turbopas : Generic Turbo Pascal programming language material ----------- 00index.txt Descriptions of the files in the turbopas directory 0turbopa.zip .zip files contents in /pc/turbopas directory ansicrt.zip ANSI Alternate to Crt unit, R.Housh bigload.zip BigFile Support for TP5+, vIRTUAL tECHNOLOGIES, GNU bonus507.zip Non-commercial Turbo Pascal units from TurboPower bp7sb104.zip Borland and TP Source Beautifier, crippleware, J.Ferincz break.zip Ctrl-Break handling for TP, short source, no documents. calcpi.zip Calculate Pi up to 157817 decimal places, w/src, TP5+ cdtips02.zip Eject/Close/Lock/Unlock CD-ROM in TP, also Win95, C.Rankin chflz100.zip ChiefLZ Pascal and Delphi LZSS units, A.A. Olowofoyeku clearmem.zip Clear stack, heap + global variables, TP5+, D.Murdoch comm_tp5.zip Turbo Pascal routines for serial port access, K.Bulgarien compdate.zip Store compilation date/time into .OBJ files, W.Leijen complex.zip Complex TP arithmetic+transc. functions, TP5+, E.Glynn comtty30.zip Serial COM-unit and terminal emulator, w/TP5+ src, W.Schaik crt.zip Replacement CRT units for Turbo/Borland Pascal, P.Scragg crtg.zip Turbo Pascal Crt unit replacement Crtg, w/src, T.Smith ctop12b.zip Convert C code to Turbo Pascal, Knowledge Software ddj8803.zip Doctor Dobb's Journal (huge arrays in Turbo Pascal) ddj8810.zip Doctor Dobb's Journal (virtual arrays in Turbo Pascal) deltsr.zip Tsr-unit source codes posted to comp.lang.pascal, T.Krantz dmpprg20.zip Simple disassembler for DOS + Win3 .exe files, D.Murdoch drcpas10.zip David Conrad's useful collection of Turbo Pascal units easter12.zip Code to calculate the date of Easter, D.Engler env20.zip Routines for using environment string, D.Murdoch envir10.zip Environment/MCB manipulation Turbo Pascal source, R.Clark epb256.zip Ed's Pascal Beautifier, freeware, Edward Lee err87_13.zip Error 207 help for Turbo Pascal 5.5-7.0, D.Murdoch file2inc.zip Binary data to INC file maker for Turbo Pascal, S.O'Malley fmanage.zip A TP5+ unit of some basic file handling routines, E.Doron fulldb13.zip Add .OBJ line number info to Turbo Pascal .TPU, D.Murdoch getopt10.zip GNU getopt ported to turbo pascal. Commandline parsing. getput10.zip Small TPU source to save/restore video portions, C.Davide graph11.zip Freeware Experimental Grapher w/Turbo Pascal src, K.Zamli gwedi201.zip Graphics based Turbo Pascal string input, w/s, PD, M.Day hpdump01.zip HP Laserjet screen dump Turbo Pascal unit, B.Beauchaine htscreen.zip Turbo Pascal 5+ screen units, w/src, H.Thumen hunt.zip Scan sub/directories + commands, w/TP src, J.R.Stockton ifp1s158.zip TP5.5+/MASM InfoPlus system information sources, A.Rossmann indx18eu.zip TP5+ units (IndexedFiles, Encrypt, Files) by T.Jenkins inlin219.zip Inline assembler for Turbo Pascal, w/source, D.Baldwin intl100.zip TP5+ unit w/src to obtain country configuration, T.Bargholz intrfc4.zip Dump Turbo Pascal 4.0 TPU file by Duncan Murdoch intrfc5.zip Dump Turbo Pascal 5.0 TPU file by Duncan Murdoch intrfc55.zip Dump Turbo Pascal 5.5 TPU file by Duncan Murdoch intrfc62.zip Dump Turbo Pascal 6.0 or W1.0 TPU or file by Duncan Murdoch intrfc70.zip Dump Borland Pascal 7 .TPU, .TPP, and .TPW files, D.Murdoch kbdhdr30.zip Keyboard symbolic readkey; a simple ungetch, R.Loewy keyint.zip Disable alt-ctrl-del + other int09h TP tricks, N.Rubenking kfor_10.zip FORTRAN formatted read unit w/src for TP 5+, K.Brown