THE ARTICLES OF FAITH OF THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS. APPENDIX. =Note.=--In view of the expressed wish of the Church authorities, by whose direction this work is published, that the Lectures on the "Articles of Faith" be used as a text-book and work of reference in the various theological organizations of the Church, a series of questions and suggestive exercises, for the work of class review, is herewith presented. LECTURE I. Introductory. =1.= What is Theology? (State, 1, derivation of the word; 2, extent of the science.) =2.= Compare Theology and Religion. =3.= Define the "Articles of Faith." (Give:--1, circumstance of their origin, see note, p. 24; 2, their readoption by the Church; 3, their necessary incompleteness as an expression of our belief.) =4.= Name the standard works of the Church. =5.= State the principal incidents connected with the parentage, birth, and youth of the Prophet Joseph Smith. =6.= Give the circumstances of Joseph Smith's prayerful search for truth. =7.= Describe his first vision. =8.= What prominent feature of modern sectarian teaching, regarding the personality of the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, was disproved by this vision? =9.= How was Joseph's statement of his vision received by sectarian teachers of that time? =10.= Describe the visitations of Moroni to Joseph Smith. (Give:--1, dates; 2, most important messages delivered by the angel.) =11.= Describe the re-establishment of the Church through the ministry of Joseph Smith in the present dispensation. =12.= Relate the circumstances of the martyrdom of Joseph and his brother Hyrum.--(Doc. and Cov. cxxxv.) =13.= Show the importance of the Divine authenticity of Joseph Smith's calling, in respect to the claims made for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. =14.= Summarize the evidence of Divine authority in the work accomplished by Joseph Smith. =15.= Give instances of the fulfillment of ancient prophecy in his work. =16.= Show the Divine source of Joseph Smith's authority in the priesthood. =17.= Show the validity of the claim made, that he was a true prophet. (Give:--1, the Lord's test of a true prophet; 2, give instances of important prophecies uttered by Joseph Smith and already fulfilled.) LECTURE II, ARTICLE 1. God and the Godhead. =1.= Show that the exercise of faith in God is dependent upon a knowledge of His existence. =2.= State what you know of the general belief of mankind as to the existence of God. =3.= Summarize the evidence on which our belief in the existence of God is founded. =4.= Give evidence drawn from human history and tradition. =5.= Show how the exercise of reason affords evidence of the same. =6.= Give the evidence of revelation (1, instances recorded in the Bible; 2, Book of Mormon instances; 3, examples from modern revelation). =7.= Show that the Godhead is a Trinity. =8.= What do you understand by the scriptural declarations concerning the unity of the Godhead? =9.= Give evidence of the personality of each member of the Godhead (with scriptural references). =10.= Summarize the most important of the Divine attributes as attested by scripture. =11.= Define:--1, Idolatry; 2, Atheism; 3, Theism, with its varied modifications. =12.= Show that atheism is of comparatively modern development. =13.= Show that a belief in God is natural and necessary amongst human-kind. (See pp. 49, 53.) =14.= In what way does the idolatry of heathen nations support a belief in the existence of God? =15.= Show the close relationship between atheism and immaterialism. LECTURE III, ARTICLE 2. Transgression. =1.= Give the principal scriptural proofs of man's free agency (quote evidence from each of the standard works of the Church). =2.= Show that man's accountability for his acts is just, in view of his rights of free agency. =3.= What is sin? (1, Compare wilful sins with those committed in ignorance; 2, give scriptural evidence of the Lord's plan of dealing in the two cases.) =4.= Show that punishment for sin is ordained of God. =5.= Give a statement of scriptural teachings regarding the duration of punishment in the hereafter. (State the Lord's definition of endless and eternal punishment.) =6.= Give scriptural proofs of the personality of Satan (1, his former position in heaven; 2, his title before his fall; 3, his expulsion from heaven; 4, his present opposition to the purposes of God; 5, his predicted fate). The Fall. =7.= Describe the condition of our first parents in Eden. =8.= What important commands were given them by the Lord? =9.= Give the scriptural statements concerning Satan tempting Eve. =10.