HTPATCH COMcTPATCH DOC*:!   Installing patch for TURBO PASCAL. $PATCH BY TIM VOLDsb12\:_*`:\{b~#^#fk1:J0 0 w# x :J0 0~ # x 2#:#̈́2U:[>2X:UXy( ͷx( ͷ:V:W! TURB PASCA PATC FO TH EXECUTIV Thi patc wil enabl yo t ru TURB PASCA o th OSBORN EXECUTIV withou errors Th patc i progra tha modifie th Interrup handle startin a FEF0 Th modificatio onl involve jumpin ou o th routin t sav th register an the restor the whe don wit th interrupt Th progra doe bloc mov overwritin th to location i memory Th patc wil onl wor o EXE 1. revisio ro an BIO V1.0 ɠ sa thi becaus hav n wa t tes i o an othe versions recommen erasin th EXECST.CO fil an replacin i wit th TURBϠ patc rename t EXECST.CO Thi wa whe eve yo boo th patc wil b take car o fo you teste th patc i ever wa coul thin o includin settin th dat an time Everythin seem t wor great An question an o comment pleas call 1-217-529-049 Afte C.S.T Ti Vol