University of Vaasa, Finland, Linux Pentium, node number ( has a large collection of shareware, freeware and public domain programs which are available by anonymous ftp (file transfer program), WWW (World Wide Web) and by mail server (ftpmail). This information file contains news about the programs in the /pc/ts directory (in reverse order). .................................................................... Prof. Timo Salmi Co-moderator of news:comp.archives.msdos.announce Moderating at ftp:// & archives Department of Accounting and Business Finance ; University of Vaasa ; FIN-65101, Finland .................................................................... N e w s o f 1 9 9 6 Sun 29-Dec-96: I have corrected a bug in my "HANGMAN.EXE The classic guess a word" which caused it to crash because of an oversight in its memory management. The consequently updated package is available as 76207 Dec 29 17:48 Classic Hangman and Towers of Hanoi, T.Salmi Sun 29-Dec-96: I have updated my first collection of utilities to be 146927 Dec 29 17:56 Timo's 1st utility set (sysinfo,dirw,dtetimal,timelog,...) 1) I have adjusted the following programs which did not work correctly in the Windows 3.11 dosbox. "DIRW.EXE As dir/w, recursive, file status" "DIRD.EXE Directories, different files" "DIRS.EXE Directories, same files" 2) I have updated my SYSINFO.EXE "Information about your gadget" program by including the total harddisk space and total free space figures. Sun 29-Dec-96: I have updated my third collection of utilities to be 108020 Dec 29 17:59 Timo's 3rd utility set (dirf,dirinfo,doubles,hidden,split,...) 1) I have adjusted the following program which did not work correctly in the Windows 3.11 dosbox. "DIRF.EXE Directory in full, recursive" Sun 17-Nov-96: I have updated my collection of batch files and the FAQ-like batch tips. The updated collection is 129938 Nov 17 16:50 A collection of useful batch files and tricks, T.Salmi The new tips added are 48) Can one put line numbers into a file with just batch commands? 49) How can I backup from the current directory files made today? Added two alternative solutions to the item 34) Enticing the current date into an environment variable Many of the batches have been adjusted for the possibility of having the users ramdrive (or other working disk) at a customizable location given as an environment variable %ram% in the user's autoexec.bat. Fri 15-Nov-96: Not all my public material is situated on Garbo but on adjacent services. I have updated a file which might be of some general interest. The material is only available through WWW, not via FTP. It is Timo's Book List of Popularized Natural and Behavioral Sciences : Since this came up, there is some other similar material which might be of interest to scholars and doctoral students, like Timo's Reviews of Research and Doctoral Dissertation Advice Guides : In the more general range I have (as many WWW users do) an extensive link collection to several kinds of services and information as Timo's collection of http links Fri 15-Nov-96: Wrote 1808 Nov 15 02:01 register.txt About shareware registration of Timo's programs Tue 12-Nov-96: I have made an update of my answers to Frequently Asked Turbo Pascal questions. It has now reached version 35 Also available without the version number as 105100 Sep 14 10:17 Common Turbo Pascal Questions and Timo's answers I have added a number of new items: 104) How can I get/set a disk volume label? 105) Is there a function to chop off the leading zero from 0.322? 106) How can I print a text file (and conclude sending a formfeed)? 107) How can I round 4.1256455 to two decimal places to give 4.13? 108) How can I list with paths all the files on a drive? I have changed the item "How can I customize the text characters to my own liking?" to rather be 11) How can I read the text character fonts from the memory? and added source code examples to the item. Added the file "TSFAQP.IDX Joint index of all the questions" Sat 26-Oct-96: I have written a new program SAMESIZE.EXE Browse disk for samesized files It is a part of my 7th utility package which I have updated to be 29945 Oct 26 22:22 Timo's 7th utility set (backgrnd,backdemo,samesize) Sat 14-Sep-96: Updated my collection of Frequently Asked Turbo Pascal Questions to be Also available as (105100 Kb). Added the following new items 101) How do I detect if mouse hardware/driver is installed? 