2-READ ME  oALIGN COM( sALIGN MQC+ AUTO COM5AUTOOFF COM7jAUTOON COM9.COPY COM;wD COMIյDU COMa.r2DUMP COMvFORMAT COMHOFF COM RDOT COM SPIO COMSPIO MQC "TEST SQB TEST1 SQB *TEST10 SQB yVTEST2 SQB $TEST3 SQB& =TEST4 SQB1 ,TEST5 SQB< :TEST6 SQBG dRTEST7 SQBR TEST8 SQB] YTEST9 SQBh =TESTHI COMs ZTESTLO COM| TESTM SQBALIGN MAC READ ME o Below is the documentation for the files which are to be run on a disk as a burn-in for Kaypro computers. In order to work, they must all be PIPed to a diskette which has been SYSGENed. AUTOON.COM is a routine which will turn the disk in A into an auto boot which will subsequently (when cold or warm booted) come up and look for the program AUTO.COM to run. AUTO.COM is a routine to disable the auto boot function which was enabled by AUTOON.COM, and also to tell the system to submit the file TEST.SUB. This means you can auto-boot a submit file. AUTOOF.COM is a routine to make the disk in A a normal (not auto-boot) disk. TEST??.SUB are a series of submit files to save and erase 5 files to check whether the system can successfully do this a number of times. TEST.SUB will start TEST1.SUB and so on until TEST10.SUB, which as its parting gesture will start TESTM.SUB. TESTM.SUB is a submit file to run the two memory tests TESTLO and TESTHI.COM, each of which will test a portion of memory for 0FF hex times and then boot the system. If they were star- ted from a submit file then the next line in the submit file is run. As a parting gesture TESTM will submit TEST.SUB which will start the cycle all over again. TESTLO.COM is a memory test which will test the memory from 0000 hex to 8000 hex. The sequence fills memory with the low-order of the address of the memory cell to test and then tests for that value to be there. There is a delay from when the test begins to write the cell until the cell is written. The next step will fill all the memory cells with the high-order addresses and will check with a delay between. The object of these two exercises is to check that the memory chips can successfully decode the appropriate address. Next, memory is filled with and checked for AA hex and 55 hex, which will de- termine if all bits can be set to a 1 and 0. In all cases, if an error is detected the address as well as the byte we want and the byte we got is reported and the pro- gram will stop. TESTHI.COM is the same as TESTLO above except it tests from 84DC hex to FFFF hex. ******************************************************************************** The following is documentation for the other files on this diagnostics disk. ALIGN.COM Fills the screen with the letter "H", with two lines of print to mark center of screen vertically, and two flashing charac- ters in the center of each line to mark center of screen hori- zontally. Makes CRT adjustment easier; reset to exit. D.COM Lists directory entries alphabetically; it also shows the amount of space each file occupies on the diskette. DU.COM Diskette