Date: Fri, 22 Jan 88 09:55:20 EST From: J Law Subject: Re: Info-IBMPC Digest V7 #3 To: Gregory Hicks COMFLEACTS Util3- program by J Law, Physics, UOGUELPH, 1986 Current Version 2.2 1987 This program is written in Microsoft Basic and should be compiled by version 2 of Bascom or Turbo Basic. You may also run the source form under Basica Ver 2 or greater but it will be slow! DOS 3.x preferred for compiled version. Objectives: Util3 allows you to unload a binary file or a document file that has control characters in, eg wordstar or wordperfect files, into an ASCII file which you can the upload to a mainframe and shipped via NETNORTH/BITNET etc to your colleagues, who would then use their version of UTIL3 to decode the file back to its original form. Encoding/Decoding: I use a 4 byte for 3 byte encode, so that every 3 bytes are expanded into 4 bytes, each byte corresponds to the 6 bits from the original 3x8=24 bits. byte 3 byte 2 byte 1 xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy zzzzzzzz _| || ||_ || |__ / |\ \ \ |\ \ 00xxxxxx 00xxyyyy 00yyyyzz 00zzzzzz byte 4 byte 3 byte 2 byte 1 These 4 bytes have values of 0 to 2^6-1=63. The mapping I use is: defined in line 1030 of the program mapping @ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ012345abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz6789? char# 00000000001.............. ... 66 01234567890.............. ... 23 Decoding is the inverse. However to provide some error testing, the file written out is as follows: id name 12 chars byte in hex form | | | \ \ :UTIL3.2util3.exe FF :MiEyA7D@@@5@@@@@??O@@@H@@@5jA@@@1@@@@@@@@@@UUIePOAbPAMURC8rPoAW3revYhQGH31 | / / \ coded data 2 hex values representing byte value checksum for the coded data modulo Hex100 ie sum up all bytes mod H100, then last byte is Hex100 - sum last line :00000001FF simply for identification Comments: Although this program can be used on its own, note that your file will get at least 30% larger. It is best used with a file squeezer program like arc, pkarc or sq.exe all of which are in the shareware arena. If you use arc to compress a program file for example, then util3 will at most re expand it to its original size, but you can then send this file thro a mainframe as it is ASCII. When run, the following screen should appear: ==================================================== UTIL3 - PROGRAM VER 2.2 J LAW PHYSICS UoGuelph October 1987 Ascii coding of files for electronic transfer using a 3 byte for 4 byte coding (1) convert file.??? TO file.3T4 (2) convert file.3T4 TO file.??? (3) uudecode file (0) EXIT CHOOSE A NUMBER: =================================================== Choice 1 will convert anyfile.ext to anyfile.3t4. Choice 2 will convert anyfile.3t4 back to filename.ext. Choice 3 will uudecode files from, which are uuencoded. This is placed in the public domain for all to use & enjoy. Any comments or modifications to speed up program are welcome: Dr J. Law Physics Dept University of Guelph Guelph On Canada. N1G 2W1 Bitnet/NetNorth: Phyjlaw @ Uoguelph ===========Program util3.bas============================ 1000 DEFINT A-Z 1010 DIM A(30,80),BB(30,80),buf(1000) 1030 A2$="@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ012345abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz6789?" 