102) How can I read absolute sectors directly from a floppy? 103) How can I move a file to another directory in Turbo Pascal? Rewrote since the previous version 3) What is the code for the weekday of a given date? 92) Does anybody have a program that gives the week number? Sat 7-Sep-96: I have updated my collection of Turbo Pascal TPU units to be 115483 Sep 7 09:27 Turbo Pascal 7.0 real mode units for (real:-) programmers. : This collection is also available for earlier Turbo Pascal versions as Corrected an error in WEEKNRFN "Returns the week number for a given date" in the TSUNTE unit. The function mispresented as week 52 some very rare year-beginning dates dates as as week 53. Although this concerns only six days e.g. in the 19th century, we decided to make the correction. The weekday function is by my colleague Associate Professor of Statistics Seppo Pynnonen. TSUNTJ unit contains "COPYFILE Copy a file from within a Turbo Pascal program". Added to the documentation the fact that a heap of 80000 bytes should be reserved in the calling program. While at it brought up to date some address information in the documentation. Sat 7-Sep-96: I have updated my FAQ collection Frequently Asked Turbo Pascal Questions also available as 102305 Sep 7 09:20 Common Turbo Pascal Questions and Timo's answers. : The faqpas[1234].txt files within it now include a full 100 items. There are two new items 99) Can you tell a beginner how to delete files with Turbo Pascal? 100) Could you please explain shl and shr operators to a beginner? Rewrote with good suggestions from Dr. John Stockton 38) How can I read input without echoing to the screen? Added a pointer to the calendar FAQ into the item 3) What is the code for the weekday of a given date? Added source code to 92) Does anybody have a program that gives the week number? which also covers the previous (3) item. Sun 1-Sep-96: I have updated my collection of batch files, tips and tricks to be Added the following items: 46) How can I test whether a disk is empty or not? 47) How can I run a different batch depending on the weekday? Added a batch-only solution to 39) Getting the file basename. Added the following new batch files: SAMENAME.BAT Display drive's files sorted by name SAMESIZE.BAT Display drive's files sorted by size The updated file is 128197 Sep 1 21:11 A collection of useful batch files and tricks, T.Salmi Sat 10-Aug-96: There already are a lot of good resident alarm programs in circulation, but the other say I happened to need such a program in a hurry away from the net so I wrote "ALARM.EXE Resident alarm at hh:mm". I made ALARM.EXE a part of my tsr programs collection. While at it I updated the address information in the other programs of the collection. Other than that the programs in the package are unchanged. The package is available as : 100271 Aug 10 07:33 TSR programs (noboot,reslock,sordino,timedown,timeup ...) Sun 14-Jul-96: Started 5203 Jul 14 12:11 Research answers email+postings, from 23-Apr-96 to ... Fri 5-Jul-96: I have updated this dismally rainy Friday holiday morning 29397 Jul 5 1996 Index for Timo's FAQs and Information email + postings : Length Method Size Ratio Date Time CRC-32 Name ------ ------ ---- ----- ---- ---- ------ ---- 88 Defl:X 86 2% 11-21-93 20:33 c43f2376 file_id.diz A brief characterization of 50336 Defl:X 19547 61% 07-05-96 07:38 3339bbdb tspost.idx Index for /pc/pd2/tspost*.zip Garbo information email & postings 5986 Defl:X 2501 58% 06-16-96 19:20 86798a48 tsfaqn.idx Index for Questions from UseNet and Timo's answers 7679 Defl:X 2936 62% 05-13-96 10:42 667b1026 tsfaqp.idx Index for Common Turbo Pascal Questions and Timo's answers 3327 Defl:X 1484 55% 05-26-96 13:00 bdbc6745 tsbat.idx Index for batricks.txt useful batch tricks and lore in tsbat*.zip 2058 Defl:X 976 53% 07-05-96 07:40 1996725f camfaq.idx Index for comp.archives.msdos.