; ADVENTURE Z80 DATABASE SYSTEM ; Released into the public domain 1981 P. Scargill ; --modification by Bill Soon, Nov. 1981 ; This file is called B:SAMPADV.MAC ; for the Microsoft Mac80 assembler using /Z switch .Z80 DSEG PUBLIC OBJLOC PUBLIC OBJDES PUBLIC MATCHW PUBLIC OBPROP PUBLIC OBJDSK PUBLIC TITL1 PUBLIC MSG PUBLIC UMESS PUBLIC LOC PUBLIC TABKEY PUBLIC FLAG PUBLIC FL14 PUBLIC FL20 PUBLIC FL21 RTN DEFL 249 ANY DEFL 255 INP DEFL 00 NULL DEFL 00 NORMAL DEFL 255 NOEXIT DEFL 254 DARK DEFL 253 DARKNO DEFL 252 CL DEFL 1 NCL DEFL 2 OP DEFL 3 OC DEFL 4 OW DEFL 5 OWC DEFL 6 OH DEFL 7 ONP DEFL 8 ONC DEFL 9 ONW DEFL 10 NWC DEFL 11 ONH DEFL 12 OE DEFL 13 ONE DEFL 14 ZL DEFL 15 NZL DEFL 16 RND DEFL 17 TF DEFL 18 NTF DEFL 19 GES DEFL 20 LTS DEFL 21 C2 DEFL 22 C3 DEFL 23 NC2 DEFL 24 NC3 DEFL 25 INV DEFL 1 TKE DEFL 2 WR DEFL 3 DR DEFL 4 PR DEFL 5 PRM DEFL 6 DL DEFL 7 SF DEFL 8 DSCOB DEFL 9 SWP DEFL 10 MV DEFL 11 OK DEFL 12 QT DEFL 13 INF DEFL 14 DEF DEFL 15 EXTB DEFL 16 SC DEFL 17 PU DEFL 18 CR DEFL 19 DES DEFL 20 FLIP DEFL 21 LA DEFL 22 SMA DEFL 23 SMB DEFL 24 WT DEFL 25 PF DEFL 26 ATF DEFL 27 SFF DEFL 28 GRUN DEFL 29 OBJLOC: DEFB STATUE, 4 DEFB KEY, 8 DEFB MATCH, 5 DEFB LAMP, 252 DEFB ULAMP, 11 DEFB 00,00 OBJDES: DEFB KEY, 1 DEFB MATCH, 2 DEFB LAMP, 3 DEFB ULAMP, 4 DEFB STATUE, 6 DEFB 00,00 OBPROP: DEFB 00 DEFB STATUE,LOOK,LICK DEFB 00 DEFB 00,00 OBJDSK: DEFB 00 DEFB KEY,'It`s a shiny brass key%' DEFB 00 DEFB MATCH,'an ordinary match&' DEFB 00 DEFB LAMP,'looks like a kerosene lamp to me%' DEFB 00 DEFB STATUE,'this is a statue of Venus%' DEFB 00 DEFB 00,00 MATCHW: DEFB GET,ANY DEFB OH,INP DEFB 255,TKE,INP,OK,255 DEFB GET,NULL DEFB 255,PRM,39,EXTB,255 DEFB GET,ANY DEFB OWC,INP DEFB 255,PRM,44,EXTB,255 DEFB INVEN,NULL DEFB 255,INV,EXTB,255 DEFB LOOK,AROUND DEFB 255,GRUN,255 DEFB DROP,ANY DEFB OWC,INP DEFB 255,DR,INP,OK,255 DEFB DROP,ANY DEFB 255,PRM,35,EXTB,255 DEFB LOOK,NULL DEFB 255,LA,EXTB,255 DEFB LOOK,ANY DEFB OP,INP DEFB 255,DSCOB,INP,EXTB,255 DEFB QUIT,ANY DEFB 255,QT,255 DEFB HELP,ANY DEFB 255,PRM,40,EXTB,255 DEFB WHO,ANY DEFB 255,PRM,41,EXTB,255 DEFB ON,LAMP DEFB OC,ULAMP,OC,MATCH DEFB 255,SWP,LAMP,FLIP,17,OK,255 DEFB ON,LAMP DEFB OC,ULAMP DEFB 255,PR,05,EXTB,255 DEFB OFF,LAMP DEFB OC,LAMP DEFB 255,SWP,LAMP,FLIP,17,OK,255 DEFB ON,LAMP DEFB OC,LAMP DEFB 255,PRM,42,EXTB,255 DEFB OFF,LAMP DEFB OC,ULAMP DEFB 255,PRM,42,EXTB,255 DEFB UNLOCK,ANY DEFB TF,23,01,OC,KEY,CL,9 DEFB 255,SF,23,00,OK,255 DEFB LOCK,ANY DEFB TF,23,00,OC,KEY,CL,9 DEFB 255,SF,23,01,OK,255 DEFB INTO,ANY DEFB TF,23,00,CL,9 DEFB 255,MV,11,255 DEFB YES,ANY DEFB 255,PRM,43,255 DEFB SCORE,ANY DEFB 255,SC,EXTB,255 DEFB 255,255 DEFB 255,PRM,37,255 DEFB 00,00 MSG: DEFB 00 DEFB '>That means nothing to me{@, I`m afraid}{?.