1040 A$=A2$'SETUP FOR VERSION 2 1050 LOCATE 1,1,1 :B1$="" 1060 CLS:CLOSE:A$=A2$ :i19=71:i15=54 1070 PRINT " UTIL3 - PROGRAM VER 2.2 " 1080 PRINT " J LAW PHYSICS UoGuelph October 1987 " 1090 PRINT " Ascii coding of files for electronic transfer " 1100 PRINT " using a 3 byte for 4 byte coding " 1110 PRINT " " 1120 PRINT "(1) convert file.??? TO file.3T4 " 1130 PRINT "(2) convert file.3T4 TO file.??? " 1140 PRINT 1145 PRINT "(3) uudecode file" 1147 PRINT 1150 PRINT "(0) EXIT" 1160 PRINT " " 1170 PRINT " " 1180 LINE INPUT "CHOOSE A NUMBER:";VA$:IF VA$="" THEN 1050 1190 PRINT " " :VA=VAL(VA$) 1200 IF VA=0 THEN STOP 1210 IF VA>3 THEN 1050 1215 IF VA=3 THEN 3000 ' uudecode 1220 LINE INPUT "INPUT FILENAME.EXT : ";N$ 1230 'IF VA=2 THEN LINE INPUT "OUTPUT FILENAME.EXT : ";N2$ 1240 GOSUB 2140 1250 IF VA=1 THEN 2590 ' CONVERT TO 3T4 1260 IF VA=2 THEN 1680 ' 3T4 TO ??? 1270 ' 1280 'WRITE FILE :..20..CHARS.. 1290 GOSUB 2210 'UNLOAD 3 TO 4 1300 FOR IM1=0 TO IM1X 1310 V$="" :CHKSUM=0 1320 FOR J=0 TO i19 1330 AIJ=BB(IM1,J) 1340 V1$=CHR$(AIJ):CHKSUM=(CHKSUM+AIJ) MOD &H100 1350 ' 1360 V$=V$+V1$ 1370 NEXT J 1380 CK=(&H100-CHKSUM) 1390 V3$=HEX$(CK):IF LEN(V3$)=1 THEN V3$="0"+V3$ 1400 IF LEN(V3$)>=3 THEN V3$=RIGHT$(V3$,2) 1410 PRINT #2,":"+V$+V3$ 1420 ' 1430 NEXT IM1 1440 RETURN 1460 OPEN "R",#1,N1$,i15 1470 FIELD #1,i15 AS B$ 1475 mx=lof(1)/i15 1480 OPEN "O",#2,N2$ 1490 TB=0:IM1X=0 1500 GOSUB 2100 'WRITE HEADER 1502 for ibyte=1 to mx+1 1510 GOSUB 1570 'get com file 1530 GOSUB 1280 'write hex file 1540 next ibyte 1550 PRINT #2,":00000001FF" :CLOSE 1560 GOTO 1050 'CLOSE EXIT 1570 'READ COM OR EXE FILE 1590 GET #1:B1$=B$ 1600 I1=0:J1=0:IM1X=0 1610 N=LEN(B1$):I=1 1620 AA$=MID$(B1$,I,1):I=I+1 1630 A(I1,J1)=ASC(AA$) 1640 J1=J1+1:IF J10 THEN 1750 1730 IF IH <= 10 THEN IH=IH+1:GOTO 1710 ELSE GOTO 2500 1750 N2$=MID$(V$,9,12):PRINT "DECODING ";N2$ 1755 if len(v$)>30 then i15=54:i19=71 ELSE I15=15:I19=19 1760 GOTO 2720 1770 CLOSE #2 : recno#=1 1780 OPEN "R",#2,N2$,i15 1782 field #2, i15 as n$ 1790 GOSUB 1880 'read&write 1800 IF TB<>0 THEN 1830 1810 ' GOSUB 2030 write 1820 GOTO 1790 1830 CLOSE 1840 IF CHKERR<>0 THEN GOSUB 2540 1850 GOTO 1050 1860 ' 1870 'read in hex file 1880 ' 1890 IF EOF(1) THEN RETURN 1900 LINE INPUT #1,V$ 1902 tb=instr(v$,":"):if tb=0 then 1890 1910 TB=INSTR(V$,":00000001FF"):IF TB<>0 THEN RETURN 1920 CHKSUM=0 1930 FOR J=0 TO i19 1940 BB(0,J)=ASC(MID$(V$,2+J,1)) 1950 CHKSUM=(CHKSUM+BB(0,J)) MOD &H100 1960 NEXT J 1970 CK=(&H100-CHKSUM) 1980 V3$=HEX$(CK):IF LEN(V3$)=1 THEN V3$="0"+V3$ 1990 IF LEN(V3$)>=3 THEN V3$=RIGHT$(V3$,2) 2000 IF V3$<>RIGHT$(V$,2) THEN CHKERR=CHKERR+1 2360 ' 4 TO 3 MAPPING 2370 K=0 2380 FOR J=0 TO i19 STEP 4 2390 A1=BB(0,J):A2=BB(0,J+1):A3=BB(0,J+2):A4=BB(0,J+3) 2400 A1=INSTR(A$,CHR$(A1))-1 2410 A2=INSTR(A$,CHR$(A2))-1 2420 A3=INSTR(A$,CHR$(A3))-1 2430 A4=INSTR(A$,CHR$(A4))-1 2440 B1=(A2 AND &H03)*64+A1:A(0,K)=B1 2450 B1=(A2 AND &H3C)/4+(A3 AND &H0F)*16 :A(0,K+1)=B1 2460 B1=(A3 AND &H30)/16+(A4 AND &H3F)*4 :A(0,K+2)=B1 2470 K=K+3 2480 NEXT 2030 ' print to com file 2040 an$="" 2050 FOR J=0 TO i15-1 2060 an$=an$+chr$(A(0,J)) 2070 NEXT 2075 lset