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All rights reserved. From here on protected by End User License.  >"!2!d:_! 6:!: O>#*!2T~D2S#~D!S5D.:T8yT2"}ʀ2!d!"!: !*y~#.,-$*^+/&!\´#~: O~#ÃN# 6~#6#^"#: ͢:T** 2y~2#~2#:y!zP:O>[>]> :{=2{P>2{yTF k:z/2zF n^"#͢! :T WARNING ONL:OT ! :!  ERRO IN LINE*|0|0}0}0!>w~!4# y2  L : O!p ~?> <FO> > 2"zʘOFxʯy‚#6ï#wʯʯ ‚#6ïO~ڵʪ #6#y *"|}qÚ! y2 *ïFO #6 wz 1 1!p 4 =6=! 4 =6y2n>ͲPL 2o^#V!f!o>:nO:o!A ¾#~#^#VN#!A ~#"C __{6 s+=B r+=B s+=5 !{ O  > b !D !h %BAD CHANNEL NUMBE { {  { { { À ú i r { { { { { { { { _S | * :R  2R !  :R * S |1 ** 7>|D 2R * 2R * *g |! "g __7:  \! >2 : ¼ \! _<2 !~ɀ&INPUT FILE REAtPRINT CHR(27);"B0" REM--> This turns on the inverse video PRINT CHR(27);"B1" REM--> This turns on half intensity PRINT CHR(27);"B2" REM--> This turns on the blinking PRINT CHR(27);"B7" REM--> This enables the 25th line PRINT CHR(27);"=8 " REM--> Sends the cursor to the 25th line PRINT"THIS IS MY MACHINE" REM--> Prints on the 25th line (up to 80 col.) PRINT CHR(26) REM--> Clears the screen/homes the cursor END PRINT CHR(27);"C0" REM--> Stops inverse video PRINT CHR(27);"C1" REM--> Stops half intensity PRINT CHR(27);"C2" REM--> Stops infernal blinking PRINT CHR(27);"C3" REM--> Stops any underlining PRINT CHR(27);"C7" REM--> Disables the 25th line PRINT CHR(26) REM--> Clears the screen/homes the cursor END cursor to the 25th line PRINT"THIS IS MY MACHINE" REM--> Prints on the  *;>,**ͬ͹<C0!9͹#>[*Yͬ͹kC1!h͹#>Ê*ͬ͹ÚC2!͹#>ù*ͬ͹C3!͹#>*ͬ͹C7!͹#>*ͬ͹#>>Copyright (C) 1979, By Topaz programming. All rights reserved. From here on protected by End User License.  >"2!3:_!6:!:O>*2#~2"#~!"5:#y#2"LO2!3!"!͘:!*H~#.,-$*^+/&!\ƒ#~:O~#RN# 6~ʫ#á6#ë^"#:q:#**2H~2#~2#:H!I:O>[͢>]> :J=2J>2Jy# ::I/2I =^"#q!d:# WARNING ONL:O#!:!͢ ERRO IN LINE*|0|0}0}0!>w~!4#y2  :O!? ~> <O> > 2"zgOFx~yQ#6~#w~~ Q#6~O~ڄy #6#y *"|˜}˜qi!y2 *ͯ~FO #6 w÷z  !? 4 6 !` 4 6y2=>́ 2>^#V!5!>>:=O:>ʟ!A #~#^#VN#!A «~#¸" __{ s+= r+= s+= !J  h > 1 !D !7 ó%BAD CHANNEL NUMBEÒ J J J J J O É 8 A J J J J J J J J _" |« * :! ½ ʲ 2! ç ! Ó :! " | * 7>| 2! 2!  *6 |! "6 __7: l \! ʳ>2 : ‹ \! ³_<2 !~ɀ&INPUT FILE REAtSLINE DOCUMENTATION - T. R. Keith, Jr. (WA5EQP) THE KAYPRO 10 STATUS LINE - (The 25th line on your big 9" screen) THE 25th LINE, "STATUS LINE" on your screen usually is not used for much more than to let you know who's on your RCPM if you have one, or to let you know that you've been on someone's RCPM that uses the status line. It was troublesome, sometimes, to check into an RCPM and have them send the signal to your machine that turned on your status line. They never bothered to turn it off when you left, did they? Did you have to do a reset to get rid of it? How 'bout when you unerased a file only to get the old 'STATUS 02' on the bottom of your screen? If you used Mark Motley's (Sysop of the fine Downey (CA) RCPM) assembly language program, it got rid of it. Or most of it anyway. Mark wrote it to get rid of the status line on his machine. Always worked for me on short lines, but when I used it to get rid of a long line, it only removed part of it. Anyway, Kaypro owners have, or have access to, the SBASIC compiler. Do you remember SBASIC? It was given free with Kaypro Computers when I bought my first three. I don't know if they still give it away, but it's a good language. Well, the language is good, the documentation is bad. The two .BAS files in this library are the commented source for two .COM files. One will turn off the status line, but the other will turn it on, and have it say anything you want to (as long as you don't use more than 80 characters). It also BLINKS! Shades of the Apple II. SLINEON.BAS can be changed (using WordStar, VDO or other editor) to put your message in the source file. SLINEOFF is okay like it is, but go on and look at it. It's just simple KAYPRO video commands. You can remove the REMs but it won't take up less space on your harddisk. To compile, just put the two source programs on a disk with your SBASIC files and type 'SBASIC SLINEON'. After the first one compiles, you then type 'SBASIC SLINEOFF'. You'll end up with two .COM files. They take up 4K on your hard disk, but no matter how small they are they will always take up 4K. If you use standard CPM, you can get the computer to run SLINEON when it's turned on, by renaming SLINEON to MASMENU. There are many other ways, but this isn't a computer class. I use ZCPR3 and it automatically runs it through the STARTUP.COM alias. My message says the machine belongs to me and is not for sale. If someone steals your machine and trys to sell it, the line will come up everytime it's turned on with the program accessible. To get rid of it, run the SLINEOFF file. You can keep this one in an odd user area, under a strange name and set it's attribute to system using NSWP or STAT. Also, it's handy to have when you get the dreaded 'STATUS 02' message after unerasing a file. d of it, run the SLINEOFF file. You can keep this one in an odd user area, under a strange name