= Show that Adam understood the nature of his act in partaking of the forbidden fruit. =11.= What is known of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden? =12.= Show that the expulsion of our first parents from Eden was a necessity after their transgression. =13.= What were the immediate results of the Fall? =14.= Give scriptural proof that the Fall was necessary and fore-ordained. =15.= Show that mortality is a blessed heritage to mankind. =16.= State the doctrine of the Atonement as declared to Adam after the Fall. =17.= Describe the joy of Adam and Eve when they learned of the effect of the Fall and the Atonement provided. LECTURE IV, ARTICLE 3. The Atonement and Salvation. =1.= Define "atonement" in its scriptural usage. (Compare its meaning with that of "reconciliation," as the latter term occurs in the New Testament.) =2.= State what you know of the nature of the Atonement. =3.= Show that the Atonement is a necessary sequence of the Fall. =4.= What is meant by a vicarious sacrifice? (Give scriptural instances of such as recorded in the Old Testament.) =5.= Show that Christ's sacrifice was, 1, vicarious; 2, voluntary on His part; 3, love inspired. =6.= Give scriptural proofs (from each of the standard works) that the Atonement was fore-ordained and fore-told. =7.= Show:--1, the general, and 2, the individual effect of the Atonement amongst mankind. =8.= Define:--1, "salvation;" 2, "exaltation." =9.= Name the "Degrees of Glory" in their order, as revealed of God. =10.= Give a summary of the scriptural descriptions of:--1, the Celestial kingdom of glory; 2, the Terrestrial; 3, the Telestial. LECTURE V, ARTICLE 4. Faith. =1.= State the nature of faith. =2.= Define the terms "faith," "belief," and "knowledge," in their relation to one another. =3.= Give scriptural instances of belief in Christ, which had no saving power. =4.= What do you regard as the essential foundation of faith in God? =5.= Give Joseph Smith's summary of facts respecting the character and attributes of God. =6.= Show how misplaced faith may result from false evidence. =7.= What is meant by the statement that faith is a principle of power? (Give scriptural instances.) =8.= Prove that faith is essential to salvation. =9.= Show from the scriptures that faith is a gift from God. =10.= Show that faith, to be effective, must be accompanied by good works. Repentance. =11.= What is meant by true repentance? =12.= State the conditions under which forgiveness of sins is promised. =13.= Prove that repentance is essential to salvation. =14.= Show that repentance is a gift from God. =15.= How may this gift be lost or forfeited? =16.= What evidence have we that repentance is possible in the hereafter? =17.= Give a summary of the teachings of Amulek regarding the danger of procrastination in the matter of repentance. LECTURES VI AND VII, ARTICLE 4. Baptism. =1.= State what you know of the earliest revelation from God regarding baptism. =2.= What is the special purpose of baptism? (Give proofs, 1, from the Bible; 2, from the Book of Mormon; 3, from modern revelation.) =3.= Who are fit subjects for Baptism? =4.= Show that infant baptism is unscriptural (1, that it is unsustained by the Bible; 2, that it is forbidden in the Book of Mormon, and by modern revelation). =5.= Give a brief account of the history of infant baptism. =6.= Define:--"Pedobaptists;" "Anabaptists." (Give derivation of the terms and their present meanings.) =7.= Prove by scriptural evidence that baptism is essential to salvation (1, from the Bible; 2, from the Book of Mormon; 3, from the Doctrine and Covenants). =8.= Why was Christ's baptism a necessity? =9.= Give a summary of the reasons upon which the Latter-day Saints base their belief that immersion is the only true mode of baptism. =10.= Show what evidence is furnished by the derivation of the word "baptize," and its early usage. =11.= Show how the symbolism of the baptismal rite is best preserved by immersion. =12.= Give scriptural and other historical evidence that immersion is the only form sanctioned by the Lord. =13.= Give the revealed formula for baptism (1, among the Nephites; 2, in the present dispensation). =14.= Under what conditions may baptism be repeated on the same person? =15.= Give instances of "re-baptism" mentioned in scripture, and allowed in the present dispensation, showing the special or exceptional nature of such repetitions of the ordinance. =16.= Show the impropriety of repeated baptisms of the same person. =17.= Demonstrate the necessity of baptism for the dead. =18.