utility program that allows reading from or writing to any sector on a diskette. DUMP.COM This version of DUMP displays the ASCII characters beside the corresponding line of hex code. HOF.COM For use with the Dysan Alignment diskette (Part No. 800183), it steps the drive heads in and out in response to the cursor keys on the keyboard. RDOT.COM Alternately writes to and reads from each track and sector of diskettes in both drives; then displays the number of retries for each sector, track, and disk. Begin this test with drive B door open. SPIO.COM A test for parallel and serial port functions, it requires a test jig consisting of: 1) a parallel connector with a piece of cable connecting it to a breadboard with 8 LED's each wired through a 200 ohm resistor to the +5V line of the main board power connector. 2) an RS-232 connector with pin 2 jumpered to pin 3, and pin 8 jumpeered to pin 20. 3) a jumper between pin 1 of the parallel connector and pin 5 of the RS-232 connector; also a jumper between pin 11 of the parallel connector and pin 4 of the RS-232 con- nector. !ˇˏ!06H0 !y5P!ɀ6PfJfQfXf_/ˇˏ!+|l xiHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH KAYO II HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH crt adstment HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH KAYO II HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH crt vjALIGN.MAC> ! "#%$&(')*+,o-.0/1325647:;9=<8m(9] vXNز%dY řTտ}Ț.O Y_},[Qӫ'Ƹe5۩CĮUWhqYl)] Z:>ȲMRb7q;&fRb.~mw4?Ț ;4+g5,&fRb.~mw4]mbn.!HBY>Ď=U$?61 g7qXfkjU#lqӟB=Ozz?34 -%vGj zN?lxW<-"=͍)R7 ,wXTW`a>\ǗB=#TwqGڞQTgb"(V]j |hj+>tcTgb"(V]n\+1p|Õw՘{81p|51p|5}ᅰظxGfO5vY9FU}wiVj$!T#lqӟj$YY`jpqD& 8O5,|߸xGfFɟj#NrS$N~\w͞Z}|W]cwӸWfWwqFHxفmWOո2#.Ϫj6+c5a6;r'*mݽ#q6;r'juhW æކj\2 N@`nYM?̭;q0lm:ƕ/ðW iٹt (*?l (*?lƕ/ð~q5|>VCY'꿚2=:;9=<8*0&5%%g>"eKNQWʝ  read error $*wZ  write error $*e:dw! !" SUBMIT TEST*0&5%%g>"eKNQWʝ  read error $*wZ  write error $*e:dw>"eKNQ*0&5%%g>"eKNQWʝ  read error $*>w#Ow# ¬Z  write error $*e:dwAUTO >"eKNQ6H>2 ˯6CSF[VVE H* "Q " *Q" ͇͇H:  -˯ :f>2f  ͵2͇ H!"2X:< 8͏!"2Ė:< 8:<(ڧ2f :f>2f   O  ͵2͇ H!"2X:< 8͏!"2Ė:< 8͎:<(92fCS!"~GKC>*#"[S >2 KHK *~O [O Àt.*{(v7v=vGvM"ͭ-( *B>2>!}O ~  (=>:>vG >ͭ>ͭ˷2zy0d8d{0(0 8:_yG y6x6 D7_0 K  >2H :tO  H   KAYPRO II Double density diskette copy/verify program Version 2.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- This program copies/verifies the diskette in drive A to a diskette in drive B OPTIONS ------- Copy/verify----> Diskette in drive B must have been formatted Fast copy------> Does not verify after copy Verify---------> Verify disk B is the same as disk A Exit-----------> Exit to CP/M (before typing place system disk in A) (C)opy/verify (F)ast-copy (V)erify (E)xit Please enter 'C' or 'F' or 'V' or 'E' ==>$ $Track $ Sector $Drive A $Drive B $ {BAD}$ $ DONE $ Please type any key to continue.