The Sound Site Newsletter Volume 1 #1 October 1990 -------------------------------------------------- Note from the Editor -------------------- Welcome to the Sound Site Newsletter. We are here to provide you with the latest information on sound files. I hope you find this publication worth reading. Comments are welcome. -----> Dave Announcing the the existence of the sound site at, a comprehensive sound site containing over 12 megabytes of sound files for your IBM/MAC/Amiga compatible computers. Sound files available include but are not limited to: o 2001: A Space Oddesy o Cartoon Snippets o Cheers title song o Dr. Who o Dragon's Lair o Roger Rabbit o Simpsons o Space Ace o Special Effects o Star Trek o Star Wars This sound site is availabe by anonymous FTP at: ( Brief FTP instructions for unix based machines % ftp Name ( anonymous [just type 'anonymous' here] Password ( [enter your userid (it will not show)] ftp> cd Pub/Sound_list [this brings you to our directory] ftp> get =ftphelp= ftp> quit This =ftphelp= file will show step by step instructions on how to download files. For those without FTP we are still looking for help in setting up a mail server. If not we will simply be attempting to mail out sound disks. ---------------------------- Other Known Sound FTP Sites ---------------------------- If you know of any other Sound ftp sites please forward the information this way. If you know the administrators of the below sound sites or you are in charge of one of the below sound sites please e-mail me so we can join efforts. Your input to this sound-list would be greatly appreciated. WHERE WHAT Amiga Sound Files REmac/PLAYMAC general *.snd files Macintosh sounds (binhexed) Misc Sound files -End of Newsletter- -------------------------------------------------------------- | Admin @ | Home of the SOUND-LIST -----> Dave | --------------------------------------------------------------