lastlook.zip Checks Turbo Pascal .EXE files for bad options, D.Murdoch lgarray0.zip TP unit for huge arrays and arrays of sorted strings, J.Guy lzrw1.Z LZRW1/KH compression unit for Turbo Pascal 5+, K.Haenen mathlib2.zip Mathematic library incl. complex numbers for TP, J.Gayrard mathtp10.zip Some mathematical functions for Turbo Pascal w/src, M.Husted med295.zip A rudimentary full-screen text editor TP5+ source, M.Ahmed minigen.zip Screen code generator for Turbo Pascal, E.Snyder miscti10.zip Borland TechFax Turbo Pascal faq-like help tips mnglr140.zip Turbo Pascal TPU source files mangler/scrambler, B.Boer mrgsort.zip Merge sort source routines for Turbo Pascal 5+, C.Falconer newmem11.zip Memory management units for Turbo Pascal, A.Brummett nktools.zip Some useful Turbo Pascal 5+ units w/src, N.Kimura nrpas13.zip Numerical Recipes Pascal shareware version, 303K! openfil5.zip TP unit to print list of open files, TP5+, D.Murdoch overxms.zip Load Turbo Pascal 5.5+ overlays into XMS, W.Leijen pas88_21.zip Turbo Pascal library of Assembly units, S.Lutrov pascsrc.zip Coronado Enterprises Pascal Tutor, sources pasctxt.zip Coronado Enterprises Pascal Tutor, text pased11.zip Programmer's Editor for Pascal, Hedco Inc. pasflow.zip Match and smarten up your Turbo Pascal source code, useful pasjpg10.zip Turbo Pascal port of the IJG JPEG library, J.Nzali pasmou15.zip Mouse unit for Turbo Pascal 7.0, w/src, T.Horatiu paspager.zip TP5+ source generator for self-displaying texts, A.Schreiber pastut34.zip A Turbo Pascal tutorial, R.Shaw pasu21.zip Listing of Pascal Shareware Programs, Eric Engelmann pasunzip.zip Zipping and unzipping routines in Turbo Pascal 5+, R.Byrne pasv21.zip Directory of Pascal Tool Producers, Eric Engelmann pckselfm.zip Selfmodifying code which survives execompression, J.Nicholson pcl10.zip Pascal Communications Library for TP 4-6, by MarshallSoft pnl001.zip Pascal NewsLetter #1 pnl002.zip Pascal NewsLetter #2 pnl003.zip Pascal NewsLetter #3 pnl004.zip Pascal NewsLetter #4 pnl005.zip Pascal NewsLetter #5 pnl006.zip Pascal NewsLetter #6 pnl010.zip Pascal NewsLetter #10, March 1992 pnlupd1.zip Pascal NewsLetter #4 addendum posbm.lzh Faster string search routine to substitute POS(), C.Menico ppdk50.zip Pascal Prettypringting Program, tweak, D.Kirschbaum ppp.zip Pretty Print Pascal, with Turbo Pascal 5+ source, M.Bless predis11.zip Pre-disassembler for old Pascal programs, P.Sweetman preskit2.zip LHZ/W Data Compression Toolkit sources, TP5+, D.Webb probots.zip P-Robots Game for IBM and Mac PASCAL programmers, D.Malmberg qt.zip QuickTime, TP TSR to show time on Hercules Monochrome, S.Ladd qwktimer.zip Qwktimer TP5+ unit w/src; high resolution timer, C.Wood rawhide.zip Surface area of a cow on the 1st of April rdates10.zip Turbo Pascal File Functions and Procedures, Roger E. Donais rdelay10.zip Prevent the divide-by-0 Crt error on fast machines, R.Donais recucalc.zip A TP parser, calculates math formula with recursion, C.Lamarre rkplus31.zip Registration Key Units for Turbo Pascal programmers, J.Lash rpcrt100.zip Optimized TP50/TP55/TP6/BP7 CRT Unit, Robert AH Prins rutil10.zip Turbo Pascal utilities by R.Donais, (needed by rdelay) scanh329.zip Produce help files from TP source code, D.Murdoch sdfc114.zoo Nemossan's single-drive-file-copy with TP5+ source setrgb10.zip GUI Utility to choose values for SetRGBPallete Procedure showrem.zip