} !!%' DEFB 00 DEFB ' North' DEFB 00 DEFB ' South' DEFB 00 DEFB ' East' DEFB 00 DEFB ' West' DEFB 00 DEFB ' Northeast' DEFB 00 DEFB ' Northwest' DEFB 00 DEFB ' Southeast' DEFB 00 DEFB ' Southwest' DEFB 00 DEFB ' Up' DEFB 00 DEFB ' Down' DEFB 00 DEFB ' In' DEFB 00 DEFB ' Out' DEFB 00 DEFB 'Visible exits are ' DEFB 00 DEFB '>It`s dark, I can`t see anything{? at all}.' DEFB ' It is {@very }dangerous to move in the dark.%' DEFB 00 DEFB 'I am {@presently }carrying ' DEFB 00 DEFB 'I am wearing ' DEFB 00 DEFB 'I can see ' DEFB 00 DEFB 'nothing special' DEFB 00 DEFB '>I don`t {@quite }follow you. Could you try ' DEFB 're-phraseing that....%' DEFB 00 DEFB '>I can{@no}{?`}t go {@in that direction.}{?there.}%' DEFB 00 DEFB ' right' DEFB 00 DEFB ' left' DEFB 00 DEFB '>{Ehh!! }That doesn`t make sense{@, buddy} !%' DEFB 00 DEFB '>{@I`m sorry, but }I can see no such object here.%' DEFB 00 DEFB '>PROGRAM ERROR :-INVALID CONDITION ;;;; %' DEFB 00 DEFB '>Quitting with ' DEFB 00 DEFB ' points.%' DEFB 00 DEFB 'Ok.%' DEFB 00 DEFB 'Your{@ present } score is ' DEFB 00 DEFB '>PROGRAM ERROR :-CANT FIND OBJECT FOR ACTION ;;;; %' DEFB 00 DEFB '>PROGRAM ERROR :-INVALID CONDITION %' DEFB 00 DEFB '>Try again...I`m not sure which object you mean.%' DEFB 00 DEFB '>I am not wearing this item.%' DEFB 00 DEFB '>This is not among the items I am carrying.%' DEFB 00 DEFB '>I can`t see the object {@you mean }here...%' DEFB 00 DEFB '>{?Huh}{@Ehh} !%' DEFB 00 DEFB '>Sorry, I can`t {@possibly } carry anything else.%' DEFB 00 DEFB '>{?Sorry, I`m not sure from that what ' DEFB 'you want me to get}{@You want what} !%' DEFB 00 DEFB 'I can`t help you {?at this time}{@I`m afraid}%' DEFB 00 DEFB '>Don`t ask silly questions{@, please} !&' DEFB 00 DEFB '>{@I believe I already did that !!%}' DEFB '{?It is already !!!!%}' DEFB 00 DEFB '>Sorry, no chance!%' DEFB 00 DEFB 'But this is something I`m already carrying!%' DEFB 00 DEFB 'Looks {@distinctly }ordinary to me!%' DEFB 00 DEFB '{?Sorry, that`s quite impossible.}' DEFB '{@I`m sorry but I can`t do that.}%' DEFB 00,00 UMESS: DEFB 00 DEFB 'a set of keys' DEFB 00 DEFB 'some matches' DEFB 00 DEFB 'an old kerosene lamp' DEFB 00 DEFB 'old worn out lamp' DEFB 00 DEFB 'What with..{@ my fingernails??}' DEFB '{? I`m not carrying any matches!}%' DEFB 00 DEFB 'an old dirty statue' DEFB 00,00 LOC: DEFB 00 DEFB NORMAL,2,N,2,3,S,10,255 DEFB 'I am in the grounds of a mansion.%' DEFB 00 DEFB NORMAL,12,INTO,3,3,S,1,5,W,9,255 DEFB 'I am at the front of the mansion.