{announce,d} Frequently Asked Questions 1131 Defl:X 474 58% 07-05-96 07:41 964ff241 camwfaq.idx Index for{announce.discuss} FAQ ------ ------ --- ------- 70605 28004 60% 7 Fri 21-Jun-96: I have made an update 108752 Jun 21 17:36 Questions from Usenet and Timo's answers Now new items have been added but some of the material has been brought up to date with recent developments especially on the WWW scene. Tue 11-Jun-96: Yesterday I released an update of my free collection of WWW labels. However, I made a silly mistake in the format with the information files and prepared them with Unix instead of MS-DOS eolns, which is Garbo's standard. I have remedied this in a quick new update 217609 Jun 11 07:02 Timo's free collection of GIF labels for World Wide Web Mon 10-Jun-96: I have updated my public collection of gif labels for WWW users for free use on your home pages. There are now 502 GIF items in my collection. The collection is available as 217309 Jun 10 17:46 Timo's free collection of GIF labels for World Wide Web Alternatively, you can reach my collection using the following URL: This option usually is the most up to date. Sun 26-May-96: I have updated by collection of batch files, tips and tricks to be 125308 May 26 12:56 A collection of useful batch files and tricks, T.Salmi Added the following items 43) How can I change or remove the disk volume serial number? 44) How to pause in a batch for a preset number of seconds? 45) Where can I find a program to compile batches into COMs or EXEs? Put elm compatible headers in all the items to facilitate the reading of the advice files with greater variety of tools. Sun 19-May-96: I have again released a new update of my Frequently Asked Turbo Pascal questions. It is now 99848 May 19 19:34 Common Turbo Pascal Questions and Timo's answers and is best available as 99848 May 19 1996 Common Turbo Pascal Questions and Timo's answers This update contains the following new items 96) My graph.tpu got corrupted. Someone please email me a new copy. 97) How can I avoid run-time errors in numeric input using readln? 98) How can I limit the user's readln input to e.g. 3 characters? Wed 15-May-1996: I have made the following update by bringing the version numbers up to date 24082 May 15 10:05 Timo's choice of 43 best MS-DOS SW and PD packages, T.Salmi Sun 28-Apr-96: Added the following items into BATRICKS.TXT in my collection of batch files 123060 Apr 28 17:58 A collection of useful batch files and tricks, T.Salmi 41) Getting the last replaceable parameter 42) Creating an empty file if the file does not already exist Added to PROMPT.TXT the a option to example how to display the time with the prompt command. Sun 28-Apr-96: I have updated the Frequently Asked Turbo Pascal Questions to be 98459 Apr 28 08:24 Common Turbo Pascal Questions and Timo's answers Better available as Added the following new items 94) How can I redirect output to file if I use the Crt unit? 95) How to write a function to return true if I am in graphics mode? Added at John Stockton's suggestion the reference to a calendar FAQ into the item 91) Is 2000 a leap year? What is the leap year algorithm? Several new Delphi newsgroups have been added. Hence updated the item 76) What are the current Pascal newsgroups on the Usenet news? Added to the part "INFO-PAS.TXT comp.lang.pascal.misc email info" a new item 3) How can I prevent bounces from the comp.lang.pascal.misc list? Sun 21-Apr-96: I have made updates by bringing the institutional information up to date in the following files. Other than that they are unchanged. : 17802 Apr 20 21:46 On home computer (QL) <-> PC file transfer, T.Salmi : 61861 Apr 21 12:14 Utilities and advice for Procomm Plus, T.Salmi Tue 16-Apr-96: I have made an update of one of my old mathematical packages now to be 72825 Apr 18 15:08 Calculates, tabulates, and plots your functions, T.Salmi The programs are functionally unchanged, but I have brought the information material in the package up to date. I have also added the standard FILE_ID.DIZ identification file into the package. As you probably know, many BBS systems display the contents of these comment files on their file lists. Sun 14-Apr-96: I needed a simple filter to slice certain rows from a set of text files, so I wrote one. It is SLICE.EXE Extract or delete text rows This filter complements my earlier CUT.EXE Extract or delete text columns CUTW.EXE Extract or delete text by words An example of combined usage: pkunzip -v e:\tszip\tsfltc18 | slice 9 9 15 end | cut 1 46 56 80 These filters are part of my