= What evidence have we that the gospel is preached to the dead? =19.= Cite scriptural predictions of Christ's ministry amongst the dead. =20.= Prove that the vicarious work of the living for the dead in the last dispensation was fore-told. =21.= Show that the authority for this labor has been already given to the Church. =22.= Explain the two-fold nature of this vicarious labor for the dead. =23.= What is a temple? =24.= Give a brief account of ancient temples accepted by the Lord. =25.= Describe the work of temple-building already accomplished by the Church in the present dispensation. LECTURE VIII, ARTICLE 4. The Holy Ghost. =1.= Cite biblical promises concerning the advent of the Holy Ghost. =2.= Give other scriptural proof (1, from the Book of Mormon; 2, from the record of modern revelation), that the Holy Ghost is to minister unto all who have been properly baptized. =3.= Give the principal names and titles by which the Holy Ghost is described in scripture. =4.= What is the special office of the Holy Ghost as a member of the Godhead? =5.= Give scriptural proofs of the Holy Ghost's personality. =6.= Describe the office of the Holy Ghost in His ministrations among men. =7.= To whom is the Holy Ghost promised? =8.= Give instances of the Holy Ghost's ministrations unto sincere believers who had not been baptized; explain such exceptional instances. =9.= Describe the ordinance of conferring the Holy Ghost in the case of those who have been baptized. =10.= Show that the authoritative laying-on of hands was a feature of the ordinance in former days (1, among the Jews; 2, among the Nephites). =11.= To which order of priesthood does the authority to confer the Holy Ghost belong? (Give scriptural proofs.) =12.= Show that the imposition of hands by those in authority is characteristic of other ordinances in the Church. =13.= What is meant by "Gifts of the Spirit"? LECTURE IX, IN CONNECTION WITH ARTICLE 4. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. =1.= Define the term "sacrament" in its general and specific uses. =2.= Describe the institution of the Sacrament by the Savior (1, among the Jews; 2, among the Nephites). =3.= Who are fit partakers of the Sacrament? =4.= Cite scriptural caution: 1, against partaking of the Sacrament unworthily; 2, against knowingly administering it to the unfit. =5.= What is the purpose of the Sacrament? =6.= What did Christ administer as the emblems of His body and blood? =7.= What justification has the Church for using water instead of wine under certain conditions? =8.= Give the prescribed prayers of consecration: 1, for the bread; 2, for the wine or water. =9.= What grade of authority in the priesthood is requisite in consecrating the sacramental emblems? =10.= What relationship exists between the Sacrament and the Jewish Passover? LECTURE X, ARTICLE 5. Authority in the Ministry. =1.= Give scriptural examples of men who were called of God by special revelation or by personal ministration: 1. before the "Meridian of Time"; 2, in the days of Christ; 3, in the apostolic period; 4, in the "Dispensation of the Fulness of Times." =2.= In what manner is the priesthood conferred? =3.= Name the principal holders of the priesthood from Adam to Moses. =4.= Cite instances of God's disapproval of unauthorized ministrations. (Give the circumstances in the following cases: 1, Korah and his associates; 2, Miriam and Aaron; 3, Uzza; 4, Saul; 5, Uzziah; 6, sons of Sceva.) =5.= Give scriptural predictions concerning false teachers who would arise. =6.= Prove the existence of the priesthood in the Church today. =7.= Give an account of the restoration of: 1, the Aaronic, and, 2, the Melchizedek priesthood, in the present dispensation. Fore-ordination and Pre-existence. =8.= How was the fact of fore-ordination made known to Abraham? =9.= Give scriptural proofs of Christ's fore-ordination as the Redeemer of mankind. =10.= Cite other scriptures supporting the doctrine of fore-ordination (1, New Testament; 2, Book of Mormon). =11.= Show that fore-ordination does not infringe upon free agency. =12.= Give scriptural proofs of the pre-existence of spirits. LECTURE XI, ARTICLE 6. Church Organization. =1.= What is the Church? (Sustain your definition by scriptural records.) =2.= What is meant by the Primitive Church? =3.= What evidence have you that a general apostasy from the Primitive Church occurred? =4.= Show by the scriptures that this apostasy was fore-told. (Give evidence: 1, from the Old Testament; 2, from the New Testament; 3, from the Book of Mormon.) =5.= Show that the restoration of the Church to earth was fore-told. =6.