University of Vaasa, Finland, Linux Pentium, node number ( has a large collection of PD and shareware programs which are available by anonymous ftp (file transfer program), WWW (World Wide Web) and by mail server (ftpmail). This text file contains news about the programs in the /pc/ts directory (in reverse order). .................................................................... Prof. Timo Salmi Co-moderator of news:comp.archives.msdos.announce Moderating at ftp:// & archives Department of Accounting and Business Finance ; University of Vaasa BBS 961-3170972; FIN-65101, Finland .................................................................... N e w s o f 1 9 9 5 Sun 10-Dec-95: Wrote "BACKDEMO.BAT High intensity background demo" "BACKGRND.EXE Enable 16 background text colors" and put them in a new collection : 16989 Dec 10 11:56 Timo's 7th utility set (backgrnd,backdemo) : If you have an EGA or better in your PC, there are sixteen different text foreground color options, but only eight background color options in the text mode. The number of background colors can be increased to sixteen by manipulating the high intensity / blinking bit. If this bit is set off, then there will be sixteen possible background colors, but blinking will be disabled. If the bit is on (as is the default), blinking is enabled, but the high intensity background option is disables and the background colors are limited to the eight. This program can be used the set the value of the high intensity / blinking bit. If no switches are set, the program acts as a toggle between the two modes. Is this just a trivial demonstration utility? Not entirely. Some programs alter the status of high intensity / blink enable bit without restoring the original status afterwards. This can be somewhat annoying. If you launch such a program from a batch file you can easily set things back the way you want in the batch. For more details and an example, see the program's documentation. Sun 3-Dec-95: I have made an update : 82459 Dec 3 06:10 Timo's 2nd utility set (touch,chars,dire,setgra) : Updated "TOUCH.EXE Change date/time stamp of files" - If the file to be touched does not exist, the program optionally creates an empty file and then proceeds to touch its date/time stamp. - Added examples of usage to the help screen and the documentation. : Updated "DIRE.EXE Extended directory". Added to it a new switch /c which displays the directory list in color using ansi.sys or a similar screen driver. Note that if you do not have ansi.sys (or a compatible driver) installed, using the /c switch will produce somewhat confusing looking output with all the escape sequences displayed. As for the other two programs in the package, I have updated my address information. The functions of the programs are unaltered. Added FILE_ID.DIZ "Brief characterization of TSUTLB". Some BBS systems scan for a FILE_ID.DIZ in uploaded packages and if found use its contents as the description in their annotated file list. Where possible, the programs now reserve less memory in running. (I adjusted the compilation parameters.) Sun 3-Dec-95: I have made an update : 107027 Dec 3 06:59 Timo's 3rd utility set (dirf,dirinfo,doubles,hidden,split,...) : - Updated "DIRF.EXE Directory in full". The switch /c now displays the directory list in color using ansi.sys or a similar screen driver. Note that if you do not have ansi.sys (or a compatible driver) installed, using the /c switch will produce somewhat confusing looking output with all the escape sequences displayed. - As for the other programs in the package, I have updated my address information. The functions of the programs are unaltered. - Where possible, the programs now reserve less memory in running. (I adjusted the compilation parameters.) Sun 26-Nov-95: I have made an update : 146405 Nov 26 13:06 Timo's 1st utility set : Added to "DIRW.EXE As dir/w, recursive, file status" a new switch /c which displays the directory list in color using ansi.sys or a similar screen driver. Made the same addition to "DIRD.EXE Directories, different files" "DIRS.EXE Directories, same files" Note that if you do not have ansi.sys (or a compatible driver) installed, using the /c switch will produce somewhat confusing looking output with all the escape sequences displayed. As for the other programs in the package, I have only updated my address information. The functions of the programs are unaltered. Tue 21-Nov-95: I have updated my public collection of gif labels for WWW users to use on their home pages. There are now 364 GIF items in my collection. It is available as : 151939 Nov 21 14:04 Timo's free collection of GIF labels for World Wide Web : Alternatively, you can access this material by using URL Sun 12-Nov-95: I have made an update 50180 Nov 12 17:14 SAL macro sources to extend The SemWare Editor, T.Salmi 1) Wrote a new macro file "UPCASE.S Convert text to upper/lower case" This set handles extended ascii set including a' a" and o", that is the Scandinavian characters. The SemWare Editor standard includes an upper / lower case conversion, but it does not cover the foreign characters. 