0CRUNCH.NOT Note on crunching of files. 0README.DF Instructions on use of DF.COM search tool. 0WARNING.01 Warnings about problems discovered with some programs on ZSUS disks. 0Z3PROG.KIT Announcement of ZSUS Z3 Programmers Toolkit. DF.COM Special version of ZFOR for searching Bill Tishey's verbose listing of all Z-System (and many general CP/M) files in ZFILEV##.LZT. ORDER.SZS Ordering information and product listing for ZSUS service. TCJ.CZT Catalog of the ZSUS TCJ (The Computer Journal) article collection. UNCR.COM Uncrunching tool. Z3COM.CZT Catalog of the ZSUS collection of executable (COM) files. Z3HELP.CZT Catalog of the ZSUS collection of help and other documentation files. Z3LBR.CZT Catalog of the ZSUS collection of tools for working with LBR and other archive files. Z3PROG.CZT Catalog of the ZSUS collection of tools for programmers. Z3WORD.CZT Catalog of the ZSUS collection of tools for word processing. ZFILEV14.LZT Verbose listing of latest versions of all files prepared by Bill Tishey. ZSUS-V1.CZT Catalog of ZSUS Volume 1 issues. ZSUS-V1.NDX Index to ZSUS Volume 1. ZSUS-V2.CZT Catalog of ZSUS Volume 2 issues. ZSUS-V2.NDX Index to ZSUS Volume 2. ZSUSV301.CZT Catalog of ZSUS Volume 3 Number 1. ZSUSV302.CZT Catalog of ZSUS Volume 3 Number 2. ZSUSV303.CZT Catalog of ZSUS Volume 3 Number 3.