saying I'm full of shit, right ? Well, it's the truth ). To really understand waht happens it is necessary to know a little about chemistry. I'll try to explain it to the average person now. The formula for saltpeter is KNO3 ( Potassium nitrate ). If you don't know yet, the O stands for an oxygen atom, and there are 3 of them. The 3 is supposed to be sub-scripted by the way, so just imagine that it is. This means that in the gunpowder mixture, there is a whole bunch of oxygen atoms. Well, pure oxygen burns. But how does it break out of the KNO3 ? The oxygen is attracted to the sulphur and charcoal, but is bonded to the nitrogen ( N ) and can't get away normally. When it is lit, the ignition breaks the N-O bonds and in an instantaneous moment solid and gaseous products are formed. What ends up happening is that the gases cause the explosion. Its is really more complicated than that, but I would take a good 50 sectors going into detail. For a better understanding of this, pick up an encyclopedia or ask your chemistry teacher. !>Flash Point<! --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Powders Explosives file #6 by Flashpoint (c) 1983; 1984 The Agency; Prism Industries. Call The Agency (818) 794 - 8916 10 meg soon?!? These files may not be changed if they are to be posted on other systems. Please do not delete any of the credits. These files may be posted on other systems with permission from THE AGENCY. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- They couldn't let black powder get all lonesome by being the only worthwile powder useful in explosives, so somebody invented a few more. Some of these are better than black powder, some worse, some more expensive, some more convenient. But they are all powders. BLASTING POWDER Since normal black powder burns rather quickly when mixed well, a slower and cheaper powder is needed for blasting. A powder of this type can be obtained by reducing the amount of Potassium Nitrate. The French government has manufactured and sold the following kinds of blasting powder. SALTPETER CHARCOAL SULFUR ::::::::: :::::::: :::::: 72 15 13 40 30 30 62 18 20 In the United States, most blasting powder is made from Sodium nitrate. Some samples taken show the following ratios. SODIUM NITRATE CHARCOAL SULFUR :::::::::::::: :::::::: :::::: 68 10 22 73 11 16 Pellet powders, made from Sodium Nitrate, are becoming popular. They are cylindrical pellets, 2 inches long, wrapped in paraffined paper cartridges, and are from 1 and 1/4 to 2 inches in diameter. The pellets resemble cartridges of dynamite. From 2 to 4 pellets whice are perforated in the direction of their axis are wrapped in the cartridges and a 3/8 hole is bored for insertion of fuse for firing. The pellets are also sold in most hardware stores for use in welding torches under names like Solid OX pellets and generally cost about $ 8.00 for a can of 7 or 8 sticks. You can buy these pellets and grind them up for a good source of Sodium Nitrate powder. It makes a hell of a black powder. II. AMMONPULVER Propellant powder made from Ammonium nitrate is about as powerful as smokeless powder and has long had a limited use for military uses, especially in Germany and Austria. In 1855, a powder was patented called Amidpulver. Later the formula was improved, giving the powder a flashless discharge whan fired in a gun and only a moderate amount of smoke. Ammonpulver which contains no Potassium nitrate explodes with no flash and little smoke. AMMONIUM POTASSIUM NITRATE NITRATE CHARCOAL :::::::::: ::::::::::: :::::::::: Amidpulver 38 44 16 improved Amidpulver 37 14 49 other formula 85 - 15 Ammonpulver has the advantages of being cheap, powerful, flashless, and almost smokeless. It is insensitive to shock and friction, and is more difficult to ignite than black powder. In use it requires a strong igniter charge. III. POUDER BRUGERE Pouder Brugere is made by grinding together the following composition : Ammonium nitrate 54 parts Potassium nitrate 46 parts The powder is pressed and granulated as in the making of black powder. It is more powerful than black powder and gives less smoke. FRENCH AMMONAL French Ammonal is an easily improvised low explosive mixture of 86% Ammonium nitrate, 6% Stearic acid, and 8% Aluminum powder. It is generly less effective than and equal weight of TNT. Initiation by a Engineer's special blasting cap is recommended. !>Flash Point<! --------------------------------------------------------------- BUILDING A FLAME THROWER FROM THE BOOK: THE POOR MAN'S JAMES BOND BY KURT SAXON AN EXCELLENT LITTLE FLAME THROWER CAN BE MADE, USING JUST ABOUT ANY METAL OR PLASTIC HAND SQUIRTER. THE ONLY CONSIDERATION IS THAT THE LIQUID MUST COME OUT IN A STREAM INSTEAD OF AN ATOMIZED SPRAY. SOME OIL CANS SHOOT A STREAM 30 FEETS. SPRAYERS CAN OFTEN BE ADJUSTED FROM A SPRAY TO A STREAM. SPRAYERS OF VARIOUS KINDS CAN BE FOUND IN AUTO SUPPLY, GARDEN AND GROCERY STORES. A SIX-INCH TUBE, USUALLY ALUMINUM OR BRASS, IS FITTEN ON THE NOZZLE. A WICK OR PIECE OF HEAVY CLOTH IS WIRED ONTO THE OTHER END OF THE TUBE. THE FUEL IS GASOLINE, ACETONE OR LIGHTER FLUID. TO USE, THE TUBE IS TILTED DOWNWARD SLIGHTLY. THE SPRAYER IS SQUEEZED SLOWLY SO THE FUEL WILL DRIBBLE OUT AND SATURATE THE WICK ALL AROUND. THE WICK IS THEN LIT AND THE DEVICE IS AIMED AND SQUEEZED. QUICK, HARD SQUEEZES WILL SQUIRT THE FUEL THROUGH THE TUBE AND PAST THE BURNING WICK. THE WICK IGNITES THE FUEL AND YOU HAVE SUCH A DANDY WEAPON YOU WILL NEVER STOP BRAGGING! IF YOU HAVE A LITTLE BROTHER, HE CAN TAKE IT TO SCHOOL FOR SHOW AND TELL. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! ! ! FULL-AUTO: AN INTRODUCTION ! ! BY: THE ANGEL OF DESTINY ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! A METAL COMMUNICATIONS PRESENTATION. ! ! METALLAND AE/BBS/CATSEND/AE1200.....10MEGS........(503)538-0761 ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION SO YOU WANT TO BE A TERRORIST? YOU LIKE MAKING HOME-MADE CHEMICAL CARBOMBS, AND MAKING PEOPLE SUFFER, THAT'S NEAT. BUT I CAN TELL YOU FOR SURE THAT NO SELF-RESPECTING TERRORIST WOULD GO OUT INTO THE CRUEL WORLD ALL BY HIS LONESOME WITHOUT A PIECE OF PROTECTION. I AM OF COURSE TALKING ABOUT SUBMACHINE-GUNS AND ASSAULT RIFLES. THERE ARE TIMES WHEN YOU JUST NEED TO HAVE THAT FULL-AUTO PROTECTION. WELL, I WILL TRY TO BEGIN TO INFORM YOU ON THE WAYS OF GETTING A FULL-AUTO FIREARM. THERE ARE BASICALLY TWO: LEGAL & ILLEGAL. LEGAL THERE ARE A FEW WAYS OF GOING ABOUT IT LEGALLY. IN ALL CASES YOU NEED APROVAL FROM THE BATF (BUREAU OF ALCHOHOL, TOBACCO, AND FIREARMS). APPROVAL INVOLVES SENDING A LETTER TO THE BATF TELLING THEM WHERE YOU LIVE, AND WHY YOU WANT TO OWN A FULL-AUTO FIREARM. WHEN YOU WRITE THIS PORTION OF THE LETTER, IT WOULD BE A GOOD IDEA NOT TO TELL THEM YOU WANT TO BLOW DUDES AWAY WITH IT BECAUSE YOU MOST PROBABLY WOULD NOT GET APPROVAL. ONCE YOU GET APPROVAL, YOU MUST PAY A $200 TRANSFER TAX. THE BIG MYTH THAT GOES ARROUND IS THAT FULL- AUTO WEAPONS ARE THEMSELVES EXPENSIVE, THAT'S NOT TRUE, THEY COST JUST AS MUCH AS THEIR SEMI-AUTO COUNTERPARTS. THE BIG THING THAT MAKES LEGAL FULL-AUTOS COST SO MUCH IS THE TAX. STEPS. EVERYTHING YOU DO GOES IN STEPS, AND IT'S THE SAME WITH GETTING A FULL-AUTO. HERE THEY ARE... 1. CHOOSE THE GUN YOU WANT. YOU GET FULL-AUTOS FROM CLASS /// GUN DEALERS. 2. ADD UP ALL THE COSTS FOR THE RIFLE OR SMG AND MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ENOUGH BUCKS TO PAY FOR IT. 3. IF YOU ARE UNDER 21 YEARS OF AGE, GET PARENTS PERMISSION TO REGISTER THE GUN IN HIS/HERS NAME. THEN PUT HIS/HER NAME ON THE LETTER TO THE BATF. 4. SAVE THE GUN AT THE CLASS /// DEALERSHIP. ASK OWNER FOR HELP IN GETTING BATF'S APPROVAL, THEY CAN TELL YOU ALL ABOUT IT, MORE THAN I CAN HERE, AND GET ALL THE FORMS YOU NEED. REMEMBER, THE DEALERS ARE USUALLY VERY COOPERATIVE, MAINLY BECAUSE THEY WANT TO SELL THEIR GUNS. 5. GET BATF APPROVAL. PAY $200 TRANSFER TAX(SHOULD ALREADY BE CALCULATED INTO YOUR EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT--SEE STEP 2). 