$Verifying disk B to disk A *** NOTE: only one error per track is displayed (there may be more) ***$Drive B byte $ data is $ should be $ Hit SPACEName Ext Bytes UN At ! File(s), occupying K of K total capacity directory entries and K bytes remain on 1 !9" ! J> # ->! . *ͪe> # < * v K  K  K !B r+s+p+qA ?  p*A *? :]$Ž l]Q !]6 !E 6!C 6 :C *C &l ~2D U¼:E 2 :D S:E 2:D F:E 2:D V:E 2:D P:E 2 :D N2E !C 4Ø:!4:!5(  ! I3= : [= t:\a:\=_: :] t ?]\ : ҃! 6?Î : 2   ]Q  ?\\ : DM, Q ! "= *3 ##)*= "; */ &# "! *3 #"#  !! "% >!1 . 2' \: 2 : ʩ: ƀo&"* ~ʛ*# +"# ** DMY қ** DM  *; q#p* " . ** #DM*; -e**  *; w* #" )*= *; s#r*; "; : 2 !S 6!"V * "n >!S d*S &T ) ^#V"K O!l ^#V"M :S =2S M K  a*K "G *M "I *K  )*= ^#V"O I G  *G )*= N#F*O ? J*G #"G (*I )*= ^#V*O DM? m*I +"I JI G  *G )*= ^#V"Q *I )*= *G )*= N#Fq#p*I )*= *Q s#r*G #"G *I +"I K I  G M   !M G  :S <2S O!T *G s#r*S &l ) *M s#r*I "M ^I K  X:S <2S O!T *K s#r*S &l ) *I s#r*G "K û!" "    #* #" )*= * #" )*= N#Fq#p   * )*= * ) *= ^#VN#F? H * #" )*= ^#V";  *; ^#V" * )*= ^#V"; *;  ͪ  *; q#pÝn* " ! p+q* )*= ^#V"; ! 6> ! i* &*; >OK : <2 E:/ *; ^#V*% DMf KK : *; Nf E*; ~ڻWK þE *; ~SK E = ! 6:! '= :/ = : = !: = : <2 * " !" >! .  * *&͵ "( * *&͵ > j*( #"( *DM*( V"( !" (   K!" }2 : <2 O:* * * "    >! = * DM** +" *( * " Ø* #" *&*( * " 3*1 #" " " *5 " > # R : B * +" ! +s#r( ! 6: " * ~2 * #" * +" > ʶ : 2 Ғ * +" : <2 O>ҳ ! 6* #" * ~2 p K* DMf = * *% DMf = * *% DMf = *( #"( K*# DMf = * *% DMf = : AOK :K . g S -A >>!  ~?l W >#^ : /!:' —  ʑ #‹  W ʢ #™ i`N#FogDM!>))덑o|g =¼ DM!>)) = ^#V) ^#V|g}o _{ozgO{ozgi`N#Fogo&og_{_z#W OK = Y -S {-_ ! s+p+q*  ͼ 2 <2 : ! ڗ  K ! 4Á ! 6: =! ڻ * & NK ! 4œ >3  03} Z; { ) # DU.COM ver 7.6 4/2/81*." |2*"""/"["c""{""""r:o"Ä*.""U DISK UTILITY ver 7.6 Universal Version Type ? for help Type X to exit \!~Gy##> !y2+>2212>2!"E:· ~ ;#2+ - =<ʆ>ʢ#?ʔAC DF6 G$ HLeMNʧPQʸRʋ S$ T$ UVʈW XZ/ʾ2U ?2U +++ Out of memory +++ U Disk Information: Tracks: *#) U Sec/trk: *) U Grpsize: : x0E#OOÀk~ ;#AOy2:ʤ|^#V#"!~#fo\*g*|2͆ *"!"*#!!DMBK:=*g*G ! x:):)͸ {9BK >-> 2*#}V|{Eʆzo{I  ͎9  ͎* K |~>  >(~ K #>.:~ ~> >)U ++FREE++ :2>:K ~# ~ *#"!"!~o~_#~o:OW# k*|g>*2"P *+"|/*:@!>2:ʹ!2U ++NO "<" SAVE COMMAND ISSUED ~#ɯ2E!y6 À SG~G#~ #;2U = AT : À ~<#~<͸ >{:f*}G 2**g͆ !~#": ͸ {™!E~~    ~ ,œG **gÙU ++EOF++ À :q2U ++Can't dump, no sector read. 2U Use G command following F, or R or S following T ~;| …Øy BK ʘ;ʘ#y `i} K K :A~ }K }K {#}°E:H P ~ ~>.{ #}P E{›{›~;0 4 v TG Sc G  *5g>2À z*52͆ v **5*<*+:G}2:G!« "*2:2- o&" ͸ *5"2 g2v bk:)= :o*" ** #>2\͘ ͘ \D2Û~. ; #˜ ~ ;#.#>  ~ ; ͸ zG z **gÀ ~  ; ͸ z*+|: *|3 *"*: +"*"z *#*5p *#*5i "!"| **5ڨ U G=*DM >:: >,U T=*) U , S=*) U , PS=*) ~#y #- y #BK ,HM A~ ;  ~ # & ">#y: * ~ ;#~ ;,L "͸ { yy *M ~ ;:˜ 2U ++Can't read - not positioned Position by: Track then Sector, or Group 9>< >>: x y  $ 0 2  |) {0> >*E~m p #~V #͸ zŽ { ƀ_ɯ2U ++BAD DISPLACEMENT (NOT 0-7F) ~# ~ ;,->#0: AG0))))o #~ ;,-#0:0bk)))o|g U :!yO tʁʁʹʛ 7w#j7+>*7w> !yɯ+yʕ~7ͦ72ͦÜ  $6 !y~ 7#>^>U+> > `_O > : S * * ?:y ?