= Define "priesthood." =7.= Name the principal orders of priesthood as revealed. =8.= What relationship exists between the Aaronic and the Levitical priesthood? =9.= Name the special offices in the Aaronic priesthood, in order, with a statement of the specific duties and authority of each. =10.= Name the special offices in the Melchizedek priesthood, in order, describing the authority and duties of each. =11.= Describe the constitution and authority of each of the following presiding "quorums" in the priesthood:--1, The First Presidency; 2, The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles; 3. The Presiding Quorum of Seventy; 4, The Presiding Bishopric. =12.= Define "branch," "ward," and "stake," as used to designate divisions of the Church. =13.= Explain the constitution, authority, and special duties of:--1, Stake Presidency; 2, Standing High Council; 3, Ward Bishopric. =14.= What ordination in the priesthood is requisite in the case of members of the presiding organizations last named? =15.= Define "quorum" in its special sense as used by the Latter-day Saints. =16.= What is a Patriarch? (1. Define in this connection the term "evangelist"; 2. show in what respect succession to the presiding patriarchal office differs from that in other offices and callings in the priesthood.) =17.= Name the auxiliary organizations which operate as "helps in government" within the Church. =18.= Give the special duties of each of these. (Named on p. 216.) =19.= Show how the principle of common consent is observed in appointments to office within the Church. LECTURE XII, ARTICLE 7. Spiritual Gifts. =1.= Show that the existence of spiritual gifts has ever been characteristic of the priesthood. =2.= Give scriptural proof that such gifts will always be found in the Church. =3.= What is a miracle? =4.= Why are miracles called, by some, supernatural occurrences? =5.= For what purpose are spiritual gifts manifested in the Church? =6.= Show that miraculous manifestations are not an infallible indication of the operation of the priesthood. =7.= Name the spiritual gifts specifically mentioned in the scriptures. =8.= Describe the usual manifestation characterizing each of the following gifts, with scriptural illustrations of each:--1, The gift of tongues and interpretation; 2, of healing, and the gift of faith to be healed; 3, of visions; 4, of dreams; 5, of prophecy; 6, of revelation. =9.= Cite scriptural promises that certain sign-gifts of the Spirit shall follow the believer. =10.= Give instances of miracles wrought by evil powers. =11.= Cite the predictions of John the Revelator regarding such imitations of the gifts of the Spirit, which are to characterize the work of God in the last days. =12.= What did Christ say about signs and wonders that would be wrought by wicked men? =13.= What evidence have you of the existence of spiritual gifts in the Church today? LECTURE XIII, ARTICLE 8. The Bible. =1.= What position does the Bible occupy among the standard works of the Church? =2.= What reservation does the Church make in accepting the modern versions of the Bible as the unchanged word of God? =3.= Define "Bible." (1, Give the derivation of the word; and, 2, its modern usage.) =4.= Show that the division into Old and New Testaments is natural and self-suggestive. =5.= Explain the term "canon of scripture" as applied to the Bible. =6.= Explain, with scriptural references, the growth of the Old Testament from the time of Moses to that of Malachi. =7.= State what you know of the language in which the books of the Old Testament were originally written. =8.= What is the Septuagint? (1, Give the meaning of the term; 2, describe the origin of the book.) =9.= Classify the books of the Old Testament as at present compiled. =10.= What classification of Old Testament writings was recognized in the days of the Savior's ministry? =11.= What is the Pentateuch? (1, Define the term; 2, enumerate the books comprised; 3, state what you know of their authorship; 4, give an account of the copies or versions possessed by the Jews and the Samaritans anciently.) =12.= Name the Historical books in order. =13.= Name the Poetical books. (In this connection, define the term "Hagiographa.") =14.= Name the Prophetical books. (1, In their order as at present compiled; 2, in the probable order of their production.) =15.= What is meant by the Apocrypha? =16.= What is the New Testament? =17.= Give the principal historical evidence of investigation regarding the authenticity of the New Testament books. =18.= Name and classify the books of the New Testament. =19.