-CRUNCH.NOT 447 04-09-92 Note on crunching of files. -README.DF 883 04-09-92 Instructions on use of DF.COM search tool. -WARNING.#01 1280 04-05-91 Warnings about problems discovered with | some programs on ZSUS disks. -Z3PROG.KIT 673 04-09-92 Announcement of ZSUS Z3 Programmers Toolkit. DF.COM 5248 04-09-92 Special version of ZFOR for searching Bill | Tishey's verbose listing of all Z-System (and | many general CP/M) files in ZFILEV##.LZT. ORDER.SZS 10112 04-09-92 Ordering information and product listing for | ZSUS service. TCJ.CZT 1280 04-09-92 Catalog of the ZSUS TCJ (The Computer Journal) | article collection. UNCR.COM 8064 04-09-92 Uncrunching tool. Z3COM.CZT 7168 04-09-92 Catalog of the ZSUS collection of executable | (COM) files. Z3HELP.CZT 5120 04-09-92 Catalog of the ZSUS collection of help and | other documentation files. Z3LBR.CZT 3200 04-09-92 Catalog of the ZSUS collection of tools for | working with LBR and other archive files. Z3PROG.CZT 4352 04-09-92 Catalog of the ZSUS collection of tools for | programmers. Z3WORD.CZT 3456 04-09-92 Catalog of the ZSUS collection of tools for | word processing. ZFILEV14.LZT 81792 04-09-92 Verbose listing of latest versions of all | files prepared by Bill Tishey. ZSUS-V1.CZT 19200 04-09-92 Catalog of ZSUS Volume 1 issues. ZSUS-V1.NDX 10368 04-09-92 Index to ZSUS Volume 1. ZSUS-V2.CZT 20608 04-09-92 Catalog of ZSUS Volume 2 issues. ZSUS-V2.NDX 9472 04-09-92 Index to ZSUS Volume 2. ZSUSV301.CZT 3584 04-09-92 Catalog of ZSUS Volume 3 Number 1. ZSUSV302.CZT 3328 04-09-92 Catalog of ZSUS Volume 3 Number 2. ZSUSV303.CZT 2944 04-09-92 Catalog of ZSUS Volume 3 Number 3.