thus updated third filter collection 86971 Apr 14 10:21 More filters: dump,col,concat,cut,detab,rep,rot13,undump The information in the other programs in the package has been brought up to date, but else that that they are unaltered. Sun 31-Mar-96: I have made updates of a number of my program packages: : 75762 Mar 14 06:47 Classic Hangman and Towers of Hanoi, T.Salmi : 71670 Mar 15 07:01 Standard matrix calculations. Product, inverse, etc. : 83819 Mar 15 21:44 Various programs in numerical analysis, T.Salmi : 169013 Mar 17 21:49 Screen oriented spelling checker & word frequency counter. : 106066 Mar 31 19:52 Printing text files with various printers, T.Salmi : Mostly the programs are functionally unchanged, but I have brought the information material in the package up to date. I have also added the standard FILE_ID.DIZ identification file into the package. As you probably know, many BBS systems display the contents of these comment files on their file lists. Sat 30-Mar-96: I have updated the Frequently Asked Turbo Pascal Questions to be 96535 Mar 30 20:19 Common Turbo Pascal Questions and Timo's answers Better available as : Added the following new items 91) Is 2000 a leap year? What is the leap year algorithm? 92) Does anybody have a program that gives the week number? 93) How can I use OutText to write numbers in the graphics mode? Added a third option based on ports to 15) How can I test that the printer is ready? I also rearranged the material by reallocating in into files of 25 questions/answers each. Earlier I had 30 Q&As in each file. Mon 11-Mar-96: I have updated my 84478 Mar 6 18:12 Programs of financial mathematics, T.Salmi : 58591 Mar 10 17:53 Three educational games including a management game, T.Salmi : 84985 Mar 10 17:57 Timo's educational games: typevade, revegame, witpin, T.Salmi The programs are functionally unchanged, but I have brought the information material in the package up to date. I have also added the standard FILE_ID.DIZ identification file into the package. As you probably know, many BBS systems display the contents of these comment files on their file lists. Sun 3-Mar-96: I have updated my : 78190 Mar 2 19:26 Base conversions, decimal bit calculations, T.Salmi : 68717 Mar 2 22:22 A Unix-like spelling checker for MS-DOS ascii files, T.Salmi : 46059 Mar 3 19:57 Comparison of two files, etc, T.Salmi : The programs are functionally unchanged, but I have brought the information material in the package up to date. I have also added the standard FILE_ID.DIZ identification file into the package. As you probably know, many BBS systems display the contents of these comment files on their file lists. Wed 28-Feb-96: I have made an update 53420 Feb 28 06:48 SAL macro sources to extend The SemWare Editor 2.5, T.Salmi Added "BOXTOASC Box drawing chars to 7-bit ASCII" "DUMP.S Dump block as bin oct dec or hex" "ROTATE.S Copy column to row or vice versa" The rotate macro collection also includes the option to reverse a range of text. Furthermore, made the following improvements to "TOASC.S Scandinavian 7/8-bit conversions" - added the option between a block and entire file conversion - the choice also adds confirmation - included some more characters into the conversion - improved the help screen Corrected a minor typo in "RNGEFIND.S Forward search an ascii range" Added to "MISC.S Miscellaneous SAL macros" a macro that reloads the current file without saving the changes that may have been made since last saving the file. This is a convenient method one can use to undo the recent changes in a file in the editor window. This is an often needed very useful procedure. A demonstration version of the SemWare editor is available as 404275 Dec 14 1994 The SemWare Editor (TSE) v2.0 Demo/Test-Drive Well, how come all these macros for the TSE editor? Simple, I have needed the operations also for my own editing purposes at one stage or another. You see, TSE v2.5 (and MicroEMACS on Unix) are the editors I use the most. For example, just the other day I needed to rotate a column into a row, and to dump a row in decimal. Wed 28-Feb-96: I have made a minor update 70185 Feb 28 06:39 Easily customizable general filters, for text or binary. by adding "HTML2IBM.XLT Scandinavian HTML chars to IBM" "IBM2HTML.XLT Scandinavian