Command Differences BASIC-80 v. BASCOM BASCOM Commands Line BASCOM Switches BASCOM Compile-Time Error Messages BASCOM Run Time Error Messages :Command Differences BASIC-80 V. BASCOM Thå followinç direcô modå commandó arå NOÔ implementeä oî thå compileò  anä wilì generatå aî erroò messagå: AUTO CLOAD CSAVE CONT DELETE EDIT ERASE LIST LLIST LOAD MERGE NEW RENUM SAVE Thå  followinç statementó arå useä differentlù witè thå compileò thaî  witè thå interpreteò (refeò tï thå manuaì foò details©: CALL CHAIN CLEAR COMMON COS DEFINT DEFSNG DEFDBL DEFSTR DIM END ERASE EXP FOR/NEXT LOG ON ERROR GOTO RESUME n REM RUN SIN STOP SQR TAN TROFF TRON USRn WHILE/WEND %INCLUDE :BASCOM Commands Line Thå compileò ió invokeä bù thå BASCOÍ command, as follows: BASCOM or BASCOM command line where "command line" is: [dev:][obj file][,[dev:][lst file]]=[dev:]source file[/switch ...] Iæ jusô BASCOÍ ió used¬  thå useò wilì bå prompteä witè aî asterisk¬  afteò whicè hå shoulä enteò thå commanä line. :BASCOM Switches CONVENTIONS: /4 Recognize Microsoft 4.51 BASIC Interpreter conventions (/C not allowed) /T Use MBASIC 4.51 execution conventions. /à Relaø  linå  numberinç  constraints»   lineó  neeä  noô  bå  numbereä sequentially; /4 and /C may not be used together * Note: use /4/T for 4.51 lexical and execution conventions ERROR TRAPPING: /E Use this switch if ON ERROR GOTO with RESUME is used /Ø Uså thió switcè iæ OÎ ERROÒ GOTÏ witè RESUME¬ RESUMÅ 0¬ oò RESUMÅ NEXÔ is used Š SPECIAL CODE: /Z Use Z80 opcodes /N Do not list disassembled object code in the listing file /O Substitute the OBSLIB.REL runtime library for BASLIB.REL as the default runtime library searched by the linker after a linker /E or /G switch. /D Generate debug code for runtime error checking /S Write quoted strings of more than 4 chars as they are encountered to an .REL file and not to data area in RAM. :BASCOM Compile-Time Error Messages COMPILE-TIME FATAL ERRORS: BS Bad Subscript OV Math Overflow CD Duplicate COMMON Variable SN Syntax Error CN COMMON Array Not Dimensioned SQ Sequence Error CO COMMON Out of Order TC Too Complex DD Array Already Dimensioned TM Type Mismatch FD Function Already Defined UC Unrecognizable Command FN FOR/NEXT Error UF Function Not Defined IN %INCLUDE Error WE WHILE/WEND error LL Line Too Long /0 Division by Zero LS String Constant Too Long /E Missing '/E' Switch OM Out of Memory /X Missing '/X' Switch COMPILE-TIME WARNING ERRORS: ND Array Not Dimensioned SI Statement Ignored :BASCOM Run Time Error Messages 2 Syntax error 52 Bad file number 3 RETURN without GOSUB 53 File not found 4 Out of data 54 Bad file mode 5 Illegal function call 55 File already open 6 Floating/Integer ovfl 57 Disk I/O error 9 Subscript out of range 58 File already exists 11 Division by zero 61 Disk full 14 Out of string space 62 Input past end 20 RESUME without error 63 Bad record number 21 Unprintable error 64 Bad filename 50 Field overflow 67 Too many files 51 Internal error