-READ ME kCREDITS (tSCREEN 0614SCREEN5 0Z05bSCREEN5 0Z19CSCREEN5 0Z2<YSCREEN5 0Z3?tSCREEN5 0Z4BBSCREEN5 0Z5EGSCREEN5 0Z6GSCREEN5 0Z7ISCREEN5 0Z8L"SCREEN5 0Z9OCSCREEN6 0Z0RWANDERERCOMVHsThis is version 2.2 of wanderer. I've jumped the version numbers out of my original sequence so that they now match the same version numbers as used by Steven Shipway. You will need WANDERER.LBR to be able to fully use this, however the version of WANDERER in this .LBR is the one to use - it has a couple of bug fixes: the old version can't solve screen 31, and can't get the monster on screen 37. Basically, all you need from the earlier one are the screens, replace any other files with those from this .LBR. Also replace SCREEN.050 from the old one, as this was a special "end marker" screen, that job has now been taken over by SCREEN.061 Happy wandering :-) .UUCP: .....!harvard!xait!lakart!pallio!dg Internet: dg%pallio.uucp@cfisun.cfi.com GEnie: D.GOODENOUGH Q-link: Delta G BBS's David Goodenough on all (617) 965-7046 (617) 825-3135 (617) 329-8528 (617) 329-4237  WANDERER CREDITS ================== This file should always be available to all players of the game. Feel free to add anything necessary, eg, if you create some new screens, but don't *delete* anything! The people in here have worked hard and deserve all the fame they can get :-) -Steven Shipway ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wanderer was created by Steven Shipway, a first year mathematics student at Warwick University, England. The idea came from games such as Boulderdash, Xor, and especially the Repton games from Superior Software. Later improvements came from play@nl.cwi, who designed the editor and made countless bugfixes, of which there are too many to list here. He also improved many parts of the original code, and also designed some screens. Also Dave (david@ist.co.uk), who did most of the work towards the improved level jumping routine (sorry, I had to alter it a bit due to other changes). Jason (jason@uucp.aeras) is responsible for the help routine, for which I am eternally grateful since it saved me a lot of work. I should really mention Harvey Thompson (hjt@uk.ac.warwick.cs) as well, since he provided the idea behind the encryption system ( the seeded random exclusive or ). However I won't, since it will annoy him terribly! Thanx to meulenbr@nl.philips.prl.cst (Frans) for the idea behind the addition of the balloons. Assisting in the development were Rob McMahon (our systems manager) and Mark Sunnarks. In screen development were the following: Screens 1,2,3,4,7,8,10,12,16,23,24,26 Steven Shipway ( maujp@uk.ac.warwick.cu ) Screens 5,6 James Beckett ( csutg@uk.ac.warwick.cu ) Screen 9,27,29 Kenton Oatley ( maukr@uk.ac.warwick.cu ) Screens 11,13,14,19,20 Nameless ( play@nl.cwi ) Screen 17 David ( david@ist.co.uk ) Screens 15,18,41,42 Bruce Butterfield & Son ( bruce@au.oz.utas.tasis ) Screens 21,22 Max Rockatansky ( jn@uk.ac.ukc ) Screen 25 Will Bent ( whb@hoh-2.ATT.COM ) Screen 28 Frans Meulenbrooks ( meulenbr@nl.philips.prl.cst ) Screen 31 Alan Bland ( mab@druwy.uucp ) Screen 32 