= What is the Vulgate? =20.= Specify the principal modern versions of the Bible. =21.= Give evidence supporting belief in the genuineness and authenticity of the Bible. =22.= State the principal items of evidence from the book of Mormon, corroborating the authenticity of the Bible. =23.= Give the important conclusions of biblical scholars regarding the genuineness of the New Testament or of parts thereof. =24.= Give the principal biblical references to scriptures not contained in the Bible. LECTURE XIV, ARTICLE 8. The Book of Mormon. =1.= What is the Book of Mormon? =2.= How was the ancient record brought to modern notice? =3.= What do we learn from the title-page of the Book of Mormon as to the nations or peoples whose history is dealt with in the volume? =4.= Which was the earliest of the nations, mentioned in the Book of Mormon, which established itself on the American continent? =5.= Give an account of the journey of Lehi and his colony from Jerusalem to America. (State: 1, the Divine instructions directing Lehi to leave; 2, time of this occurrence; 3, the course of their overland journey; 4, journey across the ocean; 5, place of landing in America.) =6.= Describe the origin of Nephites and Lamanites respectively. =7.= Who were the Jaredites? (1, Why so named; 2, time and manner of their migration to this continent; 3, brief statement of their history.) =8.= How came the record of the Jaredites to be incorporated with the Nephite writings? =9.= What is known of Mulek and his people? =10.= Name the classes of plates referred to in the Book of Mormon (1, on the title page; 2, elsewhere in the volume). =11.= State what is known of the plates of Nephi (1, their origin; 2, the "larger" as distinguished from the "smaller" plates; 3, method by which the record grew). =12.= What is Mormon's abridgment of the plates of Nephi? =13.= Which of the plates of Nephi did Mormon include with his own abridgment? =14.= What great purpose of the Lord was subserved by this duplication of part of the ancient record? =15.= Describe the circumstances resulting in the plates coming into the custody of Joseph Smith (1, his first information regarding their existence; 2, his first view of the plates; 3, his four years of probation; 4, his possession of the plates). =16.= What other sacred articles were buried with the plates? =17.= What is meant by the Urim and Thummim? =18.= What purpose did these instruments serve in the work translation? =19.= Give an outline of the circumstances attending the translation and publication of the Book of Mormon (1, difficulties attending the work; 2, date of first publication). =20.= What is the testimony of the learned regarding the characters of parts of the original record? =21.= Summarize the evidence of the genuineness of the Book of Mormon. (Show the distinction between genuineness and authenticity.) =22.= Who were the three witnesses to the genuineness of the book? Give an outline of their testimony. =23.= Name the eight witnesses. To what did they testify? =24.= What is the so-called "Spaulding Story" of the origin of the Book of Mormon? Show its absurdity. =25.= Explain the arrangement of the several parts of the Book of Mormon. LECTURE XV, ARTICLE 8. Authenticity of the Book of Mormon. =1.= Summarize the proofs of the authenticity of the Book of Mormon. =2.= Show that the Book of Mormon and the Bible corroborate each other in matters on which they treat in common. =3.= Demonstrate the fulfillment of ancient prophecy in the coming forth of the Book of Mormon (1, of prophecies contained in the Pearl of Great Price; 2, of Old Testament prophecies, specifically those of Isaiah and Ezekiel). =4.= State what you know of the consistency of the Book of Mormon in style and matter. =5.= Give examples of Book of Mormon prophecies, the fulfillment of which is recorded therein. =6.= Give examples of Book of Mormon prophecies, the fulfillment of which has taken place since the closing of the record. =7.= State what you know of Book of Mormon prophecy yet awaiting fulfillment. =8.= Summarize the general results of modern investigation and research with which the Book of Mormon is in striking accord. =9.= Give evidence that America was inhabited at a very ancient period (1, cite the conclusions of investigators; and 2, compare with the Book of Mormon account). =10.= Give the principal evidence of the successive occupation of the American continent by different peoples in ancient times, confirm by the Book of Mormon account. =11.= Give the principal conclusions of investigators concerning the Asiatic origin of the first colonies who came to America. =12.