Path: rutgers!ucsd!ames!killer!royf From: royf@killer.Dallas.TX.US (Roy Frederick) Newsgroups: Subject: EMS Routines for TurboC Date: 23 Apr 89 17:56:03 GMT Keywords: EMS TURBOC These EMS access routines are in the public domain - no secrets, copyrights, or restrictions on use. There really isn't much to them - but I use them in production data collection programs that run every day (at least I think these are the versions I am currently using!). Three routines are included: Emstest.c, emstbl.c, emssubr.asm. Also a header file etbl.h. Emssubr.asm provides the lowest level access to EMS. It is called by emstbl.c to provide access to tables of fixed length items with a total length limited by the amount of EMS present. The length of a single table item is limited to <= 16384 (EMS page length). Space beyond the last item in an EMS page is wasted. Emstest.c demonstrates the use of emstbl.c. The routines are set up for large model. C routines have 4 col tabs; ASM , 8 Etbl.h ------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Etbl.h -- Structure describing table in EMS */ struct etbl { int e_elen; /* Table entry length */ int e_ecnt; /* Table entry count */ int e_efrm; /* Frame to be used */ int e_ecur; /* Last assigned entry number */ int e_ecpf; /* Entry count per page */ int e_pgs; /* Pages allocated */ int e_hand; /* EMS Handle */ } ; void far * far etmap(struct etbl far *, int); int far etinit(struct etbl far *); void far etclose(struct etbl far *); Emstest.c -------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Emstest.c -- EMS Table Routines Test Pgm */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "etbl.h" struct etbl et1 = { 100, 1000, 1, 0, 0, 0 } ; main() { int i; int far *q; etinit(&et1); for (i = 1; i <= 1000; i++) { q = etmap(&et1, i); if (q == 0L) err("Etmap failed for %d", i); *q = i; } for (i = 1; i <= 1000; i++) { q = etmap(&et1, i); if (q == 0L) err("Etmap failed for %d", i); if (*q != i) err("Data error - exp %d got %d", i, *q); } etclose(&et1); err("Test successful"); } err(s) const char *s; { va_list argptr; va_start(argptr, s); fprintf(stderr, "Terminated: "); vfprintf(stderr, s, argptr); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); exit(2); } Emstbl.c ---------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Emstbl -- EMS Table Routines */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "etbl.h" static int eseg; /* EMS Segment Address */ extern int ems_err; int far etinit(e) struct etbl far *e; { int i; if (ems_verify() == 0) err("No EMS driver found"); eseg = ems_getframe(); e->e_ecpf = 16384 / e->e_elen; e->e_pgs = (e->e_ecnt + e->e_ecpf - 1) / e->e_ecpf; e->e_ecnt = e->e_pgs * e->e_ecpf; if ((e->e_hand = ems_alloc(e->e_pgs)) == 0) err("Not enough EMS available"); for (i = 0; i < e->e_pgs; i++) { if (ems_map(e->e_efrm, e->e_hand, i) == 0) err("EMS_MAP failed err %02x handle %04X page %02X", ems_err, e->e_hand, i); memset(MK_FP(eseg, (e->e_efrm << 14)), 0, 16384); } e->e_ecur = 0; return(0); } void far * far etmap(e, ndx) struct etbl far *e; int ndx; { int i, j, pg; j = ndx - 1; i = j / e->e_ecpf; j = j % e->e_ecpf; pg = e->e_efrm; if (ems_map(pg, e->e_hand, i) == 0) err("EMS_MAP failed err %02x handle %04X page %02X", ems_err, e->e_hand, i); return(MK_FP((eseg + (pg << 10)), (j * e->e_elen))); } void far etclose(e) struct etbl far *e; { ems_free(e->e_hand); e->e_elen = e->e_ecur = e->e_ecnt = e->e_hand = 0; } Emssubr.asm ----------------------------------------------------------- ----assemble with TASM /W2 /MX emssubr ------------------------------- PAGE ,132 TITLE Expanded Memory Access Routines .MODEL LARGE,C PUBLIC ems_err PUBLIC ems_verify PUBLIC ems_alloc PUBLIC ems_map PUBLIC ems_free PUBLIC ems_getframe PUBLIC ems_pagecnt LOCALS LL .DATA emname db 'EMMXXXX0' ; name of ems driver ems_err dw 0 .CODE SUBTTL ems_verify PAGE + ems_verify PROC uses DS SI DI mov ax, DGROUP mov ds, ax mov ax, 0 ; check if int vect 67 set up mov es, ax mov ax, es:[4*67h+2] or ax, ax ; segment non zero ? jz LL01 ; if not mov es, ax mov di, 10 ; offset to driver name mov si, offset emname mov cx, 8 cld rep cmpsb ; check driver name jne LL01 mov ax, 1 jmp short LL02 LL01: mov ax, 0ffh ; no driver code mov [ems_err], ax xor ax, ax ; zero ret code = bad LL02: ret ems_verify ENDP SUBTTL ems_alloc PAGE + ems_alloc PROC uses DS arg pgcnt:word mov ax, DGROUP mov ds, ax mov bx, [pgcnt] ; get number of pages to allocate mov ah, 43H ; allocate space int 67H mov byte ptr [ems_err], ah or ah, ah ; ah is zero if call succeeded jnz LL01 mov ax, dx ; return handle jmp short LL02 LL01: xor ax, ax LL02: ret ems_alloc ENDP SUBTTL ems_map PAGE + ems_map PROC uses DS arg phys:word,handle:word,lpage:word mov ax, DGROUP mov ds, ax mov ax, [phys] ; get phys page slot mov dx, [handle] ; get handle number mov bx, [lpage] ; get logical page number mov ah, 44H ; map page int 67H mov byte ptr [ems_err], ah or ah, ah ; see if ok jnz LL01 mov ax, 1 jmp short LL02 LL01: xor ax, ax LL02: ret ems_map ENDP SUBTTL ems_free PAGE + ems_free PROC arg handle:word mov dx, [handle] mov ah, 45H int 67H xor ax, ax ret ems_free ENDP SUBTTL ems_getframe PAGE + ems_getframe PROC uses DS ; sets AX to EMS page frame mov ax, DGROUP mov ds, ax mov ah, 41H ; get frame seq int 67H mov byte ptr [ems_err], ah or ah, ah ; ah is zero if call succeeded jnz LL01 mov ax, bx ; return page frame in ax jmp short LL02 LL01: xor ax, ax LL02: ret ems_getframe ENDP SUBTTL ems_pagecnt PAGE + ems_pagecnt PROC uses DS ; sets AX to EMS page frame mov ax, DGROUP mov ds, ax mov ah, 42H ; get ems page count int 67H mov byte ptr [ems_err], ah or ah, ah ; see if ok jnz LL01 mov ax, bx ; return page count jmp short LL02 LL01: xor ax, ax LL02: ret ems_pagecnt ENDP END ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Roy Frederick (royf@killer.UUCP) Dallas County Data Services (214) 749-6340 504 Records Bldg. Dallas, TX 75202