Shows runtime error messages in Turbo Pascal, C.Enders swag.zip SWAG Reader + Information Files, SourceWare Archival Group swag9702.zip SWAG: A huge library of PD Turbo Pascal code, 2/97 update swag9705.zip SWAG: A huge library of PD Turbo Pascal code, 5/97 update swag9708.zip SWAG: A huge library of PD Turbo Pascal code, 8/97 update swag9711.zip SWAG: A huge library of PD Turbo Pascal code, 11/97 update swaga-c.zip SWAG Complete TP Code Package 1/5, all data upto 2/97 swagd-f.zip SWAG Complete TP Code Package 2/5, all data upto 2/97 swagg-m.zip SWAG Complete TP Code Package 3/5, all data upto 2/97 swagn-r.zip SWAG Complete TP Code Package 4/5, all data upto 2/97 swags-z.zip SWAG Complete TP Code Package 5/5, all data upto 2/97 swapunt7.zip Swap Turbo Pascal program code to XMS, EMS or disk, K.Kwast tef11.zip Non-resident Timed Execution Facility, w/TP5+, R.Holland timedate.zip Elementary time stamping of files. w/TP src, B.Woodward tjocks5a.zip Technojock's Turbo Pascal Toolkit v5.0 tjocks5b.zip Technojock's Turbo Pascal Toolkit v5.0 tmtp350d.zip TMT 32-bit Pascal Compiler for MS-DOS, free lite version tp-gls.zip Generalized least squares TP FW program, J.Debord + K.Suchaud tp4_tsr.zip A small Turbo Pascal routine demonstrating TSRs, E.Drinkwater tp_ascii.zip Ascii chart, especially for Turbo Pascal pgmrs, P.Hagglund tpbeaut.zip Beautifier for TP code, forced PRN/CRT output :-(, O.Baker tpdezip.zip Turbo Pascal dezip code by Byrne, crashprone? tply401.zip Lex + Yacc for all Borland Pascal versions, Berend de Boer tpmath1.zip Mathematical TP freeware library, units, Jean Debord tpmath2.zip Mathematical TP freeware library, demos, Jean Debord tpmath3.zip Mathematical TP freeware lib, interfacing, Jean Debord tpmusic.zip Play music in the background, TP5+ unit w/s, J.C. Kessels. tppopups.arc Pop-up windows + menu bars in Turbo Pascal, K.Porter in DDJ tpr-book.zip Electronic Turbo Pascal Reference freeware book, E.Mitchell tpreal2.zip Improved floating point routines for TP, S.Ramakrishnan tpschk11.zip Turbo Pascal Anti-Hack CRC Self Check, M.Durkin tptutr11.zip ASCII-text Turbo Pascal Tutor 1-22, G.Grotzinger, useful tpv24.zip Interrupt driven Turbo Pascal RS232C TPU w/s, C.Philipps ttt51.zip TechnoJock's Turbo Toolkit for Turbo Pascal 4.0-7.0 tttdem51.zip TechnoJock's Turbo Toolkit v5.1 for TP/BP, 1/3 tttdoc51.zip TechnoJock's Turbo Toolkit v5.1 for TP/BP, 2/3 tttsrc51.zip TechnoJock's Turbo Toolkit v5.1 for TP/BP, 3/3 tug002.zip Turbo User Group's public domain TP sources library disk turtle10.zip Unit that allows turtle graphics in any BGI mode, P.Pollet unit.zip Swedish Turbo Pascal functions and procedures, J.Ramstromer unitre12.zip Display tree of Turbo Pascal UNIT dependencies, J.Rice upconv22.zip Case convert Turbo Pascal source, J.Pluimers uusource.zip Uuencode and uudecode Turbo Pascal sources, A.Turner vga256.zip Borland's BGI driver for VGA 256 color with Turbo Pascal demo wctunit3.zip TP src keydef,math,misc,mouse,strings,xcrt,xgraph, W.Thompson xref10.zip Simple cross-ref. of TP source procedures and functions, B.Guy xtp100.zip Turbo Pascal Source Cross Reference Lister, L.Fosdal Also see: /pc/ts/tspa3540.zip for Timo's Turbo Pascal units /pc/ts/tspa3550.zip -"- /pc/ts/tspa3555.zip -"- /pc/ts/tspa3560.zip -"- /pc/ts/tspa357c.zip -"- /pc/link/tsfaqp.zip for Timo's Turbo Pascal FAQ /pc/doc-net/pasgroup.zip for TP newsgroups info