= Summarize the evidence indicating their Israelitish origin. =13.= State in a general way the traditions of America's native people concerning:--1, The Deluge; 2, the Divinity of Christ, and His crucifixion. =14.= Show the resemblance of certain religious ceremonies as practiced by the Jews, and by some of the native American peoples. =15.= What evidence is there, external to the Book of Mormon, indicating the common origin of all the American "races"? =16.= Confirm the foregoing conclusions (11 to 15) by the Book of Mormon record. =17.= What is known of the written languages current among the Nephites? In what language were the plates of Nephi and those of Mormon inscribed? =18.= What external evidence is there of the Egyptian language having been known among the American peoples? =19.= Give evidence of the survival of the Hebrew language among the native tribes. =20.= What test of the authenticity of the Book of Mormon is given by the last of the writers? LECTURE XVI, ARTICLE 9. Revelation, Past, Present, and Future. =1.= What is revelation? Compare with inspiration. =2.= Show that revelation is God's chosen method of communication through the priesthood. =3.= What is known of God's revelations to:--1, Adam; 2, Enoch; 3, Noah; 4, Abraham; 5, Isaac; 6, Jacob; 7, Moses? =4.= Give examples of Divine revelation through other Old Testament prophets. =5.= Show that Christ was a revelator, while He dwelt among men. =6.= Give scriptural evidence of revelation having been given through the apostles of old. =7.= Show that the doctrine of continual revelation is reasonable. =8.= Show that it is scriptural. =9.= Show that continual revelation has ever been characteristic of the operations of the priesthood. =10.= Cite the principal objections to this doctrine, professedly founded on scripture. Show their unscriptural foundation. =11.= Give specific scriptures predicting that revelation is to characterize the Church in the last dispensation (1, from the Bible; 2, from the Book of Mormon). =12.= Give instances of modern revelation. Cite promises of the Lord in this dispensation assuring the continuation of revelation in the Church. =13.= Show the reasonableness of expecting yet further revelation. =14.= Show that the doctrine of no further revelation is comparatively modern, and unscriptural. =15.= Show that inspiration does not deprive man of his freedom or individuality. LECTURE XVII, ARTICLE 10. The Dispersion of Israel. =1.= Explain the term "Israel" (1, derivation of the word; 2, bestowal of the title on Jacob; 3, its use as the name of Jacob's posterity; 4, as a name of one of the kingdoms after the division of the nation; 5, as a title of the chosen people of God in a collective sense). =2.= Give a general outline of the Israelites' history from the time of Jacob receiving the name Israel, to the time of the first king. =3.= Outline the history of Israel as a united nation under the kings. =4.= State the circumstances attending the division of the nation. =5.= Outline the history of the kingdom of Judah after the division. =6.= The same of the kingdom of Israel. By what other name is this division of the people sometimes known? =7.= Define the terms "Hebrew" and "Jew." =8.= Show that the dispersion of Israel was fore-told by their prophets from very early times. =9.= On what conditions was this dispersion predicated? =10.= Cite Book of Mormon predictions concerning the dispersion. State specifically the prophecies of Zenos. Who was he? =11.= Give historical evidences of the fulfillment of these prophecies of dispersion in the case of the kingdom of Judah. What part did Nebuchadnezzar take in the work of dispersion? At what time? Give an account of the Babylonian captivity. How did Titus contribute to the work of dispersion? =12.= Give historical evidence of the fulfillment of prophecy relating to the dispersion of the kingdom of Israel. How did Shalmanezer and Sargon contribute to the dispersion? At what time? Show the literal fulfillment of Ahijah's prophecy to the wife of Jeroboam. =13.= Explain the term "Lost Tribes." =14.= What is known of the journeyings of the Lost Tribe? LECTURE XVIII, ARTICLE 10. The Gathering of Israel. =1.= Cite Bible promises of the gathering associated with predictions of the dispersion; specifically those by, 1, Moses; 2, Nehemiah; 3, Isaiah; 4, Jeremiah; 5, Ezekiel; 6, Amos. =2.= Give Book of Mormon prophecies regarding the gathering, especially those uttered, 1, by Lehi; 2, by Nephi, his son; 3, by Christ in the course of His ministrations among the Nephites. =3.