Softpanorama Updates History, 2018
- [Dec 31, 2018] Tatyana Navka
- [Dec 30, 2018]
Anna Netrebko
- [Dec 29, 2018] Russian Musical Humor
- [Dec 28, 2018] Evening bell
- [Dec 27, 2018] Dark
- [Dec 26, 2018] Those Were the
- [Dec 25, 2018]
Church Choirs
- [Dec 24, 2018] Android: Google OS with inconsistent user interface
- [Dec 23, 2018] Brave New World :
Nineteen Eighty-Four :
National Security State :
Big Uncle is Watching You
- [Dec 22, 2018]
The Iron Law of Oligarchy
- [Dec 21, 2018] Refactoring vs Restructuring
- [Dec 20, 2018] Software realism vs software idealism
- [Dec 19, 2018] Real Insights into Architecture Come Only From Actual Programming
- [Dec 18, 2018] A Note on the Relationship of Brooks Law and
Conway Law : Conway Law : Brooks law :
- [Dec 17, 2018] Is DevOps a yet another "for profit" technocult?
- [Dec 16, 2018]
Strzok-gate :
Steele dossier :
Skripal poisoning :
History of American False Flag Operations
- [Dec 15, 2018]
Politically Incorrect Humor :
Financial Humor
- [Dec 14, 2018]
Linux ip command
- [Dec 13, 2018] Linux route command
- [Dec 12, 2018] ping
- [Dec 11, 2018] nmap
- [Dec 10, 2018]
Managing local users and groups
- [Dec 09, 2018]
NYT degeneration into a deep state
stooge :
In Foreign Events Coverage Guardian Presstitutes Slip Beyond the Reach of Embarrassment
- [Dec 08, 2018]
Neoliberal Propaganda: Journalism in the Service of the Powerful
Few :
US and British media are servants of security apparatus
- [Dec 07, 2018] Piping Vim Buffer Through Unix Filters: ! and !! Commands
- [Dec 06, 2018] VIM running external commands
- [Dec 05, 2018] File managers in VI
- [Dec 04, 2018] Vim Regular Expressions : Using VIM for Perl Scripts Writing and Debugging
- [Dec 03, 2018] VIM Humor : VIM Tips
- [Dec 02, 2018] Neoconservatism as an attack dog of neoliberalism :
Neocon foreign
policy is a disaster for the USA
- [Dec 01, 2018]
Ethno-linguistic and "Cultural" Nationalism as a reaction to Neoliberalism induced
decline of standards of living
- [Nov 30, 2018] Unix Configuration Management Tools
- [Nov 29, 2018] Enterprise Job schedulers
- [Nov 28, 2018] Is DevOps a yet another "for profit" technocult?
- [Nov 27, 2018] Shadow IT : Webliography of problems with
"pure" cloud environment
- [Nov 26, 2018] Enterprise Unix Administration
- [Nov 25, 2018] Skeptic
Quotations : Talleyrand quotes :
Otto Von Bismarck Quotes :
Famous quotes of John Kenneth Galbraith
- [Nov 24, 2018]
Neoliberalism :
Neoliberalism as Trotskyism for the rich : Politically
Incorrect Humor
- [Nov 23, 2018] Bash
history reuse and bang commands
- [Nov 22, 2018] The tar pit of Red Hat overcomplexity
- [Nov 21, 2018] Systemd invasion into Linux Server space
- [Nov 20, 2018] Shadow IT
- [Nov 19, 2018] Parallel command execution
- [Nov 18, 2018] Financial skeptic :
Peak Cheap Energy
- [Nov 17, 2018]
USA-Russia Gas War :
Iran oil availability
- [Nov 16, 2018] Tar options for bare metal recovery
- [Nov 15, 2018]
Relax-and-Recover on RHEL
- [Nov 14, 2018]
Introduction to Unix permissions model
- [Nov 13, 2018] Webliography of problems with "pure" cloud environment
- [Nov 12, 2018] Hybrid Cloud as Alternative to "Pure" Cloud Computing
- [Nov 11, 2018]
Demexit: Abandonment of Democratic party by working class and lower middle class