2) Added macros for inserting escape sequences for several printers. These help give the editor some features of a true wordprocessor. The new macros are "DICONIX.S Esc seqs, Diconix InkJet 150" "HP500.S Esc sequences, HP DeskJet 500" Even if you don't have any of these printers, if you understand the TSE macro language, it should not be too difficult to adapt to yours. 3) Made a correction in "COUNT.S Count block lines, words, chars" where one of the menu items gave a wrong command. 4) Added a "working..." message to "DETAB.S Detab a line or the entire file" since detabbing a large file can take some time. 5) Added in PROS.S a routine "Run a Turbo Pascal source" to "PROGS.S Run programs on the editor text" Wed 1-Nov-95: I have updated my public collection of gif labels for WWW users to use on their home pages. I added 85 new images bringing the total up to 296. I have also updated many of the images by making the background transparent where applicable. This improvement often makes a much more professional-looking touch. My thanks to Hannu Hirvonen for helping me with the technique required. The collection is available as : 130164 Nov 1 23:39 Timo's free collection of GIF labels for World Wide Web : You can also access my gif pages with WWW: Sat 14-Oct-95: I have recently been working on World Wide Web home pages for Garbo MS-DOS program archives, the Department of Accounting and Finance, for my own home page and for my teaching. The URLs are respectively In the course of this work I have prepared a considerable number of GIF labels to be used for illustrating these WWW pages. These GIFs are now available from The GIFs in gifst/ and gifsf/ are guaranteed to be my own copyright since I have prepared them from start to finish. The material is also downloadable at one go as 101494 Oct 14 01:04 Timo's free collection of GIF labels for World Wide Web Wed 11-Oct-95: I have made a bug fix together with my co-author Seppo Pynnoenen 82171 Oct 14 01:04 Least absolute deviation (LAD) multiple regression. As was brought to our attention by Hannu Kirvijaervi of the Helsinki School of Economics, the standard error, t-value and Prob>|t| statistics failed to be calculated under some circumstances. Sun 17-Sep-95: Update 28074 Sep 17 09:36 tsans093.txt Answers to some recurring questions about TS-packages Wed 6-Sep-95: Update 91041 Sep 6 12:13 Common Turbo Pascal Questions and Timo's answers Added an option using IOCTL information to 15) How can I test that the printer is ready? A small correction to A4 of 21) How do I turn the cursor off? Added the following new items 85) How do I get the character device name of the (first) CD-ROM? 86) How do I eject a CD-ROM using a Turbo Pascal program? 87) How do I find out if the ANSI.SYS driver has been loaded? Sun 6-Aug-95: The Frequently Asked Turbo Pascal questions is now in version : 87726 Aug 6 08:55 Common Turbo Pascal Questions and Timo's answers : Added new items: 82) How do I detect if more than one standard key is pressed down? 83) How can I read a disk's Volume Serial Number? 84) How can I disable and then enable the keyboard in my TP program? Added a third alternative answer to 80) How do I find out the size of any kind of a file? Sat 5-Aug-95: Added to my collection of useful batch files and tricks a new batch "SKIP.BAT Perform commands, skipping files" because the simple trick of excluding particular files from a command is so often asked. Added to BATRICKS.TXT a new item 40) A batch to put user input into an environment variable It is the neatest batch programming trick I have ever seen. It remedies the biggest (alleged) flaw in MS-DOS batch programming, that is getting user input without any external programs. : The updated collection is now : 120735 Aug 5 19:56 A collection of useful batch files and tricks, T.Salmi Sat 29-Jul-95: Updated : 43713 Jul 29 