= Cite instances of modern revelation concerning the gathering. =4.= What does the plan of the gathering of Israel in the last days comprise? =5.= Show that the authority for prosecuting the work of gathering has been given to the Church in this dispensation. =6.= What is the purpose of the gathering? =7.= Give an account of the work as now in progress. =8.= In what respect are the people of Israel a chosen people? =9.= Show how the fulfillment of the promise made to Abraham, that through his descendants all nations of the earth should be blessed, has been brought about through the dispersion of Israel. =10.= Give another evidence of the fulfillment of that prediction, based on the lineage of Christ. =11.= Give scriptural prophecies relating to the restoration of the Ten Tribes. =12.= Show that the establishment of Zion is to precede the restoration of the Ten Tribes. LECTURE XIX, ARTICLE 10. Zion. =1.= Show from the scriptures that two gathering places are to be established in the last dispensation. =2.= Define "Zion" (1, meaning of the term; 2, its varied applications). =3.= Give an outline of the history of Jerusalem from the time of its first mention in scripture to that of its overthrow by the Romans. =4.= Cite scriptural promises relating to the future glory of Jerusalem. =5.= Explain the application of the term "New Jerusalem." =6.= Show from Book of Mormon and modern scripture that the Zion of the western continent and the New Jerusalem are identical. =7.= Cite the prophecy of Christ to the Nephites that a New Jerusalem shall be established on the western continent. =8.= Give the prediction of Ether the Jaredite relating to the establishment of the New Jerusalem. =9.= What is meant by the Zion of Enoch? (1, Give outline of the history of the ancient people so designated; 2, cite promises of the return of Enoch and his people.) =10.= What is known through modern revelation as to the location of Zion or the New Jerusalem? =11.= What is meant by Stakes of Zion? =12.= What conditions will determine the time of the redemption of Zion in the present dispensation? LECTURE XX, ARTICLE 10. Christ's Reign on Earth. =1.= Compare the conditions attending Christ's first advent, with those predicted for His second coming. =2.= Cite scriptural prophecies regarding the second coming of Christ, with attendant signs (1, Biblical; 2, Book of Mormon; 3, modern). =3.= What evidence have you to prove that the predicted second coming of Christ is near at hand? =4.= What is known as to the time of his coming? =5.= Show by scripture that Christ is to reign as King on earth. =6.= Demonstrate the relation between the Kingdom of God and the Church of Christ. =7.= Show the distinctive sense in which the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven are spoken of in modern revelation. =8.= What will be the position of honest and honorable men who are not members of the Church when the Kingdom of Heaven is established? =9.= What is the Millennium? =10.= Give scriptural authority for your belief as to the conditions that are to characterize the Millennium. =11.= What will be the condition of Satan during and after the Millennium? LECTURE XXI, ARTICLE 10. Regeneration and Resurrection. =1.= Explain the statement that the earth is under a curse. =2.= What is meant by the predicted regeneration of the earth? =3.= When will this change be completed? =4.= What is known as to the future condition of the earth in its regenerated state? =5.= What is the attitude of science regarding the earth's regeneration? =6.= What is meant by the resurrection of the body? =7.= What are the teachings of the Church regarding the literalness of the resurrection? =8.= Upon what does our belief in the doctrine of the resurrection depend? =9.= Give scriptural evidence supporting belief in the resurrection (1, Old Testament; 2, New Testament; 3, Book of Mormon; 4, modern). =10.= Specify the general resurrections spoken of in the scriptures. =11.= How was the first resurrection inaugurated? =12.= Give an account of the resurrection of the just immediately following the resurrection of Christ. =13.= Cite Book of Mormon prophecy regarding the resurrection of Christ and that of the righteous immediately following. =14.= Give a summary of the teachings by the apostles of old, regarding the resurrection at the time of Christ's second coming. =15.= Cite modern revelation on the same subject. =16.= Compare the scriptural descriptions of the first resurrection, or the resurrection of the just, with those of the second, or the resurrection of the unjust. =17.