%' DEFB 00 DEFB NORMAL,22,RI,4,23,L,5,10,U,6,13,EXIT,2,255 DEFB 'I am in a long Hallway. The light is dim here as there' DEFB ' has been no power here for a long time.%' DEFB 00 DEFB NOEXIT,13,EXIT,RTN,255 DEFB 'I am in an old study. There are cobwebs all around.%' DEFB 00 DEFB NOEXIT,13,EXIT,RTN,255 DEFB 'I`ve entered some sort of kitchen, by the looks of it. ' DEFB 'There`s a cooker of some kind, and a sink, but everything ' DEFB 'is broken and decayed.%' DEFB 00 DEFB NORMAL,11,DO,3,3,S,8,22,RI,7,23,L,7,2,N,7,6,NOE,7,255 DEFB 'I am on a wierd sort of landing, with exits in many ' DEFB 'directions. The floor doesn`t look too safe to me!!%' DEFB 00 DEFB NOEXIT,13,EXIT,RTN,255 DEFB 'I am facing a boarded-up door.%' DEFB 00 DEFB NOEXIT,13,EXIT,RTN,255 DEFB 'I am in a pink bathroom. The bath has a big crack in it' DEFB ' and all the pipes are disconnected and rusted.%' DEFB 00 DEFB NORMAL,4,EA,2,5,W,10,255 DEFB 'I am standing outside an old {Alocked-up }wooden ' DEFB 'shed. {AThe windows have been boarded-up.}%' DEFB 00 DEFB NORMAL,2,N,1,4,EA,9,11,DO,12,255 DEFB 'I am standing in front of an old well. It looks like ' DEFB 'I could go down there perhaps.%' DEFB 00 DEFB NORMAL,13,EXIT,RTN,255 DEFB 'I am inside an old wooden shed.%' DEFB 00 DEFB DARK,4,W,13,5,EA,14,10,U,10,255 DEFB 'I am standing in a low, damp passageway.%' DEFB 00 DEFB DARK,5,EA,12,2,N,15,255 DEFB 'I am in a narrow passage. To the North is a dead end.%' DEFB 00,00 TABKEY: N EQU 1 DEFB 1 DEFM 'N NOR' DEFB 'T'+80H S EQU 2 DEFB 2 DEFM 'S SOU' DEFB 'T'+80H EA EQU 3 DEFB 3 DEFM 'E EAS' DEFB 'T'+80H W EQU 4 DEFB 4 DEFM 'W WES' DEFB 'T'+80H NOE EQU 5 DEFB 5 DEFM 'NE ' DEFB ' '+80H SE EQU 6 DEFB 6 DEFM 'SE ' DEFB ' '+80H NW EQU 7 DEFB 7 DEFM 'NW ' DEFB ' '+80H SW EQU 8 DEFB 8 DEFM 'SW ' DEFB ' '+80H U EQU 9 DEFB 9 DEFM 'U UP ' DEFB ' '+80H DO EQU 10 DEFB 10 DEFM 'D DOW' DEFB 'N'+80H L EQU 11 DEFB 11 DEFM 'L LEF' DEFB 'T'+80H RI EQU 12 DEFB 12 DEFM 'R RIG' DEFB 'H'+80H INTO EQU 13 DEFB 13 DEFM 'IN INTOENT' DEFB 'E'+80H EXIT EQU 14 DEFB 14 DEFM 'EXITLEAVOUT' DEFB ' '+80H LOOK EQU 15 DEFB 15 DEFM 'LOOKPERUEXA' DEFB 'M'+80H INVEN EQU 16 DEFB 16 DEFM 'INV' DEFB 'E'+80H QUIT EQU 17 DEFB 17 DEFM 'QUITEND STOPBYE ABO' DEFB 'R'+80H GET EQU 18 DEFB 18 DEFM 'GET GRABTAKECARRPIC' DEFB 'K'+80H DROP EQU 19 DEFB 19 DEFM 'DROPREM' DEFB 'O'+80H OPEN EQU 20 DEFB 20 DEFM 'OPE' DEFB 'N'+80H LAMP EQU 21 DEFB 21 DEFM 'LAM' DEFB 'P'+80H ULAMP EQU 22 WEAR EQU 23 DEFB 23 DEFM 'WEA' DEFB 'R'+80H LIFT EQU 24 DEFB 24 DEFM 'LIFTPUSHMOVEPULLYAN' DEFB 'K'+80H MATCH EQU 25 DEFB 25 DEFM 'MAT' DEFB 'C'+80H SCORE EQU 26 DEFB 26 DEFM 'SCO' DEFB 'R'+80H AROUND EQU 27 DEFB 27 DEFM 'AROUHER' DEFB 