Lesser evil trick of legitimizing disastrous, corrupt neoliberal politicians in US
- [Nov 10, 2018] Politically Incorrect Humor : Two Party System as Polyarchy : Crisis of legitimacy of neoliberal elite : Bait and Switch
- [Nov 09, 2018] Finding files using file name or path
- [Nov 08, 2018] Selecting files using their age
- [Nov 07, 2018] Unix find tutorial: Find search expressions
- [Nov 06, 2018] Examples of Usage of Unix Find Command
- [Nov 05, 2018] Finding World Writable, Abandoned and other Abnormal Files
- [Nov 04, 2018] Neoclassical Pseudo Theories and Crooked and Bought Economists as Fifth Column of Financial Oligarchy
- [Nov 03, 2018] Corruption of Regulators
- [Nov 02, 2018] Finding Files based on size: largest, empty and within certain range
- [Nov 01, 2018] Using -exec option with find
- [Oct 31, 2018] Find Command Webliography
- [Oct 30, 2018] grep command : GNU grep Regular Expressions
- [Oct 29, 2018] xargs Command Tutorial
- [Oct 28, 2018]
Stability is destabilizing: The idea of Minsky moment
- [Oct 27, 2018]
Financial Sector
Induced Systemic Instability of Economy
- [Oct 26, 2018]
Finding files and directories; mass operations on files
- [Oct 25, 2018]
Use grep and extended regular expressions to analyze text files
- [Oct 24, 2018]
Text files processing
- [Oct 23, 2018]
Using redirection and pipes
- [Oct 22, 2018]
Working with hard and soft links
- [Oct 21, 2018]
Casino Capitalism
- [Oct 20, 2018]
Politically Incorrect Humor
- [Oct 19, 2018] Creative uses of rm with unintended consequences
: Pure stupidity
- [Oct 18, 2018] Sysadmin Horror Stories
- [Oct 17, 2018] Unix Sysadmin Tips
- [Oct 16, 2018]
Connecting to the server via ssh, using multiple consoles and screen command
- [Oct 15, 2018] Midnight Commander tutorial
- [Oct 14, 2018] Groupthink :
Strzok-gate :
- [Oct 13, 2018]
US and British media are servants of security apparatus
- [Oct 12, 2018]
Introduction to Unix permissions model
- [Oct 11, 2018]
Use grep and regular expressions to analyze text
- [Oct 10, 2018]
Text files processing
- [Oct 09, 2018]
Working with Archives and Compressed Files
- [Oct 08, 2018]
Working with hard and soft links
- [Oct 07, 2018]
Kavanauch witch hunt : Identity politics as diversion of attention from social inequality
- [Oct 06, 2018]
Quotations : Politically
Incorrect Humor
- [Oct 05, 2018]
Managing files
- [Oct 04, 2018]
Use input-output redirection
- [Oct 03, 2018]
Access a shell prompt and issue commands with correct syntax
- [Oct 02, 2018] Red Hat Certification Program
- [Oct 01, 2018] The tar pit of Red Hat overcomplexity
- [Sep 30, 2018] Resurgence of neofascism as reaction on crisis of neoliberalism and neoliberal globalization
- [Sep 29, 2018] Slightly Skeptical View on Neoliberal Transformation of University Education
- [Sep 28, 2018] Sysadmin Horror Stories
- [Sep 27, 2018] Unix System Monitoring
- [Sep 26, 2018] Unix Configuration Management Tools
- [Sep 25, 2018] Enterprise Job schedulers
- [Sep 24, 2018] White Helmets as a tool for false flag poisonings
- [Sep 23, 2018] Downing of IL-20 reconnaissance plane :
Ambush of Russian SU-24 over Syria
- [Sep 22, 2018] Sysadmin Horror Stories
- [Sep 21, 2018] Is DevOps a yet another "for profit" technocult?
