The Purple Tentacle Presents Another Great Text File From..
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  мммммллмммммммммммммммммллммммм  N A R C H I S T S  A N O N Y M O U S
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   Welcome all u evil-doers to another text from Anarchists Anonymous. This one
is entitled " Anarchy-Related things to do in a Park." This is very useful if
one day yer bored and you want to go piss people off. The text has been divided
into two parts: Day Time Phun, and Night Time Phun. This was necessary because
some of the ideas are not the brightest friggin thing to in the broad daylight.
Or some of the things in the daytime don't work in the night. L8r...
--------------------------------------   ----------------------------------------

1. Simply getting a gang of people, going to a park where little kids are play-
   ing, and hogging all the equipment is a real piss-off, to both the kids and
   the supervising parents. Maybe if yer lucky, one of the parents will complain
   to you and yer gang. Then you can have fun and insult them during your fight
   with them. Eventually, you will chase all the parents away.

2. During yer stay at the park with the kids and parents, you can use immense 
   quantities of abusive language.  ( In other words, swear until your tongue
   falls off.) But don't direct it at the kids, unless absolutely necessary, 
   because one of the parents will probably say something like " Don't talk 
   to my son/daughter that way!" and ask for yer address. Leave the scene with
   out giving NE namez. If you are forced to, use some lamer's name.

3. If there are kids around but no parents, start a fight but don't throw the
   first punch. That way, if the kids goes off and cries to his mommy, you can
   say he/she threw the first one. This is enjoyable and fool-proof, and you
   get to see the kid get in trouble by his parents. If you want, you can start
   laughing at him while he is promptly verbally bashed by the old crone.

4. Setting small fires with newspapers in the parks is often really cool. Just
   set fire to it, and walk away. The people hanging around will probably spaz
   and try to put it out in many different and often creative wayz, such as 
   dipping a kid in sand and drowning the flame, or getting the fattest bitch 
   there and crushing the entire park. :)

5. If you want to enhance idea numero 4, you can line a trail of papers all over
   the park--around the park, through the sand, down the slide, etc.  Coat the
   papers in gasoline, and lite one end. Almost instantly the papers will go up
   and the park will be ablaze, neatly and in a line of course. If there is a
   forest or something nearby, hide in it and make sure you can see the park 
   clearly, so you can also see the havoc displayed. (Firemen, police, worried
   neighbours, and maybe even an ambulance!)

6. You could just write generally disgusting or funny pictures and/or messages 
   on the wood or slide. Influence the kids that go there to become Anarchists
   because kids are vulnerable to such ideas at young ages. Remember, the more
   the merrier! 

7. Burn large holes in the top and bottom of slide, so the kids get to the 
   bottom of the slide a lot quicker. Also you could burn neat designs into the
   slide, such as a pentegram, an Anarchy Symbol, or the ever famous phrase:

8. Cut the chains on the tire-swing, just enough so that the next person who 
   uses the tire-swing will get a shock from the fall, and a headache from the
   chains collasping on their head. This will also force the injured person(s)
   to sue the city's parks and rec department, and then the parks and rec will 
   spend even more money replacing the damaged material.

9. Hold Satanic meetings and sacrifices in front of all the little ones and the
   parents. Decaptation of goats and small calves is especially cool, because 
   those are two of the most blood-containing animals on the planet. Aim the 
   fountain o' blood at some old bag who's babysitting one of the kids. Don't 
   forget to sacrifice the naked virgin! };)

10. Stroll around the park (and the city) for hours on end in the typical nazi
    position, which is: right hand in the air, small fake black moustache, the 
    arm patch, and the docs with red laces. Also shout Hail Hitler! in perfect
    syncronization so it sounds like you're all reminants of the german army 
    or really screwed up. If your lucky, others will join in.

-------------------------------------   ----------------------------------------
			   	  NiGHT PHUN

1. If you can get a hold of an air wrench, this is definately a great thing to
   do. Get a group of friends who are really strong, and take the air wrench to
   the park. Now remove the bolts on the side of the slide that attach it to the
   wooden frame of the park. You and yer really strong friend would now proceed
   to take the slide out of the park, and into a lake somewhere. Don't forget to
   write THIS WAS DONE BY and then someone else's name, just to get them blamed.
2. If yer friends are REALLY REALLY strong, or you can steal or get a pickup
   truck, you can also take the actual wood from the frame and put it in the 
   back of the pickup truck. Also take the slide and the swing, and dump it ALL
   in the friggin lake. 

3. Burn the park. Simple, yet effective, plus it also attracts many sleepy and
   unhappy neighbourhood parents. It also pollutes and attracts many "authour-
   oties" and others. Get out the eggs and whip them from a far distance and be
   prepared to hide or run!

4. Using the Air Wrench, if you got one, and yer big friends, you can absolutely
   rearrange the park! Just un-wrench all the bits, and place em in a different
   position, Such as putting three or four bits o' wood at the end of the slide
   so the kids have a big pile up because nobody can get through!! Maybe a 2 or
   3 deaths or injurys/suffications may occur if nobody notices after a while.

5. If you happen to dislike a few little people or just wanna have plain fun,
   grab three or four kids and hide em in the forest until late at night. Your
   identity should be hidden-- if the kids get loose they can arrest you. NEway,
   Tie the kids to different poles of the park and leave them there overnite.
   Leave maybe a slice of pizza in the middle of the park, that way at least you
   can say you fed them. If you really hate them you should tie them to the 
   piece of wood that travells horizontally about 10 ft in the air--it should
   be the one that holds the swing. Beat em dizzy if ya want.

6. Create the park a really unstable hellhole. Use your air wrench or just 
   regular old power tools or axe or whatever--just make sure it can cut through
   and/or remove the bolts. If you got an air wrench, loosen every single bolt
   in the entire park, and then unscrew them even more, so a couple of shakes
   and steps will make it dislodge itself from it's resting spot and the kid(s)
   will very much hurt after a while. If you just have a saw, axe, or power tool
   simply cut enormous holes and gaps in everything there. Take the swing too.

7. Coat the park in a thick layer of tar. This way, by the time somebody notices
   the black park, it will be too late. The park will be concrete--completely
   ruined. This will cost the local Parks & Rec department a fortune to replace,
   and it will be a fortune they don't have it you do it to every park in the
   city over a period of several days. They will probably go bankrupt, and have
   to cause a hell of a situation to get back in business, all because of you
   and your friends. That just sounds cool, doesn't it?


	That's all 4 now! I got quite a lot out of this one, compared to what I
thought I would...9500 instead of 6000. Not bad, I think. I think this is our
4th pack, and we're still going, so keep reading and keep killing and keep robb-
ing and keep breaking...well, you get it. L8r.

GReeTZ go out to:	њљAnarchial Artistљњ 	Konichiwa.
			њљGuileљњ 		Poor Scot (face,hair)
   			њљObi Wan Kenobiљњ 	Nice MISC.TXT
			њљMyxzuљњ 		K-RAD name!
			њљCthuluљњ 		Welcome 2 da Group
			And to NEbody else I missed out!			
