iI/OCAPKPAQMj|I/OCAPKPCOM }I/OCAPKPDOC= I/O-CAP Version for Kaypros Added code for Kaypros to intercept the control-Z that clears screen, and change it to 1Eh (HOME cursor) followed by 17h (Clear to end of screen) on the disk output. It was necessary to move the QUIT check to the conin routine so that option would still work. 02/13/86 by Dave Shuman (317-778-2810) Running I/O-CAP (the first time) will cause ALL subsequent output to be buffered (16 sectors) for eventual output to disk with a filename and type called USER.LOG. This file will then be updated as long as I/O-CAP is active in the system. Note: I/O-CAP may be made inactive by just typing I/O-CAP again, to toggle it off (or on). - Applications #- (1) Don't have a printer, and want 'Hard Copy' of a user dialog with the system? Use I/O-CAP to creat it as a disk file...for instance, when making patches into 'uncertain' areas of the system with DDT (or SID, or whatever) you can keep a running history on disk of the patches AND their effects. (2) Need to show example of console dialog for an article or book and you don't want to 'hand type' it in? Use I/O-CAP to creat the examples for you, and edit the dialog to suit your needs. (3) Need to know all the events in 'history form' leading to some bizarre system blow-up? Use I/O-CAP to record that history for you (but only if the blow-up is recoverable by NOT COLD BOOTING the system). (4) Want to (secretly) monitor the activities of other users of the system? Use I/O-CAP to record user console input, and check in from time- to-time to look at the system activity. Used in conjunction with BYE on a remote CP/M system, you can finally figure-out how that 'twit' clobbers your system from 3000 miles away...and NOT fill a room full of paper by logging all input to your printer. Note: Run I/O-CAP first, then BYE.COM to 'grab' the vectors set-up by the I/O-CAP program.The capture of incoming data will appear to be transparent to the user, with a slight pause when it updates the USER.LOG file...but this only happens every 2048 character entrys, so it should generally go un-noticed. Please send any changes, 'bug' reports, suggestions, comments, gripes or bitches to the CP/M-Net system, (805) 527-9321...have fun with this program. It's in the public domain, but NOT TO BE USED for COMMERCIAL BENEFIT. Best regards, Kelly Smith, CP/M-Net  !9"1!"!"*V*|z!z+w x/6?6!?!KS*͡!VS6!?**### ~#?~# xH~#O͊S†!9"1*^hÝ!9"1ͷ*yЀͷͷ*#"*q#"z{͊*Hͭ͡<<!.S:r2*!!~#w#z] *:r2U!S!(6 # ^:r2ʀ!Sˁ!"!"*H cccccc OOPS...disk is full! OOPS...directory is full! 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