- [Sep 20, 2018] Shadow IT
- [Sep 19, 2018] Enterprise Unix Administration
- [Sep 18, 2018] Using HP ILO virtual CDROM : HP c7000 enclosure
- [Sep 17, 2018] Installation of open source version of PBSpro
- [Sep 16, 2018] NeoMcCartyism
- [Sep 15, 2018] Demonization of Putin
- [Sep 14, 2018] Torque installation from EPEL RPMs
- [Sep 13, 2018] SGE Queues
- [Sep 12, 2018] qsub
- [Sep 11, 2018] OpenPBS, PBSpro and Torque
- [Sep 10, 2018] Unix Sysadmin Tips
- [Sep 09, 2018] A Slightly Skeptical View on Linus Torvalds
- [Sep 08, 2018]
Linus Torvalds Related humor
- [Sep 07, 2018] Shadow IT
- [Sep 06, 2018] Unix System Monitoring
- [Sep 05, 2018] Enterprise Job schedulers
- [Sep 04, 2018] Unix Configuration Management Tools
- [Sep 03, 2018] FAR Manager Tips
- [Sep 02, 2018]
Facebook = Spyware
- [Sep 01, 2018]
Female Sociopaths
- [Aug 30, 2018] Total Commander Usage Tips
- [Aug 29, 2018] Midnight Commander Tips and Tricks : Cheetsheet for
Midnight Commander
- [Aug 28, 2018] The History of
Development of Norton Commander
- [Aug 27, 2018] Orthodox File Managers
- [Aug 25, 2018]
Anna Netrebko
- [Aug 25, 2018]
Russian Music Oldies
- [Aug 24, 2018] Webliography of problems with "pure" cloud environment
- [Aug 23, 2018]Fifty glorious years (1950-2000): the triumph of the US
computer engineering
- [Aug 22, 2018]Strategies of Defending Microsoft Windows against Malware
- [Aug 21, 2018] Cron and Crontab commands
- [Aug 20, 2018] How to add a new yum repository
- [Aug 19, 2018]
The Iron Law of Oligarchy :
The Deep State:
- [Aug 18, 2018]Neoliberal corruption :
Corruption of Regulators
- [Aug 17, 2018] TeraTerm Macros
- [Aug 16, 2018] Attaching to and detaching from screen sessions :
.screenrc examples : GNU
Screen logging
- [Aug 15, 2018] netstat
- [Aug 14, 2018] tar
- [Aug 13, 2018] xargs Command Tutorial
- [Aug 12, 2018] Financial skeptic : : Neoclassical Pseudo Theories and Crooked and Bought Economists as Fifth Column of Financial Oligarchy
- [Aug 11, 2018] Casino Capitalism : Financial Sector Induced Systemic Instability of Economy
- [Aug 10, 2018] Nagios in Large Enterprise Environment
- [Aug 09, 2018] Sudoer File Examples
- [Aug 08, 2018] Mistakes made because of the differences between various Unix/Linux flavors
- [Aug 07, 2018] Creative uses of rm with unintended consequences
- [Aug 06, 2018] Sysadmin Horror Stories
- [Aug 05, 2018] Neocolonialism as Financial Imperialism
- [Aug 04, 2018] Neoliberalism
- [Aug 03, 2018] Facebook = Spyware
- [Aug 02, 2018] Female Sociopaths
- [Aug 01, 2018] Orthodox File Managers
- [Jul 31, 2018] Sudoer File Examples
- [Jul 30, 2018] Sysadmin Horror Stories
- [Jul 29, 2018] Financial Humor : Financial Humor Bulletin, 2011
- [Jul 28, 2018] PseudoScience Related Humor : Skeptic Quotations : Politically Incorrect Humor
- [Jul 27, 2018] More Complex Perl Regular Expressions
- [Jul 26, 2018] Perl Split function
- [Jul 25, 2018] Perl substr function :Perl index and rindex built-in functions
- [Jul 24, 2018] Perl for Unix System Administrators
- [Jul 23, 2018] Slightly Skeptical View on Larry Wall and Perl
- [Jul 22, 2018] Secular Stagnation under Neoliberalism : Chronic Unemployment
- [Jul 21, 2018] Plato Oil as Hubert Peak in condition of rising oil prices : USA-Russia Gas War
- [Jul 20, 2018] The Iron Law of Oligarchy
- [Jul 19, 2018] The Deep State
- [Jul 18, 2018] Mueller invokes ghosts of GRU operatives to help his and Brennan case : False flag operations in cyberspace :
William Browder and Magnitsky Act
