-A Add Members -B Brief Toggle -C Close Library -D Delete Members -E Extract Members -F Filesweep Mode -G Get Filespec -H Help -K Krunch Library -L List Members -N Rename Members -O Open Library -P Print Members/Files -Q Unsqueeze Members -R Replace Members -S String Search -T Replace/Add Members -U Drive/User Change -V View Members -W Wildcard Open -X Exit Nulu -Y Disk Directory -Z Zap Disk Files -< Redirect Imput -> Redirect Output :-A ADD MEMBERS Syntax: -a filespec[ filespec...] Uså  thió commanä tï adä fileó froí disë tï thå currenô  library® NULÕ wilì makå á serieó oæ passeó througè thå  directory¬  addinç fileó aó iô goes¬  untiì thå lisô oæ matchinç fileó ió exhausted® Iæ  á matchinç filenamå alreadù existó aó aî activå membeò iî thå library¬  itó  namå  wilì bå displayeä anä thå filå wilì  noô  bå added. Iî  alì filå additioî anä replacemenô operations¬  iæ  á  deleteä entrù  oæ  identicaì  sizå caî bå located¬  thaô disë  spacå  anä directorù entrù wilì bå useä ratheò thaî allocatinç ne÷ spacå foò thå file® Thió meanó thaô iô wilì bå necessarù tï reclaií wasteä disë spacå lesó often. Aî LÕ stylå CRà wilì bå generateä foò eacè filå added. :-B BRIEF TOGGLE Syntax: -b Thió toggleó thå promptinç mode®  Thå releaså versioî oæ NULÕ ió setuð tï prinô thå fulì namå oæ thå currenô modå foò á prompt¬ aó iî  "-Adä  memberó A0:>"®  Iæ BRIEÆ ió turneä oî thå  useò  wilì simplù seå "-Á A0:>"® NULÕ maù bå permanentlù patcheä tï defaulô tï BRIEÆ OÎ oò OFF® Seå NULÕ MODIFICATION file. :-C CLOSE THE LIBRARY Š Syntax: -c Thió commanä closeó thå currenô library¬ writinç itó directorù tï disë iæ anù changeó havå beeî madå tï thå directory® Thå librarù directorù ió NEVEÒ writteî excepô wheî thå librarù ió closed¬  sï bå  surå tï dï it®  Iæ yoõ forgeô tï dï sï anä removå thå  disk¬ NULÕ  wilì  prompô  yoõ foò thå disë agaiî anä  wilì  attempô  tï recover. Somå otheò operationó thaô causå thå currenô librarù tï bå closeä are: -k, -o, -w, -x :-D DELETE MEMBERS/FILES Syntax: -d filespec[ filespec (filespec)...] Syntax: -d du:filespec[ du:filespec...] Iæ thå drive/useò specificatioî ió included¬  thå DELETÅ functioî wilì  applù  tï fileó oî disk¬  otherwiså iô applieó  tï  librarù membeò files. Membeò  fileó  matchinç thå giveî filespeã wilì bå giveî  deleteä statuó  iî  thå librarù directory¬  excepô wheî thå  filespeã  ió encloseä iî parenthesis®  Iî thaô caså matchinç deleteä  memberó wilì  bå giveî activå status®  Thaô is¬  theù wilì bå undeleted® Iæ thå filenamå oæ á matchinç deleteä membeò filå alreadù  existó aó aî activå member¬  thå filenamå wilì bå displayeä anä thå filå wilì noô bå undeleted. Iæ thå membeò filå beinç deleteä haó á sizå oæ zerï sectors¬  itó entrù  wilì  bå  entirelù  REMOVEÄ froí  thå  librarù  directory¬ therebù creatinç á new¬ freå entry. :-E EXTRACT MEMBERS Syntax: -e filespec[=newfilespec filespec du:filespec...] Uså  thió commanä tï extracô activå membeò files®  Iæ extractioî tï thå currenô drive/useò areá ió desired¬  nï furtheò syntaø  ió necessary®  Tï  indicatå anotheò drive¬  however¬  á destinatioî drive/useò  areá  maù bå includeä iî thå  sourcå  filespec®  Foò examplå  "-å a5:**¢ woulä extracô alì activå memberó tï drivå  A¬ useò  areá  5®  Fileó maù bå renameä aó welì  aó  redirecteä  bù indicatinç  á filespeã alonç with¬  oò iî placå of¬  á drivå useò specificatioî followinç aî equaló sign. Examples: 1® "-å *asm=*bak" Extracô alì fileó witè á typå oæ .ASÍ tï thå default           drive/useò renaminç theí witè thå filetypå oæ .BAK. 2. "-e *asm=5:*.txt"           Extracô  alì fileó oæ typå .ASÍ tï useò areá µ  oæ  thå           defaulô drive¬ renaminç eacè witè thå .TXÔ filetype. ~ 3. "-e fred.txt=sam.txt jane.inf=c8:girls.dbf" Š          Extracô   thå  membeò  filå  FRED.TXÔ  tï  thå  defaulô           drive/useò undeò thå namå oæ SAM.TXT¬  anä extracô  thå           membeò  filå JANE.INÆ tï useò areá ¸ oæ drivå  Cº  witè           thå filenamå GIRLS.DBF. Thå twï redirectioî ruleó tï remembeò areº      1®  Iæ  á destinatioî filespeã ió entereä iô cannoô bå  anù      lesó ambiguouó thaî thå sourcå filespec¬  i.e.¬  "*asm=*bak¢      ió valiä whilå "**=*bak¢ ió noô valid.      2®  Anù filespeã followinç aî equaló sigî takeó  precedencå      oveò  anù  drive/useò specificatioî iî thå sourcå  filespec¬      i.e.¬  "-å  6:*asm=*bak¢ woulä extracô alì membeò fileó  tï      thå currenô drive/user¬ renaminç them¬ anä woulä ignorå thå      "6:¢ specification. ~ Durinç extraction¬  á CRà ió generateä foò eacè file®  Afteò thå destinatioî  filå  haó  beeî closed¬  thå  CRà sï  generateä  ió compareä  tï  thå CRà foò thaô librarù membeò thaô waó storeä  iî thå  librarù  directory¬  iæ thaô valuå  waó  non-zero®  Iæ  thå resultó  arå  noô identical¬  aî erroò messagå wilì bå  displayeä beforå thå nexô membeò filå oò filespeã wilì bå  processed®  Thå erroneouó  destinatioî  filå  wilì noô bå deleteä froí  disë  bù NULÕ aó á resulô oæ thió error. :-F FILESWEEP MODE Syntax: -f Thió  commanä  placeó NULÕ iî itó seconä  operationaì  mode¬  thå filesweeð  mode®  Thió  allowó  thå  useò tï  movå  througè  thå directorù oæ activå membeò fileó aó iæ theù werå individuaì fileó beinç  examineä bù á prograí likå NSWEEP®  Thå filesweeð  mode'ó commanä lisô ió aó follows: A Next member B Previous member C Close library D Delete member E Extract member F Find member L Log new drive/user M Mass operations O Open new library P Print member Q Unsqueeze member R Rename member T Tag member U Untag member V View member W Wildcard rename X Exit NULU Y Disk directory Z NULU command mode ? Help! Becauså oæ thå extremå similaritù betweeî theså commandó anä  thå commandó oæ NULU'ó commanä mode¬ onlù á shorô descriptioî oæ eacè commanä wilì bå given. A -- Advance to next member (spacebar, cr, or lf produces the same result) Š B -- Back up to previous member C -- Close the current library D -- Delete current member file E -- Extract current member file (prompt allows redirection) F -- Find first member matching input filespec L -- Change drive/user defaults (returns file pointer to the top of the file list and untags all member files) M -- Mass operations on all tagged files (allowó    Deletion¬     Extraction¬    Printing¬ Unsqueezing¬ oò Viewing) O -- Open new library (closes the current library) P -- Dumps the current member file to LST: (unsqueezes if needed) Q -- Extract current member file, unsqueezing if necessary (prompt allows redirection) R -- Rename current member file T -- Tag current member U -- Untag current member V -- View current member file (unsqueezes if needed) W -- Wildcard rename (prompts for oldname & newname) X -- Exit NULU (closes all files) Y -- Get disk directory for default drive/user (returns file pointer to the top of the file list and untags all member files) Z -- Return to NULU command mode (current library remains open) ? -- Print the filesweep mode menu ~ If¬  wheî thå filesweeð modå ió entered¬  oò afteò á librarù  haó beeî closed¬ therå ió noô á librarù currentlù open¬ thå