Ed Strong ( ems%nanotech@edu.princeton ) Screen 33,35 Mark Maplethorpe ( csttrjs@uk.ac.warwick.cu ) Screen 34,53 David Goodenough ( dg%lakart.uucp@xait.xerox.com ) Screen 36 Kevin Pickard ( kevin%perle@uucp.uunet ) Screens 37,38,39 Paul Metcalf ( maukw@uk.ac.warwick.cu ) Screen 40,50,51 Bill Martin ( wjmartiniii@edu.waterloo.violet ) Screen 43 Bryan Ewbank ( bdewbank@ixlpo.uucp ) Screens 44,55,56 Hans Bodlaender ( hansb@ruuinf.uucp ) Screen 45 Mark Sergent ( ai3!mark@artecon.uucp ) Screens 48 Kevin O'Donnell ( kjo@uk.ac.ukc ) Tony Newell ( adn@uk.ac.ukc ) Screen 49 Paul White ( white@pdnag1.uucp ) Screens 54,52,46,47 Hugo Wouters ( hugo@cs.kuleuven.ac.be ) Screen 57 Danny Young ( danny@iconsys.uucp ) Screens 58,59 Ronald Lamprecht ( v61%dhdurz1.bitnet@cunyvm.cuny.edu ) Screens 30,60 I cant remember. If either of these is yours, please mail me or post to the net for correction to this list. All of these screens are possible with the current version of Wanderer (2.2). Any new screens you wish to have added to the list please mail to me for release in a official update package. The address is currently maujp@uk.ac.warwick.cu or maujp%uk.ac.warwick.cu@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk . Please note that the bitnet address has changed recently, and several items of email have gone astray. The X-Windows port - which is pretty impressive - comes from Mike Cuddy. His address is cuddy%convex@edu.umich.cc.umix or convex!cuddy. Although I haven't been able to see this one for myself a friend assures me that the graphics are fantastic. The official PC Port for Wanderer was done by Greg Margo, who may be found at gmago@uucp.netxcom or ...!uunet!netxcom!gmargo. The Acorn Archimedes port was done by Max Rockatansky, jn@uk.ac.ukc . Mail him if you want a copy. ( Although he could well charge for the disc... ) The port to the Amiga was courtesy of Alan Bland ( mab@druwy.uucp ) who has included sound and graphics to the game. As before, he's the one to mail if you want to know more. Also thanks to Paul Metcalf for thinking of a name for the game! - THE END - . vSCREEN.050$ $x' c T='QAQ>p@ L:I$r\!E9,U.aw1P38z"i9>@)rb HX.HA-7Es>N"B  RXBQbttOg:LI uFקCUmSY;5.Yy<;Sof-ui2@m߁NJzBjzm+=_$4S\uSYɤ*Z5 mqg~Ln2j%)DiD@r0(4vvSCREEN.052$ @\"Ir)ąPx<Ⱥ@#,& Dc^\'d`prTHŲH@-+ _>7Q|T(4:DFw@NiXx W;|rA!SdFn_V-]wb,K\Dd,g 3U.ň0`WD^f;q %b oU`Ёbxާb:UPAj@t(aK8fMUԥ%>}6)jFևS\Q7a:_`$E!!X M]Ei> @h svSCREEN.053$ EC =  eA@O'"ؠ 'b2$/a|P HSh0D:ez>iLA s*Jᱹ:<N) ]HTUD,u[WpA+l{PG0wt *'"t=^QX5 сC+{p@*[WFaVK th2*i.W+؊0*t\:93@x|!n9)E~t5Nb$Hd E4A OYhIzC0a) @ yDQ$dT~vSCREEN.054$ * b '4 )x4*ɢH@:Cz@/$0~*-2| y\{ @ J@ <MSSD< u|d.4' >*Ha\>TfVuj~,T01:gJo`8)r -7eC0Q}Hm8PmjR(R]N++H?,>b xAPRU|8 y՗rM0B1C„d6 h uvSCREEN.055$ 'b1`@AШu TB  $: ˳,4\:@*>;9DPAeEJ5-/0!BE{H5~1 E7$p2 p$zvSCREEN.058$  B x ,D@0APh@CXHWD@q 0:* P$f6@哘[aV=HGBA31/W"RPp /D@mNEXPDVzO%~>Ir_3!/q71LGD8h /D*_+@ ʁBlH.@U(ټYԔD K0TKU6(GA@6@JpvSCREEN.059$ ' $H*AP_ ĀcH $8APqTi  r J@ OGDA-Ƅ,G c G4x:S!O"|>'ڌ> }Z-RJ@H. #Uwl Za-;ppx= coЈ=\<@eF`#;c(T**BAwj1%]95/݀r/ f'^}[@ uiK\-EIlvSCREEN.060$ 'XT\4 * 2tOEx4*Dt\ILAHN%h">  XBh/GмtHD#ʐ8+PlVnG*4ԆS Lcl4 'kYz9eR9rG)-=M` KSGqdQ 7'Py 0GS.3!1@jH(xq~ |gq 2p>!sg4f2*Ꭲw}ᤁ6~yH*}w=RUL*T`ܤi fe0NS !r/ >N7DT~K@'D᷑{I 0 h P} -/./> .>.>$!!+ ,(Televideo TS803) = |} O ()REWQTY===PATCH AREA===:222 T !|}0O !~O #):/@!`) <  {!~OG(M#~\ @T]HD#~N > &R > T > B >F > E >w  wPX}8~+(##+!Y*"Zxbj9*Zxp"!92$2$>:2$* +~2$!ut-ut~=(B= nf ##^#V!"͇!|D!5Usage: wanderer [ -e ] !nf| C!5You finished the last screen - your score is *"z(!"nfnf̓|(b~~ #~=w6Q!5Killed by )5 with a score of *"5 on level nf4 4W!"4!nf|( !$$6 nf^!5 ɷDɇ:w*"""nf | ut o!#V!))#~#fo*" ""*$#"$*"#""/nfG6 nfG6@fn$, fn$,@ ~ݖo~ݖonn͋|( uttnfut ~ݖo(0fMDG~M 6 !"$*"d""/~ 6OnfG6 nfG6@fn$, fn$,@ $,O ^n-,,n~ݖon,~ݖo! 9ÿ ~ݖo( fDMG~ 6^nfG6 nfG6@fn$, fn$,@ $,^ ^n,--n~ݖon-~ݖoÒ ~ݖg nMDG~M 6 !"$*"d""/~ nfG~6@wnfG6 fn$, fn$,@ $,O ~ݖ_N ~ݾ8=o n Ò !C#utfn$, fn$,@ *$[$R *"""!~< !Y# nfG6 nfG6 nfG6@fn$, fn$, fn$,@ nn^n-,,--*"""/nfutÿ !s# !#~ݾ 5~ݾ - ~ '!Bnf +ut  | !# :$ *"d""!"$/:$< *$G6 ~͋w͆w~͋w͆w,$ ~ݾ0}l݆O͘|(y2$/|݆O͘|(y2$}l݆O͘|(y2$*$$,M G~6M@!s# !"utnf~#fo~nnnnut~S(CnfG~w,$O  n}nnnċ|( 6 ~wwo~wwgG~w6S,$S ~ 4~@ !# + C*"""/nf~w#~w*"""utnfG6*,$*   W&nf{"["!""!"N#F+x(! s#r\&T.(ͷ!$!75O Boulder!75< > Arrows!75^ Balloon!75: Earth!75! Landmine!75* Treasure!75/ \ Deflectors!75+ Cage!7 5= # Rock!7 5T Teleport (1 max)!7 5A Arrival (1 max)!7 5X Exit (always 1)!7 5@ Start (always 1)!75M Big Monster (1 max)!75S Baby Monster!75- Alternative space!75C Time Capsule!5Use wanderer keys to move. q: quit, z: quit without saving, p: play, v: change moves.p"!9wwOy(($x(`iG~@ qp~- 6  nfutmXnf$,͑"nfutL( 4)H( 5J( ( 4xK( 5kQ(Z w!!#)!#)=V G!!$)w>- ́"!w^#r!|(!ut!!#)meP cnf!!""̓| !5$!)!:$)&!!!$~- 6 #z X&( 0>.nfGw$,H 4~06'5P864~06 86nfut$,ì~Q Gx(`.'G~ 6-nf!{"!nf|!U$ !m$)p"NF^ V hxoyoxoyohj xoyoxoyo{"p"FNx0y(0 *$q#p#"${"p"*$+V+^z o6 i`G~@(P6>M !"$,$ $,> Q\͋h ! 9y(0i`G~@ !$NM 6 !"$~((ofMDG~ (qy8_x0ZnfG~^(J$G~^ ?6 i`G6^,$ ,$^ Q\͋h! 9!{"K!+| p"!9!5Enter number of desired level: > ́"!#^#r!utnfR0 :nf35No way, Jose! Back-jumping is prohibited!nf{"p"w$͚!!$ͥ!:" &nf !{0_w..m!!q'!$!wk|.(hx(5y((!q'i`Gs{.!(A !q'} ! /(!q'}# !q'} ͑nf s#r!{"p"!$w͚!!$ͥ!!q'!$k| 1!5File for screen cannot be written.!mMD&|(3.}((Gn{' } .-7 ,. 7 $(.#7  . 7 nfͲq'. 7 ͋!{"!!q'}0 ]T)))_ !|IJ0q'7 p"&+ -( + x((5 |y((i`GN  | 5 +-( + {"p"!.*"5 !9*$5 !B*$5 {"["N!$n gh,, Ú"!)MD+p+q+w+w+w+w# o 6 +F#r(-! ~ a(*w ā"́"<(] !(4! 6(#́"!#~++(~5#(]!)́"!́"!$~! !(#~ !%q#p#q#p`iT]6!)]T6O#:O_y#z!$N#^#V)$(D́"!́"́"T]pT]6  !8B0>: y=+~@+w%. xy(# ͑"x(=8w #!"xl"x7p"!++!96"x! 9N#F#f##{" %( o}oN+w+w %(0 4͠ut^#V# (c(s(x( o(b(Jd(:u(@~(#~_~W0z(> o~(o#|(4>" rKx^V^!{0:8'j| ݶ(>-jz(~( - o ~> (>0o (o z#_*x|(|<(s#r"x!*x*x7 * ^#V# ! :00)T]))_z {=m[$!$F(IV E#N#Fx 5#]Ts#ŕ"!́" >G(!%q#px ++! +q#p#^#Vr+s+++~ c _} (O( >  F(  ?!$~r 0#r ́" :$ ́" (w>  :$>(o&.!$~r #( 5#^4! x~:$ "!x6P ́"Ý"#^P6 !$r+s=O "́"}    ́"> ́"(#4# 4#^#Vr+sF"| -- *$K!$N(wy ~ . 7 y#N#Fp+q##N#Fp+qO+~ :###́"!́" !!%p#p#]Ts#r#6i&!$!E! ! !M:$ {  ́" ́"!DM! -  0 0 T])))_>"*K$BDM*$B8!"$F"E!((#!N"+#~ s#6~͚"#N" (#ogN"~# N"(~#DM!x 80)z bjz bjz|>"|>"!{z8))0??!x(R8 33>"+|/g}/o!!9^#V#~#fo! 9F+N+V+^+~+ng!9s\x{a -Ea missing screen:+S @running out of memorya screen design errora jump error.~Xquitting the game*: @O^>