20:15 SAL macro sources to extend The SemWare Editor, T.Salmi : Added in its macro "TOASC.S Scandinavian 7/8-bit conversions" conversions between Scandinavian html characters used in preparing Wolrd Wide Web files. Added a new macro "LINE.S Insert line numbers" The editor TSE is 404275 Dec 14 1994 The SemWare Editor (TSE) v2.0 Demo/Test-Drive Thu 27-Jul-95: The ordinary MS-DOS commands mkdir, rmdir and chdir cannot handle directory names with blanks in them. I have added GOTODIR.EXE Generalized change directory to complement DELEDIR.EXE Generalized delete directory MAKEDIR.EXE Generalized create directory It is part of the updated 62401 Jul 27 12:38 Timo's 6th utility set (advdate,choose,deledir,strings,strmemo,) Sun 23-Jul-95: I have updated the Frequently asked Turbo Pascal questions collection. : 84640 Jul 23 09:36 Common Turbo Pascal Questions and Timo's answers : Brought up to date: 76) What are the current Pascal newsgroups on the Usenet news? Added: 81) How do I format graphics output like in textmode writeln? Wed 5-Jul-95: I have released an update of my Frequently Asked Turbo Pascal Questions. It is a subset of the subjects often coming up in Turbo Pascal programming for example in the new Usenet newsgroup news:comp.lang.pascal.borland. The FAQ covers Turbo Pascal programming in the real mode, but not protected mode. Also excluded are Object oriented programming (OOP), linked lists, Turbo Vision (TV), and Turbo Pascal for Windows (TPW). I hope that someone else takes on these excluded areas. The updated FAQ is available as : 83677 Jul 5 11:46 Common Turbo Pascal Questions and Timo's answers : Added the following, new items 77) How do I detect the CapsLock status, how do I turn it on/off? 78) How do I detect if the F11 or F12 key has been pressed? 79) How do I extract (parse) substrings from an input string? 80) How do I find out the size of any kind of a file? Based on friendly users' feedback, appended material or corrected the following, old items 26) How to get ansi control codes working in Turbo Pascal writes? 33) Which error is e.g. Runtime error 205, etc 60) How do I obtain a bit or bits from a byte, a word or a longint? 65) How can I detect if the shift/ctrl/alt etc key is pressed? 67) If Delay procedure does not work properly, how do I fix it? Made it clearer that the answer to the first item, and perhaps the most frequent of all frequent TP questions 1) How do I disable or capture the break key in Turbo Pascal? also covers another frequent TP question, that is how to detect which cursor key has been pressed. Made some very minor changes to 76) What are the current Pascal newsgroups on the Usenet news? Changed more of the file references to the URL format. Wed 5-Jul-95: I have written a new, simple filter "SCROLL.EXE Filter to srcoll text at a pace" It is part of my updated 80856 Jul 5 12:34 More filters: dump,col,concat,cut,detab,rep,rot13,undump Fri 16-Jun-95: I have updated my collection of Frequently Asked Turbo Pascal Questions. Now : 80222 Jun 16 09:13 Common Turbo Pascal Questions and Timo's answers : Added an acknowledgements list about feedback into tsfaqp.inf contained within Added items 75) How can I read another program's errorlevel value in TP? 76) What are the current Pascal newsgroups on the Usenet news? Made all the contents compatible with the Pascal newsgroups' reorganization that took effect Mon 12-Jun-95. Added to item 1) How do I disable or capture the break key in Turbo Pascal? the subquestion Q4: How do I detect if a cursor key or a function key has been pressed? Changed file references to URL format where relevant. Fri 26-May-95: I have made an update 21838 May 26 08:22 Garbo related utilities for the PC (ffind,gfind), T.Salmi by adding FFIND.EXE Garbo index searches URL format. Sun 21-May-95: I have updated ny collection of Frequenly Asked Usenet questions. It is now 97621 May 21 10:08 Questions from UseNet and Timo's answers Besides bringing it up to date, and making some corrections, I added the following new items: 26) Can I say hello and find friends on news.newusers.questions? 27) How long will my posting stay on the Usenet news? 28) Where did my Usenet posting disappear? 