filesweeð modå  wilì prompô witè "Nï librarù open¢ anä wilì accepô onlù thå followinç commands: L,O,X,Y,Z,? Likewise¬  iæ á librarù ió opeî buô onlù haó á directorù witè  nï otheò  activå  members¬  thå  messagå "Nï membeò files¢  wilì  bå printeä anä onlù thå commandó listeä abovå wilì bå accepted. Durinç filesweeð operation¬ eacè filå wilì bå listeä iî thå ordeò iî whicè iô ió founä iî thå directory¬  alonç witè thå sizå iî  Ë thaô  thå  filå woulä occupù iæ iô werå extracteä tï thå  defaulô drive. Iæ  thå  filesweeð  modå ió terminateä bù á returî  tï  thå  NULÕ commanä mode¬  anù commandó thaô followeä thå "-F¢ commanä oî thå previouó NULÕ commanä linå wilì bå executed. :-G GET FILESPEC Syntax: -g filespec NULÕ  wilì  searcè foò thå filespeã indicated®  Iæ iô ió  found¬ Šprocessinç continues® Iæ not¬ thå useò ió prompteä tï inserô thå disë  containinç  thaô filespec®  Thå drivå ió  theî  reseô  anä searcè again®  Thå prograí wilì prompô foreveò untiì iô receiveó thå  propeò  filespeã oò untiì á ^à ió entered¬  forcinç NULÕ  tï continuå withouô thå filespeã beinç found. Thió  commanä  caî  bå  usefuì wheî attemptinç  tï  controì  NULÕ througè á submiô utilitù likå DRI'ó SUBMIT.COM® Foò  example¬  onå mighô typå "nulõ -ï a:así -ç  b5:-work.00µ  -å b10º  -ç a0:-5.00µ -x"® Afteò loading¬ NULÕ woulä opeî á librarù calleä  ASM.LBÒ oî drivå Aº  iî thå currenô useò area®  Nexô, iô woulä searcè useò areá µ oæ drivå Bº foò filespeã -WORK.00µ untiì iô waó found® Theî alì activå membeò fileó woulä bå extracteä tï useò areá 1° oæ drivå B:® Finally¬ NULÕ woulä searcè useò areá ° oæ drivå Aº foò á filespeã calleä -5.00µ untiì found® Then¬ NULÕ woulä terminate® ~ Noticå  herå thaô thå ASM.LBÒ didn'ô havå tï bå closeä beforå thå searcè foò thå finaì filespeã becauså nï changå haä beeî madå  tï thå librarù directory®  Iæ á changå haä beeî made¬ afteò thå ne÷ filespeã haä beeî loaded¬  NULÕ woulä havå demandeä thå disë witè ASM.LBÒ  bacë sï iô coulä updatå thå directory®  Therefore¬  thå GEÔ operatioî woulä bå effectivelù negated. :-H HELP Syntax: -h Print the command mode menu. :-K KRUNCH LIBRARY Syntax: -k[ ~ -: WAIT FOR RETURN Syntax: -: -failure mode This command will force NULU to wait for the RETURN (0dh) character to be input to the console device. If a RETURN is received, the balance of the command line will Š be ignored. If a ^C is entered, the remaining commands on the line will be executed. ~ -; COMMENT Syntax: -; comment about this kludge of a JCL This command will cause NULU to ignore all text appearing after the command on the same physical command line. :-> REDIRECT OUTPUT Syntax: -> filename Syntax: -> Witè thå firsô forí oæ thió command¬  NULÕ outpuô wilì bå senô tï thå filenamå indicated®  Thå defaulô filetypå oæ ".NOF¢ wilì  bå useä iæ nï filetypå ió specified® Iæ thå filå alreadù exists¬ iô wilì  bå deleted®  Alì speciaì characteró thaô thå useò maù havå patcheä intï NULÕ (seå below¬  NULÕ MODIFICATION© wilì bå senô tï thå  filå aó well¬  witè thå exceptioî oæ thå EOÆ  character¬  2¶ (1ah)®  Thå  onlù outpuô noô echoeä tï thå filå wilì  bå  outpuô causeä bù viewinç oò printinç á membeò file® Eveî iæ thå consolå haó  beeî  turneä  ofæ bù aî NCÆ file¬  alì consolå  outpuô  wilì continuå tï bå senô tï thió file. The filename passed must be unambiguous. Undeò  thå seconä forí oæ thió command¬  thå currenô outpuô file¬ iæ  anù wilì bå closed®  Wheî NULÕ ió causeä tï  terminate¬  thå currenô outpuô filå ió closeä alonç witè thå currenô library¬  iæ any.