IBM chars to HTML" At the same time I have brought the included information files up to date. Wed 28-Feb-96: I have started a collection of so far rather trivial spreadsheet templates 15113 Feb 28 06:55 Timo's templates for the As-Easy-As spreadsheet program The templates so far are "METRIC.WKA Conversions to/from metric" "STAT.WKA Statistical measures + draw plot" "TIMEADD.WKA Time add with carryover" "TIMEDIF.WKA Difference between two times" The templates are for the As-Easy-As spreadsheet but should apply to other standard spreadsheet as well[1/2].zip As-Easy-As spreadsheet (a 123 and VP Planner spreadsheet clone) Fri 23-Feb-96: The following text information files have been updated : 9840 Feb 23 11:58 vaasa.inf Information about Finland, Vaasa, and University of Vaasa : 9281 Feb 23 11:58 vaasa2.inf More (official) information about University of Vaasa Fri 9-Feb-96: I have updated my collection of Frequently Asked Usenet questions and brought many of the items up to date with the developments. This FAQ collection is available as 105375 Feb 9 12:37 Questions from UseNet and Timo's answers I added to "FAQNEWS2.TXT Q&As relating to Usenet news 2/2" new items 30) How should I react to chain letters? 31) Where do I find a complete list of Usenet newsgroups? 32) Someone broke the netiquette. Should I email advice? Added to FAQPROGS.TXT Questions answers about programs" new items 25) Where can I find a program to break a PKZIP encryption password? 26) Where can I find other good programs that are not on this list? To the part "FAQFTP.TXT Additional questions about FTP" I added a new item 4) How do I download a zipped file using WWW and Netscape? Mon 29-Jan-96: I have made an update : 50955 Jan 28 22:13 SAL macro sources to extend The SemWare Editor 2.5, T.Salmi : Upon getting an update of the SemWare Editor from version 2.0 to version 2.5 I have gone through my collection of SAL macros to enhance the editor. There have been some changes in the SAL language from version 2.0 to version 2.5 which are reflected in my update. If you have TSE 2.0 then do not get my update. If you have 2.5, then please do, since not all the old macros will continue to work without the changes. Furthermore, I made the following changes 1) Rewrote and renamed SWICTH.S to SWAP.S "SWAP.S Swap order of text, words/chars" 2) Added "Run TurboPower Software Structure Analyst on the current file" to "PROGS.S Run programs on the editor text". Mon 29-Jan-96: I have made an update of the former QEdit editor macros and configurations on the Garbo program archives of the University of Vaasa, Finland : 35997 Jan 28 22:15 Macros and configurations for TSE Jr. text-editor, T.Salmi : These macros and configurations are for The SemWare Editor Junior (former QEdit) shareware version 4.0 which is available as 200006 Oct 25 04:00 The SemWare Editor Jr, former QEdit, very good, nagware The configuration files can be tried as such, but to utilize the macros you'll need the QMAC.EXE macro compiler that comes with the registered version of TSE Jr. Thu 25-Jan-96: I have updated my public collection of gif labels for WWW users for free use on your home pages. There are now 434 GIF items in my collection. Thus 70 new items have been added. Some of the old gifs have been retouched. I am pleased to have seen my gifs being used at several locations. The collection is available as : 190453 Jan 25 21:53 Timo's free collection of GIF labels for World Wide Web : Alternatively, you can reach my collection using the following URL: Mon 1-Jan-96: I have updated my Frequently Asked Turbo Pascal Questions. It is now : 93045 Jan 1 09:31 Common Turbo Pascal Questions and Timo's answers : Wrote two new items for Turbo Pascal beginners: 88) Where do I find Turbo Pascal tutorials and/or good textbooks? 89) How do I make an executable of my Turbo Pascal source program? Wrote a new item for more advanced users 90) How can I quickly read the last byte of a file? Added a reference to the Turbo Pascal IDE's help example in 24) How can I link graphics drivers directly into my executable? Mon 1-Jan-96: The older news about the files in the /pc/ts directory are available as : 25688 Jan 1 07:42 0news95.ts The news announcements of 1995 about ts-programs, T.Salmi : and so on, backwards.