- [Jul 17, 2018]
: Brennan elections machinations :
Andrew McCabe and his close circle of "fighters with organized crime"
- [Jul 16, 2018]
FBI and CIA contractor Crowdstrike and very suspicious DNC leak saga: Seth Rich murder :
FBI Mayberry Machiavellians
- [Jul 15, 2018]
Hillary Clinton email scandal : How
FBI swiped under the carpet Hillary Clinton email scandal :
- [Jul 14, 2018]
DNC and Podesta emails leak and subsequent false flag operation
- [Jul 13, 2018] WinSCP Tips: Introduction to the Unix shell history
- [Jul 12, 2018] Volkov Commander - a masterpiece of assembler programming
- [Jul 11, 2018] FAR Manager Tips
- [Jul 10, 2018] FAR with LUA -- Version 3.0 of File Manager
- [Jul 09, 2018] Guide to Efficient Use of Total Commander
- [Jul 08, 2018] Redistribution of wealth up as the essence of neoliberalism
- [Jul 07, 2018]
Over 50 and unemployed
- [Jul 06, 2018] Total Commander Usage Tips
- [Jul 05, 2018] Total Commander :
Total Commander -- the leading GUI-based OFM for Windows
- [Jul 04, 2018] Orthodox system interface
- [Jul 03, 2018] The History of Development of Norton Commander
- [Jul 02, 2018] Orthodox File Managers
- [Jul 01, 2018]
Chronic Unemployment
- [Jun 30, 2018]
- [Jun 29, 2018] Groups administration :
Wheel Group : User Private Groups
- [Jun 28, 2018] The /etc/passwd File :
System Accounts :
Introduction to Unix permissions model
- [Jun 27, 2018] Sudoer File Examples :
Sysadmin Horror Stories
- [Jun 26, 2018] Introduction to Linux ACLs :
The Biba Integrity Model :
The Clark-Wilson Information Integrity Model
- [Jun 25, 2018] sudo :Sudo History
- [Jun 24, 2018]
Toxic Managers:
Understanding Micromanagers and Control Freaks
- [Jun 23, 2018]
The Good Soldier Svejk :
Military Incompetence
- [Jun 22, 2018] GUI vs Command line interface
- [Jun 21, 2018] mcdiff -- Midnight Commander diff viewer :
Color scheme
- [Jun 20, 2018] Midnight Commander Tips and Tricks
- [Jun 19, 2018] mcedit
- [Jun 18, 2018] History of development of Midnight Commander
- [Jun 17, 2018]
Parkinson Law:
The Peter Principle
- [Jun 16, 2018]
Sysadmin Horror Stories
- [Jun 15, 2018] Backing Up And Restoring Linux With SystemImager (Open source abandonware)
- [Jun 14, 2018] Systemd invasion into Linux Server space :
RHEL 7 idiosyncracies
- [Jun 13, 2018]
Creating a boot image that is using a remote kickstart file to install Red Hat
- [Jun 12, 2018]
Kickstart :
Modifying ISO image to include kickstart file
- [Jun 11, 2018] The tar pit of Red Hat overcomplexity
- [Jun 10, 2018]
Neoliberalism as Trotskyism for the rich : Neoliberal rationality :
Free vs Fair market :
Identity politics as divide and conquer
- [Jun 09, 2018]
Neoliberalism as a New Form of Corporatism :
Managerialism :
The neoliberal myth of human capital
- [Jun 08, 2018] Real Insights into Architecture Come Only From Actual Programming
- [Jun 07, 2018] SSH troubleshooting :
Passwordless SSH login
- [Jun 06, 2018] Sudoer File Examples :
sudo :Separation of Duties :
Wheel Group
- [Jun 05, 2018] Advanced Unix filesystem navigation
- [Jun 04, 2018] Fifty glorious years (1950-2000): the triumph of the US computer engineering
- [Jun 03, 2018]
Plato Oil as Hubert Peak in condition of rising oil prices
- [Jun 02, 2018]
Peak Cheap Energy and Temporary Oil Price Slump
- [Jun 01, 2018] zip and unzip
- [May 31, 2018] bzip2 and pbzip2
- [May 30, 2018] xz
- [May 29, 2018] gzip
- [May 28, 2018] Compression
- [May 27, 2018]
USA-Russia Gas War
- [May 26, 2018]
Free vs Fair market