'E'+80H SAY EQU 28 DEFB 28 DEFM 'SAY YELLSHOUCALLSCR' DEFB 'E'+80H OFF EQU 29 DEFB 29 DEFM 'OFF UNL' DEFB 'I'+80H ON EQU 30 DEFB 30 DEFM 'ON LIGHSTRIBURNALIGFIR' DEFB 'E'+80H HELP EQU 31 DEFB 31 DEFM 'HELPASS' DEFB 'I'+80H BEGIN EQU 32 DEFB 32 DEFM 'BEGISTA' DEFB 'R'+80H CLOSE EQU 33 DEFB 33 DEFM 'CLOSSHU' DEFB 'T'+80H DOOR EQU 34 DEFB 34 DEFM 'DOO' DEFB 'R'+80H READ EQU 35 DEFB 35 DEFM 'REA' DEFB 'D'+80H THROW EQU 36 DEFB 36 DEFM 'THROHURLCHU' DEFB 'C'+80H LOCK EQU 37 DEFB 37 DEFM 'LOC' DEFB 'K'+80H UNLOCK EQU 38 DEFB 38 DEFM 'UNL' DEFB 'O'+80H JUMP EQU 39 DEFB 39 DEFM 'JUM' DEFB 'P'+80H FORWARD EQU 40 DEFB 40 DEFM 'FOR' DEFB 'W'+80H BACKWARD EQU 41 DEFB 41 DEFM 'BAC' DEFB 'K'+80H BOARD EQU 42 DEFB 42 DEFM 'NOTIBOARSIG' DEFB 'N'+80H WHO EQU 43 DEFB 43 DEFM 'WHO WHENWHATIS WHERHOW WHY' DEFB ' '+80H LISTEN EQU 44 DEFB 44 DEFM 'LISTHEA' DEFB 'R'+80H NOTE EQU 45 DEFB 45 DEFM 'NOT' DEFB 'E'+80H STUDY EQU 46 DEFB 46 DEFM 'STU' DEFB 'D'+80H KITCHEN EQU 47 DEFB 47 DEFM 'KIT' DEFB 'C'+80H STAIRS EQU 48 DEFB 48 DEFM 'UPSTSTA' DEFB 'I'+80H ROOM EQU 49 DEFB 49 DEFM 'ROO' DEFB 'M'+80H BATH EQU 50 DEFB 50 DEFM 'BAT' DEFB 'H'+80H KEY EQU 51 DEFB 51 DEFM 'KEY KEY' DEFB 'S'+80H SHED EQU 52 DEFB 52 DEFM 'HUT SHE' DEFB 'D'+80H FRONT EQU 53 DEFB 53 DEFM 'FRO' DEFB 'N'+80H GROUNDS EQU 54 DEFB 54 DEFM 'GRO' DEFB 'U'+80H WELL EQU 55 DEFB 55 DEFM 'WEL' DEFB 'L'+80H YES EQU 56 DEFB 56 DEFM 'YES' DEFB ' '+80H CARE EQU 57 DEFB 57 DEFM 'CAREQUIECLO' DEFB 'S'+80H STATUE EQU 58 DEFB 58 DEFM 'STATFIG' DEFB 'U'+80H THEN DEFL 250 DEFB 250 DEFM 'THENAND ALS' DEFB 'O'+80H IT DEFL 251 DEFB 251 DEFM 'IT THE' DEFB 'M'+80H AGAIN DEFL 252 DEFB 252 DEFM 'AGAIREP' DEFB 'E'+80H DEFB 00,00 TITL1: DEFB 26 DEFB 'Welcome to ADVEN-80, a new type of Adventure%' DEFB 'game. I will be your eyes and ears in this game as we travel together%' DEFB 'through this journey. If you have problems, please re-phrase%' DEFB 'your sentence. Try asking for help if you like.%' DEFB ' %' DEFB 'Use the RUBOUT or DEL key to backspace over mistakes%' DEFB 'or use Control-U to delete your entire input line%' DEFB 'Hit any key to begin... good luck!' DEFB 00,00 FLAG: DEFB 00 DEFB 01 DEFB 00 DEFB 02 DEFB 00 DEFB 00 DEFB 00 DEFB 00 DEFB 00 DEFB 00 DEFB 80 DEFB 00 DEFB 00 DEFB 00 FL14: DEFB 01 DEFB 00 DEFB 00 DEFB 01 DEFB 00 DEFB 00 FL20: DEFB 01 FL21: DEFB 00 DEFB 00 DEFB 01 DEFB 00 DEFB 00 DEFB 00 DEFB 00 DEFB 00 DEFB 00 DEFB 00 DEFB 00 DEFB 00 DEFB 00 DEFB 00 DEFB 00 DEFB 00 DEFB 00 DEFB 00 DEFB 00 DEFB 00 DEFB 00 DEFB 00 DEFB 00 DEFB 00 DEFB 00 DEFB 00 DEFB 00 DEFB 00 DEFB 00,00 END 00 DEFB 00 DEFB 00 DEFB 00 DEFB 00 DEFB 00 DEFB 00 DEFB 0