29) Why are Usenet news postings out of sequence? Fri 7-Apr-95: I have updated my collection of text file filters to be 122356 Apr 1 13:51 Programs for filtering messages, log files, Unix-PC, etc. I added the following filter "IBM2LAT1.EXE IBM PC Scandinavian to Latin1 characters". The need for this filter arose from the Finnish computer centres' decision to use the 8-bit Latin1 character set which is different from the customary 8-bit IBM PC character set. For example the conversion is necessary when I print PC text with characters like a" and o" etc on the PostScript printer in our local net. Sat 1-Apr-95: I have updated my collection of The SemWare Editor macros to be 41067 Mar 31 22:40 SAL macro sources to extend The SemWare Editor, T.Salmi Added three new marcos NOBLANK.S Remove blank lines from file or block SWITCH.S Switch order of text DETAB.S Detab a line or the file Updated TOASC.S Scandinavian 7/8-bit conversions Wed 15-Mar-95: I have updated my Frequently Asked Turbo Pascal Questions collection to be 78115 Mar 15 06:46 Common Turbo Pascal Questions and Timo's answers Added item: 74) What are and how do I use pointers? Added an explanation why the often proposed SetCBreak(false) is not the correct response to 1) How do I disable or capture the break key in Turbo Pascal? Wed 15-Mar-95: (About /pc/ts/ It is some time since I have last updated my general collection of Frequently Asked Usenet questions. This is partly due to the fact that much of my new FAQ material has gone to specialized FAQs like 78115 Mar 15 06:46 Common Turbo Pascal Questions and Timo's answers : 14422 Mar 9 10:03 comp.archives.msdos.(d/announce) Frequently Asked Questions : 18783 Mar 11 07:45 Information email + postings, from 18-Oct-94 to ... : However, I have now brought the material up to date, since there have been so many changes in the referred details like program version numbers. I have also added the following new items 24) What are the distribution area codes for Usenet news postings? 25) Should I thank for posted advice? My updated, general Usenet FAQ collection is available as 93426 Mar 15 06:46 Questions from UseNet and Timo's answers For a complete index of my various FAQ collections see 25673 Mar 14 22:28 Index for Timo's FAQs and Information email + postings Thu 9-Mar-95: LINEGAME is a line fitting game to teach some basics of analytic geometry. The game expects you to fit lines (y=a+kx) to touch or intercept circles on a plane in order to gain a maximum number of points. Part of the output is the angle of the selected line, but there was an error in the value, as kindly reported to me by Sol Katz ( WORDEXAM is an aid for learning foreign words for exams. It is contained in the same games package as LINEGAME. I have added a selftest to wordexam. The selftest performs a date, size and checksum test against tampering and viruses. WORDQUIZ "Multiple choice learn words" is a new addition. It is similar to wordexam, but it is in a multiple choice format. These programs are contained in my update 105206 Mar 9 22:19 Timo's educational games: ascigame,linegame,wordexam Thu 23-Feb-95: The SUN SPARCstation IPX running Garbo was replaced on Sun 19-Feb-95 by a Linux Pentium. The directory listing are slightly different. Hence updated my "GFIND.EXE Make a complete file information pointer to a Garbo file". GFIND is the program that produces the familiar Garbo file pointers like 32095 Jan 5 11:51 A Review of Financial Ratio Analysis, T.Salmi+T.Martikainen : The update is available as 16111 Feb 23 21:22 Garbo related utilities for the PC (gfind), T.Salmi : The gfind program is also available as a Bourne shell script for Unix as /unix/ts/gfind from Garbo. Mon 20-Feb-95: After releasing a new version of my macro collection for The SemWare Editor I got very useful feedback from Michael Bate ( reporting a factual nonfunctionality of the macro "ROT13.S Rotate text by 13 positions" I have rewritten this macro and hopefully it works correctly now. I have also rewritten "TOASC.S Scandinavian 7/8-bit conversions" to handle the Unix / IBM PC Scandinavian character conversions since the new convention by the Finnish computer centres of using Latin1 character set on Unix nodes. The updated version is available as 36222 Feb 20 14:08 SAL macro sources to extend The SemWare Editor, T.Salmi Mon 20-Feb-95: I have made an update 68793 Feb 20 14:04 Easily customizable general filters, for text or binary. I received a truly exemplary bug report with test material from Peter C. Broekhuizen about FILGEN.EXE "General user-configurable filter". In brief, if one wished to substitute and expression like "ij" with something else, the substitution did not work if the program encountered the sequence "iij". Hopefully got it corrected. I have included into the update Peter's