6. BUY YOUR FULL-AUTO AND TAKE IT HOME. 7. TAKE GUN TO SAFE PLACE TO PRACTICE YOUR FIRING, NOW THAT WE WENT THROUGH ALL THIS, WE DON'T WANT TO GET IN TROUBLE FOR DISTURBING THE PEACE, DO WE? WELL, THAT IS A VERY BASIC DESCRIPTION OF ALL THE THINGS YOU HAVE TO DO TO GET A LEGAL FULL-AUTO. REMEMBER THIS, THOUGH, YOUR GUN IS NOW REGISTERED IN THE GOVERNMENT FILES AS A FULL-AUTO HAZZARD TO THEM. BE VERY CAREFUL OF WHAT YOU GET CAUGHT DOING WITH YOUR PIECE NOW THAT YOU HAVE IT. ILLEGAL I TOLD YOU THERE WERE TWO WAYS, WELL HERE IS THE OTHER ONE. ILLEGAL. THAT MEANS IF YOU GET CAUGHT WITH ONE OF THESE YOU WILL GET THE WEAPON CONFISCATED, AND A MASSIVE FINE. NOW ALL THAT IS GREAT, BUT THEY DO NOT KNOW YOU HAVE ONE UNLESS YOU DO ONE OF A FEW THINGS THE FEDS HAVE TO TIP THEM OFF TO ILLEGAL FULL-AUTO OWNERS. ONE IS MAIL-ORDERS. SOME MAIL ORDERS THAT YOU SEND AWAY FOR, LIKE INSTRUCTION BOOKLETS TO CONVERT CERTAIN GUNS TO FULL- AUTO, ARE JUST FRONTS FOR THE FEDS. THEY SEND YOU THE BOOKLET, GIVE YOU TIME TO MAKE THE CONVERSION, THEN COME AND BUST YOU FOR HAVING ILLEGAL FIREARMS. ANOTHER THING THAT TIPS OFF THE COPS IS "CONCERNED CITIZENS" THAT HEAR FULL- AUTOS, AND GET SCARED SHIT- LESS THINKING SOMEONE IS GOING TO BLOW THEM AWAY. THEY CALL THE COPS, AND THEY COME RUNNING, LOOKING FOR THE OFFENDER. I JUST THOUGHT I WOULD TELL YOU A FEW OF THE RISK FACTORS BEFORE I GET INTO THE ACTUAL MECHANICS OF GETTING ILLEGAL FULL- AUTOS. IF YOU PLAY IT SAFE, THIS METHOD CAN COST LESS THAN BUYING ONE LEGALLY. OK, THERE ARE BASICALLY TWO WAYS TO GET FULL-AUTOS ILLEGALLY. CONVERT SEMI-AUTOS TO FULL-AUTO, OR SELECTIVE FIRE, AND BUYING A PREMADE FULL AUTO ON THE BLACK MARKET. I WOULD NOT IN ANY WAY SUGGEST THE SECOND METHOD, YOU GET IN CONTACT WITH SOME REAL HEAVY DUDES, SOME REAL HARDASSES THAT WOULD JUST AS SOON SHOOT YOU AS SELL YOU A GUN. THIS METHOD IS NOT WISE, OR PRUDENT, OR ALL THAT CRAP, BUT I TOLD YOU ABOUT IT BECAUSE IT IS THERE, AND IT IS AN OPTION. THE CONVERSION OF A SEMI-AUTO TO FULL-AUTO IS USUALLY A COMPLICATED PROCESS, AND THE METHODS ARE DIFFERENT FOR EACH DIFFERENT KIND OF RIFLES. THE AR-15/M-16 IS THE ONE EXEPTION TO THIS RULE. IT IS EXTREMELY EASY TO CONVERT TO FULL-AUTO. BUT ANYHOW, THE WAY YOU GO THROUGH IT IS YOU FIRST CHOOSE YOURSELF A GOOD SEMI-AUTO RIFLE THAT USES A BOX MAGAZINE(ALSO CALLED "CLIP") IT IS ALSO PREFERABLE TO BUY A WELL KNOWN SEMI-AUTO SO THE CLIPS ARE CHEAP, AND CONVERSION PLANS ARE READILY AVAILABLE. A GOOD EXAMPLE WOULD BE UZI, AR-15, MINI-14, MAC-10, KG-99 OR OTHER GOOD, COMMON GUNS. ALL RIGHT, SO NOW YOU HAVE A GUN PICKED OUT IN YOUR MIND. SEND FOR A MANUAL THAT EXPLAINS THE PROCEDURE FOR CONVERTING YOUR GUN. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT WHEN YOU DO THIS, YOU BUY FROM A WELL KNOWN PUBLISHER LIKE PALADIN PRESS, OR BILL MOORE PUBLICA- TIONS. OK NOW, VERY CAREFULLY FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS TO THE LETTER. YOU DO NOT WANT OT SCREW UP YOUR FIREARM BY GRINDING IN THE WRONG PLACE, OR THROWING AWAY THE WRONG PART. THIS IS BASICALLY ALL I CAN TELL YOU BECAUSE IT IS A VERY COMPLICATED PROCEDURE THAT TAKES ALOT OF TIME TO EXPLAIN, BUT I CAN GIVE SOMETHING OF USE TO ALL OF YOU WHO OWN A MINI-14. YOU KNOW, MADE BY RUGER. WHEN I TELL YOU THIS, I AM ASSUMING YOU KNOW AT LEAST A LITTLE BIT ABOUT YOUR GUN. IF YOU DON'T KNOW A FUCK ABOUT THE INSIDES OF THE MINI-14 LEAVE IT THE HELL ALONE! I DON'T WANT YOU TO SCREW IT UP ON ACCOUNT OF ME. OK, LOOK IN THE MANUAL THAT CAME WITH YOUR GUN. THERE IS A PART CALLED THE SECONDARY SEAR. THIS IS WHAT PREVENTS YOUR MINI FROM BEING MIGHTY. TAKE APART THE MECHANISM AND REMOVE THE SECONDARY SEAR & THE SPRING BEHIND IT. REASSEMBLE THE MECHANISM, MAKING SURE YOU DON'T FORGET TO PUT ALL THE OTHER PIECES IN THEIR RIGHT PLACES. YOUR RIFLE IS NOW A SLAM-FIRING FULL AUTO. KEEP THE SECONDARY SEAR, IN A SAFE PLACE, BECAUSE TO CONVERT IT BACK TO SEMI- AUTO, AND BACK TO LEGAL, YOU JUST PUT IN THE SECONDARY SEAR. REMEMBER, THIS METHOD IS THE "CHEAPO" AND CONVERTS YOUR MINI TO FULL-AUTO ONLY. WHEN YOU LOAD IT UP AND PULL THE TRIGGER, IT WILL FIRE ABOUT TWO SHOTS IF YOU JUST SNAP THE TRIGGER AND RELEASE IT QUICKLY. DO NOT HOLD THE TRIGGER DOWN!!!! THIS WILL CAUSE THE FIREARM TO BECOME UNCONTROLABLE, AND THUS DANGEROUS TO YOURSELF AS WELL AS OTHERS. THAT'S ALL FOR NOW, BUT BE LOOKING FOR MY FOLLOW-UP ARTICLES ON HOW TO CONVERT UZIS, AR-15S, AND KG-99S. STAY SANE, AND KILL A COMMIE FOR MOMMIE! I HOPE YOU HAVE ENJOYED TO THIS TO THE FULLEST! LATER, THE ANGEL OF DESTINY. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- BE LOOKING FOR THE NEXT METAL COMMUNICATIONS PRESENTATION. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][ ][ BROUGHT TO YOU BY ][ ][ COMPUTER PIRATES OF UTAH ][ ][ (801)-264-8201 ][ ][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][ COURTESY OF THE SAFEHOUSE +-------------------------------------+ ! KING ARTHUR'S DEMOLITION ARTICLE #1 ! +-------------------------------------+ LIKE ALL CHEMISTS I MUST ADVISE YOU ALL TO TAKE THE GREATEST CARE AND CAUTION WHEN YOU ARE DOING THIS. EVEN IF YOU HAVE MADE THIS STUFF BEFORE. THIS FIRST ARTICLE WILL GIVE YOU INFORMATION ON MAKING NITROGLYERIN, THE BASIC INGREDIENT IN A LOT OF EXPLOSIVES SUCH AS STRAIGHT DYNAMITES, AND GELETIN DYNAMITES. --------------------------------------- MAKING NITROGLYCERIN --------------------------------------- 1. FILL A 75-MILLILITER BEAKER TO THE 13 ML. LEVEL WITH FUMING RED NITRIC ACID, OF 98% PURE CONCENTRATION. 2. PLACE THE BEAKER IN AN ICE BATH AND ALLOW TO COOL BELOW ROOM TEMP. 3. AFTER IT HAS COOLED, ADD TO IT THREE TIMES THE AMOUNT OF FUMING SULFERIC ACID (99% H2SO4). IN OTHER WORDS, ADD TO THE NOW-COOL FUMING NITRIC ACID 39 ML. OF FUMING SULFERIC ACID. WHEN MIXING ANY ACIDS, ALWAYS DO IT SLOWLY AND CAREFULLY TO AVOID SPLATTERING. 4. WHEN THE TWO ARE MIXED, LOWER THIER TEMP. BY ADDING MORE ICE TO THE BATH, ABOUT 10-15 DEGREES CENTIGRADE. (USE A MERCURY-OPERATED THERMOMETER) 5. WHEN THE ACID SOLUTION HAS COOLED TO THE DESIRED TEMPERATURE, IT IS READY FOR THE GLYCERIN. THE GLYCERIN MUST BE ADDED IN SMALL AMOUNTS USING A MEDICINE DROPPER. (READ THIS STEP ABOUT 10 TIMES!) GLYCERIN IS ADDED SLOWLY AND CAREFULLY (I MEAN CAREFUL!) UNTIL THE ENTIRE SURFACE OF THE ACID IT COVERED WITH IT. 6. THIS IS A DANGEROUS POINT SINCE THE NITRATION WILL TAKE PLACE AS SOON AS THE GLYCERIN IS ADDED. THE NITRATION WILL PRODUCE HEAT, SO THE SOLUTION MUST BE KEPT BELOW 30 DEGREES CENTIGRADE! IF THE SOLUTION SHOULD GO ABOVE 30 DEGREES, IMMEDIATELY DUMP THE SOLUTION INTO THE ICE BATH! THIS WILL INSURE THAT IT DOES NOT GO OFF IN YOUR FACE! 7. FOR HTE FIRST TEN MINUTES OF NITRATION, THE MIXTURE SHOULD BE GENTLY STIRRED. IN A NORMAL REACTION THE NITROGLYCERIN WILL FORMAS A LAYER ON TOP OF THE ACID SOLUTION, WHILE THE SULFERIC ACID WILL ABSORB THE EXCESS WATER. 