= Show that the resurrection is to be universal, applying both to righteous and wicked. =18.= What will be the lot of the heathen in the resurrection? (Support your answer by scripture.) =19.= What is known of the intermediate state of the soul, between death and the resurrection? =20.= Define "Paradise." Show that Paradise is not the place of final glory. LECTURE XXII, ARTICLE 11. Religious Liberty and Toleration. =1.= What is worship? =2.= Show that man's ability to worship rightly is a measure of his conception of God's attributes and powers. =3.= Show that worship, to be valid, must be voluntary. =4.= Demonstrate man's right to freedom in worship. =5.= Explain the intolerance, in matters of worship, characterizing early and modern times. =6.= Show that intolerance is unscriptural. =7.= Demonstrate that tolerance is not necessarily acceptance. =8.= Show that man, being free to choose for himself, is justly held accountable for his acts. =9.= Explain Christ's expression, "In my Father's house are many mansions." =10.= What kingdoms or degrees of glory are specified in the revealed word? =11.= Who are to inherit the Celestial glory? =12.= For whom is the Terrestrial glory provided? =13.= Who will be consigned to the Telestial kingdom? =14.= What is known of the gradation of glory within each of the kingdoms specified? =15.= Who are the Sons of Perdition? What is known of their fate? LECTURE XXIII, ARTICLE 12. Submission to the Law of the Land. =1.= What are the teachings of the Church regarding the duties of its members with respect to the secular law? =2.= Cite instances recorded in the Old Testament of Divine approval and admonition regarding the secular laws. =3.= Give examples from the life of the Savior. =4.= What were the teachings of the apostles of old regarding the observance of the law of the land by the members of the Church? =5.= Cite the word of the Lord as given through modern revelation regarding the attitude of members of the Church toward the governments under which they live. =6.= What has the Lord said as to His judgment concerning those who are effectually prevented by their enemies from a strict compliance with His requirements? =7.= Give a modern instance of an abandonment by the Church, under pressure of secular law, of a Divine requirement. =8.= Show that secular authority is recognized of God as necessary to the government of mankind, and that the officers of the law are therefore to be obeyed. =9.= Summarize the declarations of belief regarding the duty of the Church toward the law of the land, as formulated by Joseph Smith, and as adopted by the Church. LECTURE XXIV, ARTICLE 13. Practical Religion. =1.= Give James' definition of pure religion. =2.= Show that religion is not theological formula, but practical application of recognized principles of right. =3.= What is the teaching of the Church regarding man's relationship to God? =4.= Show that benevolence is enjoined by scripture. (Give, 1, instances from the teachings of the Savior; 2, those of His apostles; 3, those of modern requirement.) =5.= Specify the means of donation for benevolent purposes, provided by the Church today. =6.= Outline the modern Church plan of, 1, free-will offerings; 2, fast offerings as a modification of the foregoing. =7.= Explain the advantages of fast-day observance, and fast-offerings, among members of the Church. =8.= What is tithing? =9.= Cite biblical authority for the observance of the law of tithing in ancient times. =10.= State the requirements made by revelation for the tithing of the people today. =11.= What is meant by consecration and stewardship? =12.= Give scriptural instances of God's people having lived in the United Order. (Cite, 1, from Pearl of Great Price; 2, from Bible; 3, from Book of Mormon.) =13.= Explain the United Order, or the Order of Enoch, as provided for the Church through modern revelation. =14.= Show that individual freedom is provided for in the plan of the United Order. =15.= Cite scriptural instances of the Lord's denunciation of the idler. =16.= What is the teaching of the Church regarding the propriety and necessity of marriage? =17.= What has the Lord said through revelation of those who forbid marriage? =18.= What is Celestial Marriage? =19.= Show that the authority of the priesthood is necessary in the making of contracts that are to be of effect after the death of the parties. =20.= What does the Church teach regarding the enormity of the sin of unlawful association of the sexes? Cite the declaration of Alma in this connection. =21.= State the provisions of the revelation known as the Word of Wisdom.