:PIP Command PIР (Peripheraì  Interchangå  Program© ió thå  CP/Í  transienô  whicè implementó thå basiã mediá conversioî operationó necessarù tï load¬  print¬ punch¬  copy¬  anä  combinå  disë files®  PIÐ ió initiateä bù onå  oæ  thå following forms -- PIР Engagå PIP¬  prompô thå useò witè '*'¬  anä  reaä commanä lineó directlù froí thå console® PIÐ useä iî  thió  waù ió exiteä bù eitheò typinç aî  emptù commanä linå (jusô á carriagå return© oò á  Ctrl-à as the first character of the line. PIР cmnä Engagå PIP¬  executå thå specifieä  command¬  anä return to CP/M. The form of each command line in PIP is -- destination = source#1, source#2, source#3, ..., source#n ~ The general forms of PIP command lines are -- x:=y:afî  Copù  alì  fileó satisfyinç afî froí drivå  ù  tï drivå x®  'y§ maù bå omitted¬  and¬  iæ  so¬  thå currently logged-in drive is selected. x:ufn=yº  Copù thå filå giveî bù ufî froí ù tï x®  'x§ maù bå omitted¬  and¬  iæ so¬  thå currentlù logged-iî drive is selected. x:afn=y:afî Likå thå above¬ buô ø and/oò ù maù bå omitted» thå defaulô   drivå  ió  selecteä  foò   thå   omitteä drive(s). ld=pä  Copù  froí thå specifieä physicaì devicå  tï  thå specifieä  logicaì device®  Valiä logicaì deviceó are -- CON:, RDR:, PUN:, LST: Valid physical devices are -- TTY:, CRT:, UC1:, PTR:, PTP:, UR1:, UR2:, UP1:, UP2:, LPT:, UL1: ~ Additional device names which may be used in PIP commands are -- NUL: Send 40 Nulls (ASCII 0) to the device. EOF: Send a CP/M End of File character (ASCII Ctrl-Z). INP: Special PIP input source to be patched (see manual). OUTº  Speciaì  PIР outpuô destinatioî tï  bå  patcheä  (seå manual). PRNº  Samå aó LST:¬  buô tabó arå expandeä aô  everù  eightè characteò position¬ lineó arå numbered¬ anä pagå ejectó are inserted every 60 lines with an initial eject. ~ Thå  useò  caî  alsï specifù onå oò morå PIР parameteró  encloseä  iî square brackets separated by zero or more blanks. These parameters are --   Blocë modå transfer®  Datá ió buffereä bù PIÐ untiì aî ASCIÉ X- Off character (Ctrl-S) is received from the source device. Dî  Deletå characteró whicè extenä pasô columî î iî thå transfeò  oæ data to the destination from the character source. E Echo all transfer operations to the console. F Filter (remove) form feeds from the file. Gn Get File from User Number n (n in the range 0 - 15) È Heø datá transfer® Alì datá ió checkeä foò propeò Inteì heø filå format. I Ignore ':00' records in the transfer of Intel hex format file. L Translate upper case to lower case alphabetics. N Add line numbers to each line transferred to the destination. O Object file (non-ASCII) transfer. Ignore End of File. ~ Pn Include page ejects at every n lines. Qs^Ú Quiô  copyinç froí thå sourcå devicå oò filå wheî thå  strinç  ó (terminated by Ctrl-Z) is encountered. R Read system files Ss^Z Start copying from the source file when the string s is seen. Tn Expand tabs to every nth column. U Translate lower case to upper case alphabetics. V Verify that data has been copied correctly. W Write over R/O files without console interrogation Z Zero the parity bit on input for each ASCII character.