Neoliberal Brainwashing -- Journalism in the Service of the Powerful Few
- [May 25, 2018] bash Tips and Tricks
- [May 24, 2018] BASH Debugging
- [May 23, 2018] Bash as a scripting language
: printf Command : Bash history and bang commands :
Shell Prompts Customarization
: ls command and coloring of directory listings
- [May 22, 2018] Missing backup horror stories
- [May 21, 2018] Emergency Restore
- [May 20, 2018] Bare metal recovery of Linux systems
- [May 19, 2018] Richard
Stallman :
Richard Stallman Related Humor :
The Short History of GCC development
- [May 18, 2018]
XENIX -- Microsoft Short-lived
Love Affair with Unix :
The Anatomy of Accidental Success
- [May 17, 2018] Slightly Skeptical View on Larry Wall and Perl :
Perl-related Humor : Slightly Skeptical View on John K. Ousterhout and Tcl
- [May 16, 2018] Scripting Languages as a Step in Evolution of Very high Level Languages
- [May 15, 2018] Open Source Pioneers. Chapter 5: Alan Cox
- [May 14, 2018] Introduction to the Unix shell history
- [May 13, 2018] Donald Knuth : Knuth Biographic Notes
: TAoCP and its Influence of Computer Science
- [May 12, 2018]
IBM Married Linux to save Mainframes and for Outsourcing of its US-based Workforce
- [May 11, 2018]
How AT&T lawsuit helped to launch Linux into mainstream :
Minix as a precursor of Linux
- [May 10, 2018] Missing backup horror stories : Linux Baseliners
: Disaster Recovery
- [May 09, 2018] Rsnapshot : Usage of Relax-and-Recover on RHEL :
Dump and restore
- [May 08, 2018] Unix System Monitoring
- [May 07, 2018] Enterprise Job schedulers
- [May 06, 2018]
The neoliberal myth of human capital
Identity politics as divide and conquer
- [May 05, 2018]
Atomization and oppression of workforce :
Neoliberalism war on
labor : Neoliberalism as a Cause of Structural
Unemployment in the USA
- [May 04, 2018] Unix Configuration Management Tools
- [May 03, 2018] Critique_of_DevOps
- [May 02, 2018] Webliography of problems with "pure" cloud environment
- [May 01, 2018] Is DevOps a yet another "for profit" technocult
- [Apr 30, 2018] Enterprise Unix Administration
- [Apr 29, 2018] Preventing computer-related RSI :
Mouse elbow :
Programmers and sysadmins health issues
- [Apr 28, 2018] Over 50 and unemployed
: Drinking from a firehose -- informing ourselves to death :
Sleep Deprivation
- [Apr 27, 2018] Pure stupidity :
Locking yourself out horror stories
- [Apr 26, 2018] Premature or misguided optimization
- [Apr 25, 2018] Creative uses of rm :
Lack of testing complex, potentially destructive,
commands before execution of production box
- [Apr 24, 2018] Mistakes made because of
the differences between various Unix/Linux flavors
- [Apr 23, 2018] Sysadmin Horror Stories :
Missing backup horror stories
- [Apr 22, 2018]
Understanding Micromanagers and Control Freaks
Borderline Psychopaths :
Diplomatic Communication :
Negative Politeness
- [Apr 21, 2018]
Bosos or Empty Suits (Aggressive Incompetent Managers)
- [Apr 20, 2018] Access Control in Operating Systems :
Unix permissions model
- [Apr 19, 2018] Wheel Group : User Private Groups
- [Apr 18, 2018] sudo : Sudoer File Examples
- [Apr 17, 2018] Linux last and lastb commands
- [Apr 16, 2018] Relax-and-Recover on RHEL :
- [Apr 15, 2018]
Douma gas
attack as yet another false flag poisoning
- [Apr 14, 2018]
Coordinated set of leaks as a color revolution tool
Purple revolution
bustard neoliberalism and his betrayal of voters :
Trump vs. Deep State
- [Apr 13, 2018] Programming Language Humor