8. AFTER THE NITRATION HAS TAKEN PLACE, AND THE NITROGLYCERIN HAS FORMED ON THE TOP OF THE SOLUTION, THE ENTIRE BEAKER SHOULD BE TRANSFERRED SLOWLY AND CAREFULLY TO ANOTHER BEAKER OF WATER. WHEN THIS IS DONE THE NITROGLYCERIN WILL SETTLE AT THE BOTTEM SO THE OTHER ACIDS CAN BE DRAINED AWAY. 9. AFTER REMOVING AS MUCH ACID AS POSIBLE WITHOUT DISTURBING THE NITROGLYCERIN, REMOVE THE NITROGLYCERIN WITH AN EYEDROPPER AND PLACE IT IN A BICARBONATE OF SODA (SODIUM BICARBONATE IN CASE YOU DIDN'T KNOW) SOLUTION. THE SODIUM IS AN ALKALAI AND WILL NUETRALIZE MUCH OF THE ACID REMAINING. THIS PROCESS SHOULD BE REPEATED AS MUCH AS NECESARRY USING BLUE LITMUS PAPER TO CHECK FOR THE PRESENCE OF ACID. THE REMAINING ACID ONLY MAKES THE NITROGLY- CERIN MORE UNSTABLE THAN IT ALREADY IS. 10. FINALLY! THE FINAL STEP IS TO REMOVE THE NITROGLYCERIN FROM THE BI- CARBONATE. HIS IS DONE WITH AND EYE- DROPPER, SLOWLY AND CAREFULLY. THE USUAL TEST TO SEE IF NITRATION HAS BEEN SUCCESSFUL IS TO PLACE ONE DROP OF THE NITROGLYCERIN ON METAL AND IGNITE IT. IF IT IS TRUE NITROGLYCERIN IT WILL BURN WITH A CLEAR BLUE FLAME. ** CAUTION ** NITRO IS VERY SENSATIVE TO DECOMPOSI- TION, HEATING DROPPING, OR JARRING, AND MAY EXPLODE IF LEFT UNDISTURBED AND COOL. -------------------------------------- NEXT ARTICLES: #2 MERCURY FULMINATE #3 DYNAMITES #4 CHLORIDE OF AZODE -------------------------------------- SPECIAL THANKS TO THE ICEBERG <=-:+**# ][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][ ][ BROUGHT TO YOU BY ][ ][ COMPUTER PIRATES OF UTAH ][ ][ (801)-264-8201 ][ ][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][ Courtesy of the Safehouse +-------------------------------------+ ! King Arthur's Demolition article #2 ! +-------------------------------------+ I have decided to skip the article on mercury fluminate for a while and get right into the dynamite article. Dynamite is nothing more than just nitroglycerin and a stablizing agent to make it much safer to use. For the sake of saving time, I will abbreviate nitroglycerin with a plain NG. The numbers are percentages, be sure to mix these carefully and be sure to use the exact amounts. These percentages are in weight ratio, not volume. no. ingredients amount --------------------------------------- #1 NG 32 sodium nitrate 28 woodmeal 10 ammonium oxalate 29 guncotten 1 #2 NG 24 potassium nitrate 9 sodium nitate 56 woodmeal 9 ammonium oxalate 2 #3 NG 35.5 potassium nitrate 44.5 woodmeal 6 guncotton 2.5 vaseline 5.5 powdered charcoal 6 #4 NG 25 potassium nitrate 26 woodmeal 34 barium nitrate 5 starch 10 #5 NG 57 potassium nitrate 19 woodmeal 9 ammonium oxalate 12 guncotton 3 #6 NG 18 sodium nitrate 70 woodmeal 5.5 potassium chloride 4.5 chalk 2 #7 NG 26 woodmeal 40 barium nitrate 32 sodium carbonate 2 #8 NG 44 woodmeal 12 anhydrous sodium sulfate 44 #9 NG 24 potassium nitrate 32.5 woodmeal 33.5 ammonium oxalate 10 #10 NG 26 potassium nitrate 33 woodmeal 41 #11 NG 15 sodium nitrate 62.9 woodmeal 21.2 sodium carbonate .9 #12 NG 35 sodium nitrate 27 woodmeal 10 ammonium oxalate 1 #13 NG 32 potassium nitrate 27 woodmeal 10 ammonium oxalate 30 guncotton 1 #14 NG 33 woodmeal 10.3 ammonium oxalate 29 guncotton .7 potassium perchloride 27 #15 NG 40 sodium nitrate 45 woodmeal 15 #16 NG 47 starch 50 guncotton 3 #17 NG 30 sodium nitrate 22.3 woodmeal 40.5 potassium chloride 7.2 #18 NG 50 sodium nitrate 32.6 woodmeal 17 ammonium oxalate .4 #19 NG 23 potassium nitrate 27.5 woodmeal 37 ammonium oxalate 8 barium nitrate 4 calcium carbonate .5 Household equivalants for chemicles It has come to my attention that many of these chemicles are sole under br and names, or have household equivalants. here is a list that might help you o ut. acetic acid vinegar aluminum oxide alumia aluminum potassium sulfate alum aluminum sulfate alum ammonium hydroxide ammonia carbon carbonate chalk calcium hypochloride bleaching powder calcium oxide lime calcium sulfate plaster of paris carbonic acid seltzer carbon tetrachloride cleaning fluid ethylene dichloride Dutch fluid ferric oxide iron rust glucose corn syrup graphite pencil lead hydrochloric acid muriatic acid hydrogen peroxide peroxide lead acetate sugar of lead lead tetrooxide red lead magnesium silicate talc magnesium sulfate Epsom salts naphthalene mothballs phenol carbolic acid. potassium bicarbonate cream of tarter potassium chromium sulf. chrome alum potassium nitrate saltpeter sodium dioxide sand sodium bicarbonate baking soda sodium borate borax sodium carbonate washing soda sodium chloride salt sodium hydroxide lye sodium silicate water glass sodium sulfate glauber's salt sodium thiosulfate photographers hypo sulferic acid battery acid sucrose cane sugar zinc chloride tinner's fluid Keep this list handy at all times. If you can't seem to get one or more of the ingredients try another one. If you still can't, you can always buy small amounts from your school, or maybe from various chemical companies. When you do that, be sure to say as little as possible, if during the school year, and they ask, say it's for a experiment for school. Again, I hate to bore ya, but be sure to follow instructions carefully. If you fail to do so, your parents might have to pick up your ashes. --------------------------------------- %$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$ % %$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$% $ $ % Kitchen Improvised Plastic Explosives % $ $ % PART IV % $ $ % How to make type 'C-2' and 'C-3' % $ plastic explosive compound. $ %$%$%$%$%$%$%$% Written %$%$%$%$%$%$%$%$% by Agrajag the Prolonged This article will cover the production of plastic explosives of the type 'C-2' and 'C-3'. These are highly undesirable because of certain trait each has and they don't produce as much power as 'C' and 'C-4' compounds. It is not recamended you make these two types of plastique, this article was written for imformatative purposes only. (Just so you can act like you know what you are doing). Composition 'C-2' is harder to make than 'C-4' and is TOXIC TO HANDLE. It is also unstable in storage and is poor choice for home explosive manufature. It also has a lower detonation velocity than either 'C-4' or 'C-3'. It is manufactured in a steam jacketed (heated) melting kettle using the same procedure used in incorperation of 'C-3'. Its composition is as follows: R.D.X................. 80% (Equal parts of them following:) Mononitrotolulene Dinitrotolulene T.N.T. guncotton Dimethylformide......... 20% (See Below for rest of recipe) 'C-3' was developed to eliminate the undesirable aspects of 'C-2'. It was standardized and adopted by the military as following composition: R.D.X................ 77% Mononitrotolulene.... 16% Dinitrotolulene...... 5% Tetryl............... 1% T.N.T. guncotton..... 1% 'C-3' is manufactured by mixing the plastisizing agent in a steam jacketed melting kettle equipped with a mechanical stirring attachment. The kettle is heated to 90-100 degrees Celcius and the stirrer is activated. Water wet R.D.X. is added to the plastisizing agent and the stirring is continued until a uniform mixture is obtained and all water has been driven off. Remove the heat source but continue to stir the mixture until it has cooled to room temperature. This explosive is as sensitive to impact as is T.N.T. Storage at 65 degrees Celcius for four months at a relative humidity of 95% does not impair it's explosive properties. 'C-3' is 133% as good as an explosive as good as an explsive as is T.N.T. The major drawback of 'C-3' is its volatility which causes it to lose 1.2% of its weight although the explosives detonation properties are not affected. Water does not affect explosives preformance. It therefore is very good for under-water demolition uses and would be a good choice for such an application. When stored at 77 degrees Celcius considerable extrudation takes place. It will become hard at -29 degrees Celcius and is hard to detonate at this temperature. While this explosive is not unduely toxic, it should be handled with care as it contains aryl-nitro compounds which are absorbed through the skin. It will reliably take detonation from a #6 blasting cap but the use of a booster is always suggested. This explosive has a great blast effect and was still is avaliable in standard demolition blocks. Its detonation velocity is approximately 7700 M/second. Live long and prosper, Agrajag \=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/ /=\=/ How to Make and use \=/=\ \=/=\ Nitroglycerin /=\=/ /=\=/ Edited by Irate Pirate \=/=\ \=/=\ Computer Pirates of Utah /=\=/ /=\=/ Phone: (801)-264-8201 /=\=/ /=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\ Nitroglycerin <heretofore Nitro> is a very powerful high explosive. I am not sure who invented it but he probably didn't -- the first person to make it probably blew himself up and his friend got the info off his notes. Well