bug report for others to see how really good feedback is done. Sun 12-Feb-95: I have updated my macro collection for my favorite MS-DOS editor The SemWare Editor. : 35673 Feb 12 18:26 SAL macro sources to extend The SemWare Editor, T.Salmi : I have added the following material "COUNT.S Count block lines, words, characters, like Unix wc" "RULER.S Relative, absolute or centered ruler on screen" The macros are self-documenting. A demonstration version of the SemWare editor is available as from Garbo's /pc/demo/ directory. Fri 3-Feb-95: I have updated my collection of puns. : 9750 Feb 3 19:08 Timo's nauseating groaners (a collection of puns). : Originally Sat 10-Aug-91: "I was feeling bored while waiting for a squall to pass to get on my bike (I'm always getting on my bike, but now I mean physically :-), so I thought why should I be the only one to suffer, and decided to start writing down some of my adages and puns. I can't truly claim that all are strictly my own (un)doing, since some I may have seen somewhere and they have stuck to my unconscious. Yes, yes, I know they stink, but my kind non-Finnish readers are welcome to seek their sweet revenge on me by doing the same thing in Finnish :-)." Mon 30-Jan-95: My collection of useful batch files and tricks includes the file "DOSTRICK.TXT Assorted MsDos tricks and tips" which in turn has the item "7) Selected Doskey macro examples". I have added descriptions and material to that item. Also made some small additions of text to the file "BATRICKS.TXT Assorted batch tricks and tips". These are parts of my updated : 116907 Jan 30 22:59 A collection of useful batch files and tricks, T.Salmi Sat 28-Jan-95: Two events made it necessary to revisit my collection of MSKermit material. The introduction of the new MSKermit version 3.14 from the Columbia University in the City of New York, and the decision of the Finnish computer centres to impose an 8-bit Unix standard with upper ascii Finnish characters. I have consequently released : 53258 Jan 30 07:33 Keypads, .bats, logging, and file transfers for MsKermit. : The following material as been added. FINNCHAR.TXT Info about 8-bit Finnish charset KERM8BIT.INI VT102 for mskermit 3.14+ 8-bits FINNISH.CMD Use 7-bit Finnish characters LATIN1.CMD Use 8-bit international chars MIXED.CMD Use new 8-bit Finnish characters I have also updated the following scripts which were no longer up to date with the MSKermit program upgrades. GETBIN.CMD Automatic file transfer to PC GETTEXT.CMD Automatic file transfer to PC PUTBIN.CMD Automatic file transfer from PC PUTTEXT.CMD Automatic file transfer from PC If you need the actual MSKermit program, due to distribution policies the place to go for it is Look for /kermit/archives/ Thu 26-Jan-95: I have updated the FAQ (Frequently Asked questions) for Turbo Pascal. It is : 76384 Jan 26 23:24 Common Turbo Pascal Questions and Timo's answers : - Added the following new items "71) How do I get started with graphics programming?" "72) Where to I find the different sorting source codes?" "73) A beginner's how to write and compile units." - Added one text-book to the bibliography. - Augmented the item "55) How can I test and convert a numerical string into a real?" with an Standard Pascal example the other way round with a code converting an integer into a string. Sun 15-Jan-95: I have updated my collection of macros for the SemWare Editor, v. 2.0. You can find a demo version of the said editor as : 404275 Dec 14 02:00 The SemWare Editor (TSE) v2.0 Demo/Test-Drive : I added the following macro "RNGEFIND.S Forward search an ascii range" The reason for this addition is the following. I needed for my own purposes to check in (a converted file) whether it has any 8-bit characters because there isn't supposed to be any in the file. The updated package is 32113 Jan 15 05:08 SAL macro sources to extend The SemWare Editor, T.Salmi Sun 15-Jan-95: I have updated SPLIT.EXE Split a file into pieces The is a new switch (/p) to enable giving the number of parts one wants the file split into instead of having to give the number of bytes (or rows) per file. I got the idea for this improvement from a posting on the usenet news. The program is part of the updated : 101640 Jan 15 10:32 Timo's 3rd utility set (dirf,dirinfo,doubles,hidden,split,...) Mon 2-Jan-95: The older news about the files in the /pc/ts directory are available as : 22771 Jan 2 16:15 0news94.ts The news announcements of 1994 about ts-programs : and so on, backwards.