- [Apr 12, 2018] Assembler is not for Dummies
- [Apr 11, 2018] Language Design and Programming Quotes
- [Apr 10, 2018]
Access Control in Operating Systems
- [Apr 09, 2018] Scripting Languages for Java vs. Pure Java
- [Apr 08, 2018]
Peak Cheap Energy and Temporary Oil Price Slump
- [Apr 07, 2018]
The Great
- [Apr 06, 2018] Cluster Tools (C3) :
Bright Cluster Manager
- [Apr 05, 2018] PDSH -- a parallel remote shell
- [Apr 04, 2018] Environment Modules
- [Apr 03, 2018] GCC : C
language : C Humor :
C++ Humor
- [Apr 02, 2018] The Art of Debugging :
Debugging Humor
- [Apr 01, 2018]
Privacy is Dead – Get Over It :
Cambridge Analytica data mining scandal
- [Mar 31, 2018]
Neoliberalism as Trotskyism for the rich :
Ayn Rand and her Objectivism Cult
- [Mar 30, 2018] Low End
Servers : SPARC vs. X86
- [Mar 29, 2018] Enterprise Job schedulers
- [Mar 29, 2018] Unix Access Control Lists (ACL) :
Introduction to Linux ACLs
- [Mar 27, 2018]Top Vulnerabilities in
Linux Environment
- [Mar 26, 2018] TCP/IP Network Troubleshooting
- [Mar 25, 2018]
Neoliberal Brainwashing -- Journalism in the Service of
the Powerful Few :
False flag poisonings :
Skripal poisoning
- [Mar 24, 2018]
Libertarian Philosophy
- [Mar 23, 2018] Perl as a command line tool
- [Mar 22, 2018] Perl
IDE and Programming Environment
- [Mar 21, 2018] Perl uc, lc, ucfirst and
lcfirst functions
- [Mar 20, 2018] Perl tr function : sprintf in Perl
- [Mar 19, 2018] Perl for Unix System Administrators
- [Mar 18, 2018] Slightly Skeptical View on Larry
Wall and Perl
- [Mar 17, 2018] Perl-related Humor :
Larry Wall Articles and
- [Mar 16, 2018] Loops in Bash :
Usage of pipes with loops
in shell
- [Mar 15, 2018] Shell Prompts
Customarization : Care and Feeding of Functions in Shell
- [Mar 14, 2018] Bash
select statement :
Case statement in shell
- [Mar 13, 2018] Comparison
operators in shell :
square bracket conditionals : if statements in Bash
- [Mar 12, 2018] BASH Debugging :
Bash debugger
- [Mar 11, 2018]
Casino Capitalism :
Neoliberalism as a Cause of Structural
Unemployment in the USA :
GDP as a false measure of a country economic output :
Secular Stagnation under Neoliberalism
- [Mar 10, 2018]
Female Sociopaths
Techniques of a Female Sociopaths :
Fatal Attraction
- [Mar 09, 2018]
- [Mar 08, 2018]
Crypto Algorithms Links
- [Mar 07, 2018]
Searching Algorithms
- [Mar 06, 2018]
- [Mar 05, 2018]
FIT USB flash drives
- [Mar 04, 2018]
Andrey Petrov :
Russian Musical Humor
- [Mar 03, 2018]
Computer and System
Administration Humor
- [Mar 02, 2018]
tr command : sort command
: uniq command : cut command
- [Mar 01, 2018]
Sorting Algorithms
- [Feb 28, 2018]
Expressions in BASH
- [Feb 27, 2018] Linux Multipath
- [Feb 26, 2018] Biosdevname and renaming of
Ethernet interfaces
- [Feb 25, 2018]
Stability is
destabilizing: The idea of Minsky moment
- [Feb 24, 2018]
Financial Sector Induced Systemic Instability of Economy
- [Feb 23, 2018] Chronic Unemployment :
Over 50 and unemployed
- [Feb 22, 2018] Peak Cheap Energy and Temporary Oil Price Slump
- [Feb 21, 2018] Financial skeptic :
Financial Humor
- [Feb 20, 2018] Casino Capitalism :
as a false measure of a country economic output
- [Feb 19, 2018] Secular Stagnation under Neoliberalism
- [Feb 18, 2018]
Russiagate -- a
color revolution against Trump :
Brennan elections machinations :
- [Feb 17, 2018]
Internet research agency story as fiasco of Russiagate : Nineteen Eighty-Four :
- [Feb 16, 2018] Is DevOps a yet another "for profit" technocult?
