DEADLINE: June 10th!!!

    I'm running out of room for stuff in the storage unit, so this 
    equipment either goes out to some eager users, or ( I hate to say 
    this..) it goes to Goodwill. Make me an offer--just any offer. See 
    terms at the end of this message    :<

                                   FOR SALE

-  Ampro Z80 Little Board Plus System

   Ampro Bookshelf system containing the Little Board Plus, power supply, 
   floppy disk drive, and a 10 Meg SCSI hard drive. Featuring the 4 Mhz 
   Z80A, two serial ports, one parallel port, SCSI port, and a port for 
   additional floppy drives. System boots directly from the hard drive, or 
   from a floppy in drive A. The system will handle up to four floppy 
   drives, including double sided and quad density. It can read/write 
   5-1/4" IBM PC and most common 5-1/4" CP/M disks. This unit is up and 
   running, and includes CP/M, ZPR3, many utilities, and all the manuals, 
   It is ideal for a BBS, Z80 system development, numeric control, etc.  
   This unit has been modified to operate at 8Mhz with a Z80H; and the only 
   known side effect that the real time clock runs at double speed.  

-   Anadex DP-6500 "Rapid Scribe" printer.

   F A S T  LARGE wide-carriage printer. Fastest dot-matrix printer 
   available at the time... This hummer was almost $3000 back in 1985.  
   This wide carriage printer has both tractor and friction feed, draft, 
   "letter quality", graphics and other modes. It's speed (per the 
   manufacturer) is between 100 and 500 cps. I used it to print about 
   30,000 labels and about 10 boxes of paper. 

-   NEC PC-8500 laptop computer.

    NEC PC-8500 with 24x80 lcd screen. Has CP/M, Wordstar-to-go, 
    Calc-to-go, and other programs in ROM, with two 128K ram cartridges, 
    null-modem cable, power supply, and hardshell carrying case. 

-  Terminals:

    Televideo 970 green terminal. This is an ANSI terminal, and will also 
    function in VT52 and VT100 modes. Has RS-232 port for printer. Will do 
    double height/width characters. On-screen setup mode. 

    QUME 102 green terminal. Another ANSI terminal, VT52, Vt100, VT131 

-  Modem:
    USRobotics 2400 Baud SPORTSTER external modem

-  Software:

    All software is generic CP/M except as indicated. Format is indicated 
              KDD - Kaypro DSDD
              KSD - Kaypro SSDD

    Wordstar 3.3 package. APPLE ][ CP/M               

    Checks & Balances (KSD)                           

    InfoGraphics Choice &                             
              Business Graphics (Xerox 820 5-1/4)

    Newword (Wordstar lookalike) (Morrow MD-3)        

    Nevada Fortran (KDD)                              

    MicroCornucopia public domain disks: (KDD)        
              #2 - Utilities
              #3 - Games
              #4 - Adventure game
              #9 - ZCPR & utilities
              #11 - library utilities
              #23 - Fast term & new BYE
              #35 & 36 - Small C library

-  Magazines:

    MicroCornucopia Magazine                          
              Issues #10 through #53


T/Maker Manual, Tutorial & Quick Reference
Pascal Programs for Data Base Management
  using Apple Pascal/UCSD Pascal IV.1 for the IBM PC
Nevada Fortran
Understanding C-by Hunter/SYBEX computer books
Multiplan Models for Business-QUE
Mastering Multiplan-the Computer School
InfoWorlds Essential Guide to CP/M
ZCPR3 The Manual-Richard Conn
SuperSort V. 1.6 (Osborne format) w/Manual
WordStar/Mailmerge v. 2.26 (Osborne format) w/Manual
Basic-A Self-Teaching Guide (Wiley Books)
Turbo Pascal - Manual and Software
Turbo Toolbox - Manual and Software
Programming dBASE II - Fast Reference Guide

    Back issues of BYTE from 1983 to 1987 also available for cost of 
    shipping.  Will consider offers on any or all of the above. 
                               Mark Lindman
                                853 E. 9th
                            Colville, WA 99114
                              (509)-684-6516 - home
                              (509)-935-3356 - work 
             (24-hr voicemail at work will capture all calls)

    Prices negotiable on everything. Will sell to best offer received by 
    Midnight June 10. Prefer to sell as one lot, but as I said, make me an 
    offer!  Include shipping costs in your offer, or I will ship UPS COD. 
    Many items include manuals, and some have technical and/or service 

The best way to contact me is by phone.