anyway, the next best thing to Nitro is TNT which is ten times harder to make but also ten times safer to make. If you can't use it then don't even TRY to make this stuff!!! To Make Nitro: Mix 100 parts fuming nitric acid (for best results it should have a specific gravity of 50 degrees Baume') with 200 parts sulphuric acid. This is going to be HOT at first -- it won't splatter if you pour the nitric INTO the sulphuric but don't try it the other way around. The acid solutions together can disolve flesh in a matter of seconds so take the proper measures for God's sake!!! When cool, add 38 parts glycerine as slowly as possible. Let it trickle down the sides of the container into the acids or it won't mix thouroughly and the reaction could go to fast -- which causes enough heat to ignite the stuff. Stir with a **GLASS** rod for 15 seconds or so then CAREFULLY pour it into 20 time it's volume of water. It will visibly precipitate immediately. There will be twice as much Nitro as you used glycerin and it is easy to separate. Mix it with baking soda as soon as you have separated it -- this helps it not to go off spontainiously. NOTES: Parts are by weight and the Baume' scale of specific gravity can be found in most chem. books. You can get fuming nitric and sulfuric acid wherever good chemicals or fertilizers are sold. It is positively *STUPID* to make more than 200 grams of Nitro at a time. When mixing the stuff wear goggles, gloves, etc. When I first made the stuff I had the honor of having it go off by itself (I added too much glycerine at the time.) I was across the room at the time, but I felt the impact -- so did the table it was on as well as the window it was next to --- they were both smashed by only 25 grams in an open bowl.) Oh, yes, glycerine you can get at any pharmacy and you need no adult signature for the acids. Any bump can make Nitro go off if you don't add the bicarbonate (baking soda) -- but even with that, if it gets old I wouldn't play catch with it. Once you have made the Nitro and saturated it with Bicarb. you can make a really powerful explosive that won't go off by itself by simply mixing it with as much cotton as you can and then saturating that with molten (parifine -- just enought to make it sealed and hard.) Typically use the same amounts (by weight) of each Nitro, cotton and parifine. This, when wrapped in newspaper, was once know as "Norbin & Ohlsson's Patent Dynamite," but that was back in 1896. **Carefully** mix equal amounts of nitric acid and sulphuric acid togther in a graduated cylinder or other tall, thin container. Slowly add ordinary glycerin a stir very lightly. Wait a while, and pour off the liquid on top. This liquind is nitroglycerine, and should be handeled with caution. Washing it with sodium carbonate will improve the purity. As for the use of what you just made let me know...... /=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\=/=\ --------------------------------------- WRITTEN BY.. THE ARCHITECT -------------------------------------- The growing world of household weapons would not be complete without the infamous PEN GUN. This versatile weapon which doubles as a household pen, can be shot up to 2 feet and still do sub stantial damage to the enemies' eyes or what not. STEP 1: acquire a "push pen", one that snaps in and out when you press the back of the pen. STEP 2: next, disassemble this pen so that you have the 4 parts needed to fire your semi-automatic weapon. 1> the pusher (found in the back) 2> the little pusher (found in the pusher) 3> the spring (found on top of the ink case) 4> the ink case (the long thing with ink in it) Once you have discovered these parts. arrange them in such a way so that you can see each of the parts. STEP 4: now, you must follow these instructions closely. 1> put the pusher in it's old place. be sure not to put the little pusher in it! 2> put the spring in next (all this goes in the back of the pen) 3> on top of the spring goes the little pusher. 4> put the ink case on top of the little pusher and replace the front. (this cram all of the little parts together and make them stick in there. 5> remove the top. and leave the ink case in, as this will be the pain inflicting element. To activate this little gun, just push the pusher! (some extra force may be required) This little weapon/writing utensil, can be used to write a paper or blind an enemy! It's also good for shooting the person in front of you in class (be sure he's wearing thick clothes unless you want to hurt him) Enjoy! The Architect Disclaimer: The Architect assumes no responsiblilty for the actions of others in the use of this mechanical wonder. HOW TO MAKE PLASTIC EXPLOSIVES A PLASTIC EXPLOSIVE FILLER CAN BE MADE FROM POTASSIUM CHLORATE AND PETROLEUM JELLY. THIS EXPLOSIVE CAN BE DETONATED IN ANY MILITARY BLASTING CAP. (FIND A FRIEND IN THE SERVICE OR IN THE RESERVE, OR STEAL ONE). MATERIALS: ---------- POTASSIUM CHLORATE - THIS CHEMICAL IS USED FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES, AND IN THE MANUFACTURE OF MATCHES. PETROLEUM JELLY - JUST GET SOME VASELINE OR NO-NAME BRAND. PIECE OF ROUND STICK WIDE BOWL OR OTHER CONTAINER FOR MIXING INGREDIENTS. PROCEDURE: ---------- 1) SPREAD THE POT. NIT. CRYSTALS THINLY ON A HARD SURFACE. ROLL THE ROUND STICK OVER THE CRYSTALS TO CRUSH INTO WHAT LOOKS LIKE WHEAT FLOUR. 2) PLACE 9 PARTS POWDERED POTASSIUM CHLORATE AND 1 PART PETROLEUM JELLY IN A WIDE BOWL OR SILILAR CONTAINER. MIX THE INGREDIENTS WITH YOUR HANDS (KNEAD) UNTIL A UNIFORM PASTE IS OBTAINED. STORE THE EXPLOSIVE IN A WATERPROOF CONTAINER UNTIL YOU ARE READY TO USE IT. PLASTIC EXPLOSIVES- MIX 7 PARTS POTASSIUM CHLORATE FOR EVERY ONE PART OF PETROLEUUM JELLY (VASELINE WILL DO) THEN USE AN ELECTRIC CHARGE OR A FUSE. NITRO IODIDE- OK, THIS IS HOW TO MAKE NITRIC IODIDE. MIX SOME SOLID IODINE WITH HOUSEHOLD AMMONIA. WAIT OVERNIGHT. POUR OFF THE LIQUID. LET THE MUD FROM THE BOTTOM DRY ON A HARD SURFACE OUTSIDE LIKE CONCRETE. THROW SOMETHING ON IT. IT WILL GO OFF AT THE SOUND OF A VOICE BECAUSE IT IS SO UNSTABLE. --------------------------------------- KITCHEN IMPROVISED PLASTIC EXPLOSIVES BY TIM LEWIS PART II RDX MANUFACTURE RDX IS THE MAIN INGREDIANT IN THE REST OF THE PLASTIC EXPLOSIVES I WILL COVER. THE PRODUCTION OF RDX IS VERY DANGEROUS IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING. DO NOT ATTEMPT ANY OF THIS IF YOU WISH TO LIVE TILL YOUR NEXT BIRTHDAY! SINCE THE FIRST PART OF WWII THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES HAS BEEN SEARCHING FOR THE PERFECT PLASTIQUE EXPLOSIVES TO BE USED IN DEMOLITION WORK. THIS SEARCH LEAD TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE 'C' COMPOSITION PLASTIQUE EXPLOSIVES. OF THIS GROUP C-4 BEING THE LASTEST FORMULATION THAT HAS BEEN READILY ADOPTED BY THE ARMED FORCES. THIS FORMULATION WAS PRECEDED BY C-3, C-2, AND C. IN THIS SERIES OF ARTICLES, I WILL COVER ALL THESE EXPLOSIVES IN THEIR CHRONOLOGICAL PROGRESSION AS THEY WERE DEVELOPED AND STANDARDIZED BY THE ARMED FORCES. ALL THESE EXPLOSIVES ARE CYCLONITE OR R.D.X. BASE WITH VARIOUS PLASTISIZING AGENTS USED TO ACHIEVE THE DESIRED PRODUCT. THIS PLASTISIZER, USUALLY COMPOSES 7%-20% OF THE TOTAL WEIGHT OF THE PLASTIQUE. CYCLOTRIMETHYLENETRINITTRIME OR CYCLONITE IS MANUFACTURED IN BULK BY THE NITRATION OF HEXAMETHYLENETETRAMINE, (METHENAMINE, HEXAMINE, ETC., ETC.) WITH STRONG RED 100% NITRIC ACID. THE HARDEST PART OF THIS REACTION IS OBTAINING THIS RED NITRIC ACID. IT WILL MOST LIKELY HAVE TO BE MADE. MORE ON THIS LATER. HEXAMINE OR METHENAMINE CAN USUALLY BE BOUGHT IN BULK QUANTITIES OR HEXAMINE FUEL BARS FOR CAMP STOVES CAN BE USED BUT THEY END UP BEING VERY EXPLENSIVE. TO USE THE FUEL BARS THE NEED TO BE POWERED BEFORE HAND. THE HEXAMINE CAN ALSO BE MADE WITH COMMON AMMONIA WATER (30%) AND THE COMMONLY AVALIABLE 36% FORMALDEHYDE SOLUTION. TO MAKE THIS COMPONANT PLACE 185 GRAMS OF CLEAR