- [Feb 15, 2018] Sysadmin Horror Stories :
Webliography of problems with "pure" cloud environment
- [Feb 14, 2018] System Activity Reporter (sar) :
Linux implementation of sar :
Mon -- King of Simplicity among Unix Monitoring packages
- [Feb 13, 2018] Nagios in Large Enterprise Environment :
Unix System Monitoring
- [Feb 12, 2018] Unix Configuration Management Tools : Shadow
- [Feb 11, 2018] Coping with the toxic stress in IT environment
: Chronic stress
- [Feb 10, 2018]
Micromanagers and Control Freaks :
Borderline Psychopaths
- [Feb 09, 2018] The Art of Computer Programming :
How to Solve It by George Polya
- [Feb 08, 2018] The Mythical Man-Month :
The Peter Principle :
Parkinson Law
- [Feb 07, 2018] Programming Pearls :
The Power Elite
- [Feb 06, 2018] The Unix Hater’s Handbook :
The True Believer
- [Feb 05, 2018] The C Programming Language : ANSI C Version (K&R Book) :
C language
- [Feb 04, 2018]
Memo scandal :
Russiagate -- a color revolution against Trump
Michael Wolff's "Fire and fury" revelations and slander of Trump administration
Steele dossier :
- [Feb 03, 2018] Stoicism
: Over 50 and unemployed
: Neoliberalism
war on labor
- [Feb 02, 2018] Linux route command
- [Feb 01, 2018] Linux Run Levels :
Systemd invasion into Linux Server space
- [Jan 31, 2018] Language Design and Programming Quotes
- [Jan 30, 2018] Usage of Relax-and-Recover on RHEL
- [Jan 29, 2018]
Russiagate -- a color revolution against Trump
Coordinated set of leaks as a color revolution tool
- [Jan 28, 2018]
Strzok-gate :
Wolff revelations and slander of Trump administration
- [Jan 27, 2018] Unix find tutorial: Find largest files in Linux
Perl for Unix System Administrators
- [Jan 26, 2018] Perl as a command line tool :
Pipes in Perl
- [Jan 25, 2018] Grep and Map in Perl
- [Jan 24, 2018] Debugging Perl Scripts :
Perl uc, lc, ucfirst and lcfirst functions
- [Jan 23, 2018] Perl tr function :
sprintf in Perl :
string operations : Perl substr function :
Perl index and rindex built-in functions
- [Jan 22, 2018] Redefining Perl Input record separator :
Perl tr function :
sprintf in Perl :
string operations : Perl substr function :
Perl index and rindex built-in functions
- [Jan 21, 2018] Webliography of problems with "pure"
cloud environment
- [Jan 20, 2018] Is Toyota RAV4 Hybrid competitive with
Forrester Premium 2017 ?
- [Jan 19, 2018] Compilers Algorithms : Lexical analysis
- [Jan 18, 2018] Algorithms and Data Structures : Sorting Algorithms
- [Jan 17, 2018] Literate programming : Donald Knuth: Leonard Euler of Computer Science/The second love: typography
- [Jan 16, 2018] Donald Knuth Interviews : Assembler
is not for Dummies : Language Design and Programming Quotes
- [Jan 15, 2018] Donald Knuth : Knuth Biographic Notes
: TAoCP and its Influence of Computer Science :
The Art of Computer Programming
- [Jan 14, 2018]
Diplomatic Communication
: Negative Politeness
- [Jan 13, 2018]
Micromanagers and Control Freaks :
Female Bullying :
Borderline Psychopaths
- [Jan 12, 2018]
Coordinated set of leaks as a color revolution tool
- [Jan 11, 2018]
MSM as attack dogs of color revolution :
revelations and slander
- [Jan 10, 2018]
Steele dossier :
Peter Strzok use of Steele dossier role in establishing surveillance on members of Trump Team (Strzok-gate)
- [Jan 09, 2018]
revelations and slander of Trump administration :
Special Prosecutor Mueller and his fishing expedition
- [Jan 08, 2018] Russiagate --
a color revolution against Trump
- [Jan 07, 2018]
Odnozuchno gremit
- [Jan 06, 2018]
Evening Bells :
Russian Romances
- [Jan 05, 2018] Classic Russian
- [Jan 04, 2018]
Odnozuchno gremit kolokolcik
- [Jan 03, 2018] Dark
- [Jan 02, 2018] Those Were the
- [Jan 01, 2018] Russian Tango : Russian Waltzs
More: Softpanorama updates history
Groupthink :
Two Party System
as Polyarchy :
Corruption of Regulators :
Bureaucracies :
Understanding Micromanagers
and Control Freaks : Toxic Managers :
Harvard Mafia :
Diplomatic Communication
: Surviving a Bad Performance
Review : Insufficient Retirement Funds as