>2K K:<2:W*5"BK*"*5`iҟ:¹+ù* :¯g:¹&i"DMɯ2U ++not within tracks 0-*) U ++ >272U ++READ failed, sector may be invalid++ :n2U ++CANNOT WRITE UNLESS READ ISSUED 3ʒ2U ++WRITE failed++ U Operands in brackets [...] are optional Numeric values: 'n' are decimal, 'x' hex +[n] step in [n] sectors; -[n] step out [n] sectors # print disk parameters for curr drive. =xxx search for ASCII xxx from curr sector. Caution: upper/lower case matters. Use for hex: To find "IN 0" use: =<0> or "(tab)H,0(CR)(LF)" use: =<9>H,0 < save current sector into mem. buff. > restore saved sector ? give help A[ff,tt] ASCII dump (Type any char. to continue) C Change: CHaddr,byte,byte... (hex) or CAaddr,data... (Ascii) Allowed for imbedded hex. or CHfrom-thru,byte e.g. ch0-7f,e5 or CAfrom-thru,byte D[ff,tt] Dump (hex+ASCII) Fn.t Find file Gnn CP/M Allocation Group nn H[ff,tt] hex dump L Log in drive Lx Log in drive x M[nn] Map [from group nn] (Type any char. to continue) N New disk P Toggle printer switch Q Quiet mode (no msgs) R Read current sector Snn Sector nn Tnn Track nn Unn Set User nn for Find command (CP/M-2 only) V[nn] View [nn] ASCII sectors W Write current sector X Exit program Z[nn] Sleep [nn tenths] /[nn] Repeat [nn (decimal) times] (Type any char. to continue) Cancel a function with C or Ctl-C. Suspend output with S or Ctl-S. Separate commands with ";". Example: g0 +;d;z#20;/ would step in, dump, sleep 2 sec, and repeat until control-c typed. All "nn" usage except "/", "T", and "S" are HEX. Use #nn for decimal. See DU.DOC for complete examples. y#x}/o|/g#ɷ|g}o0 +}o|gBKxL!Y T]xY O:nä*.:^#"^#"~#2~#2^#"^#"^"!~:w* ""w!9" 1! 2 :,:!O ,ʏw$N CP/M DUMP UTILITY VERS 1.3 $/ ] *$Y >2 1! 2 !" !s# ~ >!\!s# –ê #à!͟úA:!͟B:2 >2 x~# !@x?G͟# 7!@)1VALIDATEs!@DIGROUPڱ!@\^G ڱ!@qtMAP !@ÊDIRx !@âTRACKں!@÷T ~!#ýͽ:0 ?))) O } 2 !@SECTOR !@S ͽ:} 2 2 " @CD-iͽ:} 2 ! cG~2 pô* @y}EDITcÐ EDIT - $ !  s# Ÿ  >! WRITE! STOPڴ!0 O))))  }.] |"}] "   J<Ɛ'@'_: 3: 3  * ~3  ! s# x  > }Ҝ.| : ʬ}* w  : <2 0!" &Ã*.*"ôͧ : 7?O*.!" : (?O*." G : _*.'"$: K DRIVE A -$0 ^ TRACK $V !: oÖ y |p{0__pæ SECTOR $ !: op  ;! : 4 DRIVE B -$ S>2 >2 ôW6# > w#  & .;w# &7yF# A w# H!\ : e!r͟uCOM~!" : _\ʳ Ú $ \´;â: ʧ V!" * : 3: 3 $ ~3  #y      * ~* ,>._#y I     ͞* " * " >2 2 : _: (?ښO*."G : 7ʷ?ڷO*.!" *.'"K͞: <2 : <'2 >2 Å: ´ SUCCESSFUL VALIDATION$ : 4) DRIVE A$  ô@ DRIVE B$7 ô_ ERROR - TRACK $N : !op~ SECTOR $t !: op  >2  ʴͽ:} 2 Ƥn 2 ͧ : <2 ô&: oT))): _><; 2 ~2 2 : _`o" !" R GROUP ALLOCATION MAP DRIVE -$%  : u j A $d  Æ ~ B $x  * è $  ~ -$  : <2 *$  x y z  ¶ #³   Ë * $  * p] GROUPS REMAINING ON DISK OUT OF $;  m 92 $h  ô2 2 ͑ >2 2 ͑ ôͧ : <2 ‘ : : _2 <2 : 7 ? O*.!" : (? O*." *." *.'"  INPUT ERROR$  ô< INCORRECT SECTOR NUMBER$"  ôc INCORRECT TRACK NUMBER$J  ôÙ INCORRECT GROUP NUMBER (GREATER THAN $q  è 91)$  ô: NO FILE BY THAT NAME ON DRIVE A$  ô NO FILE BY THAT NAME ON DRIVE B$  ô/ DISK DEAD ERROR$  ç R ERROR IN FILE NAME$=  ôq ADDRESS ERROR$`  ÃÜ ERROR - HEX INPUT ONLY $  0  : _* $ $͐ ! =D Å D  !  # ë «   Ͷ ͐    1C ˯FWSʧELV1'* "U " *U" *U" 1 ˯  CH Ni y(  ' P  ˯ CHNi!!  