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QuIX Gopher: FlashGordon

 *  Flash Gordon 1935 06 08 Dr Zarkoff to the Rescuempeg
 *  Flash Gordon 1935-04-27 On the Planet Mongompeg
 *  Flash Gordon 1935-05-04 Befriends Lionmenmpeg
 *  Flash Gordon 1935-05-11 Imprisoned by Hawkmenmpeg
 *  Flash Gordon 1935-05-18 Death Battle Won by Flashmpeg
 *  Flash Gordon 1935-05-25 Rules Over Cave Worldmpeg
 *  Flash Gordon 1935-06-01 Blue Magic Men Capture Flashmpeg
 *  Flash Gordon 1935-07-06 Dr Zarkoff is Thawedmpeg
 *  Flash Gordon 1935-07-13 Dr Zarkoff Shoots Crooksmpeg
 *  Flash Gordon 1935-07-27 General Tal Rescued Azorampeg
 *  Flash Gordon 1935-09-07 Flash Still Invisiblempeg
 *  Flash Gordon 1935-09-28 Trapped Behind the Iron Doormpeg

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