Immanent Problem of Neoliberal Regime : PseudoScience :
Who Rules America :
: The Iron
Law of Oligarchy :
Libertarian Philosophy
War and Peace
: Skeptical
Finance : John
Kenneth Galbraith :Talleyrand :
Oscar Wilde :
Otto Von Bismarck :
Keynes :
George Carlin :
Skeptics :
Propaganda : SE
quotes : Language Design and Programming Quotes :
Random IT-related quotes :
Somerset Maugham :
Marcus Aurelius :
Kurt Vonnegut :
Eric Hoffer :
Winston Churchill :
Napoleon Bonaparte :
Ambrose Bierce :
Bernard Shaw :
Mark Twain Quotes
Vol 25, No.12 (December, 2013) Rational Fools vs. Efficient Crooks The efficient
markets hypothesis :
Political Skeptic Bulletin, 2013 :
Unemployment Bulletin, 2010 :
Vol 23, No.10
(October, 2011) An observation about corporate security departments :
Slightly Skeptical Euromaydan Chronicles, June 2014 :
Greenspan legacy bulletin, 2008 :
Vol 25, No.10 (October, 2013) Cryptolocker Trojan
(Win32/Crilock.A) :
Vol 25, No.08 (August, 2013) Cloud providers
as intelligence collection hubs :
Financial Humor Bulletin, 2010 :
Inequality Bulletin, 2009 :
Financial Humor Bulletin, 2008 :
Copyleft Problems
Bulletin, 2004 :
Financial Humor Bulletin, 2011 :
Energy Bulletin, 2010 :
Malware Protection Bulletin, 2010 : Vol 26,
No.1 (January, 2013) Object-Oriented Cult :
Political Skeptic Bulletin, 2011 :
Vol 23, No.11 (November, 2011) Softpanorama classification
of sysadmin horror stories : Vol 25, No.05
(May, 2013) Corporate bullshit as a communication method :
Vol 25, No.06 (June, 2013) A Note on the Relationship of Brooks Law and Conway Law
Fifty glorious years (1950-2000):
the triumph of the US computer engineering :
Donald Knuth : TAoCP
and its Influence of Computer Science : Richard Stallman
: Linus Torvalds :
Larry Wall :
John K. Ousterhout :
CTSS : Multix OS Unix
History : Unix shell history :
VI editor :
History of pipes concept :
Solaris : MS DOS
: Programming Languages History :
PL/1 : Simula 67 :
C :
History of GCC development :
Scripting Languages :
Perl history :
OS History : Mail :
: CPU Instruction Sets :
SPARC systems 1987-2006 :
Norton Commander :
Norton Utilities :
Norton Ghost :
Frontpage history :
Malware Defense History :
GNU Screen :
OSS early history
Classic books:
The Peter
Principle : Parkinson
Law : 1984 :
The Mythical Man-Month :
How to Solve It by George Polya :
The Art of Computer Programming :
The Elements of Programming Style :
The Unix Hater’s Handbook :
The Jargon file :
The True Believer :
Programming Pearls :
The Good Soldier Svejk :
The Power Elite
Most popular humor pages:
Manifest of the Softpanorama IT Slacker Society :
Ten Commandments
of the IT Slackers Society : Computer Humor Collection
: BSD Logo Story :
The Cuckoo's Egg :
IT Slang : C++ Humor
The Perl Purity Test :
Object oriented programmers of all nations
: Financial Humor :
Financial Humor Bulletin,
2008 : Financial
Humor Bulletin, 2010 : The Most Comprehensive Collection of Editor-related
Humor : Programming Language Humor :
Goldman Sachs related humor :
Greenspan humor : C Humor :
Scripting Humor :
Real Programmers Humor :
Web Humor : GPL-related Humor
: OFM Humor :
Politically Incorrect Humor :
IDS Humor :
"Linux Sucks" Humor : Russian
Musical Humor : Best Russian Programmer
Humor : Microsoft plans to buy Catholic Church
: Richard Stallman Related Humor :
Admin Humor : Perl-related
Humor : Linus Torvalds Related
humor : PseudoScience Related Humor :
Networking Humor :
Shell Humor :
Financial Humor Bulletin,
2011 : Financial
Humor Bulletin, 2012 :
Financial Humor Bulletin,
2013 : Java Humor : Software
Engineering Humor : Sun Solaris Related Humor :
Education Humor : IBM
Humor : Assembler-related Humor :
VIM Humor : Computer
Viruses Humor : Bright tomorrow is rescheduled
to a day after tomorrow : Classic Computer
The Last but not Least Technology is dominated by
two types of people: those who understand what they do not manage and those who manage what they do not understand ~Archibald Putt.
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Last modified:
December, 13, 2020