AMMONIA WATER IN A SHALLOW PYREX DISH. TO THIS ADD 500ML OF THE FORMALDEHYDE SOLUTION TO THE AMMONIA WATER. ALLOW THIS TO EVAPORATE AND WHEN THE CRYSTALS ARE ALL THAT REMAINS IN THE PAN PLACE THE PAN IN THE OVEN ON THE LOWEST HEAT THAT THE OVEN HAS. THIS SHOULD BE DONE ONLY FOR A MOMENT OR SO TO DRIVE OFF ANY REMAINING WATER. THESE CRYSTALS ARE SCRAPED UP AND PLACED IN A AIRTIGHT JAR TO STORE THEM UNTIL THEY ARE USED. TO MAKE THE RED NITRIC ACID YOU WILL NEED TO BUY A RETORT WITH A GROUND GLASS STOPPER. IN THE RETORT PLACE 32 GRAMS SULFURIC ACID, (98%-100%), AND TO THIS ADD 68 GRAMS OF POTASSIUM NITRATE OR 58 GRAMS OF SODIUM NITRATE. GENTLY HEATING THIS RETORT WILL GENERATE A RED GAS CALLED NITROGEN TRIOXIDE. THIS GAS IS HIGHLY POISONOUS AND THIS STEP, AS WITH ALL OTHER STEPS, SHOULD BE DONE WI TH GOOD VENTILATION. THIS NITRIC ACED THAT IS FORMED WILL COLLECT IN THE NECK OF THE RETORT AND FORM DROPLETS THAT WILL RUN DOWN THE INSIDE OF THE NECK OF THE RETORT AND SHOULD BE CAUGHT IN A BEAKER COOLED BY BEING SURROUNDED BY ICE WATER. THIS SHOULD BE HEATED TILL NO MORE COLLECTS IN THE NECK OF THE RETORT AND THE NITRIC ACID QUITS DRIPPING OUT OF THE NECK INTO THE BEAKER. THIS ACID SHOULD BE STORED UNTIL ENOUGH ACID IS GENERATED TO PRODUCE THE REQUIRED SIZE BATCH WHICH IS DETERMINED BY THE PERSON PRODUCING THE ECPLOSIVE. OF COURSE THE BATCH CAN BE LARGER OR SMALLER BUT THE SAME RATIONS SHOULD BE MAINTAINED. TO MAKE R.D.X. PLACE 550 GRAMS OF THE NITRIC ACID PRODUCED BY THE ABOVE PROCEDURE IN A 1000 ML. BEAKER IN A SAL TED BATH. 50 GRAMS OF HEXAMINE, (METHENAMINE) IS ADDED IN SMALL PORTIONS MAKING SURE THAT THE TEMPERATURE OF THE ACID DOES NOT GO ABOVE 30 DEGREES CELCIUS. THIS TEMPERATURE CAN BE MONITORED BY PLACING A THERMOMETER DIRECTLY IN THE ACID MIXTURE. DURING THIS PROCEDURE A VIGEROUS STIRRING SHOULD BE MAINTAINED. IF THE TEMPERATURE APPROCHES 30 DEGREES, IMMEDIATLY STOP THE ADDITION OF THE HEXAMINE UNTIL THE TEMPERATURE DROPS TO AN ACCEPTABLE LEVEL. AFTER THE ADDITION IS COMPLETE CONTINUE THE STIRRING AND ALLOW THE TEMPERATURE TO DROP TO 0 DEGREES CELCIUS AND ALLOW IT TO STAY THERE FOR 20 MINUTES CONINUING THE VIGEROUS STIRRING. AFTER THE 20 MINUTES ARE UP, POUR THIS ACID-HEXAMINE MIXTURE INTO 1000 ML. OF FINELY CRUSHED ICE AND WATER. CRYSTALS SHOULD FORM AND ARE FILTERED OUT OF THE LIQUID. THE CRYSTALS THAT ARE FILTERED OUT ARE R.D.X. AND WILL NEED TO HAVE ALL TRACES OF THE ACID REMOVED. TO REMOVE THIS TRACE OF ACID, FIRST WASH THESE CRYSTALS BY PUTTING THEM IN ICE WATER AND SHAKING AND REFILTERING. THESE CRYSTALS ARE THEN PLACED IN A LITTLE BOILING WATER AND FILTERED. PLACE THEM IN SOME WARM WATER AND CHECK THE ACIDITY FOR THE RESULTANT SUSPENSION WITH LITMUS PAPER. YOU WANT IT TO READ BETWEEN 6 AND 7 ON THE PH SCALE. IF THERE IS STILL ACID IN THESE CRYSTALS REBOIL THEM IN FRESH WATER UNTIL THE ACID IS REMOVED AND THE LITMUS PAPER SHOWS THEM BETWEEN 6 AND 7, (THE CLOSER TO 7 THE BETTER). TO BE SAFE THESE CRYSTALS SHOULD BE STORED WATER WET UNTIL READY FOR USE. THESE CRYSTALS ARE A VERY HIGH EXPLOSIVE AND SHOULD BE TREATED WITH THE RESPECT THEY DESERVE! THIS EXPLOSIVE IS MUCH MORE POWERFUL THAN T.N.T. TO USE, THESE WILL NEED TO BE DRYED FOR SOME MANUFATURING PROCESSES IN THE NEXT FEW ARTICLES. TO DRY THESE CRYSTALS, PLACE THEM IN A PAN AND SPREAD THEM OUT AND ALLOW THE WATER TO EVAPORATE OFF THEM UNTIL THE ARE COMPLETELY DRY. THIS EXPLOSIVE WILL DETONATE IN THIS DRY FORM WHEN PRESSED INTO A MOLD TO A DENSITY OF 1.55 GRAMS CUBED, AT A VELOCITY OF 8550 M/SECOND! COMPARISON OF DETONATION VELOCITIES +------------------------------+ 8600 ! ! 8500 ! %%% ! 8400 ! %%% ! 8300 ! %%% ! 8200 ! %%% ! 8100 ! %%% %%% ! 8000 ! %%% %%% ! 7900 ! %%% %%% %%% ! 7800 ! %%% %%% %%% ! 7700 ! %%% %%% %%% %%% ! 7600 ! %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% ! 7500 ! %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% ! 7400 ! %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% ! 7300 ! %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% ! 7200 ! %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% ! 7100 ! %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% ! 7000 ! %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% ! 6900 ! %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% ! 6800 ! %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% %%% ! +--------------------------------+ TNT RDX C C-2 C-3 C-4 YOU MAY OBTAIN A CATOLOG OF BOOKS THAT THEY SELL BY WRITING INFORMATION PUBLISHING CO. BOX 10042 ODESSA, TEXAS 79762 Pool Phun By: Long John Silver The Police Station 612-934-4880 First of all, you need know nothing about pools. The only thing you need to know is what a pool filter looks like. Second, dress casual. Preferably, in black. Visit your "friends" house, the one whose pool looks like fun!!) Then you reverse the polarity of his/her pool, by switching the wires around. They are located in the back of the pump. This will have quite an effect when the pump goes on. In other words. Boooooooooooommm! Thats right, when you mix + wires with - plugs, and vice- versa, the 4th of July happens again. Not into total destruction??? When the pump is off, switch the pump to "backwash". Turn the pump on and get the phuck out! When you look the next day, phunny. The pool is dry. If you want permanant damage, yet no great display like my first one mentioned, shut the valves of the pool off. (There are usually 2) One that goes to the main drain and one that goes to the filter in the pool. That should be enough to have one dead pump. The pump must take in water, so when there isn't any... Practical jokes: These next ones deal with true friends and there is *no* permanent damage done. If you have a pool, you must check the pool with chemicals. There is one labeled orthotolidine. The other is labeled alkaline (ph). You want orthotolidine. (It checks the chlorine). Go to your local pool store and tell them you're going into the pool business, and to sell you orthotolidine (a CL detector) Buy this in great quantities if possible. The solution is clear. You fill 2 baggies with this chemical. And sew the bags to the inside of your suit. Next, go swimming with your friend! Then open the bags and look like you're enjoying a piss. And anyone there will turn a deep red! They will be embarrased so much, Especially if they have guests there! Explain what it is, then add vinegar to the pool. Only a little. The "piss" disappears. POTASSIUM NITRATE MORE THINGS TO DO WITH POTASSIUM NITRATE (BESIDES GUN POWDER). WELL A GREAT THING TO DO IS TO MIX IT 50% WITH SUGAR AND PUT IT IN A TIN CAN WITH THE TOP SAWED OFF. MIX IT WELL THEN LIGT AND MAKE A LOT OF SMOKE. IT WILL MELT CAN TO THE GROUND. FOR THE PURISTS WHAT IS HAPPENING IS THE POTASSIUM NITRATE IS OXIDIZING THE SUGAR WHICH AND GOOD BIO STUDENT KNOWS HAS HIGH ENERGY IN IT!!! SO WATCH WHAT IS HAPPENINGIN YOUR BODY AND A SLIGHTLY ACCELERAT. _________________________________ [ ] [ THE FIRST BOOK OF ] [ PYROMANIACS ] [ ] [ BY: GREY WOLF ] [ <THE COMMANDERS> ] [_________________________________] P.S. DON'T KILL YOURSELF... ....................................... ->UNSTABLE EXPLOSIVE<- ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ 1) MIX SOLID NITRIC IODINE WITH HOUSEHOLD AMMONIA 2) WAIT OVERNIGHT 3) POUR OFF THE LIQUID 4) DRY MUD ON BOTTOM TO HARD (LIKE CONCRETE) 5) THROW SOMETHING AT IT! ->SMOKE BOMBS<- ^^^^^ ^^^^^ 1) MIX: 3 PARTS SUGAR ---------------------- 6 PARTS EPSON SALTS 2) PUT IN TINCAN, ONTO LOW FLAME (LIKE A LIGHTER) --- 3) LET GEL & HARDEN 4) PUT A MATCH IN AS A FUSE. 5) LIGHT IT & RUN LIKE HELL 'CAUSE 4 POUNDS WILL FILL A CITY BLOCK... ->MEDIUM EXPLOSIVE<- ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ 1) MIX: 7 PARTS POTASIUM CHLORATE --------------------------- 1 PART VASELINE 2) TO IGNITE, USE AN ELECTRIC CHARGE OR A FUSE. ->CAR BOMB<- ^^^ ^^^^ 1) PUT LIQUID DRAINO INTO A PILL BOX (THE KIND YOU GET WHEN YOU'RE ON A PERSCRIPTION, NOTHING ELSE WILL WORK) 2) CLOSE THE LID & POP THE THING INTO THE GAS TANK 3) WAIT 5 MIN. 4) RUN ->PLASTIC EXPLOSIVES<- ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ 1) MIX: 2 PARTS VASELINE ------------------ 1 PART GASOLINE 2) IGNITE WITH AN ELECTRIC CHARGE. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - THE PYRO-MANIAC'S GUIDE TO FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT - - Volume I - - - - By all good anarchist's best friend, - - The Great White - - - - Courtesy of Cal Songsinger - - - - Sherwood Forest Dark Castle - - 300/1200/10 meg 300/1200/10 meg - - (815) 436-5610 (815) 729-0188 - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- Today boys and girls we will tell you all about having fun with a few simple items that you can buy easily or may even have in your home. Since most of you are simple-minded, uncoordinated morons, I will start you out slowly and simply (like you). Our first project is a sure fire way to be the life of the party. Real sure fire. This item is called a "Handy House Warmer." All you need are three items which can easily be obtained. The first item is a roll of electrical tape (starts easy). Second, a large can of Sterno, easily bought at any camping or hardware store. Third, an M-80 or other similar explosive plaything. Step one in the construction of our pyrotecnic wonder is to remove the top of the sterno and, using an ice pick or other sharp item, punch a hole in the top of the can. Step two is placing the M-80 into the sterno gel. Make sure it is well covered by the gel. Step three is to replace the cap, making sure to thread the M-80 fuse through the hole in the cap. After securing the lid tightly on the can, you can start the final phase to fun. The last step is simply to wind tape tightly around the entire can, making sure to cover it completely with at least three layers of tape but not more than six layers. Now, as you can tell, when you go to use our incendiary toy to cheaply and efficiently heat any home in your neighborhood, all you have to do is light the fuse and run. The other advantages of this are that Sterno sticks to almost anything and is very difficult to put out, needing to be completely smothered, and that Sterno is highly prone to reignition (very similar to napalm). This type of firecracker is handy in small areas such as inside cars, small rooms, phone booths, rectums, etc... Now, I am not advocating the use of this item for anything but your own personal fireworks displays and enjoyment, but where and what you call enjoyment I won't judge. Well, boys and girls, that's all for today. Hope you enjoyed our time together and remember my motto: DEATH IS JUST A STATE OF MIND. T. T. F. N. from G. W. Rocket Bombs BY: MR. DEATH HAVE YOU EVER WANTED TO BUILD YOUR OWN WARHEAD CARRYING ROCKET? WELL NOW YOU CAN WITH THE NEW "BLOW-EM-UP" ROCKET BOMB PLANS FROM MR. DEATH. FIRST YOU MUST HAVE SOME SORT OF EXPERIENCE IN MODEL ROCKETRY. THEN GO OUT AND BUY A "D" OR "E" ENGINE ROCKET THAT IS FAIRLY SIMPLE. MAKE THE ROCKET LIKE THEY SAY AND THEN FILL THE NOSE CONE WITH SOME SUBSTANCE THAT HAS THE SAME WEIGHT OR CLOSE TO FLASH-POWDER. DETACH THE NOSE CONE FROM THE SHOCK CORD SO THAT ONLY THE BODY WILL BE CONNECTED TO THE PARACHUTE. GET A GOOD STOPWATCH AND A PAIR OF GOOD BINOCULARS AND LAUNCH THE ROCKET STRAIGHT UP. WATCH THE ROCKET AND START TIMING WHEN THE EJECTION CHARGE BLOWS THE CONE FREE AND STOP TIMING RIGHT WHEN THE CONE IMPACTS ON THE GROUND. THEN RETRIEVE THE BODY AND GET ANOTHER NOSE CONE. FILL THE NOSE CONE WITH FLASH POWDER AND BLOCK UP THE HOLE WITH MODEL CEMENT. MAKE SURE TO HAVE A NICE LITTLE FUSE STICKING OUT OF THE CEMENT. THAT FUSE SHOULD BE A LITTLE SMALLER THAN THE AMOUNT OF TIME IT TOOK FOR IMPACT. (SMALLER TIME-WISE) FIGURE THAT IF IT TOOK 30 SEC. TO FALL THEN THE FUSE SHOULD BE ENOUGH FOR ABOUT 25 SEC. NOW THIS IS GOOD FOR A BOMB THAT WILL GO STRAIGHT UP AND COME STRAIGHT DOWN. NOW IF YOU WANT TO SHOOT IT ON AN ANGLE, THEN YOU MUST USE SOME FORMULA TO FIGURE OUT HOW HIGH THE ROCKET WILL BE WHEN EJECTION OCCURS SO THAT YOU CAN TIME YOUR FUSE RIGHT. REMEMBER TO USE A NO-TIME DELAY ENGINE SO THAT THE EJECTION CHARGE WILL OCCUR IMMEDIATELY. HAVE FUN. *** MR. DEATH *** $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $ $ SOFT DRINK CAN BOMB $ $ ---- ----- --- ---- $ $ $ $ AN ARTICLE FROM THE BOOK: $ $ $ $ THE POOR MAN'S JAMES BOND $ $ BY KURT SAXON $ $ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ This is an anti-personnel bomb meant for milling crowds. The bottom of a soft drink can is half cut out and bent back. A giant firecracker or other explosive is put in and surrounded with nuts and bolts or rocks. The fuse is then armed with a chemical delay in a plastic drinking straw. After first making sure there are no children nearby, the acid or glycerine is put into the straw and the can is set down by a tree or wall where it will not be knocked over. The delay should give you three to five minutes. It will then have a shattering effect on passerbys. It is hardly likely that anyone would pick up and drink from someone else's soft drink can. But if such a crude person should try to drink from your bomb he would break a nasty habit fast! !! !! !! <-chemical ingiter --------- ! !1! ! ! ===== ! !*! !"! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !<- big firecracker ! ! !%! ! ==== ! ! ! ! # ! ! --- ! ! ! ! <- nuts & bolts ! / ! ! ! --------- Edited by : Quasimoto --------------------------------------- STINKUM: FROM THE POOR MAN'S JAMES BOND BY KURT SAXON TYPED BY THE PENGUIN IRON SULFIDE IS SOLD FOR $.35 FOR ONLY 1/8TH OF AN OUNCE. EASIER TO MAKE AND JUST AS POTENT AND COSTING ABOUT $.50 A QUART IS AMMONIUM SULFIDE. IT STINKS TO HIGH HEAVEN LIKE ROTTEN EGGS AND NO ONE CAN STAND TO STAY AROUND IT ONCE IT HAS BEEN SPILLED ON THE FLOOR OR VAPORIZED BY AN EXPLOSION. TO MAKE SOME, YOU MIX 4 OUNCES OF SULFE R WITH 8 OUNCES OF HYDRATED LIME IN A STEW POT. A QUART OF WATER IS ADDED AND THE MESS IS HEATED AND STIRRED UNTIL THE SULFER HAS COMPLETELY BLENDED. THE HYDRATED LIME WILL SINK TO THE BOTTOM OF THE PAN AND THE YELLOW LIQUID IS THEN POURED OFF INTO A BUCKET TAKE THE BUCKET OUTSIDE, IF YOU HAVE ANY SENSE, AND ADD 1 POUND OF SULFATE OF AMMONIA. STIR IT A MINUTE AND HOLD YOUR NOSE. THEN COVER THE BUCKET WITH PLASTIC WRAP AND LET IT SET FOR ABOUT A HALF HOUR. THEN POUR OFF THE LIQUID SLOWLY THROUGH A CLOTH FILTER INTO A BOTTLE. IF YOU DON'T HAVE AN OUTSIDE YOU CAN USE YOUR BATHROOM, JUST HOPE NO ONE HAS TO GO FOR AN HOUR OR SO. THE LIQUID IS VILE BUT NOT POISON. A 5 POUND BAG OF SULFATE OF AMMONIA FOR $1.65 CAN BE BOUGHT AT ANY GARDEN STORE AND GARDEN SULFER IS VERY HIGH GRADE AND MAKES EXCELLENT GUN POWDER. IT HAS 10% INERT INGREDIENTS SO 10% MORE SHOULD BE ADDED TO ANY FORMULA REQUIR- ING SULFER. I BOUGHT THE HYDRATED LIME FROM A BUILDING SUPPLY STORE FOR $.10 A POUND. STINKUM IS EITHER POURED ON THE FLOOR, SHOT FROM A WATER PISTOL, THROWN IN A BOTTLE OR LIGHT BULB OR VAPORIZED BY A FIRECRACKER. THE SAME GOES FOR THE FORMALDEHYDE OR ACROLEIN. TO VAPORIZE THE ABOVE NASTIES, A LITTLE BOMB IS USED. THE BEST BOMB CASING IS A PLASTIC COIN HOLDER WITH A SCREW CAP. THESE CAN BE BOUGHT FROM ANY COIN SHOP FOR $.10 EACH. THE THIN BRASS TUBING IS BOUGHT AT A HOBBY SHOP. THE WAX IS BOUGHT AT A GROCERY IN THE CANNING SECTION. TO KEEP THE FIRECRACKER FROM GETTING WET, DIP IT AND PART OF THE TUBING INTO MELTED WAX. ENOUGH GOODY IS POURED INTO THE COIN HOLDER TO MAKE IT FULL WHEN THE FIRECRACKER IS PUT IN AND THE LID IS SCREWED ON. IT IS FILLED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE BEFORE USING. IT IS IGNITED WITH A CHEMICAL IGNITER, SHOWN FURTHER ON, OR WITH A MATCH OR CIGARETTE. THE SAME SYSTEM CAN BE USED IN A GLASS BOTTLE BUT THAT MIGHT INJURE SOMEONE. ! <- FUSE --- ! ! <- BRASS TUBE ! ! ! ! (^) <- AIRPLANE GLUE ------- ! !1! ! ! / ! ! / ! !