n$=an$ 2080 Put #2,recno#:recno#=recno#+1 2090 RETURN 2100 'HEADER WRITTEN 2110 B2$=":UTIL3.2"+N1$+SPACE$(i19-6-LEN(N1$))+"FF" 2120 PRINT #2,B2$ 2130 RETURN 2140 I=INSTR(N$,"."):IF I=0 THEN 2180 2150 IF VA=1 OR VA=4 THEN N1$=N$:N2$=MID$(N$,1,I)+"3T4" 2160 IF VA=2 THEN N1$=MID$(N$,1,I)+"3T4" 2170 RETURN 2180 IF VA=1 OR VA=4 THEN N1$=N$:N2$=N$+".3T4" 2190 IF VA=2 THEN N1$=N$+".3T4" 2200 RETURN 2210 ' 3 TO 4 MAPPING 2220 FOR IM1= 0 TO IM1X 2230 K=0 2240 FOR J=0 TO i15-1 STEP 3 2250 A1=A(IM1,J):A2=A(IM1,J+1):A3=A(IM1,J+2) 2260 B1= A1 AND 63 2270 BB(IM1,K)=ASC(MID$(A$,B1+1,1)) 2280 B1= A1 AND &HC0:B1=B1/64+4*(A2 AND &HF) 2290 BB(IM1,K+1)=ASC(MID$(A$,B1+1,1)) 2300 B1=A2 AND &HF0:B1=B1/16+16*(A3 AND &H3) 2310 BB(IM1,K+2)=ASC(MID$(A$,B1+1,1)) 2320 B1=(A3 AND &HFC)/4 2330 BB(IM1,K+3)=ASC(MID$(A$,B1+1,1)) :K=K+4 2340 NEXT:NEXT 2350 RETURN 2500 PRINT "HEADER NOT FOUND IN ";N1$ 2510 PRINT "MAY NOT BE CODED FILE...TRY AGAIN":BEEP 2520 CLOSE:GOSUB 2560 2530 GOTO 1050 2540 PRINT " Checksum errors found in decoding..." 2550 PRINT " Use with care.." 2560 PRINT " hit any key to continue..." 2570 V$=INKEY$:IF V$="" THEN 2570 2580 RETURN 2590 ON ERROR GOTO 2670 2600 OPEN "I",#1,N1$ 2610 CLOSE 2620 ON ERROR GOTO 2690 2630 OPEN "I",#1,N2$ 2640 PRINT:PRINT "FILE ";N2$;" EXISTS.. overwrite [y] ? "; 2650 LINE INPUT V$ 2652 IF V$ ="n" OR V$="N" THEN PRINT "Cancelling..":GOSUB 2560:GOTO 1050 2660 CLOSE:GOTO 1460 2670 IF ERR=53 AND ERL=2600 THEN RESUME 2710 2680 IF ERR=53 AND ERL=1700 THEN RESUME 2710 2690 IF ERR=53 AND ERL=2630 THEN RESUME 1460 2700 ON ERROR GOTO 0 2710 PRINT:PRINT "FILE ";N1$;" NOT FOUND":GOSUB 2560:GOTO 1050 2720 ON ERROR GOTO 2770 2730 OPEN "I",#2,N2$ 2740 PRINT:PRINT "FILE ";N2$;" EXISTS.. overwrite [y] ? "; 2750 LINE INPUT V$ 2752 IF V$ ="n" OR V$="N" THEN PRINT "Cancelling..":GOSUB 2560:GOTO 1050 2760 GOTO 1770 2770 IF ERR=53 AND ERL=2730 THEN RESUME 1770 2800 on error goto 0 3000 'uudecode module 3010 'DEFINT A-Z 3020 'DIM BUF(100) 3030 REM Trap error opening input file 3040 ON ERROR GOTO 3590 3050 CLS:LOCATE 1,11:PRINT "uudecode-module" 3060 LOCATE 5,11 3070 PRINT STRING$(40," ") 3080 LOCATE 5,11 3090 INPUT "Enter name of input file: ", INFILE$: if infile$="" then 1050 3100 OPEN INFILE$ FOR INPUT AS #1 3110 LOCATE 8,10 3120 PRINT STRING$(40," ") 3130 REM Trap error opening output file 3140 ON ERROR GOTO 3630 3150 LOCATE 8,10 3160 INPUT "Enter name of output file: ", OUTFILE$ 3170 OPEN "R", #2,OUTFILE$, 1 3180 FIELD #2, 1 AS N$ 3190 REM Trap error at end of file 3200 ON ERROR GOTO 3670 3210 REM Search for header line 3220 LINE INPUT #1,A$ 3230 IF LEFT$(A$,5) <>"begin" THEN 3220 3240 LOCATE 11,10 3250 PRINT "Header = ";A$ 3260 SP = ASC(" ") 3270 ' 3280 RECNO# = 1 3290 REM Main loop 3300 LINE INPUT #1, A$ 3310 P = 0 3320 BYTES = ASC(LEFT$(A$,1)) - SP 3330 IF BYTES = 64 THEN BYTES = 0 3340 IF BYTES = 0 THEN 3550 3350 COUNT% = INT(BYTES/3+.9): COUNT%=COUNT%*4 3360 FOR I = 2 TO COUNT% STEP 4 3370 X1 = ASC(MID$(A$,I,I)) - SP 3380 IF X1 = 64 THEN X1 = 0 3390 X2 = ASC(MID$(A$,I+1,I+1)) - SP 3400 IF X2 = 64 THEN X2 = 0 3410 X3 = ASC(MID$(A$,I+2,I+2)) - SP 3420 IF X3 = 64 THEN X3 = 0 3430 X4 = ASC(MID$(A$,I+3,I+3)) - SP 3440 IF X4 = 64 THEN X4 = 0 3450 IF P