P6N#z  6#z 6#z 6#z 6N#z 6#z 6#z 6#z q#6#z ~#w#6#z 6#z 6N#z  6#z 6#z 6#z 6#z 6#z 6N#z ,6N#z  R" !O ~0:0GyOy0d8d{0(0 8:_>> y>cG f*! :f>2f>vz€2f KAYPRO II Double density diskette format program Version 2.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------ All activity will take place on drive B OPTIONS ------- Exit--------> exit this program and return to CP/M Format------> format the diskette in drive B (it will erase all information on it !) Single------> format 1 track on the diskette in drive B Verify------> verify the diskette in drive B is readable (this is a non destructive test) (E)xit (F)ormat (S)ingle (V)erify Please enter 'E' or 'F' or 'S' or 'V' ==>$ Insert diskette to format into drive B. Enter key to format, any other key to abort $ Format a single track of the diskette Enter track number ( key to abort) xx$ DONE $ Formatting track:$ Enter to format, any other key to abort $ Sector $ $0:?* >2 :f>2f   E   S52   ͚ !" 2 ͺĪ: < 8: <(d2f:  # ˯  .* {vv" --( * B>!O ~  (=>: >vG >->-˷2z^y0d8d{0(0 8:_ K g>2     ͚ : Og   ͚ $Track $ Sector $Drive A $Drive B $ {BAD}$ $ Format OK $ Please type any key to continue.$Verifying disk B to be readable *** NOTE: only one error per track is displayed (there may be more) ***$ ! 1 ҂ͼͩ=%1KAYPRO HOFF meter software jim v1.1 march 31 1983=*9<- goto 0, goto 16=,9-> goto 0, goto 21, goto 16=.90 goto 0=09^ increase track # by 1=29v decrease track # by 1=49COMMAND=============> =6+DRIVE A=6SDRIVE Bͩ=4O4ʰˁ0F"ՃO\>2͇i>2͇i: ͩ=7+ͩ=7S(ͩTRACK 00 ͩ** no track 0 **O͐O\͐OO͐O͐O\͐O͐O>2<)>O͐O>2y=͐O>2>=>O͐O>2y<͐O: ͩ=71ͩ=7Yͩ 0 8 :ՃOՃ͜>N͜y>B>ͼ:_,(I(y!^^Rp~ò̓((y_>͡(y˧> 2m{"n2l>>2p:l> ?لLy (d (a (c (gʴ((f(s`8:pw#}P(;z8{!00P0 !;^}+}O#0R!00 6 !0!0ʹ}o><(]T!;RMDbk6 }O86 }oOշRMD]T6 *n~> w˾}o>2l!Y!l6 y˿G(TA(VR(XE(f=6 y2m6ل!0y P0Po:m 0L=~ >w"n>2p>2p͏(!;ʹ͏(;!;ʹل!;RDMx~#OՃo:m 0L=~ >w"n>2p>2p͏(   >2f;>2͎ Ç& :2:G !+}dS:OR y=2S  !0~$ʴ0¯6.#Þ 0?>2f;:2  ͅc2͓Ļ:< 82͎ĕ:< 8my  ͅc2͓Ļ:< 8my2͎ĕ:< 8:<(!p#!x# Q 6Z;#60:o!{(v¼vvv-(4>!O ~ (=>:>vG >>w˷2zIy0d8d{0(0 8:_ KR :OR   ͅ :OR  ͅ!/E6$# x !/ Read write drive test ------------------------ 23 April 1983 NLS ------------------------------------------------------------------ FOR USE WITH EITHER 1793 OR 1797 THIS DISK TEST WILL RUN WITHOUT THE KEYBOARD. YOU MUST START THIS TEST WITH THE B DRIVE DOOR OPEN. NOW THEN REMOVE THIS DISKETTE FROM A. AND INSERT A FORMATTED SCRATCH DISKETTE IN A AND B. THE TEST WILL START AS SOON AS YOU CLOSE THE B DRIVE DOOR. NOTE THIS TEST WILL AUTOMATICALLY REPEAT FOREVER SO AT THE END OF EACH CYCLE I WILL PAUSE TO ALLOW YOU TO REMOVE THE DISKETTES BEFORE YOU PUSH THE RESET BUTTON. IF YOU INTERRUPT THIS TEST AT ANY OTHER TIME THERE IS A GOOD CHANCE THAT YOU WILL HAVE TO FORMAT THE DISKETTES BEFORE USING THEM AGAIN. $ TEST STARTED $ $TRACK $ SECTOR $DRIVE A $DRIVE B $ READ FAULT$ WRITE FAULT$ WE WILL NOW PAUSE UNTIL THIS NUMBER =0 $ DATA BAD, BUT CRC OK (** IE INTERFERENCE OR MEMORY PROBLEM **)$| WRITE A|| READ A || WRITE B|| READ B || WRITE A|| READ A || WRITE B|| READ B $ $ $! 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