-----! <- WAX ! 1 ! ! 1 ! ! === ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! <- FIRECRACKER ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! === ! !-----! Edited by : Quasimoto --------------------------------------- $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $ $ TEAR GAS $ $ ---- --- $ $ $ $ AN ARTICLE FROM THE BOOK: $ $ $ $ THE POOR MAN'S JAMES BOND $ $ BY KURT SAXON $ $ $ $ $ $ TYPED AND UPLOADED BY: $ $ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$-=>LEX LUTHOR<=-$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ THERE ARE SEVERAL EYE AND NOSE IRRITANTS ON THE MARKET WHICH CANB BE EASILY DUPLICATED. A GOOD IRRITANT IS FORMALDEHYDE. BETTER KNOWN AS EMBALMING FLUID, IT SMELLS HORRIBLE, HURTS THE EYES AND NOSE, ANDB ON EXPOSURE TO THE AIR IT VAPORIZES, MAKING A ROOM UNINHABITABLE FOR HOURS. IT CAN BE SQUIRTED FROM A WATER PISTOL OR NASAL INHALER, POURED ON THE FLOOR OR VAPORIZED BY A BOMB DESCRIBED IN THE STINKUM PHILE. FORMALDEHYDE CAN BE BOUGHT AT THE DRUG STORE UNDER THE PRETEXT OF WANTING IT TO PRESERVE MICE OR OTHER LAB SPECIMEN. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- THE IRRITANT MAILMEN USE AGAINST DOGS AND WHICH IS SOLD WIDELY FOR SELF DEFENSE IS OLEORESID CAPSICUM. CAPSICUM IS THE HOT ESSENCE OF RED PEPPERS. OLEORESIN IS THE PROCESS FOR EXTRACTING IT. TO EXTRACT THE CAPSICUM, GRIND UP FOUR OUNCES OF RED PEPPER SEEDS IN A BLENDER OR WITH A MORTAR ANDB PESTLE. RED PEPPER SEEDS ARE BOUGHT IN THE GROCERS'S. THE DRY, GROUND SEEDS ARE THEN PUT INTO A COFFEE PERCOLATOR IN WHICH THERE IS AOBUT 16 OUNCES OF ALOHOL,PREFERABLY WITH THE WATER DISTILLED OUT. THE SEEDS ARE THEN PERCOLATED FOR ABOUT A HALF HOUR. THE ALCOHOL IS THEN DISTILLED OFF UNTIL THERE ARE ONLY A COUPLE OF TABLE SPOONS OF RED LIQUID LEFT IN THE FLASK. THE RED LIQUID IS THEN ADDED TO A HALF PINT OF LIGHT MINERAL OIL, BOUGHT AT A DRUG STORE. IT CAN BE SPRAYED FROM A NASAL SPRAY . ANOTHER GOOD WAY IS WITH A WINDOW CLEANING SPRAYER BOUGHT AT ANY DIME STORE. THE TUBE OF THE SPRAYER IS CUT TO FIT IN A TWO OUNCE MIDICINE BOTTLE. THIS WAY YOU HAVE ENOUGH OF THE GOODY TO LAST THROUGH A WHOLE DEMONSTRATION, NO MATTER WHICH SIDE YOU'RE ON. IT IS ALSO NICE TO KEEP BY THE DOOR OR BY YOUR COMPUTER TO REPEL INTRUDERS. INTRUDERS. (BELL SECURITY!) BEFORE USING, THE CONTAINER SHOULD BE GIVEN A PHEW SHAKES. UNDER LABORAT ORY CONDITIONS ALL THE OIL IS EXTRACTED FROM THE SEEDS. BUT WITH MY MICKEY MOUSE METHOD A LOT OF OIL IS LEFT IN SO THE RESIDUE IS QUITE POTENT. JUST BE SURE YOU STRAIN OUT ANY LARGER BITS SO THE SPRAYER HOLE IS NOT CLOGGED. THE GROUND SEEDS LEFT IN THE PERCOLATOR ARE DRIED AND SAVED. THEY ARE GREAT FOR THROWING INTO THE FACES OF PEOPLE IN A MOB. IF YOU REALLY WANT A LAUGH, THROW SOME BROADCAST FROM A THEATER BALCONY DURING THE DEATH SCENE IN "LOVE STORY". THE GOODY CALLED MACE IS PROBABLY ONLY ACROLEIN. IF NOT, IT WORKS JUST AS WELL AS MACE AND IS SIMPLE AND FUN TO PRODUCE. IT IS THE SAME PRODUCT AS DESCRIBED ON PAGES 104 THROUGH 106 OF THE ANARCHIST COOKBOOK. MINE HOWEVER, IS BROKEN DOWN AND SIMPLIFIED. ACROLEIN IS NOT TOXIC BUT CAUSES HORRIBLE PAIN IN THE NOSE AND COPIOUS TEARS, ANDB IRRITATES THE SKIN. A SHOT IN THE FACE FROM A WATER PISTOL OR SOME OTHER SPRAYER WILL PUT ANYONE OUT OF THE GAME FOR AT LEAST HALF AN HOUR. ACROLEIN IS BEST MADE ANB OUNCE AT A TIME. PUT IN THE FLASK 2 1/2 OUNCES OF GLYCERINE AND 3/4 OUNCE OF SODIUM BISULFATE (SANI-FLUSH), BOTH OF WHICH CAN BE BOUGHT AT ANY GROCERY STORE. THE STILL IS SET UP WITH THE OUTSIDE TUBE CONNECTED AS THE FUMES ARE BAD. WHEN THE MIXTURE STARTS TO BUBBLE IT MUST BE WATCHED CONSTANTLY TO MAKE SURE IT DOES NOT BUBBLE UP INTO THE NECK OF THE FLASK. IF IT STARTS FOR THE NECK OF THE FLASK, REMOVE THE LAMP UNTIL IT SETTLES DOWN. IF THE LAMP IS TOO HOT, THE TIN CAN IS RAISED ON SMALL BLOCKS UNTIL THE RIGHT HEAT IS GOTTEN. DISTILL OFF AN OUNCE OF ACROLEIN AND TAKE AWAY THE LAMP. AN OUNCE IS ALL THIS SIZE BATCH IS GOOD FOR. LET THE FLASK COOL FOR ANB HOUR BEFORE OPENING AND CLEANING. POUR THE RESIDUE DOWN THE SINK AND PUT YOUR FACE OVER THE DRAIN TO GET A SAMPLE OF THE VAPOR. THEN CAP THE RECEIVING BOTTLE AND WASH EVERYTHING THE ACROLEIN WAS IN CONTACT WITH. THE BEST SQUIRTER FOR THE THREE IRRITANTS ABOVE IS A WATER PISTOL. MOST WATER PISTOL. MOST WATER PISTOLS LEAK BADLY SO THEY MUSTT BE TRANBSPORTED BARREL UP SO THE GOODY WON'T OOZE OUT AROUND THE TRIGGER. IT WILL LEAK WHEN YOU USE IT SO IT IS BEST TO PUT IN THE PLASTIC SANDWHICH BAG WITH THE OPENING HELD AROUND THE BARREL WITH THE RUBBERBAND. IF THE IS PISTOL HAS A TRIGGER GUARD IT SHOULD BE CUT OFF AND THEN IT CAN BE USED JUST AS EASILY IN A PLASTIC BAG AS OTHERWISE. FOR CASUAL CARRYING AROUND, YOU CANT BEAT A NASAL SPRAY. THE BEST ONES CAN BE SCREWED OPEN SO THE GOODY CAN BE POURED IN. IF NOT, YOU HAVE TO SQUEEZE IT AND PUT ITS NOZZLE INTO THE GOODY. WHEN THE PRESSURE IS RELEASED THE IRRITANT WILL BE SUCKED UP. SUCH IRRITANTS ARE ILLEGAL TO CARRY IN SOME STATES. THAT'S ONE OF THE REASONS THE NASAL SPRAY IS BEST. IF YOU ARE SEARCHED AND IT IS FOUND, THERE IS LITTLE CHANCE IT WILL BE RECOGNIZED FOR WHAT IT IS. I DON'T KNOW WHAT ADVICE TO GIVE YOU IF THE COP HAS THE SNIFFLES AND GOES TO USE SOME OF YOUR GOODY. THATS ALL PHOLKS ---------------------------------------- /'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\ | | | T H E | | | | \ / ^ |\ | |\ ^ | |--- | | \ / /_\ | \ | | > /_\ | |___ | | V / \ | \| |/ / \ |__ ___| | | | | H A N D B O O K | | | /'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\ | | | By: Capt. Chaos | | | /'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\ >>>>>> C02 Cartridge Bombs <<<<<< You will have to use up the new cartridge by either shooting it in a C02 B-B gun or use it in a C02 car or whatever else you might figure out to do with it. With a nail, force the hole bigger so as to allow the powder and wick to fit in easily. Fill the cartridte with black powder and pack it in there real good by tapping the bottom of the cartridge on a hard surface. Insert a fuse (I recommend good waterproof cannon fuse, but I've used fire- cracker fuses.) Light it and run!!! It does wonders for a row of mail boxes. Be careful however, this little beauty throws shrapnel and can be quite a hazard. >>>>>>Thermite Bombs<<<<<< The first step in the construction of a thermite bomb is to get some iron-oxide (rust). Here is a good way to make large quantities in a short time: First you will need a DC converter which can be found on a race track or train track. Cut the connector off, separate the two wires, and strip them both. You will secondly need a jar of water which has been diluted with salt to make the water a conductor (use about a tablespoon.) Then insert both wires into the solution and determine which bubbles the most. You then need to tie a common iron nail to the one that bubbles the most (The positive wire). If you don't you will get the opposite of rust...Rust acid! Put the nail tied to the positive wire and the negative wire in the jar on opposite sides until they are both completely submerged. Let that set over night and then remove the (crusty) stuff off the nail and remove the wires. Let this set until a sufficient amount of the crust is at the bottom. Remove the excess water and pour the crusty solution in a cookie sheet and let it dry out in the sun for a couple of hours, or over night. It should be an orange-brown color, though I've had it many different colors. Crush the rust into a fine powder and heat it in a cast iron pot until it's red. (I'm not sure what that does.) Now mix the iron-oxide with pure aluminum filings which can be bought or filed down by hand from an aluminum tube or bar. The ratio should be 8 grams of rust per 3 grams of aluminum. That's thermite!!! Now, to light it you must get some magnesium which is sorta hard to get for me cause my hardware store don't have it. I finally found that I could get a