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Type $C to return; type $? for command list] $ [Connection closed, back at micro]$Control-$ (Not implemented) $Interrupted$ Directory for drive x: $ Drive $ has $K bytes free $ File(s) erased$ [Transmitting file to host: 1. Type any character to send a line. 2. Type RETURN to terminate the line and to get the next line (go back to 1.) (You may send other characters before RETURN.), or type $R to send the same line again, or type $C to abort transmission.] $ [Transmission done. Connected normally to remote host, type $Sending...$Receiving...$Warning: eighth bit cannot be sent$ For help, type ? at any point in a command$ [Logging suspended] $ [Logging resumed] $ Type the new escape character: $ Type the new TAC intercept character: $ R Send the same line again$ Q Suspend logging R Resume logging$ ? This message C Close the connection 0 (zero) Transmit a NULL P Toggle printer on/off S Status of the connection$ Typing another $ will send it to the host Command>$ Transmitting a file$ Local echo$ on$ off$ VT52 emulation$ File Mode$ default$ ASCII$ binary$ IBM flag$ File warning$ Printer copy$ Logging is$ suspended$ Escape char: $ Block check type: $-character$ Parity: $none$mark$space$odd$even$ Port in use is: $ Current baud rate is: $indeterminate (not SET)$Timer$ Current TACTrap Status/Intercept Character: $ ?Program error: Invalid COMND call$ ?Ambiguous$ ?Illegal CP/M file specification$ ?Wild-cards not allowed in file specification$ Confirm with carriage return$&KERMIT LOG $7c9s9À9Ñ9d9m9e9Ù9`:V:V:f:J:&::::/:8:A:78P8[8e8Ã8ü8ý8þ88 9á949À::;;;;`;`  ^ ##1CP4SYS OVERLAY FOR OSBORNE EXECUTIVE MAY 86$ }28:s::s:l:!;"7>@27>8>8>8>D8>8>8>8>8`;8l:)8s:l:Now leaving kermit, returning to cp/m.$Z8s:l:$:s:l:o8s:l: B Send a $_Bʍ8{:>8>8,ͨ8>8>8?­8 «8«8{ 9z 9{8> 2928> 2929>2 97>2928>2929>2 97 :s:s:[m9:s:9s::79s::\?9=D9_.!+~w R9L9^#V9s9{99ʍ9>9̀9‘9:s:|_m9}_m9] Number of packets: Number of retries: File name:$ RPack: SPack:$͡9 :͡9 : á9:s:͡9 :͡9 : ͡9 : ͡9 : ͡9:s: m9m9:s::s::s: ### $configured for $Osborne Executive$ $$ T$$=$ $ $ $$$$$$ $Y$T$ Now back at local kermit. $1200$`19200$2400$0300$4800$600$9600$ 300 600 1200 2400 4800 9600 19200$ M(odem port) P(rinter serial port)$Modem$ Printer$vkEXKERMI1.DOCB   "!#%$&'(),*-+/.014o3572698:=;>?@<A+.^C[2V_,uvb)۝(B)[q3Oي D엦lq^ዲ҇Ú ESFe>c =,q[UYv>~iQ4T;$戦#B.UJ()?Nn U68 }'w ζ%~Gt6H9n{ExM_tK/e~k,YvRރzA𛳿NmZN*e|xz ˧wBkkgtER\sz}Q5\_Sgx6{mps߃ sD{aA|vO}9 >񔅾]2|8<.sX>rܿO}]13\j  Og }T)A{+Nզ,"_Bɨ=ҿ|z~HN9g>z7ʴUu:}N^Btjs9Usݠ!'4p|O^B|IF:`\iX'JAC^0EYsՖxSsJACNri<.._OU.>uӰ*N>v*v);]es. Omit other parameters for help and prompt ahanna, Ohio 43230 <_SQ u&&