perfect piece of magnesium ribbon from the chemistry lab! This ribbon is the fuse of the bomb. It takes the heat from the burning magnesium to light the thermite...But to light the magnesium you need a blow torch (Don't worry, the blow torch is not hot enough to light the thermite). Well keep your thermite in a bag and then when you see an innocent car...Pour a small amount of thermite on the wood, stick a length of magnesim in it and then light the magnesium with the blow torch and watch it burn right through the hood, the block, the axle, and spark and flare on the pavement. Be careful...The ideal mixtures can vaporize carbonized steel (Which is damn hot!) Have fun! >>>>>>Touch Explosive<<<<<< This is sort of a mild explosive, but can be dangerous in large quantities. To make touch explosive (Such as that found in a snap and pop, but more potent) mix iodine crystals into ammonia until the iodine crystals will not dissolve into the ammonia anymore. Let it set until you get a white precipitate at the bottom...Pour off the excess ammonia and dry out the crystals the same way as the thermite. Be careful now cause these dried crystals are your touch explosives! I haven't found a good use for it yet, but it's fun to throw at people or leave it in their chairs at school..It can get painful if applied properly! >>>>>>Letter Bombs<<<<<< You will first have to make a mild version of thermite as mentioned above, however you will use just plain iron filings instead of rust. Mix the iron filing with the aluminm filings in a ratio of 75% aluminum with 25% iron. This mixture will burn violently in an enclosed space (such as an envelope) which brings us to the next ingredient. Go to the post office or business supply store and buy an insulated (padded) envelope. The type that is double layered. Separate the layers and place the mild thermite in the main section, where the letter would go. Then place magnesium powder in the outer layer. There's your bomb. Now to light it! This is the tricky part and is hard to explain in writing. Experiment with this idea until you have got it right. Ok, the fuse is just that touch explosive placed where the letter would be torn open. You may want to wrap it like a long cigarette and then place it at the top of the envelope in the outer layer (on top of the powdered magnesium.) When the touch explosive is torn or even squeezed hard it will ignite the powdered magnesium (sort of a flashlight) and then it will burn the mild thermite. I've never sent one of these so I don't really know if it works good. I do know that the thermite burns real hot and if it didn't blow up it would give some one a bad burn (Thermite does wonders on human flesh!!) >>>>>>Paint Bombs<<<<<< To make a paint bomb you simply need a metal can with a fastenable lid, a nice bright color paint, and a quantity of dry ice. Place the paint in the can and then drop the dry ice in. Quickly place the lid on tightly and then run. With some testing you can get it down so you have a timer that works on how much ice you have compared with how much paint you have. If you're really pissed at someone, you could place it on their doorstep, knock on the door, and then run!!! Enough bombs....Let's work on cars. >>>>>>Ways to Send A Car To Hell<<<<<< There are a thousand and one ways to destroy a car but I will only cover those which are most fun and hardest to find out about. Place thermite on the hood as mentioned above, place burning magnesium on the hood, tape a Co2 bomb to the (axle, hood, wheel, muffler, all), put a tampon, dirt, sugar, a ping pong ball, just about anything) in the gas tank. Put (Potatoes, bananas, rocks, or anything at all that will fit) in the exhaust pipe. Put a long rag in the gas tank and catch it on fire (Run real far). Make a jimmey and pick the lock and then steal the stereo....I'll try to draw a picture...Cut one of those thin metal rulers int the pattern given below: ____________________________________________________ ____ |__| \ sorta phallic huh? | |--| / ---------------------------------------------------- ---- The important part are the notches on the sides which are used to pull up ^ on the cable which pulls up the lock! Get stereos, equalizers, rader detectors, car guns, loose change and cassette tapes, and then destroy the inside (a knife is handy for the seats.) >>>>>>Hate school???<<<<<< One of my favorites for getting out of a class or two is to call in a bomb threat...Tell them it's in a locker, then they have to check them all and that takes an hour at our school. I've even placed a fake bomb in a locker (not mine), called it in, and they called off school for the whole week!! (Little did I know that we had to make it up during the summer). Or you could get some pure potassium or pure sodium, put it in a capsule and flush it down a toilet. Use a smoke grenade in the cafeteria, halls or bathrooms. Steal keys off the school computers, steal the 80col cards inside, or any of the cards! Put a large magnet on the monitors. Make friends with student assistants in the counseling office and have them change your grade when teachers hand in their bubble sheets for the report cards. Spit your gum out on the carpeted floor at school, and watch the janitors cry. Draw on lockers or write on the building that the principal is a fascist. Ours offerereed a $100 reward after I did that!! I wanted to turn myself in!! Use your imagination! >>>>>>Phone Related Vandalism<<<<<< If you live where there are underground lines then you will be able to ruin someone's phone line very easily. All you must do is go to their house and find the green junction box that interfaces their line (and possibly some others in the neighborhood) with the major lines. These can be found just about anywhere but they are usually underneath the nearest phone pole. Take a socket wrench and loosen the nut on the right. Then just take clippers or a sledge hammer or a bomb and destroy the insides and pull up their phone cable.. Cut it into segments so it can't be fixed but must be replaced. There's a week of work!!! Or you can do my favorite, call them with a directory dialer for about a week...They won't get another call besides yours for that entire week! How about calling the phone company and having it disconnected for a while, or have their mail held for a month or two (Say you're going on vacation and give them their address.) >>>>>>Misc.<<<<<< How about going into Target and setting the alarms on the radios and then crank the volume....Five minutes later.. while you are far away in another part of the store....You hear radios cranked going off and people frantically trying to turn it off.. Do some price switching, for yourself or to get someone else in trouble. Be creative.. There's always a way to be obnoxious and annoying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! /'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\ | | | Watch for: The Vandal's Handbook Volume ][ | | Including: Box plans, exploding arrows, and hand grenades! | | | /'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\ /'\ Thanx to: The I/O Error /'\ (Though he didn't do much!) /'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\ I would like to close by saying that Capt. Wuss should be black booked for lying and generally making an asshole of himself...... -CAPT. CHAOS /'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\/'\ X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X Another file downloaded from: The NIRVANAnet(tm) Seven & the Temple of the Screaming Electron Taipan Enigma 510/935-5845 Burn This Flag Zardoz 408/363-9766 realitycheck Poindexter Fortran 510/527-1662 Lies Unlimited Mick Freen 801/278-2699 The New Dork Sublime Biffnix 415/864-DORK The Shrine Rif Raf 206/794-6674 Planet Mirth Simon Jester 510/786-6560 "Raw Data for Raw Nerves" X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X